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The stories are starting to come in, please...if you have found this site helpful or even found a new cousin...drop me a note so I can post it here. We need to let the Hoy's know that posting info here could not only get info, but could help others as well!!

thanks for the updating possibilities: your UK-parish listings helped me with some of the missing information!
Jean Nicolai

I noticed you have the Augustine Hoy line from Australia - that is the
same line I have been working on!
I will contact Sammi - as I branch of slightly from her/him at #24 into
the Yates line.
As Sammi and I have the same details there is no need for me to send you
this again.  We both start at the same place with the same Augustine and
Frances Luby Hoy.
Joseph Augustine3 HOY (Augustine2, Augustine1) was born 24 Sep 1869 in
Woodford, Victoria, and died 1955 in Ormond, Victoria.  He married Mary
Ann YATES 1900 in Victoria, daughter of William YATES and Marcella.  She
was born 1881 in Colac, Victoria, and died 1947 in Oakleigh, Victoria.
I do have him re-marrying a Hilda May SWARBRICK (1897-1979) - but they
did not have any children.
Thanks for a great page.

Hi, Robbi
    The pictures are coming through fine.  Even the attachments, surprise.  My ISP usually screens those.
    Hope you are doing ok.  We are doing fine. 
    And thank you for all the help.  I would still be stuck
without it.

Hi,  What a great site.  My grandmother was Clara Hoy, dau. of Wm. Henry Hoy and Sarah Madden.  Clara married Danford Ferrell September 18, 1907, Kemptville, Oxford on Rideau Twp, Ontario.  I'm wondering if you use pictures on your site, as I have one of the couple.
Keep up the good work.
Josie Ross


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