1851 Census extracts
Hoy, Jane
Relationship: Daughter Marriage status: Unmarried Age
at census: 16 Gender: F Occupation: Linen
Weaver Place of birth: Antrim, Ireland Enumeration
district: Craigs County: Antrim Address: Craigs
Townland Family number: 1019
Hoy, Jane
Relationship: Wife Marriage status: Married Age
at census: 50 Gender: F Occupation: None
Place of birth: Antrim, Ireland Enumeration district: Craigs
County: Antrim Address: Craigs Townland
Family number: 1019
Hoy, John
Relationship: Son Marriage status: Unmarried Age
at census: 20 Gender: M Occupation: Linen
Weaver Place of birth: Antrim, Ireland Enumeration
district: Craigs County: Antrim Address: Craigs
Townland Family number: 1019
Hoy, Margaret
Relationship: Daughter Marriage status: Unmarried Age
at census: 18 Gender: F Occupation: Linen
Weaver Place of birth: Antrim, Ireland Enumeration
district: Craigs County: Antrim Address: Craigs
Townland Family number: 1019
Hoy, Robert
Relationship: Head Marriage status: Married Age
at census: 60 Gender: M Occupation: Farmer
Place of birth: Antrim, Ireland Enumeration district: Craigs
County: Antrim Address: Craigs Townland
Family number: 1019
Hoy, Robert
Relationship: Head Marriage status: Unmarried Age
at census: 37 Gender: M Occupation: Farmer
Place of birth: Antrim, Ireland Enumeration district: Ballinderry
County: Antrim Address: Ballymacrevan
Townla Family number: 17977
Hoy, Robert
Relationship: Son Marriage status: Unmarried Age
at census: 13 Gender: M Occupation: Labourer
Place of birth: Antrim, Ireland Enumeration district: Craigs
County: Antrim Address: Craigs Townland
Family number: 1019