Maryland Historical Society
President, Garrett County Historical Society
Good reader, blame not the wrytter for that that is myssing in this Booke is not his
faulte. What he hath faounde (???) as nere as possybell he coulde he hath set downe.
--English Parish Register of 1582.
AS A YOUTH, tho residing in the Hoye settlement in the mountains of Maryland, I was
lamentably ignorant of our family history. My interest in the matter began in 1898 while visiting great-uncle Daniel Hoye
at Kirksville, Missouri. He and aunt Kate asked many questions about their kinsmen in the East. I regret that I did not ask
uncle Dan and others of his generation more questions. At that time I drew a family tree.
The Spanish War took me to Florida. Next year I sailed to the Philippines, and not
until my return from the Islands did I take up in earnest the study of our family history.
Fifty years ago we were told that our immigrant ancestor was Paul Hoye of Frog Harbor--father
of William Waller, who mightily increased the population of the Sanging Ground. Search of the records revealed that two generations
had been forgotten: the immigrant was Paul Hoy of Patuxent River.
At last we followed the trail to Ireland, where we found Hoyes in the neighborhood
of Ballycarry. We believe our Scotch-Irish ancestors lived there, in the Valley of the Muttonburn.
Further back the trail is dim, but the names Hoy, Hoey, Hoye, derived from the Norse
ha-ey (high isle), indicate descent from old Viking pirates who settled the Orkneys and other Islands.
The labor of gathering the scattered threads of history and of weaving them into this
book has been a pleasure to the author. Reader, may its perusal be of some interest and profit to you.
Dedicated to the youth of this and of future generations--descendants of Paul Hoye,
CHARLES EDWARD HOYE Done at the Sanging Ground In the Glades Country Of Mary Land This 28th February, A. D. 1942.
OUR FAMILY NAME HOY, Hoye--a place name--is derived from the old Norwegian ha-ey, ha
meaning "high" and ey "isle"; therefore ha-ey or hoy means "high isle." The Island of Hoy, just off the north coast of Scotland,
is the second largest and most lofty of the Orkney group; there are other "high isles" on the Scandinavian coasts, and the
word "hoy" appears frequently as place or family name in Scandinavia and the British Isles.
Another indication of our Norse ancestry is the prevailing blond type among our ancestors
of whom we have record; even today, mixed as we are, occasionally we find young people among our connections blessed with
brilliant red Viking hair.
The ancient Norse song "Rigspula" says of the lady whom the god Heimdall visits:
Her eyebrows were light, her bosom lighter, her cheek whiter than the white snow.
Of her son it says:
Light was his hair, bright were his cheeks, and sharp his eyes like the serpent's. Such
were our ancestors--of fair complexion, light or red hair, blue eyes, a tall strong race--living in the olden times on the
rocky coast of Norway, "the Northern Way." Probably their forefathers came from a mountain country of western Asia, the ancient
Bactria. The Norse arrived in Scandinavia prior to the second century B. C., after perhaps centuries of fighting their way
across Europe.
On this far western shore they found a temperate climate, wooded mountains, little
valleys, the fiords--excellent harbors, but the first Norse knew nothing of ships; they could go no further.
According to one of the Norse sagas, Odin MYTHOLOGY was the chief who led them into Europe. A wise leader and victorious warrior in life, when he passed away the people said he was not dead, but had returned to Asia from whence he watched over the fortunes of his people and sometimes visited them. So
Odin (AS. Woden, hence Wednesday) became the highest Norse god. He dwells with the gods in Asgard, where he receives in his
shining hall, Valhalla, all those who die in battle. This is the Norse heaven, from which the warriors come out every morning
to fight with each other until evening, when their wounds heal, and they return to Odin's hall to spend the night feasting
and carousing, waited upon by the maidens of the god, the Valkyries.
In Odin we recognize the spirit of the Viking Age: a chieftain--tall, one-eyed, grey-bearded,
clad in a blue mantle, armed with spear and shield. He loves war but is also the god of learning: he forfeited one of his
eyes for the privilege of drinking at the fountain of wisdom; by great suffering he discovered the runes, the ancient Norse
characters found until this day on old grave and temple stones. But our ancestors in Norway had no written language, no books,
and their beliefs changed somewhat to suit the time and place. In earlier times it appears that all the dead went to the goddess
Hel, who ruled a cold and dreary region called Nifleim, but it was thought that warriors who died in battle deserved a better
fate, so the Valkyries selected those who were to die and carried them directly from the field of combat to Valhalla.
Thor (hence Thursday), son of Odin, god of war, hurls his enormous hammer at fleeing
giants; the rumble of his cart and the thud of the striking hammer men call thunder. Frigg (Friday), wife of Odin, shields
from danger those who call upon her. Freya, goddess of beauty, is our northern Venus: she seeks her lost love, and to her
lovers pray.
The gods and goddesses lived happily together until there came among them three powerful
maidens, the NORNS or fates. Gold, woman, and witchcraft brought discord. From two trees the gods created man and woman, named
Ask and Embla (ash and elm).
The pagan Norse had no priests; the chief for his people and the father in his home
exercised the necessary priestly functions.
Our forefathers lived in Norway more than one LIFE IN thousand years; therefore hundreds of our NORWAY grandparents had their homes in that stern but beautiful land. GRANDFATHER
NORSE lived in Halogaland on his gaard (farm) in a little valley at the head of a fiord. He had fields of barley, oats and
hay, plowed in season by sturdy oxen. Cattle and goats sheltered there in winter and were driven into the mountains to pasture
in summer.
Grandfather Norse and his family welcome the visitor in front of the skaale (great
hall) which is built of logs, a door in each end and open spaces in the gables, covered with a thin membrane, which serve
as windows. The middle of the hall is occupied by open fire places, the smoke escaping thru an opening in the roof; on one
side of the room is the "high seat" for the head of the house and ranged around the walls are benches for guests in front
of which tables are placed during feasts. Men also sleep upon the benches, while the women sleep in a room at one end of the
hall. Weapons and hunting trophies hang upon the walls; the rafters above are black with soot.
Says the "Havamal" in the "Elder Edda":
Fire needs he who enters the house and is cold about the knees; food and clothes the man is in need of who has journeyed over the mountains. It
is the time of one of the three great festivals--autumn, winter, spring--and tonight gather at the hall most of the people
of the HERRED or hundred--the THANES and KARLS, free men. The pine knot fire lights the great room, while, quoting again the
"Rigspula": "Then took Mooir (lady of the house) an embroidered table cloth of white linen, and covered the table, took she
then thin loaves of white wheat-bread and put on it. And she set filled dishes and silver plated vessels on the table; and
fine ham and roasted fowls; wine was in the can; they drank and talked till the day ended."
We learn more of Grandfather Norse and his times. He had more than one wife; many men
had been killed in the wars and polygamy was common. Marriage was usually arranged by the bridegroom with the parents of the
bride; men often exchanged wives and divorce was easy. Yet women in Norway were held in high esteem and exerted great influence
in their homes; they also often accompanied their husbands to war and sometimes fought as soldiers by their men. When the
authority of kings and jarls became more firmly fixed in the land, and wars at home less frequent, the population increased
rapidly; many young Norse from necessity or choice sailed away to foreign lands.
Grandfather Norse had many children. The EIRIK OF farm, the sea, the hall was their school. The NORWAY daughters learned to plant, to weave and the household duties. The sons were taught to run, swim, row, sail and to fight; in season they worked in the fields and herded the cattle. But most important was their training for war; before they could handle the battle ax and spear, they pommeled each other with sticks: their bodies became strong and hard; they became men early. Now
it was the rule for a man to divide his estate equally between the sons and to give doweries to his daughters at marriage.
But the homestead was not divided. When Eirik (red), the second son, was about eighteen years of age, Grandfather Norse called
his family together in the hall and said to them: "My eldest son, who is already married, will inherit my farm. Eirik is now
also a man. To him I give his share and he must henceforth fend for himself." Then he gave Eirik a new suit of clothes, silver
and gold, his own shield, spear and great battle ax.
At this time wonderful tales were told in Norway of plunder gotten by raiding the people
of the islands in the West. So Eirik took his inheritance and joined a party of Vikings (warriors) who were preparing a ship,
and when spring came, they sailed away toward the western isles.
Some years passed before the Vikings returned--their ship loaded with loot taken in
the western isles. Eirik had so distinguished himself in battle that his companions had given him the nickname Blodox (Bloody-Ax)
referring to the heavy ax he wielded so skillfully.
When winter came Eirik Blodox became restless and sailed away to the south of Norway
where his mother's people dwelt. Arriving at his cousin's farm at the time of the winter festival he was made welcome, and
sat at table in the great hall. During the feast one came to wait upon him--a tall slender girl, with golden hair over her
shoulders, the daughter of his host, and Eirik's second cousin. They looked long into each other's eyes, but their spoken
greeting was brief. Her name was Frida and she was engaged to marry the eldest son of a man of wealth.
During the week of sports and feasting that followed, Eirik's admiring eyes often met
Frida's frank gaze, but they were never alone and few words passed between them. Loving and desiring her, he determined to
learn if she cared for him; so one evening as she passed his horn of ale he whispered: "Meet me tomorrow afternoon under the
pine tree on yonder peak." She looked into his eyes but did not answer. The next afternoon Eirik climbed the peak which overlooked
both fiord and sea. Presently Frida came and met him under the lone pine, and he told her of his love. "But I am promised
to another," she said. "No matter, if you love me," he urged. So they talked as lovers talk, even today, and as the sun set,
separately they returned to the skaale.
Now Frida's mother, already suspecting that her daughter admired their handsome cousin,
noted the girl's absence and saw her return by the peak trail; so she told her husband. Next morning he called Eirik aside;
with stern face and harsh voice he said, "Eirik, before this sun sets yonder ship sails north. Therefore I bid you farewell.
Carry with you my regards to my cousins, your parents in Halogaland."
Understanding all the brief speech implied, Eirik thanked his host for his hospitality
and prepared to depart. But before the ship hoisted sail he contrived to speak with Frida: "When the spring festival comes
watch for my ship with the sign of the ax upon the sail. Leave the skaale door unlatched. I will carry you hence." She looked
from him toward the fiord and open sea but said nothing.
MARRIAGE BY Winter passed. At Frida's home the first CAPTURE flowers bloomed as the snow receded; flocks of geese flew northward. Great preparations to celebrate the spring festival had been made. The bridegroom had arrived in his ship and tomorrow he would claim his bride. After
midnight all was still in the hall, for men sleep soundly after eating and drinking well. But the bride did not sleep. Silently
she left her bed and watched the fiord below thru an opening between the logs of the wall. Yes, a ship was coming, its sail
shining in the moonlight. Frida quickly dressed and made a bundle of her other clothes and dearest treasures.
As Eirik's ship grated gently on the sand, he sprang ashore and hastened to the door
of the skaale; it opened at his touch. Lighted by the smoldering fire, he passed the sleeping men on the benches and pushed
open the door of the women's apartment. In the dim light there a woman waited. Seizing her with one arm and grasping her bundle,
he hurried thru the hall to his waiting companions outside.
Then a woman screamed. Frida's mother sympathized with her daughter's preference for
Eirik but she dared not cross her husband. Perhaps at the critical moment she delayed giving the alarm until the elopers were
outside the hall, but now all was confusion--running, shouting, arming, orders to man the ships.
Soon both the father's and bridegroom's ships were pursuing the fleeing vessel down
the fiord. But Eirik's men at their oars were fresh and wide awake, and his ship on the open sea proved the fastest; as the
sun rose over the mountains, the angry father and disappointed bridegroom were left far behind and gave up the hopeless pursuit.
Then Eirik at the helm, with his wife "by capture" seated on the deck by his side, steered his vessel toward the Isles of
the Western Sea.
NOTE:--In the summer of 1938 the writer and his wife
visited Norway, crossing the North Sea on a new Norwegian motor ship, the "Vega," from Newcastle, England, to the
beautiful city of Bergen, Norway; thence sailing on the "Finmarken" up the coast to Trondheim, the ancient capital,
and from there by railroad across the mountains to Ostersund in Sweden. We were impressed by the rugged beauty of
the country; the evidences of stability and well-being of its people, their progressive government and their frank friendliness.
You shall do well to include Norway in your travels. And whether or not you visit this land, you will enjoy reading
its history.
The whole personality of an individual--his qualities, his character--is determined
by birth and environment, by inheritance and education.
--Fridtjof Nansen. HOY
ISLAND, the Norse Ha-ey, faces the stormy Atlantic; from its heights may be seen the coast of Scotland across Pentland Firth.
Long Hope is its harbor and Scapa Flow, where the Germans sank their navy at the close of the World War, is a large bay to
the northeast. Hoy's Ward Hill rises to 1,564 feet and high cliffs skirt the northwest coast. Here the detached pillar or
stack, called the OLD MAN OF HOY, has always been a well known landmark for sailors; it is said that the "Old Man" once had
two legs but one was worn away by the waves.
The Old
Man of Hoy Looks out on the sea
the tide runs strong and the wave rides free,
He looks
on the broad Atlantic sea,
And the
Old Man of Hoy
Hath this
great joy,
To hear
the deep roar of the wide blue ocean,
And to
stand unmoved 'mid the sleepless motion,
And to
feel o'er his head
The white
foam spread
From the
wild wave proudly swelling;
And to
care no whit
For the
storms rude fit,
he stands on his old rock-dwelling,
This rare
Old Man of Hoy.
The Old
Man of Hoy Looks out on the sea
the tide runs strong and the wave rides free,
He looks
on the broad Atlantic sea,
And the
Old Man of Hoy
Hath this
great joy,
To think
on the pride of the sea-kings old--
and Ronalds and Sigurds bold--
might was felt
By the
cowering celt
When he
heard their war-cry yelling.
But the
sea-kings are gone,
And he
stands alone,
Firm on
his old rock-dwelling,
This stout
Old Man of Hoy.
--JOHN STUART BLACKIE In "The Orkney Book."
Knowing he dare not now remain in THE NORSE ARRIVE Norway, Eirik steered his ship to AT HOY the "high isle," where he and his companions had rested while raiding during the preceding years. He made this wild island his home. Years
passed. The Norse firmly established themselves in Hoy and all the other islands of Orkney; their sheep and cattle grazed
the hills; they fished, farmed and frequently raided the coasts of Britain and Ireland. Many of their sons fell in battle;
others settled in the conquered lands--in Ireland, in Scotland.
It was in the time of Earl Sigurd that Olaf, King of Norway,
NOTE:--In the 9th Century the Northmen came in force
to Orkney and displaced the ancient Picts. The Islands became headquarters for pirate raids on the nearby coasts.
Hostile "Danes" first appeared on the Irish coast in 795; in 839 they defeated the Picts in Scotland.
NOTE:--(1) The first Norse invasion of Britain was
in 793, when they attacked the Island of Lindisfarne, south of Tweedmouth, Scotland. Simeon of Durham thus describes
this raid: "In the same year of a truth, the pagans from the northern region came with naval armament to Britain like
stinging hornets, and overran the country in all directions like fierce wolves, plundering, tearing, not only sheep and
oxen, but priests and levites, and choirs of monks and nuns. They came, as we before said, to the church of Lindisfarne,
and laid all waste with dreadful havoc, trod with unhallowed feet the holy places, dug up the altars, and carried
off all the treasures of the holy church. Some of the brethren they killed, some they carried off in chains, many
they cast out naked and loaded with insults, some they drowned in the sea.”
2) "From the fury of the Northmen, deliver us, O Lord."
--From an old English Prayer Book.
ARMS AND CRESTS. Hoy or Hoey of Ireland:
Arms--Argent, three garbs gules, a chief of the last.
Crest--A pheasant
(4) "Irish Pedigree," by O'Hart, says the family descends from Niall, 48th King of Ulidia, whose son Eochaidh
(a knight or horseman derived from "each," horse) gave the name to the family. The descendants of Eochaidh took the
name of O'h-Eochaidh ("O'h," grandson of, finally written "O"). After the Norman invasion of Ireland the Irish were
forced to anglicise their names, and O'h-Eochaidh became O'Heoghy, Hoey, Hoy, Howe, Haugh, etc.
3) Origin of the names of Hoy, Hoe, Hoye, Hoey. (From "Surnames of the United Kingdom"):
Eng. var. of Hoe. Dweller at a bluf or hill (O.E. ho').
Scand. rel. to Hoy (Orkney), 13th century Haey--the
High Island. (Old Norse ha-r-ey.)
Celtic for the Irish O'h-Eochaidh--descendant of Eochaidh, horseman.
forced the people of Orkney to accept Christianity, but not until the final defeat
of the Pagan Norse by the Irish King Brian in the year 1014 at Clontarf near Dublin, did the inhabitants of Orkney really
become Catholic Christians and stop raiding their neighbors.
In the meantime Eirik and Frida lived on their little farm in Hoy while children and
grandchildren grew up around them. Scarred in many battles, reckless of his life, yet from every danger on sea and land Eirik
Blodox had returned to Hoy and home. So sixty years passed. Frida died. Eirik was old: the skin hung on his bones, his joints
were stiff and sore. To his children he said:
"O that I had died in battle in the days of my prime! Then would have I escaped these
pains and sorrows; even now I would be in Valhalla with brave companions. Shall I die here in bed and never sit at Odin's
great table?"
One evening he asked them to take him to the cliff overlooking the Atlantic; so the
whole household rowed their boats up Hoy Sound to the cliffs on the west. Two sturdy grandsons half carried the old man up
the steep slope. On the summit he gazed long over the ocean toward the setting sun. Then he said very gently, "Go away a little.
I would be alone." And when they had left him, he stood on the edge of the cliff, raised his arms and face toward the sky,
as if talking to Odin, then suddenly dropped over the precipice like a withered leaf in autumn. Looking over, the family saw
his body on the rocks at the foot of the great stone pillar, but before they could reach the shore a high wave rolled in and
carried the remains of Eirik Bloody-axe to rest in the depths.
The sun set red in its place, and silently the company returned to the great hall.
As there they mourned that night one said, "Surely Father will sit tonight at Odin's table." "No," said the wise man of the
Island, "He cannot enter Valhalla, but his spirit will abide forever in the great stone pillar.”
It is a tradition in the Hoye family FROM SCOTLAND TO of Maryland that our European IRELAND ancestor came to America from County Antrim, Ireland. We
note two distinct racial strains in the Irish, viz. the dark-haired, blue-eyed Celtic stock, and the blond, often redhaired,
type of Norse descent; our family name and physical characteristics indicate that we are descended from the latter.
Since the Norse blood in the Scots and Irish came by way of the Orkneys, how did our
ancestor come from those islands to northern Ireland? He may have settled in Ireland during the Viking period, the 9th and
10th centuries; many Norse did so, and in time became "more Irish than the Irish"; in 919 many Norse arrived in Ulster. He
may have settled in Ireland and later crossed into Scotland. Or he may have come direct from Orkney to Scotland; there have
been Hoys in Scotland since very early times. William Hoy, born in Scotland, and his son, William, served in a North Carolina
regiment during the American Revolution. In 1938 the writer visited H. Spencer Hoy at his home in Edinburgh; his family came
from Inverness.
However, tho family records of this period do not exist, it appears reasonably certain
that the Hoy ancestor finally emigrated from Scotland to Ireland before or at the time of the Ulster plantation.
In order to understand the times of our THE ULSTER ancestors read the history of Ireland, PLANTATION especially of the six counties known as "Ulster," now Northern Ireland. We here note briefly leading events of the period of special interest to us. Ireland
was nominally under English rule from 1172, the time of King Henry I, but the British yoke was heavy and the Irish were always
rebellious. In 1573 the Earl of Essex was appointed Governor General of Ulster; his headquarters were in Carrickfergus Castle
on Belfast Lough. Settlers were encouraged to come from England and Scotland, but for thirty years the country was in turmoil
and little progress was made. In 1795, O'Neill, the Irish chief, joined the rebellion. He was killed, and his lands, including
most of County Antrim, were forfeited to the English Crown. The country was laid waste; the surviving Irish were forced into
the mountain bogs and glens. King James I then granted the good lands of Ulster to English and Scotch landlords, who settled
them chiefly with tenants from Scotland. This was the Ulster Plantation, beginning in 1606.
The colonists built cabins of sod and saplins, thatched with rushes. The land was ditched;
fences of sods and stone were built; grains, flax and potatoes were planted. Later the sod cabins were replaced by small stone
houses; orchards were planted, water mills built.
The native Irish were poor cultivators of the soil; they depended largely for their
scanty living on their cattle, sheep and pigs. They left behind them only ruined huts and churches.
John Dalway landed at Carrickfergus DALWAY'S MANOR AT in 1578, an officer in the BALLYHILL army of the Earl of Essex. He married an O'Neill and in 1791 obtained from his wife's relative, Shane O'Neill, a grant of the greater part of Broadisland and Kilroot in County Antrim. His title being worthless when the O'Neill lands were confiscated, he obtained a new grant for the property in 1606 from King James, on condition that he build a castle with a "strong bawne about it" for defence. The "bawne" was a stone wall 16 to 23 feet high with stone turrets at each of its four corners. Within this enclosure the people of the neighborhood, with their cattle, took refuge from the wild Irish who lived in the bogs and glens northward. Dalway's
Castle was at Ballyhill (now Bellahill), ten miles from Carrickfergus. The Castle was destroyed long ago, but the great walls
of the bawne now inclose a dairy.
There is a tradition among the THE HOY SETTLEMENT Hoys in County Antrim that IN COUNTY ANTRIM their ancestor came from Scotland as groom in charge of John Dalway's horses, sometime between 1578 and 1606. As a groom, most of his duties were at the castle and bawn (barn), but in time he leased from Dalway a farm about a half mile northeast of the castle on the hill overlooking the Muttonburn valley. This farm, or part of it, now belongs to his descendant, Isaac Hoy, and the present Hoy home here was probably built by the original Scotch settler.
The Muttonburn (burn--creek) flows BALLYCARRY south into Belfast Lough northeast of and the Carrickfergus, draining part of Dalway's MUTTONBURN Manor. From high ground near Ballycarry the beautiful little valley is in view, a bit of the Lough and County Down in the distance. During
the last century Hoys were numerous in the Muttonburn Valley; so numerous and so devoted to such Christian names as James
and John that some of the descendants of William and Alexander Hoy changed their name to "Hay."
BALLYCARRY VILLAGE is on Fort Hill east of the Muttonburn, on the old road from Carrickfergus
to Larne. From the village we look eastward across Lough Larne, over Islandmagee and the North Channel to Scotland. Here the
Channel is only 20 miles wide and on clear days the whitewashed stone cottages of Scotland are visible. Blackhead and its
lighthouse at the entrance of Belfast Lough are nearby. Ships from Belfast to New York and elsewhere pass in plain view.
Ballycarry (from the Irish, meaning "town at the causeway or weir") is on the site
of an ancient Irish village. In the village graveyard stand the stone walls of its first church, built about 1622, evidently
on the foundations of the earlier Irish Catholic Church.
In 1613 Rev. Edward Brice from Scotland organized a Protestant congregation here, said
to be the first Presbyterian congregation in Ireland. There are today two Presbyterian churches in the village--the "Non-Subscribing"
(Unitarian) and the Regular. St. John's Templecorran Parish Church (Episcopal) is also nearby. Until recent years each Presbyterian
Church maintained a school but now there is only a Government school--a master and two teachers--located in the Non-Subscribing
school house.
There are about forty houses in the village, including a Masonic lodge, a post office,
an Orange Hall, branch bank, tea room, three stores, and two public houses, almost all on the highway or main street. Some
of the houses are of brick and are modern, but most of them are very old stone buildings--slate roofed. Lovely wooded Altfrakyn
or Old Mill Glen on the Red Hall estate is nearby, and the "Salt Hole"--a large sink by the road--is pointed out as the hiding
place of the wild Scottish Highlanders when they ambushed and defeated the English under Sir John Chichester in 1597. Here
Sir John lost his head as well as the battle.
A neat little farmers' cooperative dairy is located at the edge of the village; dairying
is the chief occupation of the farmers and most the country around is meadow and pasture: bright green--truly the Emerald
Isle! We must not neglect to mention the Irish potato, which thrives in this moist climate and the humble pig which brings
home the famous bacon.
The writer spent a week at the Hotel Esplande at Whitehead, watching the people "on
holiday" and the ships in and out of Belfast Lough; then three weeks he lived at John McKee's and John Hay's in Ballycarry,
roaming the country round about where our ancestors labored, frolicked and fought for one hundred years. Exactly who these
ancestors were is a secret buried with them in Ballycarry graves, but in 1938 we found their descendants and their neighbors'
descendants on the green hills of Broadisland friendly and hospitable people.
The Hoy graves with lettered tombstones BALLYCARRY are on the east side of the old church ruins, GRAVEYARD the tombstones facing east toward Scotland. Headstones mark the graves of the following Hoys:
Joseph Hoy, d. Aug. 31, 1835, aged 64. James Hoy, d. July 4, 1880, aged 64. Samuel Hay, d. Jan. 21, 1780, aged 72. James Hay, d. Jan. 10, 1811, aged 64. It
is probable that the father of Paul, our immigrant ancestor, was a James Hoy; that he died about 1700 and was buried in Ballycarry
graveyard in an unmarked grave.
Records of the nobility and of the FAMILY RECORDS IN clergy of Ireland are fairly complete, IRELAND but for the common folks, most of whom were poor tenants, there are few records of past generations either on tombstones or in government offices. Ireland has suffered much in loss of records, as well as of lives, in wars and rebellions, the last being the Republican rising in Dublin in 1922, when the Four
Courts and Records offices were dynamited and partially burned. In the early days rent rolls were kept by the landlords and land leases were not officially recorded. Church records of baptisms, marriages, and burials are also either non-existent or incomplete. Our records in Maryland are better than the Irish records of the same period.
The oldest partial list of the common THE HEARTH MONEY inhabitants of Ulster we ROLLS found at the Presbyterian Church House in Belfast. This is the Hearthmoney Rolls, a list of those having houses with "hearths" with or without chimneys, subject to a tax of two shillings per hearth. In
the Roll for County Antrim, dated 1668-69, when the father of our immigrant ancestor was presumably living, there is no name
"Hoy." However there were other spellings of what were doubtless the same name, as follows:
John and William Howey, Creganee, Magheramorne Parish. James Howey, Faughanvale Parish, Co. Londonderry. Thomas and Arthur Howy, of Co. Antrim. James Howy of Ardigon, in 1668 paid tax--œ5:9:9. In
this roll there appear eleven householders named "Hay" and "Hayes." We cannot determine definitely whether or not our ancstor
appears in the Hearthmoney Roll.
This is a list of heads of Protestant PROTESTANT HOUSEHOLDERS, families of 1740, long after 1740 our ancestor emigrated to America. In Co. Antrim it contains no "Hoys," but lists Andrew and Arch Howey; also John, David, Samuel, and James Hooey.
In the Hall of Records, Belfast, an index of Wills WILLS (Dioces of Connor) includes the following: 1769 John Hoey, Parish of Templecorran; 1788 James Hoey, Ralloo; 1774 Samuel Howey, Carrickfergus; 1807 Samuel Hoey, Carrickfergus; 1780 Samuel Howie, Broad Island; 1788 John Hoy, Belfast; 1740 Patrick Hoy, Ballynure; 1733 William Huey, Billy. The preceding in Co. Antrim. Also wills of John Howey, Sr., merchant, in 1712, and of John Howey, Jr., both of
Kilrea, Co. Londonderry. Only the index of these wills exists; they were recorded in Dublin but the record was destroyed. From
the records available we are convinced that the Hoy clan, variously spelled--Hoy, Hay, Hoey, Howey, Hooey--was numerous in
County Antrim during the 17th and 18th centuries.
Our ancestors lived in County Antrim THE SCOTCH-IRISH for almost a century. Why did EMIGRATION Paul Hoy and thousands of other Ulstermen emigrate to America about the year 1700? To understand we must know something of Irish history of this period. Tho
brave and industrious, the political and economic position of the Ulstermen was not secure. There was always the danger of
attack by the Catholic Irish with whom they were rarely on friendly terms. Laws prohibited intermarriage between the two races;
in 1607 any Protestant marrying an Irish woman was liable to be hung drawn and quartered. And Ulstermen " . . . rather than
turne from English principles would sooner burne, And rather than marry an Irish wife, Would batchellars remain for terme
of life."
In 1604 the Governor, Sir Arthur Chickester, wrote that he "found several companies
of outlaws and rebels had got together in the county, one party of about six score. I have broken and killed, and hanged above
the third man; and so, God be thanked, they are in a reasonable quiet, albeit poor and in great necessity, which makes them
outlaws, being driven to steal for want of other substance," their homesteads having been plundered during the war.
Suddenly the Irish rose in rebellion, fell upon REBELLION the Protestants and "stripped them literally OF 1641 to the bone"; many died of the cold. Then outside of a few fortified towns a massacre began; neither men, women nor children were spared. This was followed by eleven years of guerilla warfare. About half of the 260,000 Protestants died. During
this rebellion the Broadisland people, including the Hoys, took refuge within the fortified area of Carrickfergus Castle or
in Dalway's bawne, but their homes were laid waste.
Cromwell and his English army landed at Dublin in 1649. When he captured Drogheda,
all those found in arms were put to the sword, and of those who surrendered, one of every ten was shot, and the remainder
were deported to Barbadoes, as bonded servants. Finally order was restored.
In the Civil War of the English THE BATTLE OF THE Parliament against King James II BOYNE the Catholics in Ireland supported King James and the Protestants the Parliament. In 1689 James laid siege to Derry but failed to take it. Carrickfergus
was held by Catholic troops under the Earl of Antrim until August when General Schromberg landed an English army and the Castle
surrendered to him.
In 1690 William of Orange landed at Carrickfergus and marched his army to the River Boyne, where he met and defeated King
James in the Battle of the Boyne, celebrated today as the national holiday of North Ireland.
In this war the Ulstermen supported King William of Orange, but their troubles were not ended by his victory. The Parliament
at Dublin was controlled by Church of England men and it adopted harsh measures to force all to conform to the established
church; Catholics and Protestants were taxed to support it. Presbyterian ministers as well as Catholic priests were jailed
and fined. In Antrim and other places the doors of Presbyterian Churches were "nailed up." The Test Act, requiring
NOTE:--Roosevelt in his "Winning of the West" wrote: The backwoodsmen were Americans by birth
and parentage, and of mixed race, but the dominant strain in their blood was that of the Presbyterian Irish--the Scotch-Irish
as they were often called. . . . It is doubtful if we have wholly realized the importance of the part played in our
history by that stern and virile people, the Irish whose preachers taught the creed of Knox and Calvin. These Irish representatives
of the Covenanters were in the west almost what the Puritans were in the northeast, and more than the Cavaliers were
in the south. . . . They formed the kernel of the distinctively and intensely American stock who were the pioneers
of our people in their march westward. . . . The Presbyterian Irish were the Protestants of the Protestants; they
detested and despised the Catholics, whom their ancestors had conquered. . . . They were a truculent and obstinate people,
and gloried in the warlike renown of their forefathers.
all officials to take the Episcopal Communion, prevented good Presbyterians and Catholics from teaching or holding office.
Manufacturing, especially linen and wool, had become an important industry in Ulster, but English tariffs and other restrictions
almost ruined the woolen trade. Also the original leases of the confiscated lands, which had been made at low rates to encourage
settlers, were expiring and landlords raised the rates as high as possible.
In those years a third of the population of Ulster emigrated to the colonies, most of them landing at Philadelphia where
the Quaker Penn had made religion free and land cheap. Others went to Virginia and Maryland. Quoting the "History of the Irish
Presbyterian Church" by Hamilton:
"During the troublous times from 1670 to 1680 many families emigrated to America from the North of Ireland, most of whom
settled in Maryland and Virginia."
HOY FAMILIES IN COUNTY In 1938 the writer visited ANTRIM TODAY the Hoy families in County Antrim. ISAAC
HAY (Hoy) resides at "Beech View," Bellahill, on what is probably the original Hoy farm in Ireland. His house is very old:
it is not known who built it or when. The center section of the house is the oldest--perhaps built by the original Scotch
settler in the 17th century. It is of stone walls, two feet thick; one story; small four-pane glass windows; low ceilings
(originally without ceiling); the roof is still of thatch; floor now cement, originally earth. It has a stone chimney; the
open fireplace is now filled by a built-in iron range. In olden times the "settle beds" were arranged around the walls, folded
up for seats during the day and let down at night for sleeping. The barn for horses and cows is a continuation of the house
and of similar construction.
WILLIAM HOY was the great grandfather of Isaac Hay. His will, dated November 24, 1822, and probated January 11, 1830, mentions
his wife, Elizabeth, and children--Thomas, Elizabeth, Kethren, John. His house and land, "granted" (leased) by Noah Dalway,
Esq., he bequeathed to his son, Thomas.
THOMAS HOY m. Elizabeth; had children--John, Ellen, William, Sarah.
JOHN HOY, son of Thomas, had 13 children, one of whom was Isaac, who inherited the old homestead.
ALEXANDER HOY (b. 1777, d. 1858) resided on a farm adjoining William Hoy's farm on the south; in 1825 he assigned his lease
to William McFerren in exchange for a farm of 14 acres called the "Bullock Walk," also adjoining the William Hoy farm. These
farms were then in the Townland of Bella Hill, Parish of Kilroot, Alexander Hoy m. Jane Plumpin and had children--William,
Joseph, Charles, Mary, John. John Hay, who m. Susie McAllister Dick, is a grandson of John; he owns the Alx. Hoy farm now
called "Cowfield."
Capt. JOSEPH HOY (d. Aug. 31, 1835, aged 64) was presumably a sailor; he resided at Cairn Brock on the east side of the
Muttonburn valley. Joseph, William, and Alexander Hoy were probably brothers.
JAMES HOY (d. July 4, 1880, aged 64), a son of Joseph, m. Jane, dau. of William Reade; they resided in the present Hoy
home at Port Davey, which Jane Reade inherited from her mother, Isabel Curry. James Hoy was a shoemaker. He had thirteeen
children and resided at the water's edge at Port Davey, then a harbor for small trading ships; his sons took to the sea, a
family of good sailors but unfortunate.
JOSEPH HOY, son of James, m. Mary Isabel McLarnon. He was captain of a sailing ship in the lumber trade. He and his brother,
Moore Getty Hoy, were drowned in the St. Lawrence River. Another brother, John Curry Hoy, was part owner and master of a trading
ship. In 1875 on a voyage to the South Seas his ship left Cape Town, S. A., and was never heard of again.
Capt. Joseph Hoy owned and sailed a small coaster which did a considerable trade between Port Davey and the Scottish ports.
He was lost with his vessel within sight of his own home.
Joseph Hoy left three children--Jane R., Elizabeth, and John Curry. Jane and Elizabeth and their niece Eileen Hoy reside
in the old home at Port Davey near Whitehead.
John Curry Hoy was master of the "Bray Head" which was sunk west of Ireland in 1917 by a German submarine. The crew left
the sinking ship in two life boats, one of which was finally rescued, but Capt. Hoy's boat was lost. He left a son, Jack,
now a sailor, and a daughter, Elizabeth Eileen.
William Hoy (b. 1849, d. 1918) was a sailor on the American Great Lakes and elsewhere. In 1873 he was a passenger on the
S. S. "Atlantic" sailing from Liverpool to New York. There were 794 passengers and a crew of 144 on board. In attempting at
night to run into Halifax for coal, the ship crashed upon a sunken reef and most of its life boats were washed away. An officer
succeeded in reaching a Iarge rock and fastened a line from the ship. William Hoy reached the rock by the line but noted that
many passengers were unable to climb up the rock and fell back into the sea. At great risk of being pulled down and drowned,
Hoy stationed himself on the rock and as the passengers came over the line, he pulled them up to safety; when his hands became
numb with cold, he seized them with his teeth. He saved many lives. This heroic action is described at length in prose and
verse under the title of "An Epic of the Sea," in the "History of Islandmagee."
William Hoy finally settled in New South Wales, Australia, where his descendants still reside. A brother, Samuel Hoy, sailor
and gold miner, settled in New Zealand.
By Wm. James Hume
I remember my young days, for younger I've been; I remember my young days & the Mutton Burn Stream. It's no mark'd in the world's map, it's no there to be seen, It's a wee river in Ulster, "The Mutton Burn Stream."
It flows under bridges, takes many's the turn; It turns round the Mill Wheel that grinds the folks corn. It wimples through meadows & leaves the land clean; Draps in Belfast Ocean, The Mutton Burn Stream.
The ducks like to swim in it, from morning till e'en; The whiles dirty the water, but tha make themselves clean; I have seen them a diving till their tails scarce was seen, Awoddling in the bottom o' the Mutton Burn Stream.
The ladies from 'Carry I oftimes have seen A taking their washing to Mutton Burn Stream. No powder or soaps used, a wallop makes clean; It has great cleansing powers, the Mutton Burn Stream.
It cures all diseases though chronic they've been; It will cure you of fatness, it will cure you of lean. It acts on the liver, the heart, lungs & spleen; It has great curative powers, the Mutton Burn Stream.
The secret its out now, long secret its been, How the jaundice was cured by folks near the Stream. They bottled its waters, put in essence Bog-Bean; It soon cured you o' yellows, the Mutton Burn Stream.
I used to go parting, at dark when no seen; They aye have good parties round Mutton Burn Stream. Coming home in the morning, all gay and serene, I slip'd & fell into Mutton Burn Stream.
By Wm. Caldwell
Sure Irish men are gallant men from Cork to Donegall; From Portadown to Dublin Town we sing their praises all. But ask me where we breed the best, I'll have to answer then, The pick of Irish manhood are the Ballycarry men.
An Irish man you will find a man wherever you chance to go, A man who never will turn his back either on friend or foe. But over the breadth of Ireland, of valley and hill and glen, There is nothing to hold a card to the Ballycarry men!
They may be taught, they can't be bought, For they call their souls their own. They'll stand and fight for a cause that's right, Tho they stand and fight alone.
They play the game--a good clean game, For foul is beneath their ken, And win or lose, they are sportsmen still-- The Ballycarry men!
By Susie McA. Hay
Once upon a time, so I've heard tell, A Rath was in a valley, and fairies there did dwell. None dared molest the "Wee folk" who came when moon was clear, And everyone for miles around that Rath did well revere.
The landlord of the valley came unto the mound; Said he, "By Irish 'freits' I never will be bound; That moat doth spoil my field, so to my men I'll say, Go at once to that low field, and clear the Rath away."
The men obediently went off, with shovel and with spade; Upon that Irish Rath an attack they fiercely made; But the truth of all the matter was that they were Irish too, And the fear of Irish fairies did thrill them through and through.
The first day of their labours, all went very well, And nothing but the sound of spades resounded through the dell, And driving off with carts of mould, they did not their work leave, Until above the valley, shone the first faint star of eve.
Lo, see them the next morning, as to their task them come, From different cots around the vale, a-straggling one by one, Scarce wakened from their night's deep sleep, scarce seeing the right path, But from their stupor quickly roused, when near the Fairy Rath.
The first one who did reach the Rath, to all began to shout, "Oh hurry, hurry, hurry, boys, the fairies have been out." And sure enough, around the mound,--this tale is really true-- Were marks of tiny footsteps, as of a fairy shoe.
The men were seized with horror; their very bones did freeze! And shouts of wild excitement filled the early morning breeze, And wafted them right up unto the very mansion house, To where the lordly master was sitting with his spouse.
"Now what, now what, now what," he called, "is this unearthly row? "What's happened that wild Irish crowd, what are they doing now?" "Oh sir," a messenger replied, who came, all pale with fear; "The men won't touch the Rath because the fairies have been here."
So down unto the valley strode the irate English lord, Said he unto himself, "I'll quell that Irish rabble horde." But not a man of all the crowd would ever put a spade Into the Rath, the fairy marks had made them so afraid.
When some time passed, so I've been told, The work was done by other men, who were by nature bold, And had no fear of Little Men, Banshee, or Witche's wail; But still the "fairy shoemarks" stay an ancient country tale.
The secret of the tale was kept, until 'twas told to me; The solution was quite simple, as you will plainly see; A 'divil-of-a-fellow' a-livin' near the bog, Marked all the 'fairy footsteps' with--his little sister's CLOG.
NOTE:--THE RATH IN THE VALLEY was written by Susie E. McAllister, now Mrs. John Hay, Jr.,
of Ballycarry. It is based upon a story told to Miss McAllister by John Hay, Sr., of an incident which happened in
the Muttonburn Valley long ago. The 'divil-of-a-fellow' was the teller of the story.
RATH: a raised place or mound, probably an ancient Irish burial mound.
1. PAUL HOY, the immigrant, was born during the last half of the 17th century in County Antrim, Ireland. He named his eldest
son James; therefore we infer that his father was James Hoy, probably a tenant farmer near the village of Ballycarry, Ireland.
Paul was reared near the sea. He may have gone to America as a sailor on some ship trading around Chesapeake Bay or he
may have emigrated like many of his Scotch-Irish countrymen--seeking political and religious freedom, and better economic
conditions. Possibly he came to settle in Col. Beall's colony.
About 1655 Col. Ninian Beall emigrated to COL. BEALL'S Maryland, settling between the Patuxent COLONY and the Potomac Rivers. During the following twenty years he induced about two hundred of his Scottish friends to join him. Some of these colonists were probably Ulstermen. It is very likely that Paul Hoy settled among old friends west of the Patuxent, about 1690. He was evidently a young man of pleasing personality, industrious, and of steady habits; we have no evidence that he brought any
NOTE: (1) NOTTINGHAM has an excellent location on the west bank of the Patuxent River. In 1683 Col. Thomas Greenfield laid out the town. It was long a port of call for sailing vessels from England. It had a large tobacco warehouse of which Dorsett Hoye was inspector or port officer. In 1745 the population of the town was 2000. The old road was a noted race track. In 1814 the British army which captured Washington landed below the town at Benedict. Later steamers from Baltimore made this port, but in recent years the railroad and the highway passed west of old Nottingham, leaving the town stranded by its sleepy river. It now has but half a dozen houses, an old wharf and the ruins of Governor Bowie's mansion.
2) THE DORSETT FAMILY. John Dorsett, Sr., was an early settler on the "Orchard" tract just west of Nottingham. His will (see appendix), probated May 9, 1711, mentions his wife Ann, and children, Thomas, Frances (wife of Paul Hoy), Elizabeth, Ann, Sarah and John. Ann Dorsett's will, probated June 5, 1721, records bequests to her children, Elizabeth Boen, Mary, Thomas and Sarah Winser; also to grandson Dorsett Hoeys "onne maire cault," and to James Hoey "onne cow calfe."
capital with him, but he married one of the five daughters of a well-to-do colonial planter.
Paul Hoy married Frances, daughter of TWIVER John and Ann Dorsett of "The Orchard," PLANTATION Prince George's County. In his will (see appendix) of 1711 John Dorsett bequeathed "To my daughter Frances Hoy part of two tracts of land lying upwards and northerly from the path commonly called Thomas Palmers path & being ye old Plantation commonly called Joseph Harrysons being part of a tract called Twiver . . . forever." This farm of 93 acres adjoined the Dorsett "Orchard" home. It is in the Nottingham District of Prince George's. Paul Hoy also owned another part of "Twiver" which he had bought of William Paunce. We
spent several days in 1941 trying to locate the John Dorsett and Paul Hoy settlements and graveyard. The Land Office at Annapolis
located the Dorsett "Orchard" tract just west of Nottingham, which is on the "Twiver" tract. But the pioneeer families, except,
perhaps, the negroes, have moved elsewhere; the names and locations of most of the original land tracts have been forgotten.
There is no trace of the graveyard.
The Hoy and Dorsett farms adjoined; they were in the neighborhood of what is now known as the Fenno place, a mile west
of Patuxent River on the old Nottingham-Naylor road. They were thus convenient to the port of Nottingham. When first settled
the land here was well wooded, a fertile top soil over the sandy base. Water fowls and fish abounded in the river and creeks.
High grade tobacco and corn are still standard crops on the old farms.
This area was Matapani Hundred of Calvert County until 1696, when Prince George's was organized from parts of Charles and
Calvert. It was part of St. Paul's Parish, whose first church was built in 1692 at what is now known as Baden, when Col. Thomas
Brook, Col. Thomas Hollyday and Samuel Magruder were vestrymen. The early parish records have been lost.
It is probable that Paul and Frances settled on Twiver Plantation when they married. This was their home and the home of
their son James. Paul Hoy willed the plantation to
James from whom it passed by inheritance to Paul Hoye II who sold it in 1761 to Thomas Contee, "in consideration of the
Sum of ninety three pounds Sterling Lawful money of Great Britain." In 1767 Thomas Contee sold Twiver to John Harrison.
"Harryson's Plantation" had been improved by cleared land, a log house and barn, before it was occupied by the Hoys. Since
Paul owned only three adult slaves and his wife but one, the master and his sons must also have worked the farm. They raised
corn and wheat for food and tobacco for sale. In accounting for Frances Hoy's estate in 1733 her crop of tobacco was reported
as 3354 lbs., valued at œ16 15s. 5d. The place was well stocked with horses, cattle, sheep and ducks. They had a good
orchard which provided fruit for drying and for apple butter; the inventory of Frances Hoy's estate listed 75 gallons of "Cyder"
on hand. Hard cider was a popular drink in Colonial Maryland.
For those pioneer times the Hoys were in comfortable circumstances. In her will (see appendix) Frances Hoy gratefully says,
"God of his infinite Goodness hath helped me with Sundry temporall Goods far Surpassing my Deserts."
The records of Prince George's County are well preserved, but we have found only two references to Paul Hoy, both in the
September Term of the County Court of 1705 as follows:
NOTE:--(1) "Orchard" 190 acres, surveyed and patented to Richard Fowler 24th June 1673--lying
in Calvert County on the west side of Patuxent River, adjoining a tract formerly laid out for George Collings. Liber
No. 17, folio 145. Rent Roll shows John Dorsett in possession.
(2) "Twiver" 440 acres, surveyed and patented to
George Collins 1st August 1673--lying in Calvert County, Beg. at a bounded oak near or adjoining a parcel of land
called Farme, and in line of a parcel of land called Brookfield &c., by side of a creek called Patuxent Creek &c.
to mouth of a creek called Little Creek &c., from thence east to Patuxent River &c., adjoining Mansfield. Liber
No. 17, folio 464.
3) Lord Baltimore's Rent Roll, 1766-72; Prince George's
Dorset Hoye, part of "Twiver," 100 a.
œ 0: 4:0 |
Paul Hoye, pt. "Apple Hill," "Tweksbury," 100
a |
0: 4:0 |
Samuel Townshend, pt. "Piscattaway Forest,"
109 a. |
0: 4:2 |
Thomas Dorsett, pt. "Twiver," 228 a. |
0: 9:7 |
Wm. Deakins, pt. "Twiver," 100 a. |
0: 4:0 |
Luke Marbury, pt. "Apple Hill," 153 a. |
0: 6:2 |
James Draine, pt. "Something," 109 a. |
2: 2:4 |
"Paul Hoy made Oath to 5 days Attendance in the behalf of Tho Emerfon agt. Ric'd Owens. Ordered that ye said Tho Emerfon
pay unto him 30 lbs. of Tobacco pr Day for his said Attendance." Another entry in the same case ordered payment for one day.
In Ireland Paul Hoy belonged to the Presbyterian Church but the Dorsetts were of the Church of England, St. Paul's Parish;
two succeeding generations of the Hoyes were Episcopalians.
PAUL HOY'S Our ancestor's will was signed January 7, WILL 1727/8, and probated February 20, 1728. (See appendix.) CHILDREN of PAUL and FRANCES HOYE and BEQUESTS: 2. 1 James. To him the home Plantation and negroes. 3. 2 Mary. To her Negro Florah. 4. 3 Anne. To her eight cows. 5. 4 Martha. To her Negro Sarah. 6. 5 Dorsett. To him part of "Twifer." 7. 6 Isaac. To him part of "Twifer." 8. 7 Margaret. To her negro child (unborn). Paul Hoy died in January or February, 1728; since three of his children were minors in 1732, he could not have been
an old man. He and his wife were buried in their Plantation graveyard which was reserved to the heirs of Paul Hoye when the
farm was sold in 1761.
The property bequeathed by the will consisted of two farms and
personal effects including five negro slaves, all of which were left in charge of his wife, Frances. Inventory of the estate
(see appendix) lists all the servants, stock, furniture, and farming implements of our first American ancestor, valued at
œ254:2s 5d English money. In those days tobacco passed for money at the rate of 100 lbs. for 10 shillings; therefore
in tobacco the inventory valuation was 50,820 lbs. Frances Hoye's personal property is listed in the appendix following her
will. Note that the will was signed "Paule Hoy, his mark." This does not prove that he could not write; wills were frequently
signed by a "mark," especially if the testator was very ill at the time.
FRANCES HOY'S WILL was signed by "her mark" in December, 1732, and probated June 2, 1733. One of her daughters had married
Charles Bevan, and he was named executor of the will, but James Hoye was the actual executor. In her will Frances does not
mention James, due probably to the fact that, as the eldest son, he had already inherited much of his father's property. She
probably died in May, 1733.
It will be noted that Paul's surname was written "Hoy," while his wife and sons added "e" to the name.
2. JAMES HOYE, prior to 1734, married Tabitha, daughter of Francis and Mary Marbury, a wealthy neighbor family. (See Marbury.)
She was born in 1714 and died Nov. 15, 1761.
9. I Paul, born Mar. 26, 1736, died Oct. 13, 1816.
James Hoye had inherited his father's Plantation and in 1734 Tabitha's father willed to her a farm, part of "Tewksbury"
and "Apple Hill." The young couple were thus provided with ample land, servants and other property and were well started on
a happy wedded life; unfortunately young James died in September, 1737. So we know little of him; to his father he was a trusted
and "well beloved" son; he had the discretion and good sense to marry a woman of intelligence and unusual personal charm,
a member of one of Maryland's "best" families. They presumably resided at the Hoy home, "Twifer," tho possibly on Tabitha's
"Apple Hill." He was buried in the Hoy graveyard near the graves of his parents.
Tabitha Hoye, on Feb. 9, 1738, married William Deakins, a neighbor on the "Twifer" tract, who later resided on Bloomfield
Plantation near Bladensburg; they had three sons: Francis, William and Leonard Marbury Deakins. (See Deakins.)
6. DORSETT HOYE was inspector of the tobacco warehouse at Magruder's and at Nottingham. He was a well known
(1) Frances Hoye, James Hoye, Richard Read and Thomas Dorsett gave bond, dated Feb. 20, 1727, in the sum
of three hundred pounds, that Frances Hoye and James Hoye, Executors, would honestly administer the estate of Paul
Hoye, deceased. Witnesses--Thos. Brooke, Wm. Harris.
(2) Thomas Dorsett, John Smith, Walt Brooke, Thos. Hodgkin
gave bond, dated Sept. 13, 1737, in the sum of one hundred pounds, that they would honestly administer the estate
of James Hoye, deceased.
and respected citizen of Prince George's County, but we have no record of his family.
7. ISAAC HOYE. We have no record of Isaac further than the bequest to him in his father's will. He probably moved to Virginia.
Our ancestor, Paul Hoye II, was OTHER HOYES IN reared in the home of his stepfather, COLONIAL MARYLAND William Deakins. He does not appear to have kept in contact with his uncles and aunts, and their families. So it happens that we have no definite records of the descendants of Dorsett or Isaac Hoye, but in the early Maryland records we find references to Hoyes who may be descendants of Paul Hoy I.
MILITARY SERVICES of Hoys in the Revolution--Maryland:
Cephas Hoy, First Reg., enlisted Jan. 28, 1776; "never joined."
Dorset Hoye, enlisted March 11, 1776; stationed at Annapolis.
Joseph Hoy, Balto. Co., enlisted by Wm. Reily, July 26, 1776.
Patrick Hoy, 7th Reg., discharged Dec. 7, 1779.
Peter Hoy (Hoey), Fred. Co., enl. & passed by Wm. Deakins, Jr., July, 1776.
Thomas Hoy (Hoye), enlisted Apr., 1778, 7th Reg., disc'd Apr., 1781.
Thomas Hoye, 2nd Lieutenant, 1778-79, Militia of Pr. Geo. Co.
1774--Will of Jacob Hoy, Frederick Co., Md.
1811--Will of Thomas Contee, Pr. Geo. Co.; to Grace Hoye œ12 per annum for life; also a feather bed.
1784--Will of Nicholas Hoy of Fred. Co., probated 1797. Wife, Catherine. Children, Elizabeth, Susannah, Francis. Grist
mill, saw mill, etc.
1832-42--Will of John Hoy of Fred. Co. Estate left to brother, Nicholas Hoy.
Dec. 27, 1784--Cephas Hoye to Sarah Collings; 1786, same to E. Ryon.
NOTE:--THE HOYES OF VIRGINIA are descended from James and Isaac,
brothers, who are said to have moved from Prince George's Co., Md. James Hoye settled in Goochland Co., Va. Isaac Hoye
settled in Augusta Co., Va. James Hoye, Sr., was twice married. His son, James (1814-1888), was the father of twelve
children, the youngest of whom was Rev. Walter S. Hoye (b. 1853), whose son, Rev. J. Mitchel Hoye, resides at Ashland,
Va. The Southern Hoyes are very probably descended from Isaac or Dorsett Hoye, sons of Paul Hoy, but we have been
unable to prove the connection.
Apr. 22, 1786--Thomas Hoye to Agnes Scott.
Oct. 14, 1805--Martha Hoye to George Booth.
Dec. 23, 1811--Paul Hoye to Eleanor Ruth Mattingly.
Nov. 15, 1817--John D. Hoye to Mary Griffin.
TOOK "OATH OF FIDELITY" March 20, 1776, in Pr. Geo. Co., Dorsett, Thomas, Cephas, and Sabrit Hoye.
APPOINTED CONSTABLE of Mattapany Hundred, Pr. Geo. Co.:
Thomas Hoye, 1777. Thomas Hoye, Jr., Nov. 22, 1779.
Thomas Dorsett, son of Thomas, Nov. 22, 1779.
VOTERS, FRED. CO.: Paul Hoy, Dec.-Rep.; Nicholas Hoy, Dem.-Rep.
Our earliest ancestor in America was THOMAS THOMAS GREENE, Esq., who arrived in Maryland on the GREENE "Ark," March 25, 1634, with his friend Governor Leonard Calvert and the first Maryland colonists. The
ships "Ark" and "Dove" sailed from Cowes, England, November 22, 1633. For several days they struggled against tempestuous
winds off the coast; the night of the 29th a furious wind split the main sail on the "Ark." "All the Cathoiques fell to prairer,
Confessions and vowes, and then the helme being bound up and ship left without sail or government to the winds and waves floated
at hull like a dish till God were pleased to take pittie upon her."
During the voyage the passengers sighted several ships which they believed to be filled with "Turkes" (pirates). A short
stop was made at Barbadoes Island, where the travelers found the inhabitants in arms because the servants had conspired to
kill their masters. "On Christmas Day, wine being given on the 'Ark,' for the celebrity of the day, it was so immoderately
taken that the next day 30 sickened of fevers and whereof about a dozen died afterward."
On February 27th the ships arrived in Virginia and "here we staied 8 or 9 daies, not without imminent danger," because
the Virginia Council was unfriendly to the new Maryland Colony. They then sailed up the Potomac river, but found the shores
lined by hostile Indians who had been incited against the newcomers by the Virginians. Finally on March 25, a landing was
made on a small island which they named St. Clements; "they erected a crosse, and with devotion tooke solemne possession of
the country."
Governor Calvert made friends of the Indian chiefs, buying one of their villages and the surrounding land, which he paid
for with cloth, axes, knives, etc., and there St. Mary's, the first settlement of the Maryland Colony, was built. At St. Mary's
Thomas Greene owned Poplar Island of over 1000 acres, which with 500 acres on Kent Island, constituted Bobing Manor. In "Colonial
Maryland," by Thomas, his residence at St. Mary's is described as follows:
"Adjacent to the lot and residence of Mistresses Margaret and Mary Brent on the south was the residence of Governor Thomas
Greene. It was patented in 1639, and was called at first "Greene's Rest," and later "Saint Ann." "All of these houses stood
near the river (St. Mary's), and were located in what is now known as the "Rectory Field." The site of each, as well as the
graded slope from the houses to the river, can still clearly be seen. The house of Governor Greene--a two story frame building,
with brick gables--was occupied as late as 1820, and its brick chimneys were standing within the recollection of many persons
still living."
The early settlers of Maryland were of three classes:
NOTE:--"About 27 miles from St. Clement we sailed into the mouth of a river, at its mouth
are two harbors one of these, which is more inland, we consecrated to the Blessed Virgin Mary, and going in about
a mile from the shore we laid out the place of a City on the 27th day of March, Anno Domini 1634, and named the Towne
Saint Maries."
The Colonists first built a guard house for defense and a store house. For themselves they
found shelter in the huts of the Indians, who gave up part of their town to them. The Indians mingled freely with
the colonists, who employed many of their women and children in their families. From them the settlers' wives learned
how to prepare and cook maize. The settlers hunted with the natives, and the Indians sold the settlers venison and
wild turkeys.
NOTE:--WHEREAS by commission from the Rt. Hon'ble Cecill Sd.
Pro'pt of the Province of Maryland to ye late Governor Leonard Calvert, Esq., bearing date ye 18th September 1644 at his
Ldp's ... at St. Maries in the said Province. He the said Leonard Calvert was authorized in case he should happen
to die, or be absent from time to time out of the said Province to nominate, Elect & Appoint such an able person
inhabiting and residing within the sd Province (as he in his discretion should make choice of and think fitt) to be Govern'r
of the said Province. These are therefore to publish and declare to all persons whom it may concerne, that ye sd.
Leonard Calvert did by word of mouth on the ninth day of June 1647 (lying upon his deathbed yett in perfect memory)
nominate & appoint Thomas Greene, Esq'r one of the councell of this Province to be the Governo'r of the same;
with the same authority and power of Government as he the said Leonard Calvert was authorized by his Ldp's Commission
to conferre upon him. As by ye oaths of Mrs. Margarett & Mary Brent's ... Frances Anketill & James Linsey
(who were all there prsnt with him at the same time) is averred to be true--Test: ... William Britton, Clk. --(Land Office Record, Annapolis.)
First, "gentlemen adventurers," generally men of means; Thomas Greene belonged to this class. Second, those of small means
who paid their own passage, received small tracts of land for themselves and families, and worked their own land. Third, "indentured
servants," those who, generally voluntarily, sold their services to a master for a term of years, usually three to ten, to
pay their passage across the ocean.
Thomas Greene brought with him several servants and "bought" others later. "Entered by Mr. Thomas Greene the first year,
1633, brought into the Province, Mr. Greene in his own right and two servants, Anam Bonam in his own right, in right of Mr.
Fairfax his person as his assignee, Mr. Smith as his assignee and for Thomas Wills in his (Mr. Greene's) own right."
The indenture between Thomas Greene and Hannah Mathews in 1647 calls for more substantial requital for her services, as
it names "fifty akers of land and one year's provision according to the custom of the country. She may, however, be acquitted
of all obligacon if she pay or cause to be payed Thomas Greene one thousand weight of good merchantable leaf tobacco and caske,
and three barrels of goode corn, but she must not dispose of herself in marryage without consent of Thomas Greene."
Governor Leonard Calvert died June 9, 1647, and on his death bed named Thomas Greene as his successor. Greene's term of
service as the second Governor of the Province of Maryland was troubled and brief.
In 1648 Lord Baltimore removed Thomas Greene from the governorship and appointed William Stone, a Protestant, as governor.
Greene was a Catholic and Royalist, and Baltimore's
WHEREAS Charles of
blessed Memory King ... is lately deceased. These are to give Notice to all persons whom it may Concerne, and in especiall
to all and Singular the Inhabitants of this Province of Maryland, that his eldest son Charles the most renouned Prince
of Wales the undoubted rightful heir to all his father's Dominions is hereby Proclaimed King Charles the second of
England, Scotland, France and Ireland, defender of the faith. Long live King Charles the Second.
Given at
St. Maries this 15th of November 1649.
Governor Greene on the same day proclaimed a general pardon to all offenders
thruout the Province.
object in making the change was probably to allay discontent in the Province, and, in part, to stop the tongues of his
enemies, who never wearied representing Maryland as a stronghold of popery.
Thomas Greene then became head of the Governor's Council. He was president of the Council when Mistress Margaret Brent,
friend and executrix of Governor Calvert, made her dramatic but unsuccessful appeal to that body:
"Gentlemen, I come to claim a vote in the Assembly. I ventured amongst ye, and no man in the colony hath ventured more;
for I staked all I had, and whether I have succeeded or lost, I leave ye to judge.
"Then by one great loss, the questions of your government were forced upon me. Have I met them? Is there a man amongst
ye, God knows I say it not boastingly, who could have done ought more?
"Did I not find chaos, rents unpaid, accounts unkept, invasions of savages? Ye have seen my accounts, how they stand! And
yet, because I am a woman, forsooth, today I must stand by idly and have not a voice in the framing of your laws, a voice
in the making of the regulars which shall govern one who is among the largest landowners. Is this justice? I ask it in the
name of the years to come. You have prided yourselves on being the only Colony in the world giving the right to worship God
as one wisheth. Yet boast of your liberty and freedom, and are proud that ye lead the way in the right. Lead it in this likewise.
Build likewise, grant justice, and let the woman that hath equal risks with you, have equal voice in the government itself,
or else your boast is as empty as sound."
In 1649 news from England arrived that King Charles I had been executed and that the commonwealth under Cromwell had been
established. Governor Stone was then in Virginia, and Thomas Greene, his appointee as vice-governor, promptly proclaimed Charles
II as the lawful sovereign. But Stone hastened back to his Province and set aside Greene's action, which was also repudiated
by the Proprietary.
The Maryland Assembly in 1649 THE TOLERATION passed "An Act Concerning Religion," ACT which provided "that noe person within this Province, professing to believe in Jesus Christ, shall henceforth bee in any waies troubled, molested or discountenanced for or in respect to his or her religion, nor in the free exercise thereof with-in this Province . . . ." This famous Act was signed by William Stone, Thos. Greene and fifteen other members of Assembly.
It appears that Thomas Greene married THE GREENE Mrs. Ann Cox, a fellow passenger on the FAMILY "Ark," after their arrival in Maryland. They soon returned to England where Thomas and Leonard Greene were born. After the death of his wife, about 1637, our ancestor returned to Maryland, leaving his young sons in England until 1644. Thomas Greene married, secondly, Mrs. Winifred Leybourn, who came to the Province in 1638. They had two sons: Robert
and Francis.
Gov. Thomas Greene died in 1651. His widow married Robert Clark in 1652. His will, dated November 18, 1650, is printed
NOTES:--(1) Governor Greene's ancestry has not been definitely traced.
In 1938 the writer was referred in the British Museum, London, to "England and America," printed by T. R. Marvin &
Son, Boston, 1901, which locates the ancient Greene home in Northamp-tonshire, England, where, in 1320, Thomas de
Greene was Lord of the Manors of Boughton and Norton, afterwards called Greene's Norton. From him the family pedigree
traces thru Thomas Greene, born in 1292, Sir Henry Greene, who died in 1369, and five generations of Sir Thomas Greenes
to Sir Thomas Greene, who died in 1506, leaving no male child. In addition to this elder stem of the family there were
offshoots, one of which is a Thomas Greene from whom it is supposed the Greenes of Dorsetshire and America are descended.
(2) A book belonging to Gen. Jesse Green, 1793, quoted in the Semme's
Ms., Maryland Historical Society, states that "Thomas Green, Depty Gov. of Maryland, was the son of Thomas Green by Helen
Calvert, the youngest daughter of George Calvert, Lord Baron of Baltimore."
Gen. Green also states that Governor
Green's first wife was his cousin, Winifred Calvert, and his second Catherine Brent, sister of Margaret and Giles.
Kindred or not--Calverts and Greenes were close friends. The descendants of Thomas Greene are eligible to membership
in The Society of the Ark and Dove.
GREENS INHERITANCE 2400 acres. ye Rents 2:8:0. Sur 1:8:1666 for
Leonard Rob't & Francis Greene on the weft side of ye main frefh or run yt. falls into port Tob'o. or St. Thomas Creek.
Pofs'n. 800 a Francis Green Edw. Clements 800 a Rob't. Green 200 a Fra: Wheeler 200 a Tho: Green Son of Leonard 200 a Rich'd. Coombs 200 a Ja: Alvey
(4) GREENS CONTENT 100 acres Ye. Rents 0:4:0. Sur. 27: Octo'r. 1682 for Leonard Green by Greens Reft at ye. mouth
of Cranny Creek.
Pofs'n. Tho: Green he lives at Pifcattaway.
in "Side Lights of Maryland History." He left a large estate--land, servants, cattle, etc., in trust to his "Loveing friends
Henry Adams and James Langworth," for the benefit of his wife Winifred, and four sons.
LEONARD GREENE, god-son of Governor Leonard Calvert, inherited a colt from his god-father. One authority says he resided
on St. Inigoe's Plantation in Charles County; another makes him a resident on Green's Rest at St. Mary's. He probably owned
both. Leonard and his brothers, Robert and Francis, patented "Green's Inheritance," 2400 acres, in Charles County.
Gen. Jesse Green's notes state that Leonard Greene married Catherine Severn, but Leonard's will names his wife Anne, and
children Thomas, Winnyfried, Mary, Margaret. His will was dated January 16, 1687, and proved July 4, 1688. His widow, Ann,
married (2) Charles Evans, January 10, 1689, in Charles County.
MARY GREENE married Francis Marbury, whose daughter, Tabitha, married James Hoye.
FRANCIS MARBURY was born in England ca 1663; in a deposition of March 31, 1713, he gave his age as 50 years or thereabouts.
He migrated to Maryland between 1680 and 1690 and settled in Prince George's County near Piscataway. In 1698 he surveyed and
patented "Marbury's Chance," 200 acres, "on Ackokee Hill adjoining Esquire Calvert's land." He patented other tracts, including
"Carrolls Kindness," 94 acres, in 1714, and "Tewksbury," 35 acres, in 1728. In 1699 Wm. Hutchings and Robert Middleton deeded
to Francis Marbury "Apple Hill," "beginning at a bounded Red Oak standing on the side of
in "Side Lights of Maryland History." He left a large estate--land, servants, cattle, etc., in trust to his "Loveing friends
Henry Adams and James Langworth," for the benefit of his wife Winifred, and four sons.
LEONARD GREENE, god-son of Governor Leonard Calvert, inherited a colt from his god-father. One authority says he resided
on St. Inigoe's Plantation in Charles County; another makes him a resident on Green's Rest at St. Mary's. He probably owned
both. Leonard and his brothers, Robert and Francis, patented "Green's Inheritance," 2400 acres, in Charles County.
Gen. Jesse Green's notes state that Leonard Greene married Catherine Severn, but Leonard's will names his wife Anne, and
children Thomas, Winnyfried, Mary, Margaret. His will was dated January 16, 1687, and proved July 4, 1688. His widow, Ann,
married (2) Charles Evans, January 10, 1689, in Charles County.
MARY GREENE married Francis Marbury, whose daughter, Tabitha, married James Hoye.
FRANCIS MARBURY was born in England ca 1663; in a deposition of March 31, 1713, he gave his age as 50 years or thereabouts.
He migrated to Maryland between 1680 and 1690 and settled in Prince George's County near Piscataway. In 1698 he surveyed and
patented "Marbury's Chance," 200 acres, "on Ackokee Hill adjoining Esquire Calvert's land." He patented other tracts, including
"Carrolls Kindness," 94 acres, in 1714, and "Tewksbury," 35 acres, in 1728. In 1699 Wm. Hutchings and Robert Middleton deeded
to Francis Marbury "Apple Hill," "beginning at a bounded Red Oak standing on the side of
NOTE:--(1) In June, 1934, the writer attended
at St. Mary's the tercentenary celebration of the settlement of the Maryland Colony. Among the events of the celebration
was an historical pageant in which an actor representing Thomas Greene took a prominent part. William Marbury of Baltimore
was President of the Tercentenary Commission.
(2) The RASKOB-GREENE FAMILY RECORD gives a brief history of
the Thomas Greene family. Mary Greene is the wife of John Jacob Rascob.
Piscataway maine branch at ye fork of a branch ... 552 acres."
For many years the Francis Marbury home plantation has been known as "Wyoming," which appears to be
a part of "Apple Hill" and "St. Luke and Elizabeth." "Wyoming" remains to this day in possession of the family, the present
owner being Fendall Marbury, who inherited it from his father.
The plantation house--probably on the site of Francis Marbury's home--stands on the high ground on
the west side of Piscataway Creek. It was built about 1750, the lower story of brick, the upper wood. In 1938 the house was
reroofed, repaired and modernized, but without altering the original plan.
Francis Marbury was tobacco inspector and a vestryman of St. John's, Broad Creek, Piscataway Parish.
He took a prominent part in the affairs of his county, serving as one of the land commissioners of Prince George's and judge
of a survey in Charles County.
He married, first, Mary, daughter of Leonard Greene, who died September 11, 1713. On September 14,
1714, at St. John's Church, he married Frances Herd. Eleven children are mentioned in his will, of whom two, William and Susannah,
were minors at the time of the first accounting of the estate in 1735-6. Henry appears to have died before his father. All
the other children are presumably by Mary Greene.
Frances Marbury died in 1733. He and his wives are doubtless buried in St. John's Churchyard. His will,
dated January 11, 1733, was proved January 22, 1733. To his children he made the following bequests:
To Leonard, Negro Tom; 4yds of Broad Cloth; land in Akakeck.
To Susannah, Negro Kate.
To Brabarah (m. Joseph Frazer), nine barrels of Indian corn.
To Mary, Land called "School House," etc.
To Ann, Land called "Mistake."
To Elizabeth (m. Davidson), Dwelling and 99 acres of "Appledore."
To Luke, A copper kettle, etc.
To Lucy, (m. Joseph Hatton), 20 shillings for a ring.
To Tabitha (m. James Hoye), "Tewksbury" and 65 acres of "Applehill."
To his sons, Eusebius, Leonard, Eli, Luke, and William, the residue of "Applehill," also the remainder
of his negroes.
"Also my will is what money I shall or now may have in England the same to be applied to my Quit Rents
and to no other purpose."
Executors named were his sons, Leonard and Luke.
It appears that LUKE MARBURY, born March 10, 1710, remained on the home plantation, "Wyoming." In the
census of 1790 he is listed in Prince George's County as head of family of 8 with 25 slaves. He was a member in 1776 of the
first Constitutional Convention of Maryland.
LEONARY MARBURY, born January 31, 1708, owned "Marbury's Chance," 200 acres, patented to Francis Marbury
in 1697-8.
Colket in "The Marbury Ancestry" says: "The MARBURY English ancestry of Francis Marbury has ANCESTRY proved elusive. His prominence and station in life indicate good family connections abroad. Certainly he was closely associated with England for in his will he refers to 'money I shall or now have in England.' ... Further research is still going on and it should not be long before his English predecessors can be positively ascertained."
THOMAS MARBURY of County THE MARBURYS OF Bedford seems to have been descended BEDFORDSHIRE from a branch of the Marbury family in the adjoining county of Northampton. He is referred to in the records as "Sergiant of ye Queen's Pantry." His will was dated 13 Dec. 1587, and he was buried at Old Warden, 15 July 1590. JOHN
MARBURY, son of Thomas, was buried at Old Warden, 5 September, 1615.
THOMAS MARBURY, of Old Warden, Co. Bedford, gentleman, son of John, was baptized 20 January 1576. He
married Elizabeth, dau. of Henry Cave of Ingarsby, and his wife Elizabeth Isham.
EUSEBIUS MARBURY, son of Thomas, bapt. 17 May, 1605; gent. of St. James, Garlick Hithe, London, m.
(lic.) 25 April 1636 Frances Quarells of Cotford, Kent. His ancestry
NOTE:--MARBURY'S CATTLE MARK--March Court, 1696-7. "Francis Marbury desires his marke may
be Recorded (viz) An under hoole on the Right Eare & a Cropp Slitt & under hoole on the Left Eare.”
thru the Caves and Ishams can be eraced to King Edward III.
The name "Eusebius" can be traced for several generations in the Cave and Isham families, but is found
only twice among Marburys. Francis Marbury of Maryland named one of his sons "Eusebius," probably for his grandfather, Eusebius
Marbury of London.
JOHN MARBURY of Cransley, THE MARBURYS OF Co. Northampton, armiger, became NORTHAMPTONSHIRE a sheriff of Northampton, 4 November 1443. His son, WILLIAM MARBURY, circa 1448-53, m. Anne Blount. One of their thirteen children was ROBERT MARBURY of Co. Lincoln, born about 1490. His son, WILLIAM MARBURY, b. ca. 1524, m. Agnes Lenton. One of their seven children was Francis. REV.
FRANCIS MARBURY (1555-1611): "His fearless thinking came to exert a profound influence on the religious philosophy of his
time; and his teachings, as expanded and interpreted by his daughter Anne, struck the keynote for religious independence and
toleration in New England. . . . Francis Marbury was one among a number of keen thinkers who opposed the religious bigotry
of those days (the Elizabethan era). . . . Marbury's philosophy was the philosophy behind the whole Puritan movement, the
reform movement which culminated two decades after his death in the migration of thousands of Englishmen to the shores of
ANN MARBURY (bapt. 20 July 1591), massacred by Indians, Aug. 1643, in West Chester County, New York,
m. in London, 9 Aug. ,1612, William Hutchinson, emigrated to New England in 1634. Anne Hutchinson contended that "by grace
ye are saved through faith." She believed in direct communication with God. For preaching such a doctrine, she was excommunicated
from the Boston Church. The Marbury sisters, Anne
NOTE:--(1) We are indebted to THE MARBURY ANCESTRY, by Meredith B. Colket, Jr., for the notes
here given on the ancestry of Francis Marbury of Maryland.
(2) The first parish church of Piscataway Parish (St.
John's) was built in 1699. The present church was built on the same site about 1723. The first Rector of the Parish
was Rev. George Tubman who began his ministry there in 1696.
and Catherine, were among those leaders who fought for religious freedom, now one of the fundamental
guarantees of the American Constitution.
ARMS: Sable, a cross engrailed Argent THE MARBURYS between four piles (or sometimes OF CHESHIRE pheons) of the second. CREST: On a chapeau Gules, turned up Argent and semee of plates, a saracen's head in profile, couped proper, crined and bearded Sable, round the temples of a wreath Gules. The cross and Saracen's head indicates that the knight of this family who first assumed this design had fought in one of the Crusades in Palestine. The
surname Marbury goes back to the time of the signing of Magna Charta and was derived from the hamlet of Marbury in Co. Cheshire.
It first appears as a surname in the beginning of the reign of Henry III (1220) when Warin Vernon of Shibbrok confirms the
hamlet of Merebirie to William de Merebirie. It is difficult to establish the connection of the 15th century Marburys of Co.
Northampton with the Marburys of Cheshire but the similiarity of arms indicates that the connection is not distant.
Nor does it seem to me that pride of in being come of gentry and of dutiful and upright men is without
its value, if we draw from an honorable past nourishment to sustain us in continuing to be what our forefathers were.
--George Washington.
9. PAUL HOYE, son of James Hoye and Tabitha Marbury, was born March 26, 1736, on Twifer, the old Hoy
Plantation in Prince George's County, Maryland. He was contemporary with leading patriots of the American Revolution and founders
of our Republic, such as George Washington, born across the Potomac at Bridges Creek in 1732; Charles Carroll, born in Anne
Arundel County in 1737, and Daniel Boone, born in Berks Co., Pa., 1734.
His widowed mother married William Deakins before Paul was two years of age and took her son with her
to the Deakins home where he was reared with his three half brothers. From the fine character of his mother and the fact that
he maintained close and friendly relations thru life with his stepfather and half brothers, we know his boyhood was happy
and prepared him to assume his natural position as a gentleman in his native state of Maryland. He attended the school in
nearby Nottngham anid possibly King Wiliam's School at Annapolis, now St. John's College.
The excellent portrait of Paul Hoye, reproduced in this book, painted about the time of his marriage,
presents a handsome young man in the dress of the colonial period--tall and slender, with abundant reddish-brown wavy hair,
side whiskers, blue eyes, Grecian nose and firm chin. This well preserved portrait came down to us thru William W. Hoye and
his son Edward. It is now in the possession of Ruth Hoye of Sang Run, Maryland.
An outstanding event in the life of a man or MARRIAGE woman is marriage. The degree of wisdom used in the selection of a mate largely determines the success and happiness of family life. The early
Hoyes chose their wives judiciously, women of fine character and well-known ancestry, who brought into the family good blood and considerable property. About
1762, Paul Hoye married Mariam Waller, daughter of George Waller of Stafford, Virginia. The ceremony was performed by the
rector of the Church of England at Stafford. Mariam Waller's wedding ring, inscribed, "God's providence is our inheritance,"
now belongs to Mrs. Mabel Landel.
The Waller home on the south bank of the Potomac was not far from the Hoye plantation in Prince George's:
here is the traditional story of the meeting of Paul and Mariam, as related by their granddaughter, Ann Bishop: "Miss Waller
was visiting the Dahl family in Prince George's County. One day for dinner the hosts served Maryland fried chicken. After
the repast Mariam placed the wishbone over the door, remarking that she would marry the first single man who entered. Someone
said that Paul Hoye was expected that afternoon; then, hedging as females do, the lady cried: 'Paul! I will never marry a
man named Paul!'" Nevertheless, after our ancestor passed under the wishbone and later proposed, she accepted her fate.
At the time of their marriage, Paul was twenty-six years of age and Mariam twenty-eight. Since men
seldom choose brides older than themselves, it is apparent that young Hoye was won by the attractive personality of the Virginia
brunette rather than by wishbone magic.
In 1761, Paul Hoye "of Prince George's EARLY HOME County" sold Twifer, which he had inherited from his father, to Thomas Contee for œ93. It is probable that he used this money to set up a new home, either in Georgetown or on "Brooke Grove" in Frederick County. On January 24, 1797, Paul and Mariam Hoye, for a
NOTE:--George Waller bequeathed a tract of land in Stafford County, Virginia, bought by him of Daniel Hawkins, to his children, two of whom were Mariam and Jane. Jane Waller bought the interests of the other heirs, and on the 18th of May, 1780, Paul Hoye and his wife, of Montgomery County, Maryland, late Mariam Waller, deeded her share to Jane Waller for "a valuable consideration by them already received and of the further sum of ten pounds good and lawful money.”
consideration of œ157, 10s., deeded to John Arnitt "Brooke Grove," which was devised to said Mariam by the last will and testament of Mariam Richardson." In
1774, Paul Hoye was "of Frederick County," which included Georgetown until 1776 when Montgomery and Washington Counties were
cut off from Frederick. Also, during the Revolution, he served in a Montgomery County Militia Company, which indicates that
he may have resided in Georgetown. His patent for "Friend's Delight," dated 1786, refers to Paul Hoye as "late of Frederick,
now of Washington County." From these records it appears that our ancestor resided with the Deakins family at Nottingham until
he married and settled in Georgetown; that about 1781 he moved to "Brooke Grove" in Frederick County and in 1785 settled permanently
on his plantation, "Frog Harbor," in Washington County.
Paul Hoye's younger brothers attained REVOLUTIONARY high rank in the Revolutionary forces. WAR SERVICE Paul was no less patriotic, but not so active or prominent as the Deakins boys. In Archives of Maryland, Vol. XXI, under date of 12th September, 1777, we note: "Commission issued to Paul Hoy, first Lieutenant"; also in List of Militia Officers of Maryland, Militia of Montgomery County:
Roger Brooks, Captain. Paul Hoy, 1st Lieutenant. Will Robertson, 2nd Lieutenant. John Griffith, Ensign.
Paul Hoye's sword came down thru the family of his son, William, to Marion Hoye, from whom it is said
to have gotten into the possession of a Mrs. Jones, of New Orleans, daughter of John Shatzer.
When Paul Hoye was a young man he FROG HARBOR journeyed to the fertile Shenandoah Valley PLANTATION in Western Maryland, then being rapidly settled. He was so pleased by the country that he was not content until he made it his home. He became the agent of the Salisbury Company and in 1785 moved his family to a farm on Salisbury Run, three miles northeast
of Williamsport. He bought 145 acres of land--Lot No. 4 of the "Resurvey on Salisbury." In 1792 he added to the farm 88 acres of "Let Justice Be Done," a tract surveyed for William Deakins in 1783, paying Deakins the nominal "consideration" of five shillings. Our
ancestor named his plantation "Frog Harbor" because of the many frogs in Salisbury Run, which flowed in front of his house
toward Conocochegue Creek.
This farm was doubtless improved by FROG HARBOR some cleared land and buildings before MANSION the Hoyes arrived, but Paul soon built a two-story log house with a brick chimney at either end. There was a great open fireplace in the living room and a smaller one for the upstairs bedrooms. The kitchen at the opposite end of the house was equipped with a big fireplace, with iron pots, spit and other utensils used in the preparation of food for a large company. Log
cabins were built nearby for the negroes and a log barn and stables for the stock were built in the rear. The stone spring
house, shown at the left in the illustration, is still in use. The frame addition on the right was probably built by Jacob
Fiery after 1816; the old log part of the house was also weatherboarded. In front of the house by the roadside is a row of
beautiful maple trees.
The Hoye mansion was built about 1786; it is well preserved and still in use as the farm house. The
property now belongs to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wright.
U. S. CENSUS The first National Census lists "Paul Hoy" 1790 of Washington County as head of the following family:
NOTE:--(1) "Salisbury," 4,119 a., surveyod for Hugh Parker in 1750 and patented to him in
1751, being a resurvey on "Salisbury Plains," etc. Lying in Frederick County, adjoining "Conegochieg Manor." Resurveyed
in 1782 for Francis Deakins from whom Paul Hoye probably purchased his Frog Harbor farm. Land records of Washington
County for this period have been destroyed. Hugh Parker was an early store keeper at the mouth of Conocochegue Creek.
(2) April 4, 1781, Paul Hoye and Mary Ann Hoye, his wife, for œ140, deeded to Jesse Tomlinson "Favi Hills,"
194 a., patented to Paul Hoye Feb. 8, 1786.
Free white males 16 years of age and up |
2 |
Free white males under 16 |
1 |
Free white females |
3 |
Slaves |
18 |
The Plantation supported twenty-four persons.
Children of Paul and Mariam
10. 1. Ann, born about 1763, died September, 1825. 11. 2. Elizabeth H., b. about 1765, d. about 1845. 12. 3. William Waller, b. Aug. 10, 1768, d. Jan. 9, 1836. 13. 4. John, b. Aug. 13, 1774, d. June 2, 1849. It
is probable that a son was named James for the grandfather; if so, he died early.
In 1790 Frog Harbor Plantation was LIFE ON THE OLD thriving. The land had been cleared PLANTATION and produced abundant harvests. House and barns had been built. There was plenty of labor at hand. The master of the plantation was industrious and a good manager; his wife and daughter Ann supervised the spinning, weaving and housework of the negro women. There
was work for all and plenty of the simple comforts of life for white and black. The negroes danced and sang to the music of
such ballads as "The Blue-Tailed Fly":
When I was young I used to wait At Massa's table an' han' de plate, An' pass de bottle when he was dry, An' brush away de blue-tailed fly.
Ol' Massa's gone. Oh, let him rest! Dey say all t'ings am for de best. But I can't forgit until I die Ol' Massa an' de blue-tailed fly.
NOTE:--In 1776, Bishop Asbury wrote of Elizabeth Town: "It seemed as if Satan were the chief
ruler there; the people were very busy in drinking, swearing, etc."
But in 1812 he revisited it (then Hagerstown)
and said he "preached in the neat, new Methodist chapel to about 1000 hearers."
On April 27, 1787, a number of
the inhabitants of Washington County--Episcopalians--met in the Court House in Elizabeth Town and elected John Stull,
Daniel Hughes, Alexander Claggett, Thomas Sprig, Richard Pindell, N. Rochester, and Elie Williams, vestrymen. They
immediately began the erection of a brick church. Rev. George Bowers became rector in 1786 at a salary of œ100 per
annum. Bishop Claggett consecrated the new church in 1797. --History of Western Maryland, Scarf.
In those days the farmers of Washington County shipped wheat and salted meat from Williamsport to George
Town by flat-bottomed river boats. In 1816 the Hoye farm had 3,076 bushels of wheat on hand; it was well stocked with horses,
cattle and hogs. (See inventory.)
Many of the larger farmers operated distilleries in order to convert their grain into whiskey, which
was in demand and easily transported. The Hoye distillery had three stills, the largest of 112 gallons capacity.
In politics the Hoye and Deakins families appear to have been Jeffersonian Democrats.
Churches, schools and stores were available in Williamsport and Hagerstown. The Hoyes were doubtless
members of St. John's Episcopal Church.
The family physician was Dr. Young, a native of Ireland, who died in Hagerstown in 1838, aged one hundred
years. In 1816 John Hoye paid Dr. Young for his services during Paul Hoye's last illness. Among the friends of the Hoye family
we note Benjamin Galloway and his wife, Henrietta, of Hagers-town. Tradition tells us of "Aunt" Galloway's visits to Frog
Harbor, driving down in her grand coach. Ann Orme Deakins lived for a time in the Hoye home and nursed Ann Hoye in her final
illness. Miss Deakins was remembered in terms of affection and by bequests in the wills of Paul and Ann. The Hoye and Deakins
families were neighbors in George Town, and after Paul moved to Washington County he often returned to visit his brothers.
NOTE:--Chapter XXX, Laws of Maryland--1787: An act for opening and Extending a Road from
Elizabeth-town, in Washington County, to Patowmack River, at the Mouth of Conococheague Creek.
Whereas the inhabitants
of Washington County, by their petition to this General Affembly, did set forth, that a numerous concourfe of people,
traveling to and from Philadelphia, and other parts of Pensylvania to Winchester and other parts of Virginia, as well
as great numbers of inhabitants of faid County are reduced to great trouble and inconvenience from the badnefs and
crookednefs of faid road from Elizabeth-town to Patowmack, at the mouth of Conococheague Creek . . . .
It Enacted, . . . That the justices of Washington County Court shall be and are hereby empowered to appoint Henry Shryock,
Richard Pindell and Paul Hoye Commiffioners to lay out a road ... on as straight a line as the nature of the ground
will permit . . . 40 ft. wide . . . .
An event of national interest in 1790 was Washington's visit to Williamsport to inspect a proposed
site for the Federal Capital. Our ancestor was one of those present to welcome the President. The Hoye plantation would have
been included in the new city had the location at the mouth of Conocochegue Creek been accepted.
Our ancestor was intensely interested in his plantation and in his western lands. Outside of the land
records we find few references to him.
Paul Hoye was a peaceful and law-abiding VAN LEAR citizen. He had extensive business interests vs. HOYE but we find only three references to him in court records. About 1790 a prominent neighbor, Mathew Van Lear, who operated a saw mill, filed suit against Paul Hoye over the use of the waters of Salisbury Run, which appear to have been diverted in the early years of the settlement to turn the wheel of a grist mill. Witnesses were called by Hoye before the Justices of the Peace. Seventeen years later suit over the same water rights is recorded--Paul Hoye vs. Mathew Van Lear. This case appears to have gone to the Court of Appeals which awarded the plaintiff $150 damages and $255.28 costs, paid to Paul Hoye by A. W. Waugh, December 1, 1808.
Paul Hoye grew to manhood during the years WESTERN of the Indian wars. He was eighteen at the LANDS time of Braddock's defeat near Fort Duquesne. When peace was temporarily restored in 1765, colonial interest centered on the conquered lands of the Ohio Valley, but settlement was retarded by the danger of renewed hostilities with the Indians. Lord Baltimore did not open his lands on the western slope of the mountains to settlers until 1774. Among those who secured "warrants" from Baltimore's
NOTE:--PAUL HOYE vs. JOHN SIMKINS, Allegany County Court, 1794; connects Paul Hoye with the "Sailsbury Company." Exhibit:--"I promise to pay Paul Hoye for the use of himself and the Sailsbury Company the sum of œ16:9:4, with interest." Signed 3d May, 1794, by John Simkins. In court in 1795 Simkins swore he had paid, but in 1796 admitted the debt, and the Court ordered him to pay the sum claimed, plus 406 lbs. of tobacco, costs, and actual damages to Hoye.
Land Office in Annapolis in the spring of that year were Paul Hoye and Francis Deakins.
May 9, 1774:--"Warrant then granted LAND SURVEYS to Paul Hoy of Frederick County for OF 1774 one Thousand Acres of Land he having paid the sum of fifty Pounds Sterling Caution for the same . . . " On
the warrant are listed as surveyed "Friend's Delight," 256 acres; "Crab Tree Bottom," 112 acres; "Carmel," 341 acres, and
"Shawnee War," 291 acres.
The Friend family were pioneer settlers of western Maryland. Charles was the first settler in Washington
County about 1732; his brother Nicholas settled on the Virginia bank of the Potomac, and in 1765 three sons of Nicholas--John,
Augustine and Charles--"squatted" on the Youghiogheny River. When the Friends came east to visit and trade, Paul Hoye probably
talked with them about the lands in "the west"; so in 1774 he and Francis Deakins went to "Friends" on the Youghiogheny and
secured their assistance in locating and surveying some of the best lands in the mountains.
One of the four tracts Paul Hoye had his brother FRIEND'S survey for him was 256 acres on the Youghiogheny, DELIGHT "Beginning at a bounded hickory tree four perches above the mouth of Ginseng Run." This was a favorite hunting ground of the Friends, who probably already had a cabin there on the old Indian camp ground,
NOTE:--"Our forefathers may well be pardoned for failing to see that it was of more importance to have it (the land) owned in small lots by active settlers than to have it filled up quickly under a system of huge grants to individuals or corporations. Many wise and good men honestly believed that they would benefit the country at the same time that they enriched themselves by acquiring vast tracts of virgin wilderness, and then proceeding to people them. There was a rage for land speculation and land companies of every kind. The private correspondence of almost all the public men of the period, from Washington, Madison and Gouverneur Morris down, is full of the subject. Unnumerable people of wealth and influence dreamed of acquiring untold wealth in this manner. Almost every man of note was actually or potentially a land speculator; and in turn almost every prominent pioneer, from Clark and Boone to Shelby and Robertson, was either himself one of the speculators or an agent for those who were." --Roosevelt: "Winning of the West.”
in which the survey party lodged. According to an old story, when Hoye offered to pay John Friend for
his services, Friend declined to accept; then Hoye asked him if he would like to have a hundred acres of the survey. Friend
answered, "I would be delighted." So they surveyed off one hundred acres for Friend and named the whole tract "Friend's Delight."
In 1786 Paul Hoye finally secured his patent for this tract from the State and in 1789 he deeded 100 acres of it to John Friend,
Sr., for the nominal sum of 20 shillings.
The "beginning" hickory was replaced years after the survey by a sandstone slab marked "PH" (Paul Hoye).
Friends and Hoyes have owned and have resided on "Friend's Delight" until the present day.
In 1777 the General Assembly set THE GLEANINGS AND aside the vacant lands "westward OTHER GRANTS of Fort Cumberland" for Maryland soldiers in the Continental Army. Militiamen were not entitled to this land, but in 1787, when the Military Lots were surveyed by Francis Deakins, Paul Hoye claimed as a settler four lots adjoining his "Crab Tree Bottom" tract. Paul never actually settled there, but he had made some improvements--built a cabin, perhaps. On
the 24th day of April, 1792, Paul Hoye obtained a warrant to resurvey "Crab Tree Bottom," Military Lots 4091-92-93-94 and
any vacant contiguous land. John Armstrong made the survey. It included a strip of land down Crab Tree Run and the Youghiogheny
Valley about ten miles, 5,144 acres, for which Hoye paid the state for the vacant land œ604. He named the tract "The
Gleanings"--the best land left in the Valley. Patent for "The Gleanings" was issued Feb. 28, 1794.
Paul Hoye also patented "Prospect," "White Oak Point," and "Hope" in Maryland, and in Virginia, in
1796, 2,400 acres on the Dry Fork of Cheat River in what is now Tucker County, West Virginia.
In 1798 Wm. Deakins died leaving his large landed estate to his half brother, Paul, and to his brothers,
Francis and Leonard. Six years later Francis Deakins died and bequeathed the residue of his estate to Leonard M. Deakins and
Paul Hoye. The mountains of Maryland and western Virginia, where almost all of these lands were located, were settling up
slowly, so in 1813 the Hoyes were "land poor"; Paul owed the estate of Francis Deakins $2,000. In order to lighten the burden
in his declining years and to give his son, John, then in Georgetown, a freer hand, Paul Hoye deeded in 1805 all his interests
in the Deakins estates to John Hoye.
First Mariam, the devoted wife and THE OLD FOLK mother, died. She was buried in the PASS AWAY peach orchard on the farm. Five years later Paul was laid beside her and two large stone slabs were erected over their graves with the following inscriptions:
IN MEMORY of Mariam Hoye consort of Paul Hoye who departed this life on the 18th of Nov., 1811 in the
78th year of her age.
IN MEMORY of Paul Hoye who was born the 26th March, 1736 and departed this life on the 13th of October,
1816, in the 81st year of his age.
About ten years after the death of Paul, his granddaughter, Ann Hoye Bishop, had the remains and gravestones
removed to the Bishop lot in the Smithsburg Cemetery. R. I. P.
In 1813 Paul Hoye, being desirous to LAST WILL AND settle his wordly affairs, made his will. TESTAMENT (See appendix.) His first care was to provide for his grandchildren by bequeathing to them, in trust, "The Gleanings" and other lands. He confirmed his deed for the Deakins property to John. To his daughter, Ann, and to John, in trust for Elizabeth, he devised the home farm, his personal estate and various tracts of land. It
will be noted that Paul Hoye left nothing to his son, William Waller, for the reason that he could not trust William with
the ownership of any property. Also, it appears that Ann was not satisfied with a provision of the will that upon her death
her share of the estate should go to her brother John; so, a few days after signing, Paul added a codicil leaving Ann's share
to her absolutely "in fee simple."
The inventory (see Appendix) of Paul Hoye's personal property totaled $6,061.90, and the amount of
the sale was $6,567.51.
On December 6, 1816, John and Ann Hoye sold the plantation, 284 acres (except a grave yard 30 feet
square), to Jacob Fiery, for $16,817.25, receiving a cash payment and a mortgage on the property until 1821.
Paul Hoye's estate was worth $30,000. When he made his will he owned 10,000 acres of land exclusive
of the Deakins lands.
Ann Hoye was presumably the eldest "AUNT NANCY" child of Paul and Mariam. She has been HOYE described as a handsome, steady and dignified, red-haired woman. She set an example of celibacy which has been too often followed by the Hoye women. However, she lived a long and useful life taking care of her aged parents and helping to manage the home and farm at Frog Harbor. When
her father died she insisted that the farm be sold, saying she feared the negroes might break into the distillery and become
unmanageable. She bought her father's silver spoons for $25, his watch for $10, Henny and her four children for $505, and
the negro girl, Sue, for $370. She received from her father's estate $6,885 in cash.
After her father's death Ann visited the Deakins family in Georgetown. In 1818 she made her home with
her brother, John, in Cumberland, and in 1821 visited the Alexander Smith family at "Smith's Farm" on the Potomac. We note
that in 1819 she paid $20 for a saddle; she doubtless rode horseback to visit her brother William, at Crab Tree Bottom.
In March, 1822, John Hoye brought Ann to Hagerstown where she resided in a comfortable apartment over
the Hagerstown Bank of which her friend, Elie Beatty, was president. In February, 1822, her niece, Eliza Hoye Drane, visited
her there; she sent by Eliza to her brother William's family gifts to the value of $40. Among items of her account in John
Hoye's Ledger we note: April 20, 1824--"To cash you wanted to send to Geo. Town and part for Saml Hoye to get things for him--$117."
Having plenty of money and no children, Aunt Nancy was liberal with gifts to her favorite relatives and friends--too liberal
to please John, who looked after her property. In his account with his sister there is an item dated 1824 of $623.94 followed
by the remark: "Which you gave principally to persons who will never thank you for it."
Aunt Nancy Hoye died at Hagerstown in 1825 and rests near her parents with whom she labored faithfully
so many years.
In sharp contrast to her blonde AUNT BETSY OF THE sister Ann, Paul Hoye's second HAUNTED HOUSE daughter, Elizabeth, seems to have inherited her dark hair and eyes and a willful disposition from another ancestral line--some remote Irish mother or from the Virginia Wallers. This
is her tragic story:
About 1785 Elizabeth Hoye, then a pretty maiden of twenty years, accompanied her father to Georgetown,
a place of importance at the head of navigation on the Potomac. Paul had business there with his brothers and Elizabeth had
long looked forward to a visit with her Aunt Eleanor Deakins and to an opportunity to mingle in the polished and animated
society of the old town.
One afternoon, seated at her window which commanded a good view of the river, Elizabeth observed a
trim English merchant ship, propelled by the breeze from Chesapeake, slowly making its way up stream to an anchorage below
the Deakins home; she speculated on what goods the vessel might be bringing, the lands it came from and the manner of men
aboard. On the last point she had not long to wait for enlightenment.
The merchants of Georgetown, having reestablished amicable trade relations with the Mother Country,
were well pleased to receive their goods in safety from the ship at anchor. They gave a ball in honor of the ship's officers.
The Deakins family and their guests were among those invited.
Elizabeth met the Englishmen, including the Captain--a tall, sun-tanned man of thirty--jovial, well
bred, popular with men, admired by women. She danced with him and even in the stately minuet of those times, the flash of
eyes, smiles and touch of hands revealed their mutual attraction. Between dances he talked to her of London and of stormy
nights at sea.
Some days later Elizabeth and her aunt were invited to a tea party on board the ship; the gallant Captain
asked permission to call at their home. But when Paul learned of the sailor's attention to his daughter, he frowned. "Be on
your guard, daughter," he warned, "even if this Red Coat's intentions are honorable, what would you be? A sailor's wife in
England among strangers, while he roams the sea and loves a different woman in every port. See him when he calls tomorrow
but never again." The next day Elizabeth met the Captain in the parlor under her aunt's watchful eye and tearfully explained
to him her father's command. "Perhaps we can find a way."
Early the following morning a slave boy stealthily handed Elizabeth a note: "If you love me, meet me
tonight by the willow tree on the river bank when the town clock strikes twelve."
At midnight a maiden, radiant with expectation and excitement, stood in the moonlight at the appointed
place, and scarcely had the clock ceased to strike when a row boat grated on the shore. Extending his hand, the Captain gently
helped the girl into the boat, then silently rowed down the river and into a secluded cove of Rock Creek. Here the hours passed
swiftly while the old, old story was retold . . . Signs of dawn appeared in the eastern sky as the lovers rowed back to the
Deakins' landing. "My ship sails at this hour tomorrow," he told her. "Meet me again tonight at twelve. We shall sail away
together and be married in London."
Quietly during the day Elizabeth prepared for the final rendezvous but Aunt Eleanor became suspicious
and warned her father. That night he watched the house.
As the old clock announced midnight a rowboat touched the shore again and a minute later Elizabeth,
in traveling dress, carrying a bag, stepped thru her window to the balcony and descended the stairs to the yard. There stood
her angry father: "Woman, what madness this!" He forced her into her room, locked the door and nailed the window. The agony
of those hours climaxed at dawn as the broken-hearted girl saw from her barred window the sails of her lover's ship unfurled
--saw the vessel glide slowly down the stream on the ebbing tide.
Early that morning Paul put his passively resisting daughter (she ate nothing and spoke to no one)
into their coach with her servant and drove to their home in the country. There Elizabeth went straightway to her room and
for many days refused to leave it; her spirit broken, her soul locked in that prison room in Georgetown, ever struggling to
follow the white sails down the Potomac.
Thirty darkened years passed by. Generations of frogs sang their love ballads in the brook under the
windows of Frog Harbor mansion. Living under her father's roof, she never spoke to him and seldom to anyone; her spirit wandered
in another world, a world of love and joy, revealed to her one brief week long ago.
The mother died; then the father. The old home was sold. Elizabeth was sent with her slave woman to
a little farm in the mountains near William's home. There her brothers built for her a comfortable log house and supplied
all her needs.
More long years went by . . . . At the Sainging Ground neighbors tell their grandchildren stories of
queer Aunt Betsey of the haunted house; how she tortured her slaves to hear them howl, pinching them with the hot fire tongs;
even poking to death with a broom stick a little negro boy who brought her meals to her room; clipping the tongs "to scare
the witches away," so the neighbors say. And tales they tell of how she kept her face drawn with turpentine plasters, wearing
a mask when she went out--keeping her skin fair and soft as a child's even to the day of her death at eighty . . . waiting
all those weary years for a ship to bring the lover who never returned.
NOTE:--In 1824 John McCabe deeded 20 acres of "Friends Delight" at the Sainging Ground to
Elizabeth Hoye. Here John Hoye built his sister a comfortable two-story log house with a stone chimney and open fireplaces
for both lower and upper stories. This was that lonely woman's home, with her servants, until, at the advanced age
of four score years, her mind ceased to wander and curious but sympathetic neighbors carried her body to the Hoye graveyard
at Crab Tree Bottom and buried her near her brother William.
When the writer was a boy fifty years ago, Aunt Betsey
Hoye's home still stood, then unoccupied, and the locale of numerous ghost stories--"the haunted house"--avoided by
the timid at night. And even today the old folk of the neighborhood tell stories they heard from their parents of
queer Aunt Betsey Hoye and her negro woman Nell.
THE WALLER FAMILY, one of the most ancient and distinguished among the English gentry, was founded
by Alured de Waller, a Norman, who settled in the county of Kent and died in 1183. From him descended the Wallers of that
and other counties. Richard Waller of Groombridge, Kent, distinguished himself very highly at the battle of Agincourt, where
he took prisoner the French prince, the Duke of Orleans; and Henry V of England, in honor of his services, added to the ancient
arms of the family (which were "sable, three walnut leaves or, between two bendlets ar") the crest--"A walnut tree proper,
on the sinister side an escutcheon pendant, charged with the arms of France (three fleurs de lis) with a label of three points"
and the motto "Haec fructus virtutis."
Among the other distinguished men of the family were the Parliamentary generals Sir William and Sir
Hardress Waller, who were of the Kentish branch, and Edmund Waller, the poet, who was of the Wallers of Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire,
springing from a younger son of the Groombridge family.
We have three distinct branches of the Virginia family, all of whom are connected but not closely related.
We have the records of a Charles Waller who landed in Virginia on the ship "Abigail" in 1628. A contemporary
of his, Edmund Waller was a contestant in a law suit in 1629; still further back was a John Waller who participated in an
Indian fight. Later a John Waller patented land in Gloucester County in 1667; while Edmund Waller and his wife Susannah were
participants in a law suit in Middlesex County, Virginia, before 1691.
Another Charles Waller of Gloucester and Essex County married Susannah Forest and was probably a son
of Edmund, who was born in 1706, died in 1753, and married Ann Tandy.
Another branch of the Virginia family were descended from Colonel John Waller who was born in 1673,
emigrated to Virginia and settled first in King & Queen County and afterwards in King William County. When Spotsylvania
County was cut off from King William County in 1721, Colonel John Waller was appointed the first clerk of the courts and held
the position until his death, when his son Edmund succeeded him.
Judge Benjamin Waller, judge of the Admiralty Court, was a son of Colonel John Waller; there is a large
family in Virginia who are descendants of Colonel John Waller which we know as the Spotsylvania County Wallers.
The family to which MARIAM WALLER belonged we know as the Stafford County Wallers, descended from a
WILLIAM WALLER who patented land in Virginia in 1669. His son, William Waller (d. 1703) married Elizabeth Allen, daughter
of George Allen and his wife Jane. Their son was GEORGE WALLER "of England" (so called because of the fact that as a child
he was sent back to England for his education). George Waller of England married his cousin Elizabeth Allen.
George Waller (b. 1703) of England and Elizabeth Allen had ten children, the eldest of whom was Colonel
George Waller, who married Ann Winston Carr and moved to Henry County, Virginia--from which point he served as a Colonel in
the Revolutionary War.
The other children of George Waller and Elizabeth Allen were: Hannah, William Allen, Elizabeth, Mary,
Barsheba, Mariam, Theodocia, Jane, Margaret. Mariam Waller married Paul Hoye.
Go, lovely Rose! Small is the worth Tell her that wastes her time and me Of beauty from the light retired; That now she knows, Bid her come forth, When I resemble her to thee. Suffer herself to be desired, How sweet and fair she seems to be. And not blush so to be admired.
Tell her that's young, Then die! that she And shuns to have her graces spied, The common fate of all things rare That hadst thou sprung May read in thee; In deserts, where no men abide, How small a part of time they share Thou must have uncommended died. That are so wondrous sweet and fair! --Edmund Waller.
NOTE:--(1) George Waller "of England" resided on "Spring Hill," which adjoins "Concord" on
Aquia Creek near Stafford Court House, Virginia. The old houses at Spring Hill have been destroyed and the graveyard
has almost disappeared.
(2) See "Burke's Landed Gentry of Great Britain," 1906, for the Waller lineage.
JOHN DEAKINS was a planter in JOHN DEAKINS Prince George's County, Maryland. He was probably a son of John Deakins, a captain in the British navy, whose ship, the "Worcester," was taken from him because he was an Ana-baptist. Or he may have been of the Deakyn family of Baglethorpe House, Nottinghamshire, England, as indicated by the use of the same Christian names--John and William--thru several generations. In
the Records of Prince George's County, January Court Session of 1696, there is the case of Michael Ashforth vs. John Deakins,
referring to a certain note and to tobacco.
In the Court Session of 1698 at Charles Towne, John Deakins recorded "his marke--Cropys & Haple
forke on the Right Eare & a Cropp & two slitts in the Left Eare."
Deeds for land are also recorded as follows: 1698--Michael Ashforth to John Deakins, part of "Samsons
Delight," 100 acres, "For 4000 lbs. of good tobacco." 1698--William Groome to John Deakins, part of "Calvert Manor" for 200
lbs. of tobacco. 1702--Joshua Cecill to John Deakins, part of "Calvert Manor," 100 acres, "lying on the west side of Pattuxent
River." County Rent Rolls show John Deakins in possession of several other tracts from 1694 to 1719.
The CHILDREN of JOHN and MARY DEAKINS were Leonard, William, Elizabeth, Ann and Mary. The children
by his second wife, Priscilla, were Richard, John and Joseph.
By HIS WILL John Deakins left to Leonard, personality. To William, Elizabeth Hooker, Ann Taneyhill
and Mary Lucas,
NOTE:--THE TEST OATH--Proceedings of the Vestry of St. Paul's Parish, Prince George's County,
June 3, 1729:
We the Subscribers do declare that we do believe that there is not any transubstantiation in the
Sacred Sacrament of the Lord's Supper or in the Elements of bread and wine at or after the consecration thereof by
any person or persons whatsoever--
Signed by Samuel Magruder, Richard Claggett, Thos. Brooke, Jr., D. Dulany,
John Orme, Richard Bevan, M. Selby, John Deakins, and about forty others.
2 shillings, 6 pence, each. He had apparently provided for the older children before making his will.
His plantation was in the Mt. Calvert neighborhood near the site of old Charles Towne, first county seat of Prince George's,
six miles s.e. of Marlboro.
To his wife, Priscilla, and minor sons he bequeathed his "Dwelling Plantation and all my lands thereunto
belonging." Also his personal estate.
The will was signed 9th August, 1743, and probated 20th March, 1744. John Deakins died March 9, 1744.
WILLIAM DEAKINS, SR., was buried November WILLIAM 22, 1800. He appears to have resided DEAKINS, SR. on a part of "Twifer" in the Hoye neighborhood of Prince George's County, where, on February 9, 1738, he married Tabitha Marbury, widow of James Hoye. Later he settled on Bloomfield Plantation near Bladensburg. CHILDREN of WILLIAM and TABITHA DEAKINS: (1) Francis, born Nov. 12, 1739, died Oct. 28, 1804. (2) William, born March 12, 1742, died March 3, 1798. (3) Leonard Marbury, born March 9, 1747, died June 28, 1824. The Deakins family adhered to the Episcopal Church. The Vestry of St. Paul's Parish, on September 6, 1757, nominated
William Deakins for Inspector at the Tobacco Warehouse at Nottingham.
While residing at Bladensburg the family belonged to the Rock Creek Church at George Town, and on April
23, 1764, William Deakins, Sr., was given the liberty of building a pew or gallery in that church. He was elected vestryman
in 1772.
William Deakins, Sr., died in 1800. He devised his home plantation of about 242 acres to his son, Leonard
NOTE:--(1) CENSUS REPORT of 1790:
Prince George's County--William Deakins, Sr., family
5, slaves 4.
Prince George's County, Leonard Deakins, family 3, slaves 13.
Montgomery County--William Deakins,
Jr., family 5, slaves 8.
(2) BLADENSBURG was established as a town in 1742. Before the Revolution there were ten
stores in the town owned mostly by Scotchmen: they exported annually 1200 to 1500 hogsheads of tobacco. After the
War Bladensburg declined in importance and in 1807 had only about one hundred houses. It is on the Washington-Baltimore
FRANCIS DEAKINS Francis Deakins resided in Georgetown. 1739-1804 He married Eleanor Threlkeld, a widow. They had no children. Col. Deakins was a civil engineer and made many important land surveys in western Maryland. In 1768 he surveyed Lord
Baltimore's Manors in what is now Garrett County. For a time he was His Lordship's deputy surveyor for Frederick County, which
at that time included all of western Maryland.
In 1786, Deakins, representing the State of Maryland, in conjunction with John Neville of Virginia,
laid out the State Road from Western Port to the Virginia line. His most important public service was the survey, in 1787,
of the Military Lots "westward of Fort Cumberland." In making the lot survey,
NOTE:--Report of the SURVEY of the MILITARY LOTS: Dec. the 10th, 1787.
a Resolution of the General Assembly of the state of Maryland of the 20th day of May 1787 and a Commission from the
Governor and Council to me Directed bearing Date the 11th of June 1787 for the Purpose of Surveying and laying out the
Reserve Lands to the Westward of Fort Cumberland into convenient Lots of 50 acres each and etc.
I hearby Certify
that I have carefully Surveyed for the State aforesaid 4165 Lots of 50 Acres each lying and being in Washington County
and State aforesaid and on the Manors Reserves and Confiscated lands to the Westward of Fort Cumberland, as will appear
by a General platt thereof and Certificates numbered in rotation from 1 to 4165 in this Book and another Ledger. (Signed) FRANCIS DEAKINS.
Deakins report of this survey on file in the Hall of Records, Annapolis, fills two hand written
volumes. Two similar volumes, evidently the original draft, are in possession of a lawyer in Oakland, Md.
XI. AND, whereas it appears to this general assembly, that
ten assistant surveyors have been employed by the said Francis Deakins in the execution of the said survey seven hundred
and seventy five days, to wit; Henry Kemp, one hundred and twenty days, Daniel Cresap, fifty eight days, Laurence
Bringle, ninety-eight days, Thomas Orm, seventy days, John Hooker, ninety-two days, John Lynn, fifteen days, William
Hoye, ninety-two days. BE IT ENACTED, That there be allowed to each of the said assistants the sum of ten shillings current
money per day.
XVIII. And Be it Inacted: That there be allowed to the said Francis Deakins, for his trouble in
completing the said work, making out the plats and registering the certificates aforesaid, the sum of two hundred
pounds current money.
he established what became known as the "Deakins Line" --the western boundary of Maryland.
Francis Deakins was a Major in the Continental Army and a Lt. Colonel in the Maryland Militia. He was
a Justice of the Peace in 1777. Twice he was a Maryland presidential elector-- in 1796 and 1801; the record does not show
for whom he voted but he is said to have supported Jefferson. In 1796, Maryland cast seven votes for Adams and four for Jefferson;
in 1800, five for Adams and five for Jefferson. When President Adams visited Washington in 1800, Francis Deakins was chairman
of the committee which presented the President an address of welcome to Georgetown.
COL. WILLLIAM DEAKINS, JR. WILLIAM DEAKINS resided 1742-1798 in the Deakins-Threlkeld Addition of Georgetown. He married Jane Johns; they had no children. William Deakins was active and prominent in patenting lands in western Maryland and Virginia, and in the development
of the National Capitol. Among public offices he held we note that he was a member of the Montgomery County Court of 1776;
Judge of the Orphans' Court; Delegate to the Maryland Convention of 1775 and one of its committee to inquire into the practicability
of establishing an arms factory; first Treasurer to the District of Columbia Board of Commissioners; Delegate to the Maryland
Constitutional Convention of 1788; Councilman of Georgetown in 1791.
William and Francis Deakins owned the present site of Georgetown College and Convent. In 1796 Mrs.
William Deakins donated the lot on which St. John's Church, Georgetown, now
NOTE:--(1) THE GERMAN SETTLEMENT. In 1786 Rev. John Stough selected a site for a settlement
on Deakins lands in Preston Co., Va. The following year he returned with five families from Frederick, Md.
July, 1793, Leonard Deakins and Jonas Hogmire platted the town of Carmel, now Aurora. Terms of sale of lots: a cash payment
and one silver half dollar payable as quit rent every first day of July to Francis Deakins.
(2) Francis Deakins'
surveyor's compass is now in the Fort Necessity, Pa., Museum. John Hoye presumably gave it to his nephew, Samuel Hoye,
who took it to Pennsylvania in 1829.
stands. In 1795 William was a vestryman of old Christ's Church near the Navy Yard. In 1789 he was Chairman
of the Committee of Managers of a lottery for raising $1,500 for the erection of the new Rock Creek Church.
Among the subscribers to the stock of the first Potomac Canal Company was William Deakins, Jr.,--œ100
(7s. 6d. per dollar). Francis Deakins also subscribed œ100, "common currency of Maryland." George Washington subscribed
œ500, "Virginia Currency."
By his will, dated March 2, 1798, William Deakins left half of his landed estate to his brother Francis,
and half to his brothers, Leonard M. Deakins and Paul Hoy.
William Deakins died at the early age of fifty-six and was buried at "The Cedars," the home estate
of John Cox. In 1889 his remains and those of his wife were reinterred in the Rock Creek Cemetery near those of Francis Deakins.
The tombstones bear the following inscriptions:
Sacred To the Memory of Col. Francis Deakins Born on the 12th Nov., 1739 and departed this life on
the 28th Oct., 1804, in the 66th year of his Age.
Sacred To the Memory of Col. William Deakins, who died March 3d, 1798. Aged 56 years. In his death
his family have lost an unshaken Friend and a Bright Example of Philanthropy, The poor a Liberal Benefactor, The distressed
of every class a willing helper, Society one of her Illustrious Ornaments And Georgetown by the Blow has lost her Most industrious
Patron. His affectionate connections have Marked the place where his remains are deposited with this Sepulchral stone in order
to testify their regard for his worth to perpetuate to posterity the recollection of his virtues. Blessed are the mercyful
for they shall obtain mercy.
COL. LEONARD M. DEAKINS LEONARD MARBURY succeeded his father on the plantation DEAKINS, 1747-1824 near Bladenburg, making his winter home in Georgetown until 1814. He married (1) Ruth Orme.
NOTE:--ANNOUNCEMENT in "The Virginia Gazette," Jan. 14, 1775:
"At a meeting of the
Trustees for opening the navigation of Potowmack River held at George Town December 1, 1774, Thos. Johnson, Jr., Attorney-at-Law,
Wm. Deakins, Adam Stewart, Thos. Johns, Thos. Richardson, of George Town, merchants; Wm. Ellzy, Robt. Alexander, Philip
Alexander, of Virginia, planters, . . . ordered and directed . . . to hire fifty slaves to labor in cutting the canals
around the several Falls of Said River." . . .
CHILDREN of LEONARD M. and RUTH ORME DEAKINS: (1) Ann (Nancy) Orme, b. 1785, d. July, 1833. (2) Tabitha Marbury, m. James Cassin. On Dec. 20, 1796, he married (2) Deborah Mauduitt, who died Oct. 12, 1846.
CHILDREN of LEONARD M. and DEBORAH DEAKINS: (1) William Francis, b. Dec. 11, 1799, d. Jan. 28, 1884. (2) Leonard Marbury, b. June 3, 1800, d. April 12, 1812. (3) Francis William, b. Nov. 10, 1803, d. Feb. 20, 1883. (4) Ann Maria, b. Mar. 31, 1805, d. Sept. 10, 1830. Unmarried. (5) Elizabeth Duke, b. 1807, d. Apr. 5, 1828, m. John Heath. (6) Jane Parran, b. 1809, d. Apr. 1, 1863, m. Richard Serpell. (7) Glovina, b. 1811, d. July 20, 1860. Unmarried. (8) Amelia, b. 1813, m. George McLeod of Kentucky. (9) Laura Mauduitt, b. 1820, d. June 17, 1886, m. Ethan A. Jones.
The Deakins home at Bladensburg is a comfortable DEAKINS two-story frame house, probably built by HALL William Deakins, Sr., before the year 1800. Leonard M. Deakins devised his home plantation, Bloomfield, to his son, William Francis. The last of the family to own the place and live there was James R. H. Deakins (1840-1923), son of Wm. F. Deakins. The property was then bought by J. Frank Rushe, who divided the land into building lots, moved the old house to face the street, and repaired it, adding a colonial style porch. The family cemetery, near the Plantation house, is inclosed by a neat iron fence. It contains tombstones for Col. Leonard
M. Deakins, his second wife and eight other members of the family, but none for William Deakins, Sr., or his wife Tabitha,
who are doubtless buried there.
FRANCIS WILLIAM DEAKINS THE DEAKINS FAMILY (1803-1883) in 1836 married IN VIRGINIA Christiana Jane Cook and soon after settled on the Deakins property on the east bank of Cheat River where the Northwestern Turnpike (U. S. 50) crosses that stream, in Preston County, now West Virginia. He was a farmer. There was a producing salt well on his property. He willed 1,570 acres of land and personal property to his numerous children. Francis W. Deakins, his wife (who died Jan. 3, 1889), and several children are buried in the farm graveyard
CHILDREN of FRANCIS W. and CHRISTIANA J. DEAKINS: (1) Leonard Marbury, d. Sept. 14, 1912, m. Mary E. Hollis. (2) William Francis, b. March 30, 1838, m. Louise Serpell. (3) Julia L., b. Jan. 14, 1840, d. May 23, 1910, m. John A. Peters. (4) Anna R., b. June 20, 1841, d. Apr. 5, 1904, m. Gabriel Pulliam. (5) Glovina D., b. Jan. 1, 1843, d. Aug. 26, 1929, m. A. S. Fauber. (6) George, b. Oct. 11, 1844, d. June 24, 1928, m. Christiana Goff. (7) Mary V., b. Feb. 22, 1846, d. June 5, 1873. (8) Clara Palmer, b. Apr. 23, 1847, m. J. M. Fauber. (9) Parron, b. Dec. 26, 1849, d. 1938, m. (1) Virginia Hoye; (2) Mamie White. (10) Septimus Clare, b. Jan. 15, 1851. (11) John Byrne, b. Oct. 15, 1852, m. Annie Liles.
FRANCIS and WILLIAM DEAKINS early in DEAKINS their lives began speculating in colonial lands in ESTATES western Virginia and Maryland. The land offices of the colonies and later the states encouraged speculation by granting patents to large areas at from twenty to forty cents per acre. The sole idea of the speculators was to hold the land for sale to actual settlers at advanced prices. In 1765 "Friendship," 30 acres, in Frederick Co., Maryland, was patented to William Deakins. Large tracts were patented
to the Deakins brothers, separately or in partnership, in Virginia near the headwaters of the Potomac and elsewhere. In 1774
they surveyed several tracts in what is now Garrett County, Maryland.
Owning property in and near Georgetown and aided by their father financially, when the City of Washington
was founded the Deakins brothers were not slow to engage in speculaton in City building lots--generally successfully, tho
We have observed that the Virginia government
was more considerate of the land speculator than of the actual settler. The most conspicuous of the early instances
of non-residential monopoly was that of Francis and William Deakins of Maryland. In 1784-9 they patented 52 tracts
in the East Side, making an area of 33,383 acres. That the actual settlers resented this is expressed by a petition of
1793, in which they state that they had "Forced a settlement upon the lands in this county at the risque of the lives
of themselves and their families, and thereby became possessed of the equitable right in the soil, contrary distinguished
from the swarms of land jobbers that traveled through the country making tomahawk improvements, and selling them before
any actual settlement was made thereon.”
is said to have lost $50,000 on some unfortunate deals. Francis Deakins owned part of square No. 118
on the north side of Pennsylvana Avenue, deeded by his executors in 1814 to Benj. S. Forrest for $3,000. As a surveyor, Francis
Deakins was in close touch with land development in city and country. Both brothers left extensive landed estates, described
in 1805 as lying in Maryland, Virginia, District of Columbia, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and Georgia.
By his will of 1798 (see Appendix) William Deakins left his lands to his brothers and half brother,
Paul Hoy. Six years later Francis Deakins died, leaving most of his estate to Leonard M. Deakins and Paul Hoye. In 1805 Paul
Hoye deeded his share of the Deakins property to his son John, who was also the active executor of the Deakins estates.
John Hoye had worked since boyhood in the offices of his uncles and was familiar with their properties
and their business methods; by conscientious and efficient administration he secured a considerable income for the heirs;
but, due to the opening up of the fertile lands in the Ohio Valley, few of the early speculators in mountain lands realized
their hopes of great wealth.
About 1840 a friendly suit was brought in the Preston County, Va., Court to divide the remainder of
the estates of William and Francis Deakins between John Hoye and the heirs of Leonard M. Deakins. Buckner Fairfax and George
Smith, as a majority of the Commission appointed by the Court, submitted a long report dividing the property; this report
was approved by the Court. The land divided included the remainder of 20,000 acres patented to Francis and William Deakins
in 1797, lying in Randolph County, Virginia. In this division are listed eleven land patents granted between 1790 and 1800,
NOTE:--This deed, recorded in the District of Columbia, illustrates how land speculators
utilized the services of pioneer settlers in locating lands:
"Whereas a certain Gabriel Friend did enter into
a contract with the said Francis and William Deakins in their lifetimes to locate certain Virginia land warrants and
for which said services the said Friend was to have a certain part of the land so located by him . . ." in 1808 Leonard
M. Deakins and John Hoye, Executors, for $1.00 (at the request of Gabriel Friend) deeded to Samuel Ward and Elizabeth
Friend, 100 acres of land in Monongalia Co., Va.
20,000 acres clear of land already sold "in which John Hoye has an interest of 7,500 acres."
Early land records of Virginia, Maryland, and the District of Columbia abound in deeds of property
to and from the Deakins brothers.
William Deakins, Sr., and his three DEAKINS FAMILY sons were active revolutionists. On in the October 24, 1922, the S. A. R. erected REVOLUTION a marble slab at the grave of William Deakins, Jr. On that occasion the orator, A. C. Clark, "spoke in glowing terms of the work of the Deakins family throughout the trying days preceding the revolt of the colonists, and said that none did more for the success that followed than they." During the summer of 1774 the revolutionary committees of Charles and Frederick Counties considered the case of the
ship "Mary and Jane" which had arrived in St. Mary's River with two chests of tea for Robert Findlay, a merchant of Bladensburg,
and one chest for Robert Peter of Georgetown. These merchants were called before the committees and agreed not to receive
the tea, but if it should be delivered, to place it in custody of Thomas Johns, William Deakins, Jr., and Bernard O'Neal.
In the autumn of 1774 among the members of the Frederick County Revolutionary Committee were William and Francis Deakins.
At a meeting held in Upper Marlboro in November, 1774, a committee was appointed to carry into execution
in Prince George's County the Association of the Continental Congress. William Deakins, Sr., was a member of this committee,
which planned to raise ten companies of Militia, two to be organized in the Bladensburg neighborhood.
At Frederick, January 24, 1775, John Hanson, chairman of a revolutionary meeeting, appointed committees
to raise $1,333 in that county for the purchase of arms and ammunition. For Georgetown William Deakins, Jr., Thomas Johns
and Walter Smith were appointed. It was resolved to empower Thomas Johnson, William Deakins, Jr., Charles Beatty, George Stull
and John Swan, or any one of them, to contract in behalf of the Committee of Correspondence for powder and lead; it
was further resolved that fifteen citizens--including William Deakins--represent the County in the
proposed Provincial Convention at Annapolis. William Deakins attended the Convention of July 26, 1775.
As one of the "worshipped Justices" of Montgomery County, William Deakins presided at the trials of
numbers of persons indicted for "damming Congress, Whigs and rebels," and for wishing success to the King's arms.
Col. William Deakins, Jr., was 2nd Major in Col. John Murdock's Battalion of Maryland Militia, and
on Sept. 12, 1777, he was promoted to Lieut. Colonel.
Col. Francis Deakins was commissioned Captain in the Flying Corps, August 14, 1776, and Lieut. Colonel
on Sept. 12, 1777. With his command he marched to the front in August, 1776. On August 17 the State Treasurer was ordered
to pay Capt. Deakins œ250 for arms and blankets.
Col. Leonard M. Deakins raised a company in the vicinity of Georgetown, of which he became Captain;
this company was a part of Griffith's Flying Corps which marched to the front in July, 1776. The Battalion was complimented
by Gen. Washington for its services at the battle of Harlem Heights.
NOTE:--(1) Will Deakins Junr to Gov. Lee of Maryland (Md. Archives, XLV):
George Town, September 17 1780
Sir--Your of the 22nd Ult Inclosing an Extract from the Subscription made by the General Assembly came safe to
hand; Since which I have applyed to Messrs Cramphin & Bayly the former has paid his Subscription. Mr Samuel Thomas
lives in the neighbourhood of Mr Burgess and will no doubt call on him for payment. I with pain Observe the pressing
Call for Cash in the Treasury and am sorry to say I have little or no hopes of procuring either Tobo. or Cash on Loan
altho I have applyed to Many who I thought had it in their power to Contribute. I will still Continue my Endeavours, and
If possible procure some Assistance when you may Expect to hear from me.
(2) On July 3, 1776, the Maryland Council
of Safety ordered payment of œ69:15 to Leonard Deakins, Captain, Frederick County.
Muster Roll of L. M. Deakins'
Company, Sept. 13 to Oct. 12, 1776:
"Return of the Regiment of Foot, in the Service of the United Colonies, commanded
by Col. Griffith, dated September 13, 1776-- Company of Capt. Deakins--Officers Present 4; Sergeants 4; drums and
fifes 2. Rank and file--Present fit for duty 55; sick 17; total 7?? Deserted one."
(3) Letters from Wm. Deakins
to the Council of Safety, etc., are in Maryland Archives, XI and XII.
Congress in 1790 authorized President BEGINNINGS OF THE Washington to locate a Federal NATIONAL CAPITAL District as a capital site at any point on the Potomac River between the Eastern Branch and Conocochegue Creek. On
October 15, 1790, Washington set out to view the proposed sites. He spent a day inspecting the country between Georgetown
and the Eastern Branch, and received there a letter from nine of the property owners--one of whom was William Deakins, Jr.--offering
to sell their land to the Government at a reasonable price. He then traveled horseback up the Potomac Valley to Hagerstown,
and on October 21 arrived at Williamsport which is at the mouth of Conocochegue Creek. The people of Williamsport petitioned
the Maryland General Assembly "to appropriate a district of ten miles square within this county wherein it may please the
President to make the location," and before the year closed upwards of $20,000 had been subscribed by the people of the County
for the erection of the Federal buildings.
Four proposed locations on the Potomac were mapped, including the Conocochegue site. William Deakins
wrote to Washington on November 3, stating that a surveyor was employed to lay down situations at Georgetown. Francis Deakins
wrote him on November 12 from the Monocacy River, enclosing a draft which he had prepared "of the lands you viewed about
NOTE:--GEN. O. H. WILLIAMS TO FRANCIS DEAKINS: Baltimore, 8th November 1790 Sir
I understand that you intend to furnish the President with a platt of Lands adjacent to Conocochegue and below
its mouth. As it may be proper to show the limits of Wmsport as well as of the several tracts I now . . . .
difficulty of obtaining a general consent of the proprietors of the Lands, will, probably prevent any voluntary grant
for federal purposes . . . It will be a subject of future regret, unlefs the afsembly should think it proper to appropriate
a diftrict, and within that diftrict make a grant of (???) acres to be reimbursed by proportional restitution by his
To such an act, I think, no reasonable objection could be made, seeing that if accepted, the meafure
will enhance the value of all the property and each proprietor will be benefitted in exact proportion to the value
of the property he now holds. . . . I am Sir, Your mts Hble Servant
this place." A letter from Otha H. Williams to Francis Deakins says: "I understand that you intend
to furnish the President with plats of land adjacent to the Conocochegue." It is clear that Francis Deakins accompanied the
President on this journey, as his engineer.
On January 4, 1791, Washington announced his choice of the Eastern Branch site. (For many reasons it
is regrettable that Conocochegue was not chosen as the site of the Capital of the United States.) On the same day he entered
into a correspondence with Col. William Deakins and Benjamin Stoddert relative to buying the lands needed for the capitol
and other public buildings; they were instructed to secure options as private persons. The price to be paid was later fixed
at œ25 ($67) per acre. William Deakins was one of nineteen property owners who signed an agreement to sell their land
to the Government. On the map showing property owners in the District, he is indicated as owner of a large tract on Goose
Creek. Deakins and Stoddert were two of a company which bought 500 acres from John Waring.
Early in 1791 the President appointed a commission to buy land and erect public buildings. William
Deakins, Jr., was appointed treasurer to the commission and as compensation was allowed one per cent of all monies paid out
by him. He was required to give a bond of œ10,000.
Most of the letters here quoted WASHINGTON-DEAKINS are among the "Papers of CORRESPONDENCE George Washington," on file in the Library of Congress. WILLIAM DEAKINS, JR., to WASHINGTON George Town, Novr. 3, 1790. Sir
The day after you left this place we employed a surveyor to lay down our situations, but it has taken
more time than we expected to afsertain the Exact Quantity of land held by each proprietor within the lines laid down. I expect
on Sunday or Monday next to hand you the platt and proposals from the holders of the land--
I am very respectfully Sir Your obt. servt-- WILL DEAKINS JUNR
Philadelphia, Feby. 3d 1791 Gentlemen,
In asking your aid in the following case permit me at the same time to ask the most perfect secrecy. . . .
The object of this letter is to ask you to endeavor to purchase these grounds of the owners for the
public particularly the second parcel, but as if for yourselves, and to conduct your propositions so as to excite no suspicion
that they are on behalf of the public. . . .
I am obliged to add that all the dispatch is requisite which can assist with the success of your operations,
and that I shall be glad to hear by post of your progress, and the prospect of the accomplishment of this business in whole
or part.--
I am--Gentm. Yr. Most Obet. Hble. etc. GO. WASHINGTON Under
date of Feb'y 17, 1791, the President acknowledges "receipt of your favor of the 9th" and refers to prices for lands, "odd
lots in Hamburg," etc.
Philadelphia, Feb'y 28th 1791. Gentlemen,
If you have concluded nothing with Mr. Burn's--nor made him any offer for his land that is not obligatory--I pray you to suspend
your negotiations with him until you hear further from me, when reasons will be given for this request.--This request is applied
to Burns only--
With much esteem I am Gentm. Yr. O. G W A
letter dated Philadelphia, March 2n 1791,, from Washington, notified his agents that "Majr. L'enfant" was going to the site
of the Federal City to make surveys, etc.
The will is a will to live; and its eternal enemy is death. But perhaps it can defeat even death? It
can, by the strategy of reproduction. Every normal organism hastens to maturity, to sacrifice itself to the task of reproduction.
. . . Reproduction is the ultimate purpose of every organism, and its strongest instinct; for only so can the will conquer
--Schopenhauer. 12.
WILLIAM WALLER, elder son of Paul Hoye, was born August 10, 1768, in Frederick County, Maryland. He was named in honor of
his grandfather, William Waller, of Virginia.
Wm. W. Hoye married (1) Eleanor, daughter of James Slicer: license issued at Cumberland, Maryland,
May 20, 1796; the ceremony was performed by Rev. William Shaw, a noted minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Allegany
Children of William W. Hoye and Eleanor Slicer: 14. 1. Ann, b. July 20, 1801, m. Dr. Elijah Bishop. 15. 2. Eliza, b. Jan. 10, 1803, m. Geo. W. Drane. 16. 3. Mary Ann, b. Oct. 10, 1805, m. Marien Drane. 17. 4. John, b. Nov. 5, 1807, m. Elizabeth Craver. 18. 5. Samuel, b. Nov. 5, 1807. 19. 6. Ellen Slicer, b. July 16, 1812, m. George Pearson. A son, b. prior to 1800, and two other children, b. 1808-1812, died in infancy. He
married (2) in 1814, Mary, daughter of John Rutan. She was born March 7, 1792, and died in 1840.
Children of William W. Hoye and Mary Rutan: 20. 7. David, b. March 12, 1815, m. Elizabeth Friend. 21. 8. Tabitha, b. Oct. 17, 1816, m. J. L. Townshend. 22. 9. William Waller, b. Feb. 10, 1818, d. Oct. 24, 1825. 23. 10. Daniel Jones, b. Sept. 12, 1819, m. Catharine Baker. 24. 11. Edward, b. Feb. 17, 1821, m. Almedia S. Hauser. 25. 12. Mariah, b. May 10, 1823, m. T. H. Armstrong. 26. 13. Catherine, b. Feb. 5, 1825, m. (1) William Ridgeley, (2) Samuel Engle. 27. 14. Eli, b. Nov. 24, 1826, d. July 19, 1844. 28. 15. Sarah Jane, b. March 30, 1828, d. April, 1836. 29. 16. Elizabeth, b. May 13, 1830, m. Rev. John Philips. 30. 17. William Deakins, b. Aug. 13, 1832, d. April, 1836. 31. 18. Mariam Drusilla, b. July 24, 1834, m. Hanson Jordan.
All children except the first were born on the Crab Tree Bottom Farm.
William Waller Hoye was probably born in old George Town where he attended school and later studied
surveying under his uncle, Francis Deakins. The first record we have of him is in 1787 when he worked as one of ten surveyors
under Francis Deakins in the survey of the Military Lots "westward of Fort Cumberland." He was employed ninety-two days at
ten shillings per day.
In 1787 the General Assembly authorized W. W. HOYE IN the incorporation of the town of Cumberland; CUMBERLAND among thirty-five families then residing in the town are listed Capt. George Calmes, James Slicer and Wm. Hoye. In the same year William was a member of a State Commission to evaluate State lands--especially the Military Lots upon which settlers had "squatted." Our
young ancestor was pleased with Cumberland and its bright prospects. He probably resided at Walter Slicer's Hotel.
A story of William's early life on the frontier, as told by his daughter, Ellen, is to the effect that
on one of his surveying trips in the mountains, he saw a party of Indians on the trail ahead. Not knowing whether they were
friendly, he stepped behind a tree until they passed.
NOTE:--CUMBERLAND was a gay and thriving frontier town,
a promising location for a young surveyor or merchant. In 1788 the State "reserved lands" were allotted to veterans
of the Revolution or offered for sale, and during the succeeding twelve years settlement of these lands was rapid.
The town was laid out in lots by Thomas Beall of S. in 1785, and in 1789 became the county seat of a new county--Allegany.
It was also the eastern terminus of the old Braddock Road over which travel and trade passed to and from the Ohio Valley.
In 1798 hotel dinner rates as fixed by the County Court were:
A hot dinner for a gentleman with beer or cider
3s. 0d. |
Dinner per servant |
1s.10d. |
Lodgings in clean sheets |
1s.10d. |
Ditto in sheets before used |
6d. |
Hay per night for horse |
1s. 6d. |
French brandy per 1/2-pint |
6s.10d. |
Whiskey per gill |
6d. |
There was "considerable County income from fines": 5d. for one profane
oath; œ1, 12s. 6d. for drunkenness and Sabbath breaking.
(In 1798 Maryland Currency in U. S. money: œ1--$2,67.)
As late as 1788 a party of Ohio Indians murdered and took prisoner members of the Brain and Powell
families at their settlement on Snowy Creek near the Maryland-Virginia boundary.
In 1790 William W. Hoye hired a sorrel A. FRIEND'S mare to ride to Clarksburg and the Buchannan SORREL MARE River in Western Virginia, of Augustine Friend, Sr., who then resided on the Cheat River. On the return journey the mare fell sick and William left her at the house of John Flanagin who led her to Friend's. Six weeks later Hoye went to Friend's house and was told that the mare was dead. Hoye then gave Friend a "Bill obligatory" for œ15. Still later Hoye was informed that the mare had not died at the time stated but that Friend had used her until Christmas. Hoye refused to pay the bill. Augustine
Friend, Jr., son of John, then assigned the "Bill" to McMahon & King, merchants of Cumberland, who brought suit in Allegany
County against William W. Hoye. In his sworn statement to the Court on Oct. 21, 1794, Hoye alleged that the "Bill" was obtained
from him by fraud; he prayed relief. In the October, 1796, term of Court, Augustine Friend, Sr., testified that his mare died
of hard riding and ill usage. Also young Augustine testified that Hoye acknowledged he "rode the mare to death."
The case was postponed until Oct. 15, 1798, when the Court found for the plaintiff and ordered Wm.
W. Hoye to pay the "Bill," œ30 damages and 725 pounds of tobacco as costs.
A rough ride and dear! We pity the old sorrel mare.
In 1792 President Washington came to Cumberland and reviewed his troops before he sent them into Pennsylvania
to suppress the Whiskey Rebellion. William Hoye marched with his company of Cumberland Militia, but the only story of his
experiences in Pennsylvania which has come down to us is of the capture of some chickens from the "Dutch" farmers.
Financed by his father in the early HOYE & COMPANY, 1790's, William, in partnership with MERCHANTS Samuel Selby III, became a merchant under the firm name of "Wm.
W. Hoye & Company." Neither partner, however, was adapted to mercantile pursuits. Of our ancestor's habits in Cumberland we know nothing, but of his later life, Jeremiah Enlow testified: "Wm. Hoye was a man that liked to take sprees, which lasted a long time, and when on a spree he was every man's friend, and he wasted his property on everybody, if he chanced to have any." Hoye
& Company failed. The Court records of Allegany County for 1797-99 contain numerous suits by creditors against Hoye and
Selby, "joint merchants," and other suits by them against their debtors. William Hoye lost all his property in Maryland and
for œ98 deeded to his father 700 acres of land he owned on the Potomac in Hampshire Co., Va. Ninian Cochran, a creditor,
took the negro boy, Harry, age 17, value œ60, in an execution as the property of W. W. Hoye; but Harry belonged to Paul
Hoye, who found it necessary to bring suit in 1799 against Cochran in order to recover his slave. Paul also asked œ200
damages; the Court allowed one penny damages and 1,777 lbs. of tobacco, costs.
In 1796 Wm. W. Hoye and Eleanor Slicer married. FIRST She was "a very pretty woman," daughter MARRIAGE of James Slicer, a prominent citizen of Cumberland. (See Slicer Family.) During the following year the Hoye store was closed and it appears that the young couple went to Frog Harbor: a court writ of 1797 refers to Wm. W. Hoye, "late of Allegany County." Here was William's third opportunity--this time as a farmer. Frog Harbor plantation was prosperous and Paul Hoye was aging; but William did not remain at home where he was needed. Humiliated by his failure in business and not in agreement with his father,
NOTE:--Samuel Selby III was a lawyer in Cumberland. In the land records of Allegany County (C-87), Selby signed a deed dated 29th May, 1799, beginning, "Whereas I am indebted to the United States as late Collector of the Internal Revenue for Allegany Co., Md., and Charles F. Broadhag and George Magruder did enter into a Bond as my securitys, In consideration of aforesaid and of their being sold as my securities . . . I transfer to them . . ." lots in Cumberland and more than 1,000 acres of land.
Selby was attorney for Paul Hoye in a suit against Charles F. Broadhag in 1790 and in another against William Clarke in 1795; it appears from a Court order of 1799 that he failed to account to Hoye for œ240 and 1,681 lbs. of tobacco collected from the defendants.
he sought a home in the wilderness; there he found his fourth opportunity to attain wealth and influence.
At the foot of Ginseng Hill, SETTLEMENT AT CRAB drained by Crab Tree (now TREE BOTTOM Hoye's) Run, is Crab Tree Bottom, once largely covered by wild crab apple trees, beautiful when blooming and appreciated by the pioneers for their small, sour fruit. On
April 5, 1774, Paul Hoye surveyed 112 acres of this valley; in 1792 he included the "Crab Tree Bottom" survey in "The Gleanings"
tract which was patented to him by the State in 1794. "Crab Tree Bottom" was then on the old Indian Path from the Buffalo
Marsh to the Sanging Ground Camp on the Youghiogheny River; it is now on an improved road from the village of McHenry to Sang
In 1795 John Friend, Jr., married Elizabeth Ward and settled on the "Friend's Delight" tract two miles
from Crab Tree Bottom. They were the first permanent settlers in the neighborhood.
In the spring of 1799 William W. Hoye prepared to settle on his father's land in the mountains of western
Maryland. He loaded some furniture, farm implements and supplies on one or two wagons; sent his cattle ahead with a negro;
put his wife
1798--William Cochran vs. Hoye & Selby for $178.37, balance
due Cochran Meeker of Baltimore.
1799--Samuel Porter vs. Hoye & Selby, balance due for 2 doz. fine hats--œ24;
9 felt hats--œ2, 7s. 6d.
1799--Hoye & Selby vs. Walter B. Beall, for debt of œ35, 2s. 9d.
W. Hoye vs. William Thistle, for merchandise, œ15.
1798--Beatty & Beall, merchants, vs. W. W. Hoye, for note--
œ20, 16s. 4d.
In 1837, after W. W. Hoye's death, the County Court appointed S. W. Semmes, trustee, to
sell William's real estate for payment of his debts. Semmes sold "William and Mary," 932 acres, to John Hoye for $500.
NOTE:--(1) Ginseng (Chinese jen-shen)--a plant which grew abundantly
on Ginseng Hill and vicinity.
(2) Sanging Ground--the vicinity of Ginseng Hill. "Seng or Sang" Run is a corruption
of Ginseng Run.
(3) Youghiogheny--the Indian name meaning "water flowing in the contrary direction."
and baby on a horse; bid good-by to his parents and sisters; mounted his horse and started from the
old Frog Harbor home to Cumberland; there the party rested and visited the Slicers. From Cumberland the wagons were driven
two days over the rough Braddock and Morgantown Roads to Shelbys Port on the Youghiogheny where their cargo was unloaded and
put on pack horses for a half day journey by way of Friend's Fort to Crab Tree Bottom.
Here the old log cabin of 1787 was repaired for the negro family and a new one built with the help
of the neighboring Friends. A field was cleared, corn and vegetables planted; hay for the stock was made of the wild glade
grass; the hogs fattened on chestnuts and acorns. Wild animals were abundant: bears, deer and turkeys supplied plenty of meat.
When winter came the settlers were comfortable and happy, tho the wilderness was not gay Cumberland.
After living only a few years in the cabin, William THE NEW built a permanent home, the best house in HOUSE the neighborhood at the time. It had two stories --dimensions about 28 ft. by 16 ft.--built of hewed oak logs, chinked with plaster, clapboard roofed. There was a big stone chimney on the east end with open fireplace for cooking and heating. A large living room and a bedroom occupied the lower floor while the upper story--lighted by small windows and without ceiling--was partitioned into dormitories for the girls and boys; later a kitchen and porch were added on the south side. Floors were of hand-sawed oak boards, one and one-half inches thick. The building faced south on the road and was near the old spring which has since been filled with stones, the water now reappearing below at the present farmhouse spring.
NOTE:--On the Allegany County Roll of 1798 Paul Hoye was assessed with "The Gleanings" and
three other tracts; John Hoye with 156 acres of "Friend's Delight" and ten Military Lots; Wm. W. Hoye with "Crab Tree
Bottom," 112 acres, but with no personal property. On the 1804 Roll Paul Hoye was assessed here with the following personal
property: 2 slaves under 8 years--$40; 1 male slave--$120; 1 female slave--$80; 1 horse--$19; 9 cattle--$72; other property--$7;
total--$338. This was property William had in use at Crab Tree Bottom. Paul started his son with the equipment of
a plain pioneer except that he allowed him two adult slaves.
This is the home where the Hoye children were born and from which the family scattered over the United
States. It served as dwelling house and later as a barn for more than one hundred years and was in fair condition when torn
down about 1915. The negroes occupied the old cabin; in later years part of them lived in a cabin near the big spring on the
east side of the farm. In 1825 Aunt Nancy willed William $200 for the purchase of sheep and a sheep house was built to shelter
them near the barn which was north of the residence.
In 1799 the Sanging Ground neighborhood CENSUS REPORTS was part of Sandy Creek Hundred, AND polling place at Shelby's Port, NEW NEIGHBORS but prior to 1810 it was transferred to Glades Hundred, District No. 1, voting at Ingman's. Before the war of 1812 Wm. W. Hoye, like almost all his neighbors, supported the Federalist candidates. His only political office was Justice of the Peace. In
the Census of 1800 William Hoye was listed as head of a family consisting of himself, his wife, son (Paul, who died), two
males, 16 to 26 years of age (free farm laborers), and three slaves--total, eight persons. The Census of 1810 accounts for
William, his wife, two sons (the twins), and five slaves. His three daughters were with their grandparents.
At the time of the 1820 Census the family consisted of William, his wife, five sons, four daughters,
five male and three female slaves, and a woman over forty-five years of age, evidently Elizabeth Hoye, who may have lived
with William at that time; she and her slave, Nelly, are apparently included in the family list. Ann was not at home.
Settlers moved into the Hoye neighborhood quite rapidly about the year 1800. Among them were Henry
De Witt, Andrew House, and Meshack Browning on Ginseng Run; Captain John Lynn at Cherry Tree Meadows; James Drane at Accident.
NOTE:--Record Book "G," page 488--Allegany Co., Md.
I do
hereby certify that on the fourth day of October in the year 1814 appeared William W. Hoy before me the subscriber one
of the justices of the peace of the aforesaid county and took the nesfary oath to qualify him as a magistrate.
under my hand this 4th day of October 1814. JOHN SIMKINS.
Later Singleton Townsend, Jeremiah Enlow and Nathaniel Casteel arrived; Robinson T. Savage settled
on Ginseng Hill. Dr. James Brook brought with him a Methodist preacher, John Wirsing, and, about 1811, Dr. James McHenry settled
his son, Daniel, at the Buffalo Marsh. The McHenrys were the nearest of the Hoye neighbors. Several of these settlers were
men of property who brought their slaves with them.
The pioneer settlers of the Hoye EDUCATION OF THE neighborhood were generally young HOYE CHILDREN couples; naturally within a few years a school for children was needed. The
first school was taught in an old cabin on the Hoye farm; William Hoye taught at least one term for which he was paid $30.
He was probably the first teacher at the Sanging Ground.
Estate records later show payment of $300 to a teacher named Goulding, as tuition for the Hoye children,
John Hoye paid $150 for a master's support in 1820. John and his sister, Ann, also contributed for the construction of a school
house at the Sanging Ground.
A fair log school house was built by the people of the neighborhood at Enlow's Cross Roads. It was
called the Sang Run Academy. John Johnon was the teacher in 1833. John Hoye sent the best teachers available to Sang Run.
William Warren taught there about 1834; his brother James was master for many years. James Warren was a noted old time teacher.
His pupils from a distance boarded with him; the attendance at the Academy was large.
Some of the older Hoye children lived at times with their grandparents at Frog Harbor and attended
the Williamsport school, and, after 1813, John Hoye generally had one or more of his brother's children at his home where
they attended the Allegany County Academy.
The Hoyes were liberal in their support of the Sang Run school. As trustee of the children's estate,
John Hoye paid James Warren for tuition $640 from 1840-1844.
Sang Run, April 9, 1840. Mr.
John Hoye
Dear Sir
I have received Yours of the 29th ultimo. There are four of your Brother's Children viz. Catharine,
Eli, Elizabeth, and Mariam all of them are making good improvement in learning and attend school regularly. Eli Does not improve
as fast as the others but his Mother says he has learned as much with me in one quarter as he Did to other Teachers in a year.
I have received the papers you sent me for which I am much Obliged to you. I wish you to Subscribe for two of the Log Cabin
Advocates one for me and one for Mr. Leonard Townshend.
I shall be at the Whig meeting in Cumberland. I am Yours sincerely JAMES WARREN. In 1812 Eleanor Hoye gave birth to her ninth SECOND child, Ellen. She did not recover; she died MARRIAGE within the week and was buried in the orchard near the grave of her first born. Sometime
previous to her illness, Eleanor had hired Mary Rutan, daughter of John Rutan of Blooming Rose. Mary was a capable and very
attractive young woman, member of a substantial pioneer family of French descent. After Mrs. Hoye's death, Mary remained in
the Hoye home, keeping the house in order and caring for the children with the help of "Aunt" Milly and the other servants.
In 1814 Wm. W. Hoye and Mary Rutan were married, a union strongly opposed by William's family, presumably
because the bride's family was not of equal financial and social standing with the Hoyes. But so far as we are able to judge
this was a fortunate marriage. Mary Rutan retained the love and confidence of her husband and won the respect of her neighbors
and servants; thru the years that followed she proved herself a worthy wife and her twelve children were at least equal in
character and intelligence to their older half brothers and sisters.
Most of the Sanging Ground settlers METHODIST CHURCH were Methodists. Eleanor AT SANG RUN Slicer was probably a member of that Church in Cumberland. Mary Rutan was a member of the earliest Methodist congregation at
Blooming Rose and most of her children became Methodists. At Sang Run prayer and class meetings were first held in the settlers' houses; later the Academy school house was used for Sabbath school and preaching services. A frame church-school house was built in 1853 on the site of the present Methodist Church at Sang Run.
William Hoye was much interested in the proposed C. & O. Chesapeake and Ohio Canal; the route most favored CANAL passed thru the Deep Creek and Bear Creek glades within a mile of his house. James Shriver of Baltimore spent some time in this neighborhood in 1823 and the following year published a report, "An Account Relative to the Projected Chesapeake and Ohio Canal," in which he included a good map of the region, noting that the western Maryland portion of his map was the result "of information from a gentleman (Wm. Hoy) who has made surveys of most of the lands in this quarter." (See W. W. Hoye's Map). He also wrote that Mr. Hoy estimated the area of land to be submerged by the proposed Deep Creek storage lake to be 3,000 acres. The C. & O. Canal was finally built from Georgetown to Cumberland only, but in 1925 a dam was built on Deep Creek which stores water in a large lake for the hydro-electric plant near the mouth of Hoye's Run.
When William Hoye settled at Crab Tree Bottom THE HOYE he had with him three of his father's NEGROES slaves, probably Harry, Rhoda and Milly. Harry died in 1825. Rhoda was the mother of Maria, George, Jim, Stephen and Tom. Rhoda lived to be very old and for years was in poor health; in 1850 the Paul Hoye estate paid Marien Drane $45 for boarding her. Milly nursed the Hoye children; she was living in 1852, aged seventy-five to eighty years. Estate records show $90.84 paid for medicines and a doctor, and $103.70 spent "for other necessaries for
NOTE:--Among the road surveys made by W. W. Hoye were:
(1) In 1830--Road from the Sanging Ground to the Virginia line.
(2) 1833--Road from the Virginia line thru Keeler's Glade to Gabriel Friend's.
(3) 1834--Road from Selbysport to Buffalo Run. Paid $4. John Hoye, Jr., and David Rutan, chain carriers.
Milly." Henny and her children belonged to Paul Hoye; later they were charged to Ann for $505; also Sue for $370. Nancy ran away from the Wm. Hoye farm and was never caught. The story of her escape is as follows: S. Willis Friend operated a "station" on the "underground railroad" for fugitive slaves from the South. He resided
on the west slope of Seng Hill. One day several slaves took refuge at his house--among them a young negro who wandered over
the hill to the Hoye farm and became acquainted with Nancy.
After hiding the runaways for a few days, Mr. Friend loaded them on his wagon one dark night and drove
toward the next "station," but as they passed the Hoye farm, they heard some person running after them. Friend feared he was
pursued by a neighbor who caught escaped slaves for the reward but the runner proved to be our Nancy who begged to be taken
along with her lover. According to the story, Friend took her in and crossed the Pennsylvania line safely with his passengers.
After the marriage of Tabitha in 1843 the farm was rented and the male slaves were hired out to neighbors,
except one who worked for Daniel Hoye, and Stephen, who went to Mt. Airy with Tabitha; for the years 1849-50 Edward Hoye,
as trustee of the estate, reported $426 received as the wages of George, Stephen and William.
John McHenry owned several slaves whom he BLACK JIM freed, then hired for wages. One of McHenry's AND freed negroes was Susan who had accompanied SUSAN her mistress to Europe; she has been described as "a handsome woman and a fine rider; mounted on one of McHenry's horses she would go like the wind." Susan married Jim Dorsey, a Hoye slave, and was saving her money to buy him when Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation freed all the remaining Hoye servants. After the Civil War "Black" Jim, Susan, and their daughter, Sofy, lived on various small farms in the McHenry neighborhood.
The writer, when a small boy, was taken by his parents to visit them, a visit remembered because they were the only black
people in the neighborhood, all the others having gone to town or to the lowlands. Jim and Susan had another
daughter, who went to Oakland where she became the mother of a "natural" child, an event which "almost
killed" her strict parents.
James and Susan Dorsey lived to be quite old. One day Susan "ran after the cows"; she became overheated
and died. Jim was grubbing a clearing when he dropped dead. They were buried in the McHenry family graveyard--best remembered
of the local negroes.
On a warm July day William Hoye sent STORIES OF THE his sons and negro boys to hoe corn in NEGROES a field near Crab Tree Run, but the boys soon tired of the work and sought the cool waters of a swimming hole. Here Mr. Hoye found them, and, beginning with the eldest, he impartially thrashed white and black. Black Jim told a story of one day rambling with David and Edward Hoye and his brothers, George and Steve, over a recently
cleared field when they saw a yellow hammer fluttering in distress around its nest in a deadened oak tree. After some bantering,
Steve climbed the tree and put his hand into the hollow but jerked it out immediately with a blacksnake holding on to a finger.
Said Jim: "You know how feard us colod folks is of snakes. Well dat boy jis froed hisself back an fall on de sod head fust,
ni forty foot. He lay dare a minit to ketch 'is bref, den he git up an walk off."
One of the farm fields was known as the "sink field." A few years after this field was cleared a negro
was plowing it when the ground sank, dragging down plowman and horses. The man climbed out of the hole but the horses had
to be killed. Many loads of stones have been thrown into this "sink" but it can still be seen--the entrance to an unexplored
limestone cavern.
NOTE:--In the 1856 record of Case in Equity No. 840, we find the
following testimony relative to the William Hoye negroes:
Jeremiah Enlow: "They were healthy and as industrious as
any blacks I ever saw. They were smart, active, sensible blacks."
William Browning: "They were sprithly, good
Negroes; three of the men were as stout as any men among us."
George Devecmon: "The slave men were worth $500
each. Rody, the mother, was worth nothing."
Ellen Hoye told her children of the excitement caused by the "falling of the stars" (meteors) on November
19, 1833. The negroes thought that the end of the world was at hand and they hastily prepared "to meet their God."
During later years the Dorsey negro cabin was on the farm by the big spring near Crab Tree Run. On
holidays the Hoye children often went to this cabin to hear the negroes of the neighborhood play and sing and to see them
dance. The place was out of sight and hearing of the white folk houses and on special occasions, when the McHenry, Drane,
Brooke, Lynn and Ridgely negroes gathered there, joy was unconfined: the valley rang with music and laughter.
The old bee makes de honeycomb, The young bee makes de honey; Colored folks plant de cotton an' corn, An' de white folks gits de money. During William Hoye's time at Crab THIRTY-SIX YEARS Tree Bottom, Western Allegany IN THE County became well settled. Indian WILDERNESS paths changed to wagon roads. The Sang Run Academy filled with "scholars," including many young Hoyes. One hundred forty acres of the Hoye farm were put under cultivation but it did not support the family. William was not a thrifty farmer. N. Casteel, a nearby neighbor, said of him: "He would work sometimes for two or three days and then would set in the house for a month. I never knew him to pay for anything he got." John Hoye paid the bills. John was kind and generous to his brother but he was often critical of William's work. In 1847, referring to "The Gleanings,"
John noted in his ledger: "This tract was so badly surveyed by Wm. W. Hoye there will be great loss in the quantity."
Nevertheless John trusted his brother. William attended to the Hoye land business in Western Allegany.
The brothers patented lands together; they always maintained friendly business and personal relations.
The father's namesake died, aged seven, and in THE GRIM 1836 two more children, Sarah Jane and William REAPER D., were cut down the same day by scarlet fever. While attending school in Cumberland in his eighteenth year, Eli was drowned in the Potomac. William Hoye had been quite ill in 1831 but he was in comparatively robust health at the age of sixty-five and soon
after became the father of his twenty-first child, but in 1836 he became seriously ill. No doctor was available and soon after
sunset on January 9, William Waller answered the last call, aged sixty-seven years, four months and twenty-nine days. Two
days later his body was buried among his apple trees near the resting place of Eleanor Slicer. His grave was marked by two
unlettered limestone slabs just below the present family monument. Singleton Townshend, a near neighbor and dear friend, was
with the sick man during his last days. Mr. Townshend wrote John Hoye a detailed account of our ancestor's death. His letter
will be found at the end of this chapter.
With financial assistance from Uncle John and the help of David and Daniel, Mary Hoye kept her family
together and managed the farm until 1840 when her soul returned to its maker and her body was reverently laid away in the
orchard. For two years more Tabitha kept the home going but in 1843 she married. Then the farm was rented and the young children
given homes elsewhere.
In 1831 Wm. W. Hoye, "being sick and weak of body," made a will of doubtful legality (see Appendix).
At the time of his death the inventory of his personal property amounted to only $256.87 1/2. He died struggling for breath
and troubled by the condition in which he left his family. In 1856 Sarah Friend testified: "I heard him say on his death bed,
some two hours before his deeath, that, unless John assisted his family, they would suffer very much, but having great confidence
in his brother, he felt confident he would do so."
Referring to the Hoye children, Judge Walsh wrote: "Their father was an improvident man, fonder of
spending than of grasping and accumulating."
Judge D. H. Friend, indicating that our ancestor had a sense of humor, told us that one day William
Hoye, in apparently
great distress, came to John Friend's house at Sang Run and told the Friends that his wife was dying.
Mrs. Friend hastily mounted a horse and rode to the Hoye home where she found Mrs. Hoye dyeing woolen yarn for weaving.
Ruth Hoye at Sang Run has an excellent oil portrait on wood of Wm. W. Hoye, painted by an unknown artist
when William was a young man in Cumberland. It portrays a handsome, dark-haired man--a face full of intelligence and good
The author is of the opinion that we may learn valuable lessons from the weaknesses of our ancestors,
as well as from their virtues. Some of the criticisms of Wm. Hoye are painful to relate but after all now known of his character
is written, we are most impressed with the undisputed fact that he was a generous neighbor, an affectionate husband and father,
and a kind master. Estates of land and money passed to others, but William Waller Hoye's blood flows on thru the veins of
hundreds of worthy American citizens.
W. W. HOYE TO HIS SON-IN-LAW, DR. ELIJAH BISHOP: the following letter is filled with family news and
so indicative of the character of the writer that we give it in full as written.
Sang run, March 31--1831 Dear Sir--
Your of January 17 was a long time before it retch me because of the snow It was so deep all communication
between this and Armstrongs post office was cut off letters to me directed to Friends post office retch me mutch quicker than
by Armstrongs The letter of Anns which you mention retched this in my absence and Mary Ann mislayed it and I could not answer
I know nothing of John nor have I ever received a letter from
NOTE:--This letter was written on three pages of a sheet of strong
paper, folded the size of an envelope, sealed with wax, and addressed on the back, "Mr. Elijah Bishop, Cave Town, Washington
County, Md." It is postmarked "Friends 1st April--12 1/2." "Friends" was the nearest post office, ten miles away;
"Armstrongs," now Oakland, was fifteen miles distant.
"Mary Ann" Drane, his daughter, resided at Accident. "Old
Silvy" was a Drane slave. "Land left my dear Ann" Bishop was 2,400 acres in Virginia, patented to Paul Hoye. "John
and Samuel" were the wandering twins. "Elinor" was his daughter, Ellen.
The letter is browned by age but legible;
it was neatly written and well composed, but the spelling, grammar and lack of punctuation are not a credit to a man
of William Hoye's educational advantages. It is a flash illustrating W. W. Hoye's life--careless, jovial, yet breathing
a spirit of deep feeling and desire to please.
him since he left this which is 13 months. I accidentally heard from Samuel about 2 weeks since by
a friend from Union Town Pensylvania who left Samuel at St. Lewis, Missura on the 1st of February last who says that Samuel
had bean 7 or 8 hundred miles up the river above St. Lewis and was to leave that in a few days for Orleans in a trading boat
and was to return to St. Lewis Old Silvy is still living and for what I know may never die She looks as likely to live as
she did 4 or 5 years back and as fond of whiskey as ever My brother has one or two of Hennys children at Cumberland Whether
they lived or live with him I do not know
I have never bean to Virginia yet to run the land left my dear Ann by her aunt I should have went last
fawl but my compas was out of order and I sent it to Cumberland and the fellow my brother got to repair her returned her as
bad as ever I will now send her to Frederick Town to Mr. Cunningham and get him to have her repaired and on the first of October
next if spared I will gow out and run it round and have the lines fresh marked. The land is about 60 or 70 miles from me John
will pay the chain barers and find provisions for the hands he has gave me orders on persons who is owing to him to find me
chain barers and provisions and may get there and back the best way I can
I should be very glad to see your dear little daughter but I am doubtful I ever shal have the pleasure
of having her in my arms I am in a very delicate state of health sum days I feel quite well and again I am not abel to get
out of my bead without afsistance particularly before fawling weather
Elinor is well and the rest of the family is well Give my affectionate love to my dear Ann Tell her
to kifs her dear daughter for me Adieu my dear Sir May God in his tender mercy guard and protect you and your family threw
this world of trouble is the sincear prayer of your sincear and affect father
It was at the request of your brother Wm. W. Hoye's family that I hastily ad-dressed a few lines to
you on Saturday morning last informing you of his illness and it is again at the request of the family that I have to communicate
the painful news that your brother Wm. W. Hoye died on Saturday evening last, about six o'clock. I am perfectly satisfied
that he was in his senses till within a few minutes before he breathed his last, tho he became speechless about nine o'clock
in the morning of that day growing out of a collection of phlegm collected in the throat and which he was unable to get up
on account of his great weakness -- In my letter of Saturday last I mentioned that he had mentioned to me something about
some land that stood in his name on the records that was actually yours, and that he intended to make a will, and in that
will make a provision for the reconveyance of that land back to you -- Immediately after I sealed up that letter to send to
you I went into his room to commence writing his will and requested him to give the outlines of what he wished to
do with his property. First what property he had and how he wanted it disposed of. He commenced but
before he got thru--even that part his voice so failed him that I could not understand one word he said and had therefore
to stop without finishing it. His communication about your land, with out other important business, he made to me a little
before day Saturday morning and stated to me that the reason he made it was that in the event he should die before he could
finish his will he wished this fact made known so as to save you all the trouble he could. He also communicated several other
things to me that he particularly wished me to make known which are of great importance to some -- And the reason I did not
commence his will immediately, he stated to me that he wanted some little time to reflect and to arrange the matter in his
mind and that it would save trouble. I then put it off till about sunrise or a little after but it was then too late as it
proved tho I did not expect at that time that he would die so soon. He told me he had a will but that he wanted to alter it.
That he had cut some of the family off in that will and I am really sorry that he did not live to finish that will I was about
to write. As to the will that I suppose he had reference to when he said he had a will, it has been read by me in the presence
of the family by their request. That will is dated the 13th of Dec. 1834; in that will he gives to his son David Hoye a roan
colt about two years old, and all the rest of his property, that is, all the real property that he owned or had any right
to in Allegany Co. in this State, to his wife, as all his personal property of every description, all of which he gave her
by that will in fee simple to do with as she may think proper--but this will has but two witnesses to it. The children or
rather the first wife's children are very much dissatisfied indeed and have askd me if there is no way to put the will aside.
It is my opinion that as it relates to the real estate it is not worth one cent and so I told them because the law, I think,
requires three witnesses to sign a will to make it valid for real property. They wish to know of you thru me whether the will
so far as it relates to the real property is good or not, there being but two witnesses signing the will.
They are also anxious to know of you if you know of any other will of his in existance and if there
is where it is and what is the amount of it. In the one he intended to make on Sat.last he intended to give his wife three
tracts of land in this County containing about 1000 acres, some of his personal property and the balance of his property was
to have been equally divided among all his children but he failed to do it and I am of the opinion it is settled. She in that
will is left his executrix. The limits of this letter will not admit of giving you particulars which I have no doubt you will
be glad to hear but if I should ever see you I will then make a statement and at all times be ready to make any communication
that you may wish as far as I can, relative to your brother's business and all of what he stated to me about that in which
you are interested. I shall expect to hear as soon as it is convenient from you--
Your obdt. St. SINGLETON TOWNSHEND. P. S. I forgot to say that your brother was intered on yesterday evening at home in his family burying ground. They
intend to have a funeral over him as soon as convenient.
S. Townshend.
THE SLICERS are evidently of English origin, early settlers of Maryland. In 1769 William Slicer was
a "cabinet and chair maker, a little below the market house in Annapolis." Col. Andrew Slicer was present at the bombardment
of Ft. McHenry in 1814.
NATHANIEL SLICER I and his family were listed on August 22, 1776, as resident in Lower Potomac Hundred,
Frederick County, as follows: Nathaniel, age 62; James, age 25; Mary, age 12; Nathaniel, age 2; Sarah, age 1 year.
JAMES SLICER settled near Ft. Cumberland about 1785. On the 24th June, 1785, Thomas Beall of Samuel
deeded to James Slicer, for œ212:12s., "Limestone Rock," 63 acres, a tract of river bottom land on the Potomac, adjoining
Cumberland, which had been patented to Daniel Cresap in 1753. This was the Slicer home, tho they owned property in the town.
James Slicer was listed as a resident of Cumberland in 1787, when the town was incorporated. On September 10, 1785, James
Slicer purchased Lot No. 26 on Green Street, including a house, for œ80:10s. In 1807 he sold this lot for œ30 to
Robert Sinclaire.
In addition to cultivating their small farm, the Slicers very early engaged in the hotel business in
Cumberland; they operated Slicer's Tavern, a noted hostelry, for many years. In 1815 Walter Slicer deeded Lot No. 198 at Mechanic
and Bedford Sts., with its building, to Dr. John Anderson in payment of a mortgage of $5,000. In 1819 Walter Slicer and Peter
Justice erected a large brick building at Bedford and Bank Streets, but mortgaged the property to David Shriver, Jr., and
in 1824 it was sold on a Court order to George Hoblitzell for $4,906. Walter Slicer then moved to Flintstone, where he was
postmaster and hotel keeper.
NOTE:--"Limestone Rock," 63 acres, surveyed for Daniel Cresap 16th
April, 1753, and patented to him 10th August, 1753. Lying in Frederick County, about 3 ps from a great rock called The
Limestone Rock and about 2 ps from Potomac River on North side of said river and being in North West corner of this
James Slicer was assessed in 1798 with 100 acres of land, slaves, stock, and "plate"--valued at œ344:3:4.
In the census of 1800 he was listed as head of a family of seven, with six slaves. In his will, probated February 13, 1808,
he named seven children, to each of whom he left a negro slave, except to "Nelly" Hoye, to whom he gave $100; the remainder
of his property he bequeathed to his widow for life and after her to his four sons. His wife Mary, and son Walter, were named
James Slicer and his wife are doubtless buried in nearby Rose Hill Cemetery.
Children of James Slicer were: Ann, who married Thomas Cromwell in 1799; Eleanor, m. W. W. Hoye in
1796. Walter, m. (1) Mary Bruce, 1811; (2) Priscilla Beall, 1812. Samuel, m. Jenny Sanford, 1807. Harriet. John, m. Jemima
Harvers, 1828. James.
On January 15, 1814, Mary and Walter Slicer, executors of the estate, sold "Resurvey on Limestone Rock"
to David Shriver, Jr., for $3,000. This property is now the site of the Kelly Springfield Tire Company plant.
NATHANIEL SLICER, Jr., married Susanna Hoffman. They resided on "Hoffman's Delight" and "Pine Grove,"
deeded to Nathaniel in 1806 by David Hoffman, Sr. This was the Alm's House property near Cumberland.
JOHN SLICER, son of Nathaniel, married Rachel Frantz in 1824. For some time he was in charge of the
County farm, but in 1841 bought the John Rutan farm at Blooming Rose. Jacob Brown wrote:
"There he reared a large and very interesting family. The Slicer mansion was one of much hospitality,
a model in social and domestic relations."
During the Civil War John Slicer sold his farm and later
NOTE:--(1) Lowdermilk's History of Cumberland: "A large hotel
building was erected on the north side of Baltimore Street where the St. Nicholas now stands, known as Slicer's Tavern."
(2) On Feb. 15, 1873, John Slicer, Senr., deeded to his son, William Slicer, for $6,300, 155 acres of "Cornucopia"
at the intersection of the National Turnpike and Glades Road, Grantsville, including the Hotel, stables, etc., and
excepting a lot and dwelling deeded to his daughters Susan, Theresa, and Mary. This being the same tract of land Jacob
Brown, trustee, sold to John Slicer in 1870.
bought the National Hotel property in Grantsville, where he resided at the time of his death, March
8, 1873, aged about seventy years. He was a Democrat and held many public offices: Delegate in the State Assembly, County
Commissioner, Member of the State Constitutional Convention of 1850, and others.
THE RUTAN MARY RUTAN, daughter of John Rutan of FAMILY the Blooming Rose in Maryland, became the second wife of William Waller Hoye in 1814. The history of the Rutan family takes us back to the religious wars and persecutions in France. The Rutans were French
Huguenots, the tenets of whose faith were similar to those of the Scotch Presbyterians and English Puritans.
In 1559 the Huguenots, then a strong religious and political minority in France, held their first General
Synod in Paris, but under Charles IX occurred the massacre of St. Bartholomew when some 6,000 Huguenots were murdered, followed
by a religious-political civil war, until Henry of Navarre renounced Protestantism and became King of France. King Henry then
issued the Edict of Nantes, which guaranteed freedom of conscience and of worship to the dissenters, who increased in numbers
and became influential in trade and industry. But Louis XIV determined to stamp out forever the Huguenots
NOTE:--(1) Letter from Taton-vassal, Mayor of St. Mihiel, 1936:
. . . A superficial research has permitted me to find at St. Mihiel the presence of a noble family Rutant, whose
members were magistrates from 1521 to 1641, and especially I find a Ferry Rutant who was Mayor from 1534, and whose
nephew, or rather a descendant, was exempt from the tax in 1659, "because of his rank of the privileged."
Letter from the Mayor of Metz, dated July 24, 1936:
There are no more members living in Metz. The old parish and Protestant
registers and the state records in our libraries often mention the family Rutant or Rutan, including the brothers Blaise
and Claude, sons of Claude Rutant. Claude Rutant II--protestant, draper, father of Judith, Marie, Jean, Daniel, Abraham,
(3) "History of the Huguenot Emigration to America" says:
"It was probably from the neighborhood of
the same town (Metz in Lorraine) that Abraham Rutan, one of the Huguenot settlers at New Paltz, escaped to the Palatinate.”
Also: "Refugees of the name Ferry Rutan and Blaise Rutan fled at
an earlier day (about 1560) from persecution in St. Mihiel to Metz."
nots of France. After some years of persecution and disorder, in 1685 he revoked the Edict of Nantes,
saying, "I have forbidden any exercise within my kingdom of the religion men call reformed."
It was during this period--when Huguenot churches were destroyed, private property confiscated, men
sentenced to the galleys and prisons, women forced into convents, children taken from their parents and placed in Jesuit schools,
mobs and soldiers turned loose on the people who would not be "converted"--that about one million good citizens of France,
most of them after terrible risks and hardships, escaped from their native land to neighboring countries and to America.
Such is the European background of the Rutans.
The first family record we have is of Ferry Rutan, mayor of St. Mihiel in 1534. Mob violence first
struck at St. Mihiel and the Rutant family fled to Metz, where they established themselves in their various pursuits of good
When this mob violence hit the city of Metz the Rutant family escaped with a party of friends to Manheim,
Lower Palatinate, Germany. Even there they were harassed by the French so they went to Holland and thence to America, landing
at Boston and traveling thence to New York.
The historian of the Rutan family gives the genealogy of the immigrant as follows: (1) Ferey Rutant,
Mayor of St. Mihiel in 1534. (2) Claude Rutant I, merchant of St. Mihiel. (3) Claude Rutant II, draper in Metz. (4) Abraham
Rutant, born in 1634.
ABRAHAM RUTAN accompanied Abraham Hasbrouk from Manheim to Holland, thence to America. In 1675 Hasbrouk
and eleven other French refugees obtained a patent for a large tract of land in Ulster County, New York, south of Kingston,
which they settled and named New Paltz. In 1677 Abraham Rutan was living in New Paltz. He married Marie Petilion, a French
girl who had crossed the ocean with the Hasbrouk party; the records show that in 1678 she joined the Dutch Reformed Church
of New York City.
At New Paltz the settlers built their houses on the village street, as was the custom in France, advisable
also for defense from the Indians. Some years later they replaced the log cabins with well built stone houses, such as they
had in France. Several of these original settlers' stone houses are still in use as residences in New Paltz; one is the village
museum; the old fort of two stories is a tourist or visitors' home.
The church at New Paltz was formed "after the manner and difficult discipline of the Church of Geneva,
followers of John Calvin." It was called the Walloon Protestant Church. Services were held in the French language for fifty
years; thereafter in Dutch.
Father Abraham and Mother Marie Rutan are buried in the old French Church (Bellville) graveyard at
Hackensack in unmarked graves.
Children of Abraham Rutan and Marie Petilion baptized in the New Paltz Church:
(1) Daniel, baptized Sept. 23, 1683. Godfather, Louys Dubois. (2) Paul, baptized March 20, 1685. Godparents: Hoghe Frere, Agaer Mchel. (3) Davide, baptized Apr. 17, 1688. Godparents: Pier Dygle, Genve Vylar. (4) Ester, baptized May 14, 1690. Godparents: Abraham & Ester Hasbrouk. (5) Pierre, baptized Oct. 24, 1691. Godparents: Pierre Quimer, Ester Hasbrouk. Died, Aug. 5, 1690, a daughter, aged six months. The last record we have of Abraham Rutan in the New Paltz Church is in 1695, when he is named godfather of a son of
Moses De Grave. After this he is found in New Barbadoes (Hackensack), Bergen County, New Jersey, where in 1699 he bought a
tract of land of Thomas Noel. In 1707 he bought a "parcel of land from Bartholomew Feuert, paying five pounds and a more valuable
and greater consideration."
At New Barbadoes the family attended the Belville Church; in the records of that church are the following
names of children of Abraham and Marie Rutan, but no dates of their births or baptisms are given: (6) Susan; (7) Sara; (8)
Maria; (9) Catharina; (10) Abraham; (11) Samuel.
Abraham Rutan's will (see appendix) was signed September 10, 1712, and proved May 19, 1713. Mary Rutan,
his widow, made her will February 19, 1713, and it was proved June 12, 1713.
PIERRE (PETER) RUTAN, son of Abraham I, was baptized at New Paltz, N. Y., in 1691. Pieter Rettan married
Geestruy Van der Hoef, Nov. 7, 1713. (Hackensack Church Record).
Joseph Frazee and Peter Rutan were among the earliest settlers at New Providence, N. J., in 1736. Peter
Rutan of Morris Co., N. J., made his will June 28, 1774; proved Aug. 7, 1774. His son and heir was Abraham. (N. J. Archives).
Peter Rutan resided at Elizabethtown, N. J., where he owned lots 28 and 29 of 100 acres each.
ABRAHAM RUTAN II, son of Peter, of Elizabethtown, N. J., owned the eastern half of his father's 200
acre tract. His house was near the spring. His wife, Elizabeth, died in 1788. He was an elder in the Presbyterian Church of
New Providence.
(Data from "First Settlers of the Pasaic Valley", Littell).
Children of Abraham Rutan II:
(1) John, b. May 16, 1751. m. Catherine Jones, March 20, 1774. (2) Samuel, b. Sept. 19, 1754. d. Jan. 4, 1840. (3) Peter, b. 1759, d. 1802. (4) Joseph, b. 1769, d. 1809. m. (1) Hannah Baker. (5) Abraham, m. Hannah Shipman, Dec. 25, 1804. (6) Sally, m. Simeon Simpson in 1775. (7) Hannah, d. June 3, 1797, age 36. m. John Cauldwell. (8) Mary, m. Mathias Roll, April 7, 1785. Ohio. (9) Rosannah, m. Parrott in 1786. (10) Martha, m. Moses Camp, Oct. 17, 1787. (11) Charity, m. John Miller. (12) Anna, m. Moses Squire. (13) Elizabeth, m. Abraham Cauldwell in 1797. JOHN RUTAN, son of Abraham II, married Catherine Jones of New Jersey in 1774 and "went west". In 1787 he was listed
as a settler on Military Lots 3284, 3285, 3286 on the Blooming Rose, two miles south of Selbysport, Maryland. These lots he
purchased from the State for six shillings, six pence
NOTE: THE DEMAREST SETTLEMENT. David des Marest, son of Jean, was born in the Province of
Picardy, France, about 1620. He became a Protestant, fled to Holland and in 1651 moved to Manheim, Lower Palitinate;
but here the Protestants were already threatened by the Catholic princes, so Des Marest and his co-religionists set out
for America, arriving at New Amsterdam on the ship "Spotted Cow", April 16, 1663. In 1677 David des Marest purchased of
the Indians a large area of land on the Hackensack River for himself and companions. Rutan and Des Marest doubtless
met in Manheim. Abraham Rutan, about 1699, moved from New Paltz to the Demarest colony in New Jersey, where he appears
to have resided on the west bank of the Hackensack River.
for each lot of fifty acres. This land made an excellent stock farm, known in recent years as the Rumbaugh
place. The Rutan log house was by the spring on the east side of the Blooming Rose road opposite the present farm house. Most
of the neighbors--Coddingtons, Frazees, VanSickle, Savage--were also from New Jersey.
John Rutan was a typical pioneer settler; he had a large family, plenty of land and other very moderate
resources. In 1798 he was assessed in Sandy Creek Hundred with 150 acres of land, one horse and seventeen cattle. His children
may have attended either the Blooming Rose or Selbysport school. The Rutans were among the first members of the Methodist
Congregation at Friend's, nearby. Rutan girls were noted singers in the neighborhood. W. Scott Friend told us that they often
sat in the evening on the bluff overlooking the Youghiogheny River and sang hymns heard for miles over the quiet valley.
The Rutans planted a fine apple orchard on the slope above their home; some of the trees still bear
fruit; the "Rutan Pippin" is the last of the Rutans on the Blooming Rose. The family graveyard is at the upper side of the
orchard. Here stands a modest sandstone monument with a bronze tablet inscribed to the Pioneer settlers, John Rutan and Catherine
Jones, 1787, erected by the descendants of Mary Rutan and William W. Hoye, in 1935.
Children of John and Catherine Rutan:
(1) Sarah, b. Apr. 10, 1775, m(???)Moore. (2) Peter, b. Nov. 18, 1777. Descendants at Arrolton, Ohio. (3) Daniel, b. Aug. 24, 1779. (4) Andria, b. Aug. 24, 1779. (5) David, b. Dec. 22, 1782. m. Esther (???). (6) Anne, b. Dec. 23, 1783. d. Feb. 2, 1787. (7) Isaac, b. Oct. 29, 1788. m. Hannah Pearson, 1809. (8) Mary, b. Mar. 7, 1792. d. 1842. m. Wm. W. Hoye. (9) Catherine, b. Apr. 17, 1794. Isaac Rutan died in Maryland, leaving two children.
Daniel Rutan bought 101 acres of "Shepherds Tent" near the Sanging Ground but abandoned it and went
West about 1835.
John Rutan died at his home February 7, 1838. His will was probated, March 13, 1839. Witnesses were
John Frantz, Stephen P. Rutan, Joseph J. Frantz, and Daniel J. Hoye. David Rutan inherited the home farm upon the death of
his mother.
The pioneer, his wife Catherine, and probably Isaac and Anne are buried in the farm graveyard.
David Rutan was Justice of the Peace of his District in 1814. In 1845 he sold the remainder of the
Rutan farm, 64 acres, to John Slicer. All the Rutans left Maryland except Mary, who married W. W. Hoye.
NOTE: (1) SAMUEL RUTAN, younger brother of John, was a Revolutionary soldier who fought at
Monmouth and in other battles. In New Jersey, February 12, 1778, he married Eleanor, daughter of Jacob Bedell. Their
children were Jacob, Sarah, Catherine (Sanders), Abraham, Elizabeth (Dille), John, Anna and Fannie (Sanders).
Rutan purchased for 27 pounds, 10 shillings, land from Price Dille on the waters of Ten Mile Creek in Washington Co.,
Pa. Patent to this land was confirmed to Rutan in 1796.
J. Frank Rutan, a great grandson of Samuel, is the best
informed historian of the Rutan family.
(2) JOHN RUTAN of Morristown, N. J., in his will (proved March 30,
1761) mentions his wife Sarah, four daughters and son, John. To John he left his "plantation in Hampshire County, Virginia",
which appears to have been a lot on Patterson Creek surveyed by George Washington and granted by Lord Fairfax in 1748
to John Rutan. John Rutan, Jr., and others of that settlement, moved to Westmoreland Co., Pa., prior to 1778. In the
census of 1790 Rutan was listed there as head of a family of six.
JOHN HOYE, younger son of Paul Hoye, was born in Frederick County, Maryland, August 13, 1774, and died
at his home in Cumberland, June 2, 1849, in the seventy-fifth year of his age. He attended the local school at Williamsport
and probably completed his education in Georgetown, where his uncles resided.
At an early age John made his home in Georgetown, associated with his uncle Francis Deakins in the
land business and in the management of the extensive Deakins properties. In 1798 Francis Deakins inherited half of his brother's
lands; when Francis died in 1804, John Hoye became the active executor of his estate. In the following year Paul Hoye deeded
to John his interest in the estates of his half brothers; thus John Hoye became part owner and manager of considerable real
estate in the District of Columbia and of vast tracts of land in Maryland and Virginia. He was also later administrator of
his father's estate and trustee of the estates of his sister Elizabeth, and his brother's children. Fortunately he was well
equipped by character and training to assume these heavy responsibilities. He administered the various trusts honestly and
efficiently and added considerably to his own fortune.
Outside his business activities we know HIS LIFE IN little of John Hoye's life in Georgetown. GEORGETOWN He worked in Francis Deakins' old office on lot No. 48; he was industrious and attended strictly to business. He was a bachelor and probably lived with his Uncle Francis until the death of the latter after which he boarded with Mr. Graham and with Wm. Crawford. He had a negro servant, William Lovely, whom he bought of John Boone, in 1808, for $400, and sold to John S. Williams when he moved to Cumberland for $521.32. He read extensively and accumulated quite a library, buying sixty-eight volumes of Francis Deakins' books in 1804, and in 1813 "Refses
Incliclopedia", $30.75, and spent $175 for other books. He gave liberally to the poor and to causes in which he was interested. Some of the items in his carefully kept expense account were:
To Nancy Boyd |
$20. |
1806 |
Subscription to Methodist meeting |
10. |
Cash to French boys who deserted French fleet |
5.60 |
Cash to W. W. Hoye |
10. |
1807 |
Paid Dr. Weems--$16. Paid for candy and segars |
23. |
To Robert Peters, Jr., for 12 gal. wine |
30. |
Relief of the poor--$16. Bread for Negro Tom |
8.60 |
1809 |
Pd. Wm. Graham, subscription to Coffee House |
10. |
Pd. Brown for hate |
6. |
1810 |
Linen for 3 prs. sheets |
35. |
Pd. J. Lander for shoeing my horse |
10. |
Pd. Mr. O'Neal for Cole--$35. A. Ross, bag coffee |
22.70 |
1813 |
Cash pd. for a box to hold maps |
7.37 |
In the District John Hoye also bought and sold real estate on his own account,
including a wharf and warehouse purchased in 1811 of Charles F. Broadhag's trustee for $3150; this property he rented for
$150 to $100 per annum until 1828. From 1811 to 1829 he owned 21 1/2 shares of the Georgetown-Potomac Bridge Company, valued
at $2512. In 1814 he bought of Leonard Harbaugh house No. 5, square 118, in Washington, giving his note in payment for $3000;
two years later he sold this property at a profit of $398.91.
He also suffered losses. A note in his Ledger dated 1808, referring to Virginia lands owned in company
with Charles Love: "He cheated me out of 3000 acres." Also in 1811-12 he lost $370 in dealing with Benj. Rickets: "The scoundrel
became a drunkard and died insolvent."
As late as 1846 John paid to the Washington City Corporation $19.19 taxes on eleven lots valued at
For many years John Hoye did his banking business with the Bank of Columbia at Georgetown. He owned
a small number of shares of stock of the Conocochegue Bank and South Branch Bank. His Ledger records interest collections,
1811-19, $1695, probably on deferred payments for land.
Many trips were necessary to the Maryland and Virginia land offices and to the lands in his charge.
For example: March 15, 1806, to Richmond, expenses--$80. Dec. 6, 1806, to Annapolis--$5.75. Aug. 6, 1806, to "the West"--$32.92.
Feb. 28, 1807, to the Shenandoah Valley--$10.
John attended to his father's business in Georgetown, i. e., the sale of farm products and purchase
of supplies. From 1812-15 purchases for the family charged to Ann Hoye included a barrel of herring--$5.50; a keg of crackers--$1.25;
a barrel of sugar--$21.25; all purchased of James Cassin.
Among the few slave deals recorded in John Hoye's Ledger we note under his account with John Rush,
Randolph Co., Va., dated Sept. 12, 1812:
"By Nelly a mulatto girl I purchased of him the 4th Dec. 1811, and which I am bound to liberate, and
in case of death I leave this memo she is free--$280."
The history of "Nelly", if known, might be interesting. Certainly John Hoye and the Rush family took
special interest in her.
In a postscript to his will, dated Feb. 24, 1831, John Rush left to "Nelly Hoye a yellow girl which
I have raised", the Tasker lot, No. 1513. In 1842 Eleanor (Nelly), then the wife of James Smith of Preston Co., Va., deeded
this lot to Wm. White.
Since most of the Deakins and Hoye JOHN HOYE IN lands were in western Maryland and CUMBERLAND western Virginia, John Hoye moved to Cumberland in 1813. There he had met Mary Calmes, daughter of Captain George Calmes, and he soon made her his wife. (License issued June 13, 1813.) It was arranged to have the wedding at the Calmes mansion in what is now Ridgely, West Virgnia, but at the last moment it was noted that the marriage license, issued in Maryland, was not valid in Virginia; so the principals, minister and witnesses boarded a flat boat moored to the River bank below the Calmes house, and there the marriage ceremony was performed while the guests looked on from the shore. John Hoye was thirty-nine and his wife twenty-five years of age when married. They had one child, GEORGE CALMES, who
died prior to 1823, an appalling loss to these proud parents, left with no child to inherit their name and fortune. Another
severe shock to the family was the death of Eli Hoye, a favorite nephew, who lived with them and was drowned while bathing
in the Potomac.
The Hoye Mansion was an imposing brick house on the site of old Fort Cumberland. (See end of this chapter).
It was the Hoye home until Mary Hoye's decease in 1875. The Census of 1820 lists John Hoye, his wife, his son, his sister
Ann, and five male and five female slaves. The negroes included a coachman, cook, maid and several children of the Dorsey
and Robeson families and the daughters of Nelly. During his later years Uncle John usually had one or more of William's children
in his home while they attended the town school.
Hospitable, well housed and amply supplied with servants, the Hoyes frequently entertained their friends
and visiting officials, especially during the sessions of the Circuit Court. It is related that on one such occasion John
rallied his wife for her free use of face powder: "Good Lord, Mary! You look as if you had stuck your head in the flour barrel."
Anna Hoye lived with her great Aunt Mary while attending school in Cumberland. When Anna married Lucian
Hendrickson, Aunt Mary gave the couple a splendid reception in the Hoye Mansion.
In his "History of Cumberland", Lowdermilk CUMBERLAND states that in 1810 residences were ABOUT 1813 built on Rose Hill by Captain David Lynn and Upton Bruce. "Washington street was then a very rough and steep road. There were but four houses on the south side, one built by Mr. Deakins and afterwards bought by John Hoye; the old Washington headquarters; two others. On the north side were the Court House and jail, the Clerk's Office and the house built by Roger Perry." Slicer's tavern was the first house between Creek and Baltimore streets, next to the Cumberland Bank, which was established in 1811. In 1812 the first newspaper, the Allegany Freeman, Democratic, was published in Cumberland, followed in 1814 by the
NOTE: Lord Baltimore's charter for Maryland
made the south bank of the Potomac the boundary of his colony; therefore, the River is in Maryland.