Federalist, and the Cumberland Gazette. Assessed value of property of the town in 1813
totaled only $22,829--"very low." John Hoye's property there was assessed at $485, tho his house and lot alone were worth
several times that amount.
Cumberland was incorporated in 1815 ACTIVE IN CIVIC by Act of the General Assembly. "This SERVICE Act provided that five judicious and discreet persons, residing in the town and holding property therein, should be selected by the free white male citizens of the age of twenty-one years" as Commissioners of the town. In June, 1816, David Shriver, Jr., George Thistle, Henry McKinley, John Hoye, and John Scott were elected as the first Commission. In 1837 John Hoye was a member of the City Council. In
1833 much of Cumberland was destroyed by fire. At a meeting of the citizens John Hoye was made chairman of the committee to
receive donations and to distribute relief to the sufferers.
John Hoye and his friend, Alexander Smith, were two of the Commissioners of the Northwestern
Turnpike Company, which opened its books for subscriptions at Slicer's Hotel, August 26, 1833. This company built the Turnpike
(now U. S. 50) thru what is now Garrett County. John Hoye owned two large tracts of land on "the Pike".
George Washington's proposal to unite the CHESAPEAKE navigable waters of the Potomac and Ohio & Rivers by a canal was never realized, but OHIO CANAL in 1828 construction of the C. & O. Canal was begun at Georgetown and in 1850 it was completed to Cumberland. The Hoyes owned large tracts of land on or near the proposed routes of the Canal and railroad thru the mountains. In 1823 John C. Calhoun, Secretary of War, inspected the proposed Canal route; John Hoye and John McHenry met his party at Ingman's tavern in the Green Glades. In 1826 Hoye and McHenry were two of the delegates from Allegany County to the C. & O. Canal Convention which opened at Washington on December 6. John Hoye was a member of the committee of the Convention on cost of construction
and of another committee to report on the coal near the canal route. In 1827 John and his brother William patented 1454 acres of land, which they named "Western Canal Convention". In 1828 the construction of the first great BALTIMORE & railroad in America began at Baltimore. OHIO R. R. In 1842 the line reached Cumberland, in 1851 Piedmont, and in 1853 it was completed across the mountains to the Ohio at Wheeling. Since it appeared probable in 1838 that the railroad would pass south of Cumberland, a committee of citizens of which John Hoye "Boldly
turning his boat down stream, like an arrow he passed over Hoye's dam, and in a few minutes was out of sight." was chairman,
urged the location thru the town. It was successful in its mission.
John Hoye died in 1849 while the B. & O. R. R. was under construction thru his
mountain lands. He had anticipated the development of the country which followed the building of the Canal and railroads;
he had patented over 14,000 acres of prospective coal and iron land; he was one of the first to invest in coal mining in Maryland;
he owned thousands of acres of the finest timber lands in Maryland and Virginia. John Hoye had vision; he took over vast natural
resources from two states;
NOTE: (1) HOYE'S DAM. The "History of Allegany County"
by Thomas, tells of Joseph Strong's wild ride in a flat boat from Cumberland to Williamsport:
NOTE: (1) Scharf's "History of Western Maryland", referring
to the rich coal mining region about Frostburg, Allegany County, says:
"The first coal mined in this region
was taken from the Sheetz farm, then owned by John Hoye, of Cumberland, and located a mile and a half east of Frost
Town. The coal was mined under the direction of John Hoye and Roger Perry and wagoned to Cumberland for use in the
glass works."
(2) On April 26, 1836, citizens of Allegany County interested in the C. & O. canal and the B.
& O. R. R. met for the purpose of selecting delegates to represent the County in the Internal Improvement Convention
to be held in Baltimore on May 2nd. William McMahon presided. On motion of John Hoye, the chairman appointed thirty delegates,
headed by John Hoye, to represent the County at the Convention. --Scarf's History. (3)
On April 25, 1828, at a Whig meeting in Cumberland, resolutions were adopted, sustaining the administration of John Quincy
Adams, and advocating his re-election to the Presidency. John Hoye was appointed member of a committee. --Scarf's History.
he was an industrial pioneer. But the mining and lumber companies which followed him
reaped the harvest from mine and forest.
In a History of Allegany County John Hoye LAND KING is called "the land King of Allegany County". The following story illustrates his reputation among the country people: George
Rinehart, of Red House, and his neighbors were discussing whether or not the moon was inhabited. Said Rinehart: "I am sure
there is no habitable land on the moon; if there were John Hoye would have patented it."
When he died John owned over 50,000 acres of land. George Washington, another great
land speculator, owned 49,000 acres.
Most of our data on John Hoye's business is from his "Ledger A", a leather bound volume
of 464 pages now in the Maryland Historical Society Library. He kept at least four other books or ledgers--a Journal, Coal
Book, Land Book and a Document or Title file, all of which have been lost or destroyed.
In Ledger A we find in his own handwriting a neatly kept account of John Hoye's business
transactions with several hundred persons of the District of Columbia, Virginia and Maryland for a period of forty-five years,
dating from 1804 to the year of his death. He appears to have employed no regular clerk, tho George Smith of Alx. assisted
him in office and field work as early as 1836.
His first ventures in land speculation were probably in what is now Preston County,
West Virginia, where the Deakins brothers already owned large tracts of land. In 1801 and 1802 John Hoye patented in that
county seven tracts totaling 11,588 acres. From 1800 to 1817 he bought at tax sales forty-four military lots in Allegany County,
paying for each lot of fifty acres from $1.00 to $5.06. In the county land records he recorded a notice that, agreeable to
Act of the Assembly of 1818, if these lands were not redeemed within two years from date of passage of the Act, the owners
would lose all rights to recover them. Probably none of them were redeemed. In 1788 the State of Maryland gave a fifty acre
lot to each of its Revolutionary soldiers, who, as a rule, wanted to sell; also about the same time the State opened all its
remaining land to patent for a small fee per acre: the land market was swamped.
Uncle John often sacrificed his personal interest to help a friend or a worthy cause.
Michael Boyer, a soldier, died, and in 1818 his lot (No. 436) was sold for nine years' tax. Hoye bought it, but learning that
the Lutheran Church of Frederick Town was sole heir of Boyer, in 1821, for $1.00, he deeded the lot to John Ebert, in trust
for said Church..
John Hoye sold land to settlers, often on long term payments. In 1831 John and Domnick
Mattingly bought 157 acres of partly improved land at the Sainging Ground for which they paid $892.69, including interest
for several years. For unimproved agricultural land sold between 1830 and 1840 the price was usually $1.00 per acre. Most
of his property was unimproved timber or glade land, but he also owned several farms; among them "Mt. Airy" near the Little
Crossings, which was leased to Jacob Yeast in 1833; the Short Gap Run farm in Virginia leased to Henry Lease for $180 per
annum, 1835-47; "Goff's old farm in the Glades". Deep Creek farm was cleared by Samuel Williams and sold to the lumber king,
Henry G. Davis. The Hoye's Run and Gap Run farms were on the "Gleanings" tract.
Michael W. Wagoner paid $378 for 126 acres of John Hoye's Deakins land on Myer's Run
near Frankfort, Virginia. Under this account, dated April 17, 1847, John noted in his ledger:
"By cash paid or gave Polly Atkinson. She lives on the land and was very poor so I
gave this--$100."
Two Ledger entries in account with Henry White, Jr., relate to improvement on John
Hoye's "Big Pasture", now the site of Mt. Lake Park:
1828--By making 4115 panels of fence
$452.68 |
1833--By grubbing 10 a. in my big pasture |
30.00 |
A Ledger entry under "Sheep Acct", dated 1813, indicates that an effort to improve
the breed of sheep in the mountains was frustrated by dogs:
"To one half cost of Merino ram in co. of George Calmes and Capt. Lynn--$25. By loss
in full--killed by dogs."
The Hoyes were of that pestiferous race of land speculators, but they improved their
property and some of them settled on the land.
THE KING By a trust deed, dated 1821, John Hoye transferred ABDICATES his real and personal property in Allegany County to his father-in-law, Capt. Geo. Calmes. Quoting: Whereas John Hoye is indebted to sundry persons sums of money which he is unable at this time to pay and being desirous to place his property in the hands of a trustee (???)for benefit of his creditors and whereas the said John Hoye is bound as security for others for money which they may not pay and he thereby becomes liable for(???)." Provisions follow that his debts shall be paid before paying any sums for which he was merely security, and that Calmes shall reconvey to John Hoye all property remaining after his obligations are paid. In 1823 he also deeded to Calmes negroes Matilda and Pheba and their four children. In
1830 George Calmes transferred all the John Hoye land to Samuel P. Smith and in 1835, by request of Hoye, Smith deeded the
same property to Wm. W. Hoye, who, the following year, deeded it back to John Hoye.
It appears that John Hoye was interested in certain business enterprises with his brother-in-law,
Roger Perry, and had indorsed Perry's notes. Perry failed. In 1818 the Court ordered the property of Roger and Thomas I. Perry
sold to satisfy their creditors, and Hoye's property was also in danger. John Hoye suffered great inconvenience thru the incident,
but it does not appear that he lost any large amount of his property. One of the creditors was Robert Oliver of Baltimore;
in 1829 Hoye and Oliver made an agreement which involved transfer to the latter of a tract called "Chances", 1412 acres. We
are not familiar with the details of the Perry-Hoye affair, but it is clear that their friendship and business relations were
ended forever. In his last will John Hoye wrote: "It is my will and request that none of the Perry Family shall ever have
any part or lot or be in any manner concerned or employed in such final settlement of my estate."
One of Uncle John's weaknesses was that he placed too much confidence in persons who
were not so honest or able as he; this is illustrated by the inventory of debts due him when he died: of a total of $69,050
due, $35,378 were listed as "Desperate", i. e. probably uncollectable.
During the fifteen years Uncle John's Maryland property was held in trust by others
he continued to transact business thru the trustees and thru his brother William. His relations with William were always cordial
and confidential. They kept few written accounts of their transactions. In John's Ledger under "William W. Hoye" was noted:
Dr.--1813, 1815. Money from John House--$51. Paid your taxes 1825--1831--$31.95. Cr.--1835. "By surveying in full of this acct.--$82.95. By your services in full to profit and loss as you did many jobs of surveying for me for which you tendered no acct. I have thought it but right to settle this." After
William's death in 1836 John gave increased attention to the welfare of his brother's large family. The trust estate which
Paul Hoye left his grandchildren consisted chiefly of unimproved land which produced no income, but Uncle John sent the family
groceries and clothing, provided money for improving their farm and for the education of the children. Henry McCabe, a blacksmith,
bought lot 1466, adjoining the home of John's sister Elizabeth. Here follow a letter from William's widow and a note added
by McCabe:
Sang Run, Dec. 26th, 1838 Mr. John Hoye-- I
have settled with Mr. Henry McCabe for Blacksmithing and find a balance in his favor of $16.34 cts which you will please pay
Yours MARY HOYE Mr. J. Hoye I
wish you to strike a balance between you and me and if you have not made the deed I wish you to make it and have it put in
the office for recording. I also want you to let me know what I will owe you when this settlement is made.
There is the line fence between your sister and me that is very much out of repair.
I want you to let me know if I will repair it and make new rails and find the Timber myself if you will pay me half the expense.
She looks for me to keep it up and she has no timber that can be conveniently got at
I have got D. Mattingly to attend to my Business for me therefore I pray you to excuse
me as it is not in my power to come down
Yours J Hoye Esq. HENRY McCABE Tho not blessed with a robust physique, IN MEMORIAM John Hoye survived well past the allotted three score and ten, mentally alert to the last.
On March 2, 1849, "being in impaired health of body," Uncle John made his last will.
On the following June 2nd the spirit of this indomitable man passed "to the keeping of its merciful Author," aged 74 years,
10 months, 19 days. His body was placed two days later in the family vault on the brow of Rose Hill. Rev. Leonard H. Johns,
second rector of Emmanuel Episcopal Parish, was the officiating minister at the funeral. His obituary was published in a Cumberland
"Departed this life, at his residence in Cumberland, Maryland, on Saturday morning
the 2nd inst., after an illness of nearly five weeks, John Hoye, Esq., in the 75th year of his age, leaving an affectionate
wife and other relatives and personal friends to lament their loss.
The sensibilities of his nature occasionally clouded the evening of his life with despondency,
but he has now ceased to suffer, and although the places that once knew him so familiarly will now know him no more forever,
yet he will long continue to live in the grateful recollection of the poor and friendless, whose sufferings and wants he so
often relieved by his noiseless, but liberal charities.
"No further seek his merits to disclose Or draw his frailities from their still abode. There they alike in trembling hope repose In the bosom of his Father and his God." S. Over
the door of the concrete Hoye vault is inscribed:
Oh why should the spirit of mortal be proud! Like a swift fleeting meteor--a fast flying cloud-- A flash of the light'ning--a break of the wave, He passeth from life to his rest in the grave. When
the remains of John Hoye's widow were interred in the vault a relative or friend closed and locked the door, then threw the
key inside, saying, "This is the last to rest here." John Hoye's family line ceased!
John Hoye was of the blonde type--red or sandy VIKING hair, brown eyes. He was broad shouldered and BLOOD erect; more stockily built than his father and brother; high forehead, firm mouth and chin; his expression rather stern, with a touch of sadness during later years.
Uncle John Hoye came to manhood during the stirring years of the French Revolution;
his ideology was doubtless influenced by the liberal thinking of his time. Mary Hoye was a communicant of Emmanuel Episcopal
Church but there is no evidence that her husband was a member of any church. A Cumberland story relates that John Hoye and
a friend were discussing the question of immortality. Finally they agreed that, if there is a life after death, the one who
died first should return to earth and inform the survivor. His friend died. Soon after, John was returning home late at night,
probably from Slicer's tavern; as he approached the bridge across Will's Creek he saw his friend standing silently on the
bridge. He was in flames!
Payments of $72 to Drs. Wm. Baker and Robert French of Georgetown for medical services
in 1811-13 indicate that Uncle John's health was not good. A letter to Ann Hoye dated May 24, 1827 says: "Your Uncle John
has gone to the Glades where he expects to spend the greater part of the summer; his health has improved but little." He often
spent his summers at Capt. Calmes' home in the Yough Glades. A letter from Attorney Thos. Brown, headed Kingwood, Va., June
22, 1839, says: "I am gratified to learn that your health is improving."
Emotionally John was "high strung, gruff, but kindly"; on occasions "he could cuss
or swear". Stories are still told in Cumberland and in the mountains of John Hoye.
An illiterate mountaineer received a letter from Mr. Hoye. He promptly rode to Cumberland
where he handed the communication to its author, saying, "I can't read that letter." John glanced at it and growled, "Nobody
could read that letter." "But, Mr. Hoye, you wrote it." "Well, in that case perhaps I can read it."
A young man came to Uncle John's office asking for a small loan to pay for his marriage
license. "Why in hell are you getting married if you don't even have money to pay for a license?" stormed John. The lad hesitatingly
explained that he and his girl had decided rather suddenly to marry. He got the money. A few years later John was on a trip
in the mountains when he was hailed by the young farmer who repaid the loan.
In 1932 Mrs. Jane Wolf told us the following story:
A young couple from the Swanton neighborhood came to Cumberland to be married. After
the ceremony they tried to borrow $10 of John Hoye for household furniture. "Why the hell did you not work and save $10 before
you married?" said John to the bridegroom. "Now John," coaxed Mrs. Hoye, "You can afford to loan them the money even if you
lose it and the young woman will be so disappointed if they can't buy those things." Some years later Uncle John stopped at
a farmer's house to spend the night and during the evening the host asked if he remembered loaning a young couple $10. "Yes,"
said John, "but I kept no account of it." "Well I am the man. I have been slow paying, raising so many children, as you see."
"I'll be damned!" exclaimed John. "I like to see a young man get on as you have; clearing a farm and raising a fine family.
I will give you the lot I own next to yours: with all those children you will need it."
About 1842 John Hoye visited Thomas Brown at Kingwood, Va. Mr. Brown informed him that
he had named his son John Hoye. Remarking that he must buy his namesake a present, John and the father went to Mr. Baldwin's
store and chose a dress of pink calico, but being in doubt how much was needed, Hoye unrolled yard after yard, until they
had enough to dress the boy until he was seven years of age. John Hoye Brown became a merchant in Kingwood.
Many boys in the mountains were named "Hoye" for the warm hearted Cumberlander.
In 1846 John Hoye sold to Andrew Friend and his sons, Joshua M. and Johnathan, 433
acres of "Resurvey on Grims Point" near Friendsville, for $2.50 per acre. Following is their correspondence:
June the 2d 1848 Mr. John Hoye Esq. Dier
Sir I wish to inform you that my boys has been disappointed in their Calculations with their tobacco crops and has made but
little in that--and part of a crop unsold and tha have worked very hard tha will have to sel some stock I have some money
and would ben down yesterday but have the Rumatism for some days--I wish to no from you whether the Money with the intrust
in a few weeks woold do or not
Please to write to me and let me no and oblige
Yours with respct ANDREW FRIEND
Cumberland Jun. 6th 1848 Mr. Andrew Friend, Selbys Port, Md. Dear
Sir: Yours of the 2nd Inst. I received last evening. If you can make out to pay in 4 or 5 weeks the paper now due it will
do. I shant trouble you as to that time, but it is better for you all to pay up and get clear of it. You know I am an old
man and I do not want to leave or to place my old friends in the power of others. I want to settle with all my self and I
know all will be right.
MARY CALMES survived her husband many AUNT MARY years. At the age of eighty-seven she passed HOYE away and was buried on Rose Hill October 20, 1875, by Rev. Stephen C. Thrall, rector of the parish. She was a woman of decided opinions, not always in harmony with her husband's. Mr. Shriver told us the following story: Aunt
Hoye bought an expensive chandelier without consulting Uncle John. She had it hung in the parlor while he was out and waited
at the head of the stairs to get his reaction. John came in, lighted a match, and, seeing the glittering glass and gold object,
remarked: "This is some of Polly's foolishness." "Yes," called Polly from the stair, "and you will always have 'Polly's foolishness'
while you have Polly."
Aunt Mary kept a comfortable home for her husband and mothered his nephews and nieces
when they lived there; but the fact that she mentioned none of them in her will indicates a coolness toward them in later
"Lady Hoye", as she was known in Cumberland, was noted for her interest in the colored
people. It was her custom to call in all the servants for morning prayers, and when the rector came for dinner she always
had him pray with her "dear people" before serving the meal. She always ended her prayers for the servants with, "Lord make
them free in their thouls and their bodies." She lisped in pronouncing certain words.
In his will John Hoye provided for the freedom of his slaves, and his widow's refusal
to accept the provisions of his will was probably prompted by her hope to get more money for her Negro charities. Her will
provided that the major part of her estate should go to the Trustees of the Mary Hoye School House in Cumberland and to the
African Missionary Society, "for the purpose of converting and Christianizing the African
Race." She also gave a lot for the school house which was finally built on Independence
street. The Mary Hoye School served as a colored public school for many years; later the building was used as a club house
by the colored people, and in 1927 the property was sold under a court order and the proceeds were divided between the four
colored churches of Cumberland.
One of the oldest houses now in use in Cumberland, Maryland, is the "Hoye Mansion"
on Lot 66, adjoining the Court House Square on Washington Street. It is now the First Church of Christ, Scientist. Briefly
its history is as follows:
The land records of Allegany County show that on the 7th day of November, 1795, Samuel
Duvall of Frederick County, Maryland, in consideration of œ37:10, deeded to George Dent of Allegany County, Maryland,
Lot 66 in Cumberland, "it being the same lot originally on the 25th day of June, 1785, conveyed by Thomas Beall of Sam'l to
Samuel Duvall(???)reserving to Samuel Beall the annual rent of one Spanish Dollar.”
Lot 66 is on the site of Fort Cumberland and just north east of the Court House lot.
On this lot was the "old well" of the Fort. It
NOTE: THE CALMES FAMILY. The Marquis de Calmes was born in France in 1705. He was
a Huguenot nobleman who emigrated to America because of religious persecution in his native land. He married Winifred
Waller of Virginia. De Calmes planted the first vineyard in America in Clarke Co., Va.
William Calmes, son of
the Marquis, married Lucy Neville of Virginia. He owned a large tract of land near Summit Point, Virginia. Gen. Marquis
Calmes, son of William, was a gallant captain in the Revolutionary Army and a general in the War of 1812. Our Capt.
George Calmes appears to have been another son of William. He owned a large tract of land on the Virginia side of the
River at Cumberland on which he built the Calmes mansion; he also owned the Calmes farm in the Youghiogheny Glades.
George Calmes had three daughters, viz: Mary, who married John Hoye; Isabella, wife of John Rodgers; and Lucy, wife
of Roger Perry, Sr. Says Lowdermilk: "Captain George Calmes died November 20, 1834, at his home on the bluff across
the River, at the age of 80 years. He was an officer of the Revolution. His wife, Mary, died December 17th following,
aged 82 years. She was a daughter of Captain Thomas Price of Frederick.”
NOTE: LAWS OF MARYLAND, Chapter 47, "An Act for the benefit of John Hoye and Mary
his wife," allows a mulatto slave and her two children to be brought into Maryland. The slaves must be imported within
the year and registered with the county court. The act further provides that these slaves cannot be sold or disposed of
until they have been three years in Maryland.
In the record of deeds in Cumberland there is recorded a deed from
George Calmes to John Hoye for Matilda and her two children.
is one of the original town lots of Cumberland, laid off by Thomas Beall of Samuel,
on the "Walnut Bottom" tract.
On the 5th day of December, 1796, George Dent deeded to Charles F. Broadhag, for "3000
Spanish Milled Dollars," Lot 66 in Cumberland "with all and singular the Houses, out Houses, Edifices, Buildings waters(???)belonging."
Receipt follows from Dent for "1125 pounds current money." George Dent, grandfather of Mrs. U. S. Grant, was a surveyor, and
one of Cumberland's early business men; he resided in a log house on Green street.
From the wording of the deed to Broadhag and from the added price paid in 1796 over
the 1795 price, it is evident that the present brick house was erected on this lot by George Dent in the year 1796. Charles
Frederick Broadhag resided in this house until he returned to Georgetown, D. C., and kept the post office in his house, or
in an office built on the lawn in front. John Hoye had his office on the lawn.
In his "History of Cumberland," Lowdermilk says this house was built by William Deakins,
of Georgetown, half uncle of John Hoye. Probably the Deakins family did finance the building since Dent was certainly unable
to do so himself. We learn from the land records that William Deakins, in 1787, obtained a court judgment against George Dent
for œ373:15:8:3, with interest from 1786, and costs. The judgment was not paid and in 1791 the Sheriff sold Dent's Lot
37; in 1793 he also sold Dent's interest in Lot 64, and in 1794 Lot 107. So it appears that George Dent was in no financial
position to buy Lot 66 in 1795 and immediately build upon it an expensive house. It is probable that William Deakins put up
the "3000 Spanish Milled Dollars" for the construction of the house, and retained his interest in it until his death in 1798,
when it was inherited by his brother, Col. Francis Deakins, and his half brother, Paul Hoye.
Col. Francis Deakins died in 1804, and in his will named John Hoye, son of Paul Hoye,
as one of the executors of his estate. In 1805 Paul Hoye deeded his interest in the Deakins estate to his son John.
We believe that Lowdermilk had reason for his statement--tho records so far as we have
seen do not confirm him--that William Deakins built the brick house on Lot 66. However, on the 9th day of March, 1805, Charles
F. Broadhag of Georgetown, deeded to John Hoye of the same city, Lot 66 in Cumberland, "it being the lot on which the brick
house built by George Dent stands together with said Brick House and all the improvements(???)reserving to the original proprietor,
Thomas Beall(???)yearly forever one Spanish dollar as ground rent." Note that in 1805 John Hoye paid about $1000 less than
the 1796 price, tho property values in Cumberland had advanced rapidly during the intervening eight years,(???)indicating
that, thru his father, Paul Hoye, and his uncles, the Deakins brothers, he had already obtained an interest in the property.
John Hoye moved from Georgetown to Cumberland in 1813 and there married Mary, daughter
of Captain George Calmes of what is now Ridgely, West Virginia. He (John) was an extensive land owner and dealer in lands
in Western Maryland and Virginia; his office was on the lawn of his residence, then known as the "Hoye Mansion", often the
scene of hospitable social affairs, especially when the County Court was in session.
John Hoye died in 1849, leaving by his will Lot 66 and improvements thereon to his
widow, Mary Hoye, who continued to reside in the mansion until her death in 1875.
Mary Hoye bequeathed 42 feet 6 inches front of Lot 66 to her relatives--Rizers, Perrys,
and Annans--and the mansion and that part of Lot 66 on which it stands, she bequeathed to her niece, Mary Perry, "during her
natural life."
In 1881 Samuel P. Smith and George Smith of A., executors of Mary Hoye's will, reported
to the Orphans' Court that, on January 29th of that year, they sold to William H. Shepard for $7500, the remainder of Lot
66 and the building "known as the Hoye Mansion"; but the sale was set aside by the court, and "after many trials" the property
was finally sold to Mary C. Swartzwelder for $6300,(???)confirmed by the Court May 20, 1881; receipt of the purchase price
was acknowledged by the executors.
It is of interest to note here that according to Mary Hoye's will, the proceeds of
this sale were to be equally divided between "the Trustees of the Mary Hoye School House in Cumberland" for colored children
and "the African Missionary Society, for the purpose of converting and Christianizing the African Race." But the Orphans'
Court records, so far as we have been able to learn, do not show the receipt or disbursement of the $6300 by the executors.
The following year Joseph Footer deeded the property to the Washington Hotel Company,
which planned to build on the lot a hotel or apartment house. It is said that Gov. Lloyd Lowndes, who lived on the opposite
side of Washington Street, objected to the plan and prevented financing the hotel project, thereby saving the house from destruction.
So in 1925 the Hotel Company sold the property to the trustees of the Congregation Beth-El, who converted the old mansion
into a Jewish Synagogue.
On May 1, 1932, Congregation Beth-El deeded the property to the present owners, the
First Church of Christ, Scientist, who use the building for Church purposes.
The Hoye Mansion, built in 1796, is of red brick, two and a half stories, on a stone
foundation, which also encloses a basement under the whole of the house. There were large front and rear porches with ornamental
iron grill work. At the rear of the hall was a back door and stairway, leading down to the basement and up to the second floor.
On the first floor were the parlor and dining room, to which a "dumb waiter" carried the victuals from the kitchen in the
basement. On the second floor were the bedrooms. The chimneys with fireplaces on both floors were on the northeast side of
the building.
The Jewish Congregation replaced the old porch with a colonial facade supported by
six pillars. The brick walls were also covered with gray stucco. Inside the building the old stairway was replaced by two
stairs leading to the second floor, which is now the Church assembly room.
In the rear of the Mansion the old brick coach house still stands and opposite it is
a one story brick building once occupied by the Negro servants of the owners. The old well may be seen near the northeast
corner of the house.
014. ANN HOYE was born July 20, 1801, and died April 26, 1879. She married Dr. Elijah
Bishop in May, 1828. He died April 4, 1870, age 73 years, 9 days. Dr. Bishop and his wife are buried in the Smithsburg cemetery.
CHILDREN, all born at the Bishop home, Smithsburg: 032. 1. Ann Hoye, b. Apr. 28, 1830; d. Jan. 23, 1841. 033. 2. Benjamin Caleb, b. Oct. 1, 1831. 034. 3. Elijah Tracy, b. Apr. 11, 1833. 035. 4. Henrietta Maria, b. May 27, 1835. 036. 5. William Earl, b. June 23, 1837; d. Aug. 20, 1855. 037. 6. Emily, b. Sept. 28, 1838; d. September, 1897. 038. 7. John Hoye, b. Jan. 5, 1842. One other who died in infancy.
Ann Hoye lived with her parents on the Crabtree Bottom Farm until her mother's death
when she went to reside with her grandfather, Paul Hoye. After his death she resided with her aunt Ann Hoye until 1825 when
she made her home with the Galloways at Hagerstown. She attended the "dame school" in Williamsport and a school in Hagerstown.
An old manual of the Lancaster school system marked "Ann Hoye, her book", indicates that she was a student assistant in one
of those schools. She met her husband thru the Hughes family of Cavetown where he was practicing medicine.
Dr. Bishop came to Maryland in 1822 for his health; he finally settled at Smithsburg.
The family home was a large brick house built by Dr. Bishop near the southwest corner of Water and Main Streets. He owned
several large farms near Smithsburg and many slaves, two of whom were Aunt Henny and Liza. In politics Dr. Bishop was an old
line Whig. He was a member of the Congregational Church. For nearly fifty years he was the leading physician of Smithsburg
and one of the best known men in that part of the county. He was also interested in the manufacture of lime at Cavetown. The
Bishops owned the first reaper and binder in their neighborhood and thereby became for a time very unpopular among the local
Ann was a member of St. Ann's Episcopal Church at Smithsburg but her husband was a
Unitarian. St. Ann's was built by the Bishop family and others; it was named in honor of Ann's patron saint. Ann Hoye was
confirmed November 14, 1819, in St. John's P. E. Church, Hagerstown, by Bishop James Kemp; Rev. J. C. Clay, Rector.
During the Civil War Dr. Bishop's family was the victim of conflicting emotions. Dr.
Bishop by ancestry and education was of the North, but as a slave owner and Southern planter he could sympathize with the
aspirations of the South. He decried the strife and tried to be neutral; two of his sons enlisted in the Union army, while
one inclined toward the Confederacy.
Ann Bishop was a well built woman of medium height and weight, black hair and brown
eyes. She was of a kindly disposition, loved by her large family and neighbors. It is related that, in addition to carefully
superintending a large household, she was an active church worker and interested in her husband's profession to such an extent
that her free advice to visiting neighbors caused the doctor to complain that she seriously reduced his income. However, Dr.
Bishop was of the opinion that a physician should have other sources of income.
THE BISHOP LINE: THOMAS BISHOP emigrated from Newent Parish, Glocestershire, England.
He went from Salem, Mass., about 1636, to Ipswich, Mass., of which he was one of the founders. In 1674 he died, leaving an
estate of œ5000. SAMUEL BISHOP, son of Thomas, graduated from Harvard College in 1665, married Hester Cogswell, and died
at Ipswich in 1687. SAMUEL BISHOP II (1678-1760) of Ipswich and Norwich, married Sarah Forbes in 1705; they had eleven children.
CALEB BISHOP, b. 1715, married Keziah Hellard in 1739. REUBEN BISHOP (1740-1775) married his cousin Hannah, in 1761. He was
an officer of a militia company and was killed on Arnold's expedition to Quebec. CALEB BISHOP II (1764-1842) married Ziporah
Tracy, daughter of Colonel Ezenezer Tracy. (See Tracy Geneology.)
These are the ancestors of DR. ELIJAH BISHOP (1797-1870) who married Ann Hoye. He was
born at Lisbon, Connecticut; his father and grandfather were farmers. Soon after he graduated at Yale College Dr. Bishop taught
two years at Washington College, Chestertown, Maryland, then returned to New Haven, studied medicine, and finally settled
at Smithsburg, Maryland. He was well known in his profession.
033. BENJAMIN CALEB BISHOP: Died July 11, 1894, at Monroe City, Mo. m. Maria Drane,
his cousin, Apr. 14, 1857, at Sharpsburg, Mo.
Ben Bishop was educated at Franklin-Marshall College. In early life he went West, married,
and lived at Hunnewell, Monroe City and Sharpsburg, Mo. He was a farmer. His daughters returned to Smithsburg. Benjamin had
the Hoye red hair and differed in disposition and opinion from his brother Tracy, who was considered a conservative.
CHILDREN: 039. 1. Ann Eliza, b. Feb. 27, 1860; d. Oct. 27, 1875; bur. Monroe City. 040. 2. Henrietta Maria, b. June 4, 1861; d. Apr. 18, 1879; bur. Smithsburg. 041. 3. Lucy, b. Mar. 2, 1863. Smithsburg, Md. 042. 4. Emily, b. June 14, 1864; d. Dec. 5, 1939; bur. Smithsburg, Md. 043. 5. Eleanor, b. Mar. 14, 1866; d. Aug. 21, 1890; bur. Smithsburg, Md. 044. 6. Susan, b. Oct. 14, 1869, Smithsburg, Md.
034. ELIJAH TRACY BISHOP: Died March 11, 1917, at Smithsburg. m. Louisa Coakley, June
18, 1862, at Grace Church, Baltimore; daughter of Philip H. Coakley, of Stafford Co., Va.
Dr. Elijah T. Bishop was educated at Franklin-Marshall College and at the College of
Physicians and Surgeons, Baltimore. He succeeded his father in the practice of medicine at Smithsburg. Dr. Bishop lived on
the Waynesboro road in Smithsburg and owned large farms in the county.
CHILDREN, all born in the Smithsburg home: 045. 1. Marcia, b. Aug. 2, 1863; d. June 2, 1939. 046. 2. Sarah Coakley, b. Apr. 9, 1865; d. May 18, 1935, Smithsburg. 047. 3. Mary, b. Nov. 18, 1866. 048. 4. Lucy Irwin, b. July 18, 1868. 049. 5. Henrietta, b. Oct. 30, 1871. 050. 6. Earl, b. and d. 1872. 051. 7. Emily, b. Oct. 11, 1874; d. Jan. 26, 1900.
047. MARY BSHOP: Smithsburg, Md. m. Henry M. Wade. Mary is a retired clerk, U. S. Veterans
048. LUCY IRWIN BISHOP: Died Sept. 17, 1927; bur. Whitemarsh, Phila. m. Jandon Browne,
Jan. 30, 1895.
049. HENRIETTA BISHOP: Died 1914; bur. Smithsburg, Md. m. Hugh Montgomery, Oct. 1897,
at Philadelphia.
CHILDREN: 052. 1. Hugh Bishop, b. July 27, 1900, at Greenville, Mass. 053. 2. Donald Bishop, b. Oct. 30, 1903, near Fredericksburg, Va. 054. 3. Tracy Bishop, b. July 14, 1904, at Smithsburg, Md.
052. HUGH BISHOP MONTGOMERY: Tampa, Florida. m. Eileen Harman, May 18, 1929. Real estate
053. DONALD BISHOP MONTGOMERY: Hyattsville, Md. m. Mary Spence, May 4, 1931; dau. of
Thomas H. Spence of Prince George's County, Md. Donald is on a ship of the American Export Line.
054. TRACY BISHOP MONTGOMERY: Tampa, Florida. m. Harriette Mathieson, Mar. 2, 1938.
Road Commission.
CHILDREN: 055. 1. Mary Marcia, b. Mar. 14, 1939.
040. HENRIETTA MARIA BISHOP: Died Apr. 2, 1910, at Smithsburg. m. Jacob Tolley Towson,
Jan. 6, 1857, a son of William Towson.
This sturdy family resided on the fine old Towson farm, "Homewood", at Smithsburg.
The mother and father were members of the Episcopal Church and are buried in the Smithsburg Cemetery.
CHILDREN: 056. 1. Anna Hoye, b. Nov. 7, 1857, at Clifton, Williamsport, Md. 057. 2. William Percy, b. Sept. 9, 1859; d. Dec. 25, 1918. 058. 3. Lucy Bishop, b. Sept. 20, 1861, at Smithsburg. 059. 4. Isabella Hughes, b. Apr. 5, 1865, at Smithsburg. 060. 5. Arthur Lee, b. Nov. 6, 1866, at Smithsburg. 061. 6. Elizabeth, b. May 8, 1869, at Smithsburg. 062. 7. Mabel, b. Feb. 2, 1871, at Smithsburg. 063. 8. Ethelred, b. Mar. 31, 1873, at Smithsburg. 064. 9. Emily Worden, b. Jan. 29, 1875; d. Dec. 1, 1929. 065. 10. Robert Fenn, b. Aug. 14, 1877, at Smithsburg.
056. ANNA HOYE TOWSON: Died June 26, 1939; bur. at Smithsburg. m. Davies L. Kenly,
Oct. 19, 1882. Mr. Kenly is a grain merchant. Their home, Ravenswood", is a large farm near Hagerstown. They are members of
the Episcopal Church.
CHILDREN: 066. 1. George Tyson, b. Mar. 14, 1890, at Ravenswood. 067. 2. Robert Gordon, b. May 24, 1895, at Ravenswood.
Tyson Kenly is a farmer and resides on the Ravenswood home.
067. ROBERT GORDON KENLY: White Plains, N. Y. m. Edna Bunce, Aug. 19, 1924. Robert
is a M. E. of Stevens Institute. U. S. M. C., 1917-1918; 2nd Div., A. E. F., in 1918. Employed with the N. J. Zinc Company.
057. WILLIAM PERCY TOWSON: Died Dec. 25, 1918; bur. in Smithsburg. m. Helen Marr Bridges,,
of Hancock, Maryland.
058. LUCY BISHOP TOWSON: Govanstown, Baltimore, Maryland. m. James A. Brady (1859-1929),
March 31, 1891, at Homewood. Mr. Brady was a grandson of Edward Brady, of Baltimore.
CHILDREN: 068. 1. Elinor Bishop, b. Jan. 31, 1896. 069. 2. Richard Towson, b. Aug. 1, 1897.
068. ELINOR BISHOP BRADY: Baltimore, Maryland. m. William T. Biedler, Nov. 26, 1924,
son of William T., of Luray, Va. Mr. Biedler is a mechanical engineer.
CHILDREN: 070. 1. William T. 3d., b. July 21, 1926, Baltimore, Md.
069. RICHARD TOWSON BRADY: Baltimore, Md. m. Genevieve K. Klinefelter, dau. of William
J., June 26, 1926. Served in U. S. M. C., 1917-1918. With Baltimore Trust Co.
059. ISABELLA HUGHES TOWSON: New York City. m. Anderson Price, June 20, 1888, at Homewood.
CHILDREN: 071. 1. Towson, b. June 14, 1889. 072. 2. Charles Stuart, b. Apr. 29, 1892. 073. 3. Antoinette, b. Oct. 31, 1897.
071. TOWSON PRICE: Washington,, D. C. m. Isabel P. Marshall, June 30, 1917, daughter
of William F. Marshall, of Markham, Va. Towson Price is a M. E., 1909, Stevens Institute; a graduate, National University
Law School. Member of the Bar, Washington, D. C., N. J., and U. S. Supreme Court. U. S. N. R. F., July, 1918 to Jan., 1919.
Member of A. S. M. E. Patent Attorney.
CHILDREN: 074. 1. Charles Marshall, b. July 22, 1922, Orange, N. J.
064. ARTHUR LEE TOWSON: Smithsburg, Md. m. Julia
NOTE: WILLIAM TOLLEY TOWSON (1735-1767) was a native
of Towsontown, Baltimore County, Md. His son, JACOB TOLLEY TOWSON, born in 1763, married (2) Patty Shearer in 1795.
Their son, WILLIAM TOWSON, was born in 1797 and married Louisa Hammee in 1824. JACOB TOLLEY TOWSON II, son of William,
was born in Williamsport, Md., Nov. 27, 1831, and died March 17, 1907. He was a merchant and farmer; he settled on
the McAtee farm at Smithsburg in 1865.
Paulding, Apr. 10, 1901, at Huntington, N. Y. He is a farmer and merchant. Home at
"Cloverly" farm.
CHILDREN: 075. 1. Arthur Lee, b. Oct. 16, 1907. 076. 2. Henrietta, b. Apr. 5, 1910. 077. 3. Paulding, b. Jan. 25, 1913.
061. ELIZABETH TOWSON: Tufts College, Mass. m. Carleton A. Wheeler, June 24, 1908,
at Homewood. He is a professor at Tufts College:
CHILDREN: 078. 1. Coburn Towson, b. Nov. 1, 1909. 079. 2. Towson Amer, b. Oct. 1, 1911.
062. MABEL TOWSON: Philadelphia, Pa. m. George A. Landell, banker, Jan. 2, 1907., at
CHILDREN: 080. 1. Henrietta Maria, b. May 7, 1910.
063. ETHELRED TOWSON: Died June 19, 1939, Tacoma, Washington. m. Alexander D. Coale,
a dentist, Feb. 18, 1903, at Homewood.
CHILDREN: 081. 1. Alexander Draper, b. Aug. 19, 1903, Everett, Washington. 082. 2. Elizabeth, b. Mar. 12, 1905, Tacoma, Washington.
081. ALEXANDER DRAPER COALE: Seattle, Wash. m. Lida Sudakoff, July 14, 1934. Attorney
with Frederick & Nelson.
082. ELIZABETH COALE: Wilson, Wyoming. m. Lowell J. Farmer, June 15, 1929. U. S. Forest
CHILDREN: 083. 1. Lowell Judson, b. Dec. 17, 1932, Salt Lake City, Utah. 084. 2. James Dorsey, b. June 7, 1935, Salt Lake City, Utah.
065. ROBERT FENN TOWSON: Smithsburg, Md., m. Mary Harris Brawley, Apr. 30, 1907, at
Chester, S. C. She is a dau. of James McK. Brawley (1846-1907), son of Hiram C. (d. 1862), who was a brother of Mark Brawley,
of Brawley, Calif., in
NOTE: PRICE is a very ancient family, descended in
a direct line from Marchwesthian, a famous prince and chieftan of the House of "Ap Rhys", North Wales, who served
with great distinction with Gryffyd Ap Cynam at the beginning of the 11th century. WILLIAM M. PRICE, a lawyer, surrogate
of New York City. CHARLES (d. 1889), his son, a lawyer, moved from New York to Rutherford, N. J. Anderson Price, his
son, a lawyer, resided in N. J.
whose honor that town was named. Robert Towson is a farmer and merchant; owner of "Homewood".
CHILDREN: 085. 1. Jacob Tolley, b. Jan. 29, 1908, at Smithsburg. 086. 2. Robert Fenn, b. Aug. 14, 1914, at Smithsburg.
085. JACOB TOLLEY TOWSON: Memphis, Tenn. m. Mary Arden Galloway, October, 1937.
037. EMILY BISHOP: Died Sept. 18, 1897; bur. at Smithsburg. m. F. J. Clayton, rector,
Episcopal Church.
038. JOHN HOYE BISHOP: Died Jan. 30, 1928; bur. at Smithsburg. m. Alice Besore (d.
Feb. 26, 1928), July 4, 1874, at Uniontown, Pa. John was a graduate in Civil Engineering, Yale, class of '63. He was employed
as an engineer on the construction of the W. Md. R. R., the Union Pacific R. R., and the Hilo and Cohala R. R. in Hawaii.
He also managed his two farms and manufactured lime at Cavetown, residing in Smithsburg. Soon after the opening of Oklahoma
to settlement he bought a quarter section of land, "Oocheekenya", s. e. of Guthrie; he then resided on his farm and in Guthrie.
CHILDREN, all born in Smithsburg, Md.: 087. 1. Pauline E., b. May 18, 1876. 088. 2. Miriam A., b. Sept. 4, 1878. 089. 3. Elijah Vann, b. Sept. 18, 1880. 090. 4. Gertrude B., b. July 28, 1883. Librarian, Philadelphia. 091. 5. Anne Hoye, b. Sept. 23, 1885. Asst. Sec., Philadelphia. 092. 6. Emily C., b. Apr. 23, 1887; d. Feb., 1912; bur. at Smithsburg. 093. 7. Roberta H. F., b. Dec. 11, 1889, Gr. of Kee Mar College.
087. PAULINE E. BISHOP: Guthrie, Okla. m. F. L. Williams, May 22, 1927. Pauline, a
graduate of Kee Mar College, was a public school teacher at Guthrie.
088. MIRIAM A. BISHOP: Washington, D. C. m. Elgin Lee Clark, Dec. 15, 1910; he is a
CHILDREN, all born in Washington, D. C.: 094. 1. Alice Bishop, b. Feb. 18, 1912. 095. 2. Mary Elgin, b. Nov. 30, 1914. 096. 3. William Mason, b. Jan. 22, 1916.
094. ALICE BISHOP CLARK: Washington, D. C. m. Francis Alan Robb.
CHILDREN: 097. 1. Elizabeth Anne, b. Nov. 25, 1936, in Washington, D. C. 098. 2. Frances Alice, b. Nov. 11, 1938, in Washington, D. C.
095. MARY ELGIN CLARK: Washington, D. C. m. William T. Pyles.
CHILDREN, all born in Washington, D. C.: 099. 1. Patricia Lee, b. July 1, 1934. 100. 2. Jacqueline Arintee, b. Jan. 10, 1936. 101. 3. Mary Ellen, b. June 30, 1937. 102. 4. Suzanne Miriam, b. Feb. 18, 1939.
089. ELIJAH VANN BISHOP: Guthrie, Okla. m. Minna A. Born, Nov. 20, 1901; dau. of Wm.
Born, b. Aug. 25, 1841, at Bromburg, Germany. Vann Bishop was a farmer and merchant. Veteran of the Spanish War.
CHILDREN: 103. 1. Hertha Evangeline, b. March 5, 1902. 104. 2. Elijah Tracy, b. Oct. 10, 1904, at Guthrie, Okla. 105. 3. Elinor Hoye Pearson, b. Sept. 5, 1906, at Guthrie, Okla. 106. 4. Benjamin Caleb, b. Feb. 21, 1909, at Guthrie, Okla. 107. 5. George Calmes, b. Feb. 8, 1912, at Big Cabin, Okla. 108. 6. John Anne Hoye, b. Jan. 5, 1918, at Guthrie, Okla.
104. ELIJAH TRACY BISHOP: Philadelphia, Pa. m. Ethelyne M. Bause, Oct. 1, 1932. Shipping
Supt., Penn Pub. Co.
106. BENJAMIN CALEB BISHOP: Guthrie, Okla. m. Okla Hermanstorfer, Dec. 25, 1932, at
Cushing, Okla.
015. ELIZA HOYE, second daughter of W. W. Hoye, was born on her father's farm January
10, 1803, and died January 28, 1828. Interment was in the Hoye graveyard at Crab Tree Bottom.
Eliza married George Washington Drane, son of James Drane of Accident, Md.; license
issued at Cumberland, March 31, 1821.
CHILDREN: 109. 1. James Anthony, b. July 13, 1823. 110. 2. Maria, b. Feb. 11, 1825. 111. 3. William C., b. Jan. 8, 1826.
Eliza Hoye Drane was a handsome woman of a gentle and lovable disposition; she had
large blue eyes and long golden hair.
Geo. W. Drane and his family resided on a farm near Accident until Eliza's death, after
which the father and children migrated to Missouri, going down the Ohio on a raft. They settled at Sharpsburg, Mo. James became
ill on the journey west and he and his brother, William, died at the home of their uncle, Richard Drane, near Palmyra, Mo.
Geo. W. Drane died and was buried at West Ely, Mo.
110. MARIA DRANE: Died Jan. 19, 1884. Bur. at Monroe City, Mo. M. Benjamin C. Bishop,
her cousin. (See XI, Ann Hoye Family.)
Maria Drane resided with her uncle, Richard Drane, until she married. She was a woman
of fine presence, of firm character, dignified in manner, and of strong intellect.
Note: See The Drane Family, Chapter XXVI.
016. MARY ANN HOYE was born October 13, 1805, and died April 28, 1848. She married
Marien Drane, May 23, 1824. (See Drane.)
CHILDREN: 112. 1. Priscilla Ann, b. Feb. 7, 1825, Accident, Md. 113. 2. Richard, b. May 27, 1833, Accident, Md.
Mary Ann and Marien Drane resided on their farm near Accident, Maryland. This
property included Lots 3331, 3340, 3344 and 362, purchased from Christian Keener and later sold by John Hoye to Abraham Hershberger.
At Accident the Dranes suffered financial reverses. Suit was brought against
Marien Drane, Wm. L. Lamar and others, by Andrew K. Shriver, and in 1844 the Sheriff sold Marien's land to John Hoye; he also
sold Mary Ann's share of the Paul Hoye estate to John Hoye for $400. In 1845 Marien Drane deeded all his property to John
Hoye for $1,400, except a farm in Virginia given by John Hoye to Marien, which was sold by him.
In 1845 the Dranes emigrated to Missouri, traveling by covered wagon to Brownsville,
Pennsylvania, thence by boat down the Monongahela and Ohio Rivers.
In Missouri the family suffered attacks of malaria fever. Ill and homesick, Mary
Ann insisted that they return to the mountains of Maryland. So they did and Marien rented the Brenneman farm near McHenry.
But poor Mary Ann did not recover her health. From her bed by the window she watched the return of springtime. One April day
she remarked, "How green the grass is now!" Then, sinking back on her pillow, she passed away, a victim of tuberculosis. Her
remains rest in the Hoye graveyard near those of her sister Eliza.
Marien Drane remained at McHenry and married Mary Ann, daughter of William Chambers
of Oakland; their children were William R., Elizan, Mariah L., Mary V., and Isabel J., none of whom married. Marien Drane
died April 8, 1883, and was buried in the M. E. Church Cemetery at Hoyes.
112. PRISCILLA ANN DRANE: Died 1905, Clarence, Mo. m. Dr. Wm. N. Feazel of Sharpsburg,
Mo. Dr. Feazel was Mary Ann Drane's physician. He died while his children were quite young. The Feazels resided south of Clarence,
CHILDREN: 114. 1. Mary Elizabeth, b. June 13, 1847. 115. 2. Maria Isabel, b. Apr. 26, 1851. 116. 3. Ella, b. July 25, 1854. 117. 4. Williamilla E., b. May 21, 1860.
114. MARY ELIZABETH FEAZEL: Died Apr. 3, 1924, at Belpre, Kans. m. Oscar Baker,
Nov. 8, 1866. Farmers near Clarence, Mo.
CHILDREN: 118. 1. Annie Electra, b. Sept. 6, 1867, Hannibal, Mo. 119. 2. Cora Belle, b. Mar. 2, 1869, Clarence, Mo. 120. 3. William Rodney, b. July 14, 1870, Clarence, Mo. 121. 4. Charles Oscar, b. Feb. 6, 1872, d. Feb. 9, 1916, Belpre. Kans. 122. 5. Richard Marine, b. Sept. 19, 1874, Clarence, Mo. 123. 6. Mary Myrtle, b. Dec. 4, 1876, Clarence, Mo. 124. 7. Erle Manning, b. July 15, 1879, Clarence, Mo. 125. 8. Ralph Waldo, b. Mar. 30, 1882, Clarence, Mo. 126. 9. Carl E., b. July 6, 1886, Clarence, Mo.
119. CORA BELLE BAKER: Belpre, Kans. m. Benjamin F. Sette, a farmer at Belpre,
CHILDREN: 129. 1. Yula M., b. July 11, 1908, Belpre, Kans.
127. YULA M. SETTE: Larned, Kans. m. Ray Nielson, March 4, 1928.
CHILDREN: 128. 1. Nellie L., b. Mar. 11, 1931. 129. 2. Ronald R., b. Nov. 14, 1932.
120. WILLIAM RODNEY BAKER: Clarence, Missouri. m. Louisa Huntsberry, Feb. 23,
1898. He is a farmer.
NOTE:--FOR MISSOURI LAND--APRIL 3, 1845. Received of
John Hoye for my wife, Mary Ann Drane, five hundred dollars which I bind myself to lay out in land in the state of
Mosura for her and to have the land so purchased conveyed to me in trust for her and her children and for no other
use interest or purpose whatever, and when the trust deed is recorded, I am to send John Hoye certified copy of the
same for the records. (Signed) MARIEN DRANE.
NOTE:--OSCAR BAKER was born May 4, 1842, and died April
25, 1892. His parents emmigrated from Holland. He enlisted at Hannibal, Mo., in Troop K, 3d. Missouri Cavalry, in
1861, and was mustered out of service at St. Louis in 1865, with the rank of corporal.
122. RICHARD MARINE BAKER: Hartford, Kansas. m. Mollie Shanafelt, Oct. 20, 1907.
He is a farmer.
CHILDREN: 130. 1. Charles Oscar, b. Oct. 2, 1908, d. aged three years. 131. 2. Elmer M., b. Aug. 18, 1910, at Belpre, Kans. 132. 3. Fern, b. Dec. 2, 1911, at Belpre, Kans. 133. 4. Roy R., b. Oct. 15, 1913, at Sedan, Kans. 134. 5. Ruth, b. Sept. 13, 1915, at Lebo, Kans.
131. ELMER M. BAKER: m. Wilma Hoch, Sept. 16, 1936.
CHILDREN: 135. 1. Donna Jean, b. Nov., 1938.
132. FERN BAKER: m. John Meek, June 5, 1937.
123. MARY MYRTLE BAKER: Fontana, California. m. Earl D. Ashdill, Feb. 24, 1900.
He is an accountant.
CHILDREN: 136. 1. Ruth, b. Oct. 30, 1901.
136. RUTH ASHDILL: Berkeley, California. m. Ray Edwin Peterson, son of J. A.
CHILDREN: 137. 1. Martha Ann, b. 1928. 138. 2. Allan Ashdill, b. 1931.
124. ERLE MANNING BAKER: Seattle, Washington. m. Susanna L. Strohmeyer, Feb.
28, 1906.
CHILDREN: 139. 1. Hazel Mae, b. Apr. 4, 1907, at Hutchinson, Kans. 140. 2. Howard Oscar, b. July 6, 1909, at Belpre, Kans. 141. 3. Edna Merle, b. Dec. 6, 1917, Hardin, Mont. 142. 4. Robert Oliver, b. Aug. 25, 1920, Toluca, Mont.
139. HAZEL MAE BAKER: Wyola, Montana. m. Frank Gross, a rancher, Sept. 11, 1925,
at Hardin.
CHILDREN: 143. 1. Genevieve Edna, b. Oct. 10, 1926, Hardin, Mont. 144. 2. Erle C., b. Sept. 14, 1931, Hardin, Mont. 145. 3. William Frank, b. Nov. 12, 1934, Seattle, Wash.
125. RALPH WALDO BAKER: Cabool, Mo. m. Tennessee V. Dixon, July 12, 1927; dau.
of Isaac F. and Elizabeth I. Dixon of Tennessee and North Carolina. Her maternal grandfather was an Indian. Ralph is a carpenter
and farmer.
CHILDREN: 146. 1. Daril Deane, b. June 4, 1928, at Belpre, Kans. 147. 2. Darcia Leah, b. June 2, 1930, at Belpre, Kans. 148. 3. Mary Lou, b. July 7, 1931, at Belpre, Kans. 149. 4. Margory Dale, b. June 22, 1934. 150. 5. Anna May, b. Aug. 9, 1936, Cabool, Mo. 151. 6. Nelle Arden, b. March 18, 1938, Cabool, Mo.
126. CARL E. BAKER: San Jose, Calif. m. Susie Hager, Oct. 23, 1907.
CHILDREN: 152. 1. Benjamin A., b. July 22, 1909. 153. 2. Blanche, b. May 3, 1911. 154. 3. Elsie, b. Dec. 13, 1917.
152. BENJAMIN A. BAKER: m. Shirley Ormsby, July 10, 1937.
153. BLANCHE BAKER: m. James Stuart, Oct. 6, 1934.
CHILDREN: 155. 1. James, b. Aug. 2, 1936.
154. ELSIE BAKER: m. John S. Heim, Aug. 28, 1937.
115. MARIA ISABEL FEAZEL: d. Oct. 29, 1886. Hydesburg, cem., Hannibal. m. William
Legg, farmer, Feb. 17, 1874. Mr. Legg died in 1883--his wife soon after; the children then lived with the Bakers.
CHILDREN: 156. 1. Mamie, b. Apr. 28, 1875, Hannibal, Mo., d. Feb. 9, 1896. 157. 2. Nellie, b. Feb. 10, 1877, near Hannibal, Mo. 158. 3. Nannie, b. Apr. 26, 1879, near Hannibal, Mo. 159. 4. Birnie, b. June 8, 1882, Hannibal, Mo., d. Jan. 5, 1907.
Mamie, Nannie, and Birnie are buried in Union cemetery, Clarence, Mo. Mamie Legg
was a teacher in Missouri.
157. NELLIE LEGG: Los Angeles, California. m. Wm. H. Skidmore, Sept. 9, 1902.
Nellie and her husband were both telegraphers; Mr. Skidmore was chief of testing
and regulating of Western Union Telegraph Co., El Paso, Tex.
CHILDREN: 160. 1. Frances, b. Aug. 10, 1904, at El Paso, Texas.
158. NANNIE LEGG: d. May 10, 1899. Bur. in Union cem., Clarence, Mo. m. Chauncey
D. Cash, son of Robert Cash. He is a mechanical engineer.
CHILDREN: 161. 1. Sophia, b. Nov. 12, 1898, Hannibal, Mo.
161. SOPHIA CASH: Los Angeles, Calif. m. Cyrus M. Coates, Jan. 8, 1921, at Wnfield,,
La. Real estate and insurance.
CHILDREN, all born in Los Angeles, Calif.: 162. 1. Carolyn, b. Dec. 2, 1922. 163. 2. Charles Magee, b. Feb. 20, 1924. 164. 3. Barbara Jean, b. Nov. 13, 1928. 165. 4. Elinor Ruth, b. Apr. 14, 1930.
117. WILLIAMILLA E. FEAZEL: d. April 4, 1921, Parlier, Calif. m. Charles Edward
Tabler of Shelbina, Mo., Dec. 13, 1882. A. F. & A. M.
CHILDREN: 166. 1. Arthur Somerville, b. June 30, 1889, Brookfield, Mo. 167. 2. Grace Drane, b. March 10, 1899, Renton, Washington.
166. ARTHUR SOMERVILLE TABLER: Reedley, Calif. m. Minnie B. Middleton. R. R.
telegraph operator. P. M., A. F. & A. M.
CHILDREN: 168. 1. Marion William, b. Nov. 24, 1916, Parlier, Calif. 169. 2. Rodney Charles, b. Nov. 16, 1921, Parlier, Calif. 170. 3. Arthur Edward, b. Jan. 2, 1924, Reedley, Calif. 171. 4. Loraine Eleanor, b. March 3, 1926, Reedley, Calif.
167. GRACE DRANE TABLER: Reedley, Calif. m. Lewis Clay Milton, farmer, Dec. 4,
1922, at Parlier, Calif.
CHILDREN: 172. 1. Virginia Lee, b. Dec. 17, 1923, Reedley, Calif. 173. 2. Jeanette Sue, b. Feb. 17, 1925, Reedley, Calif. 174. 3. Richard William, b. Dec. 26, 1926, Fresno, Calif.
113. RICHARD DRANE: Died 1880, at Hannibal, Mo. m. Eleanor McCandles (1856-1871)
of Williamsport, Md.
CHILDREN: 175. 1. Priscilla LaMarr, b. 1858, Hannibal, Mo. 176. 2. Eliza Jane, b. Jan. 31, 1860, Hannibal, Mo. 177. 3. Ellen (Nellie), b. Apr. 4, 1862, Hannibal, Mo. 178. 4. Edward, b. 1864, Hannibal, Mo. He is said to have resided in New Orleans, La.
In 1849 Richard Drane was living with his uncle, George Pearson, attending the
Pearson Academy. He was captain of Co. H, 53d Regt., Missouri Militia; enlisted March 21, 1863, at Palmyra, Mo., "period for
the war." Settled at Hannibal, Mo., where he was land commissioner of the H. and St. J. R. R. many years and postmaster of
the city for two years before his death. Republican, Episcopalian, Mason, Odd Fellow. "No man ever resided in our city who
has enjoyed the confidence and affection of a larger circle of friends." (From his obituary.)
175. PRISCILLA LAMAR DRANE: d. 1892, Monmouth, Illinois. m. Frank Martin.
CHILDREN: 179. 1. Thadeus LaMarr, b. (???). Resides in Mason City, Iowa.
176. ELIZA JANE DRANE: Died at Palmyra, Mo. m. Thadeus Ray, who was Sheriff of
Marion, Co., Mo., and lived at Palmyra, Mo.
177. ELLEN (NELLIE) DRANE: m. William Kittering. They lived in Iowa, Kansas City,
Mo., and Fresno, Calif.
This letter was evidently written soon after Marien Drane and family returned
to Maryland from Missouri.
Smith burg February 22 1847 My ever Dear Sister
I hope you will excuse my not answering your letter before this. I have been
waitting to here something of the box that was sent to Uncle Hoyes ceare but from a letter to Elizabeth it had got thare last
week. It is fore weeks last saturday since it left here. We hured to get it off feering you mite want the skirt that was sent.
I feel veary sorry you have not got it yet tho the weather has been veary mild. I should have had some shirts made for Mr
Drane and more for Dear Richard. I was afferd it would keep us too long. Do my Dear sister if thare is enny thing you want
let us know. we will have to send you mony as it appears imposible to send enny thing else. I do wish from the bottom of my
heart you was with us. Do let us here from you often. I feel veary anxious about you. Elizabeth is with us yet. I do not know
how long she will stay tho I think it is more than proavable she will stay all the sumer. She wants the ceare of some friend
to attend to her maners. How thankfull young persons should be to those that will take the troble to attend to them. I had
the cear and instruction of two veary fine women the early part of my life but thay are both gone. I feel the loss of pore
Anne Galloway more evry day.
Ellen has been veary sick but she is now much better. The grater part of our
family have been laid up with bad colds. It commenced with me and has gone through the family (???)
The Dr and the Children join me in affectionate love to you all.
Do my ever dear Sister let me here from you soon, and believe me to be your holy
attached sister
ANN BISHOP Address on back of sheet: Mrs Mary Ann Drane Paid 5 Accident P. office (Seal) Alleghany Co. (M. d.)
Smithsburgh March 22 1849
Dear Papa
I received your most welcome letter on Monday and was truly glad to hear you
were all well. I am well at present and doing well. I am now seated in Aunt Ellen's kitchen before the stove writing on a
little table. Uncle Pearson is also writing. aunt Ellen is in an other room going
to bed it is Raing very hard I am done my lessons for to night I do not think i will make a Henry Clay but I only wish I would
it made me laugh when I read your letter ha ha ha ha(???)Aunt Ellen wishes to be remembered to you I expect I will soon come
home I should like to see you very much. When you write let me know how many Cattle you have engaged to herd or whether you
have been over the Mountain or whether you are going to farm the place yourself or not if you are not I think it would be
better for me to get in a good store if I can get good wages either in Hagerstown or in Cumberland I can I think get in a
store in any place I am a little self-conceited you know but to tell you the truth I went in a store directly after i got
down and was trying on a pair of boots and after I got a pair to fit me I told the man to lay them away until I got more money
no difference son at all he said we are not affraid of you, you have a good countenance and that was before he knew who I
was. there was not a very hard winter here. I was out last saturday a hunting I could not kill any with the gun I had none
is as good as my little gun at home I tell the folks all I have to do is to feed one cow and hall in wood from the wood pile
I do not saw the wood I have a very easy time of it I have not had one bit of sickness this winter give my love to Uncle Tommy
he can beat any thing playing the violin I ever saw the band played last night in the school house give my love to all who
think me worthy of inqury Smithsburg is a very pretty place in summer and the country is also good looking but still I would
rather have old Allegany give my love to Mary Ann and tell her to feed Watch good give my love to old Mrs frazee Mariam is
down she is as bad as ever I was glad to see an old Alleganyan like myself there is a great deal of fruit down here of all
kinds apples of all varieties and kinds tell me if John Enlow killed any more deer after I left and tell me who Wakefield
Married and whether liza got married or not how ha ha Write all the particulars write as soon as you get this I will now conclude
as it is very late I remain your ever affectionate son until Death your Son
Keokuk Iowa. Jany 19, 1861
Dear Papa
As I have not heard from you for a long time only through Sister I thought I
would write again.
I have not heard from Sister for about three weeks. I expect to hear again in
a few days. She is very comfortably fixed where she is and I hope may get along well. I give her all the aid as far as I can
in advice; if she can only keep well all will be right but if she gets sick I do not know what they will do. Times here are
very hard. I am not making anything at all, but hope by Spring to get into some business. I am still studying Law.
What do people there think of the Union being Dissolved. There is Great Excitement
here. They pitch on me daily because I say I wont fight for the North if we have War which I think we will. All Southern Men
will be compelled to leave the North, me among the Uncel Billy yet. Sister is strong Union. it is all I can do to keep her
and Ellen from pitching into the Rebel Women out there. Papy my little Girl says she is "Good Union Girl." We have just heard
of the great Victory by the fleet in South Carolina. Also a Victory in Kentucky. 400 Rebels killed & 1000 Prisoners. I
had a situation offered me in a Cavalry Regiment from Iowa but did not get the letter, and knew nothing of it until the Boat
landed here with the Adjutant on Board who told me he had written to me--the place was filled then. It was on the Colonels
Staff at a Salary of One hundred and fifty Dollars per month clear. If I had gotten the letter I should have joined it. Write
soon and all the news--love to all. Give me Richd Brownings addrefs so I can write to him.
017. JOHN HOYE and his twin brother Samuel were born November 5, 1807. John died
October 26, 1865. On December 20, 1831, he married Ann Elizabeth, daughter of Jacob Craver, at Greensburg, Pennsylvania. "Nancy"
Craver was born February 28, 1811, at Greensburg, and died January 22, 1883. She was buried in the Hendrickson lot in Philos
Cemetery, Westernport, Maryland.
CHILDREN: 180. 1. Samuel Craver, b. Jan. 14, 1833, Selbysport, Md. 181. 2. Anna Eliza, b. Jan. 12, 1835, Selbysport, Md. 182. 3. Ellen Jane, b. June 14, 1837, Petersburg, Pa. 183. 4. William Deakins, b. Mar. 2, 1841, Hoyesburg, Md. 184. 5. Mary Alcinda, b. Mar. 2, 1841, Hoyesburg, Md. 185. 6. Elizabeth, b. 1843, d. Dec. 15, 1848, Hoyesburg, Md. 186. 7. Cornelia, b. Sept. 27, 1845, d. Dec. 25, 1865, Hoyesburg. 187. 8. John Jacob Paul, b. Aug. 20, 1847, Hoyesburg, Md. 188. 9. Virginia Emma, b. Dec. 26, 1849, Hoyesburg, Md. 189. 10. Ida Josephine, b. 1851, Hoyesburg, Md.
John Hoye seems to have been a favorite of his Uncle John for whom he was named.
He was a large, sturdily built man with black hair and brown eyes. He was fond of hunting and fishing.
John and his brother Samuel left Maryland in 1830. John settled temporarily in
Pennsylvania where he met and married Ann Craver; they resided about eight years in the neighborhood of Petersburg (Addison),
About the year 1840 the family moved to "William and Mary" which John Hoye bequeathed
as follows: "To my nephew, John Hoye of William, I give and devise my tract of
NOTE:--THE CRAVER FAMILY: Jacob Craver (1777-1853),
of German descent, resided at Greensburg, Pa. He married a Miss Evans, Leesburg, Va., of the family of Gen. Evans
of the Revolutionary Army. Two of their children were Ann and Eleanor Friend Craver. One of the cherished memories
of these girls was the reception they attended at the home of Secretary of the Treasury Gallatin, in honor of his
guest General La Fayette, who gallantly kissed the two little girls. Eleanor Craver married Joseph Hendrickson, Sr., of
Petersburg, Pa.
land called William and Mary containing 932 5/8 Acres lying near Alexander Smith's
old place in Allegany County."
John Hoye named his place Hoyesburg. He built a comfortable brick mansion on
the south side of the Turnpike, about 300 yards from Russell Harvey's present stone house; the Turnpike was then, as now,
a busy national highway. The Hoye home was celebrated thruout the county for its hospitality. A notable occasion in its annals
was the wedding of Ann Eliza Hoye to Lucien C. Hendrickson. Col. Philip Pendleton, a close friend and near neighbor, gave
the bride away and Harlan Tabb was "best man" at the ceremony.
Thru the treachery of a farm hand, Tom Hayes, the Hoye mansion was destroyed
by fire in 1852. Its site was known as "Burnt Chimneys" for many years.
Due in part to blindness during his later years, John Hoye did not give efficient
personal attention to his property. The inventory of his personal property after death amounted to $409.50.
In October, 1865, John Hoye was stricken with pneumonia during a business trip
to Cumberland and died at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. L. C. Hendrickson, at Piedmont, W. Va. His interment was in
the family burying ground north of the Pike where his daughters, Elizabeth and Cornelia, were already interred. The graveyard
lies along the dividing line between the Hoye property and Mr. George Chisholm's land. His widow and family moved in 1871
to the Hoye tract called "Civicus," now the Weber farm near Oakland, where she resided until her death in 1883.
John Hoye was noted for his hospitality to rich and poor alike. His unbounded
trust in human nature almost amounted to a weakness; he was often imposed upon by the unscrupulous, but his kindness of heart
and his integrity won for him the love and respect of all the countryside. When roused to anger, however, he had a violent
temper. It is related that a
NOTE:--The "William and Mary" tract lies on both sides
of the Northwestern Turnpike, now U. S. 50, three miles west of Smith's Farm, now Gorman, Md. In 1832 John Hoye obtained
from the State Land Office an escheat warrant to re-survey eighteen military lots and 32 acres of vacant land, total
932 5/8 acres, which he named for William and Mary Hoye.
neighbor once beat his wife who then ran to the Hoye home for protection, followed
by her husband. John seized his gun to kill the intruder and the family had difficulty in disarming him.
In poltics John Hoye was a Democrat. During the Civil War he was in sympathy
with the South. He owned a few slaves, two of whom were Uncle Appie and Aunt Ann.
WILLIAM DEAKINS HOYE in 1862 enlisted in McNeill's Partisan Rangers, Confederate
Army, and served until the end of the War between the States. He was with his command on one of the most daring exploits of
the War--the capture of Generals Crook and Kelly.
On the night of February 20, 1865, forty-eight of McNeill's men and sixteen other
Virginia Cavalrymen crossed the Potomac and entered Cumberland, then garrisoned by over 5000 Federal troops. At about three
o'clock in the morning, the Confederates arrived at the Barnum and Revere Hotels, disarmed the sentinels, took Gen. B. F.
Kelly and Gen. Crook from their beds, put them on horses, and escaped thru the Federal lines with their prisoners into their
own lines in Virginia.
At one of the last reunions of McNeill's Rangers, Rev. J. W. Duffey, pointing
to Wm. D. Hoye, said: "There is with us as brave a lad as ever buckled on a sword." He was awarded the Confederate Cross of
After the War Wm. D. Hoye resided at Deer Park. He was Justice of the Peace and
member of the County School Board. His last years were spent with his comrades in the Confederate Home at Richmond, Virgnia,
where he died October 23, 1928, and was buried in Hollywood Cemetery.
180. SAMUEL CRAVER HOYE: Died Sept. 14, 1902, at Deer Park, Md. m. Mary Elizabeth,
daughter of David Hoye.
CHILDREN: 190. 1. Georgia Nesbit, b. Nov. 9, 1869. 191. 2. Anne Elizabeth, b. July 28, 1876, at Piedmont, W. Va. 192. 3. Mary Eleanor, b. Jan. 19, 1888, at Deer Park, Md.
S. C. Hoye was in the mercantile business at Piedmont with Hendrickson &
Son. Later he moved to Deer Park where he was postmaster eight years and held other political offices of trust. He was a Democrat
and a Lutheran.
190. GEORGIA NESBIT HOYE: Died Aug. 3, 1930. Buried at Deer Park, Md. m. W. Creed
Dunnington, proprietor of the Mt. Lake Park Hotel.
191. ANNE ELIZABETH HOYE: Died 1941. Bur. at Oakland,, Md. m. John Felty of Oakland,
Md., a lumber dealer.
CHILDREN: 193. 1. Miriam Elizabeth, b. Sept. 19, 1903, d. May 19, 1905. 194. 2. Lucien Edward, b. May 22, 1906. 195. 3. Mary Virginia, b. Nov. 10, 1910.
Lucien E. Felty is a graduate of W. Va. State Teacher's College. Postmaster at
Rowlesburg, W. Va., in 1939.
195. MARY VIRGINIA FELTY: Washington, D. C. m. Frank E. Scrivener, an attorney-at-law.
CHILDREN: 196. 1. Mary Elizabeth, b. Oct. 8, 1939, Washington, D. C.
192. MARY ELEANOR HOYE: Died Feb. 6, 1936, at Oakland, Md. m. Asa Totten Mathews,
an attorney-at-law, April 30, 1918.
181. ANNA ELIZA HOYE: Died July 6, 1921. Bur. at Deer Park, Md. m. Lucien C.
Hendrickson, Oct. 23, 1856.
CHILDREN: 197. 1. Lily Belle, b. July 27, 1857, at Addison, Pa. 198. 2. Melville Hoye, b. Sept. 28, 1858, d. Jan. 16, 1860, Addison. 199. 3. Paul Sansom, b. Nov. 30, 1860, at Piedmont, W. Va. 200. 4. William Earl, b. Oct. 16, 1862, d. Oct. 17, 1906. 201. 5. Joseph Alvin, b. April 17, 1867, d. June 25, 1870, Piedmont. 202. 6. Lucia Anna, b. Jan. 13, 1872, Piedmont. Clerk, U. S. Land Office. 203. 7. Eleanor Camille, b. Mar. 15, 1873, Piedmont. Artist, Washington, D. C.
D., son of Simon and Frances, was born March 13, 1786, and died June 28, 1819. He came from Louisiana to Petersburg,
Pa., where he m. Mrs. Hannah Frazee Liston, July 1, 1810. Their children were: Joseph, Charles, Nancy, Hiram, Levi,
Jesse, Rachel.
Joseph Hendrickson was born at Petersburg, May 25, 1811, and died at Piedmont about 1887. He m.
Eleanor Friend Craver (1809-1876), daughter of Jacob and Anne Craver, in 1833. Their children were: Lucien C., Norval,
Joseph, Mary E. He operated a large general store in Petersburg until 1860, when he moved to Piedmont, W. Va., where
he and his son Lucien bought and operated a general merchandise store. Lucien C. Hendrickson (b. Aug. 8, 1834, d. 1921)
m. his cousin, Ann Eliza Hoye
197. LILY BELLE HENDRICKSON: Died June 7, 1935, Flushing, N. Y. Bur. Portland, Ore. m. Daniel Entler
at Shepherdstown, W. Va.
CHILDREN: 204. 1. Norman Heskett, b. Dec. 6, 1884, Piedmont, W. Va. 205. 2. Daniel McElroy, b. Sept. 29, 1886, Piedmont, W. Va. 206. 3. Lucien Hoye, b. Oct. 1, 1888, d. Jan. 25, 1892, Piedmont, 207. 4. Ann Margeurite, b. Mar. 4, 1890, Piedmont, W. Va. Now librarian Bayside High School, Bayside, N. Y. 208. 5. Jacob Philip Adam, b. Mar. 9, 1891, Piedmont, W. Va. 209. 6. Martha Ellen, b. Mar. 9, 1891, d. Dec. 20, 1891, Piedmont. 210. 7. Paul Hoye, b. Feb. 17, 1893, Deer Park,, Md. 211. 8. Virginia Hoye, b. Feb. 17, 1893, d. March 12, 1893, Deer Park, Md. 212. 9. William Brisco, b. Nov. 2, 1896; d. Feb. 8, 1912, Portland.
204. NORMAN HESKETT ENTLER: Portland, Oregon. m. Lida May Thomas, 1912. He is a Civil engineer.
205. DANIEL McELROY ENTLER: Roseburg, Oregon. m. Edna Virginia Apsley, 1911. He is a salesman.
CHILDREN: 213. 1. Daniel McElroy, Jr., b. Jan. 13, 1913, Carleton, Oregon. 214. 2. Eleanor Elizabeth, b. Aug. 4, 1919, The Dalles, Ore.
213. DANIEL McELROY ENTLER, JR.: Honolulu, m. Dorothy Coleman Craven-Phillips of Philadelphia, Pa.,
in 1938. He is now a Jr. Lt., in the U. S. N.
208. JACOB P. A. ENTLER: Died Dec. 14, 1931, Portland,
NOTE:--THE ENTLER FAMILY: Daniel Entler was born in Shepherdstown, W. Va., Dec. 27, 1852,
son of J. P. A. Entler and Ellen McElroy Entler. Daniel Entler died Feb. 8, 1912. He and his youngest son, William,
were lost in a snow storm Feb. 8, 1912, on Mr. Entler's claim about ten miles west of McMinnville, Oregon. The bodies
were recovered and taken to Portland, Oregon, for burial March 31, 1912. Daniel and his wife, Lily Hendrickson, met as
young people in Piedmont, West Va. The Hendricksons had moved to Piedmont from Addison, Pa., in 1859. The Entlers
lived in Shepherdstown for about five generations, the first Entler, Philip, having come from Hanover, Germany, in
the year 1732. His son, Philip, fought in the Revolutionary War. This Philip Entler had a son Daniel, who owned and
managed the well-known Entler Hotel in Shepherdstown. Daniel Entler's son, Jacob Philip Adam Entler, followed his father
in operating the Entler Hotel in Shepherdstown until it was sold in 1872. That year J. P. A. Entler moved to Piedmont,
West Va., buying the well-known Simms House. In 1891 the Simms House burned to the ground and the Entler family lost
everything. It was J. P. A. Entler's son, Daniel, who married Lily Hendrickson.
Ore. m. Katherine Brooks Lewis, 1916. He was a salesman.
CHILDREN: all born in Portland, Ore.: 215. 1. David Lewis, b. Sept. 22, 1917. 216. 2. Jacob Philip Adam, b. Sept. 3, 1918. 217. 3. Martha Roberta, b. Mar. 23, 1921. 218. 4. William Hendrickson, b. Nov. 7, 1924.
210. PAUL HOYE ENTLER: Portland, Oregon. m. Beryl Hodge in 1912.
CHILDREN: 219. 1. Paul Hodge, b. Sept. 6, 1913.
199. PAUL SANSON HENDRICKSON: St. Paul, Minn. m. Susan Hammond of Frederick Co., Md. He is with the
German American National Bank of St. Paul, Minn.
CHILDREN: 220. 1. Anna Mathilda, b. May 19, 1890.
220. ANNA MATHILDA HENDRICKSON: St. Paul, Minn. m. Lee McGuire, fruit importer in St. Paul.
200. WILLIAM EARL HENDRICKSON: m. Willie Anna Huff in 1897.
CHILDREN: 221. 1. Alvin, b. Sept. 10, 1898.
221. ALVIN HENDRICKSON: Dundalk, Md. m. (1) Blanch Elizabeth Shelton, Dec. 10, 1919, from Princeton,
W. Va.
CHILDREN: 222. 1. Lucien Earl, b. Feb. 11, 1922. m. (2) Jeane O. Osborne, Apr. 8, 1935, from Grassy Creek, N. C.
184. MARY ALCINDA HOYE: Died Oct. 23, 1928, Deer Park, Md. m. Walter Engle, son of Samuel Engle. He
was of Preston, Minn.
187. JOHN JACOB PAUL HOYE: Died Dec. 1, 1902, Dunbar, Pa. m. Louise Minerd (b. Apr. 17, 1854, d. Aug.
15, 1899) at Oakland, Md. John Hoye moved from Oakland to Dunbar about 1880, where he died from injuries suffered in a railroad
CHILDREN: 223. 1. Aroan B., b. Feb. 11, 1875, d. Feb. 11, 1920. 224. 2. Margaret, b. June 27, 1878, at Oakland, Md. 225. 3. John J. P., b. May 31, 1882, at Dunbar, Pa. 226. 4. Anna, b. July 27, 1886, at Dunbar, Pa. 227. 5. William Harlan, b. Feb. 1, 1888, d. Mar. 24, 1888.
JOHN J. P. HOYE, JR., a stationary engineer, resided in Portland, Ore., 1909-1934. He later farmed
near Smithfield, Pa.
224. MARGARET HOYE: Smithfield, Pa. m. Charles D. McClain, June 11, 1898. He is a farmer.
CHILDREN: 228. 1. Perry Harlan, b. Oct. 4, 1899. 229. 2. Louise, b. Nov. 16, 1901. 230. 3. Mabel R., b. Jan. 4, 1905. 231. 4. Ruth, b. Jan. 4, 1907, d. Nov. 16, 1907. 232. 5. James Paul, b. Aug. 24, 1911. 233. 6. Beatrice, b. Dec. 10, 1916.
228. PERRY HARLAN McLAIN: Uniontown, Pa. m. Thelma Weir, Dec. 11, 1922. He is a mechanic.
CHILDREN: 234. 1. Betty Ruth, b. June 5, 1923. 235. 2. Charles William, b. Nov. 26, 1924. 236. 3. Robert Daniel, b. Mar. 5, 1926.
229. LOUISE McLAIN: Fairchance, Pa. m. Frederick Schreckengost, glazier, November, 1924.
CHILDREN: 237. 1. Frederick Homer, b. Dec. 20, 1925.
230. MABEL R. McCLAIN: Fairchance, Pa. m. Raymond Lloyd, clerk, Dec. 17, 1926.
232. JAMES PAUL McCLAIN: Smithfield, Pa. m. Mildred Pugh, Feb. 2, 1934. Farmer.
CHILDREN: 238. 1. Frederick Lee, b. Aug. 12, 1935. 239. 2. Charles Andrew, Sept. 28, 1939.
226. ANNA HOYE: Dunbar, Pa. m. Harry C. Bunting, pattern maker, Dec. 20, 1913.
CHILDREN: 240. 1. Robert Hoye, b. Sept. 24, 1914. 241. 2. Redding, b. Dec. 28, 1917. 242. 3. John Paul, b. Sept. 22, 1924.
188. VIRGINIA EMMA HOYE: Died Nov. 16, 1897, at Deer Park, Md. m. Parron Deakins, farmer, Oct. 18,
189. IDA JOSEPHINE HOYE: Died Aug. 11, 1927, at Deer Park, Md. m. Lorenzo D. Thrasher, postmaster at
Deer Park.
018. SAMUEL HOYE and his twin brother John were born November 5, 1807. Samuel was named for his uncle,
Samuel Slicer.
Samuel Hoye attended school in Cumberland or in Hagers-town. He was a favorite of his Aunt Nancy Hoye,
who often bought "things" for him and willed him her silver spoons. He may have lived with her for a time in Hagerstown. Like
his father he became a surveyor. When Samuel finished his education, his uncle, John Hoye, gave him a horse, saddle, bridle,
compass and chain; also money and 955 acres of land, patented in Samuel's name which he called "Uncleton". Samuel Hoye was
apparently intellectual and of a pleasing personality. When he was twenty-one years of age his prospects were indeed bright,
but, like Esau of olden times, he sold his heritage for a mess of pottage and within two years he was involved in serious
financial difficulties.
In 1828 Samuel Hoye bought his sister Eliza Drane's share of their grandfather's estate, but five years
later Geo. W. Drane brought suit against him for $125 and the sheriff sold Samuel's share of the Paul Hoye estate to Drane
for $10. Uncle John Hoye bought Eliza's and Samuel's shares of Drane in 1837 for $500. Had Samuel waited patiently he would
have received by inheritance about $20,000.
Early in 1830 Samuel and his brother John, left Maryland. John settled in Pennsylvania, but Samuel
went on to the far West. A friend of the family, returning from the West, reported that on February 1, 1831, he left Samuel
in St. Louis, Missouri, and that he was traveling on a Mississippi River trading boat presumably as a trader. On May 6, 1843,
David Hoye received a letter from his brother Samuel, evidently from the far West; the postage due on it was twenty-five cents.
We regret that this letter has not been preserved. The record of Equity Case 840 dated 1850 says, "That Samuel Hoye is dead
and that his widow and child live in Illinois, where, not known." And this is the last we have heard of Samuel and of his
019. ELLEN SLICER HOYE was born July 16, 1812, and died July 3, 1883. She married George Pearson, at
Smithsburg, Maryland, February 21, 1842.
CHILDREN: 243. 1. George Calmese, b. Aug. 13, 1851., at Manchester, Md. 244. 2. Anna Netta, d. Aug. 29, 1854, under one year of age. Also two infant sons, buried at Cavetown.
Ellen, youngest child of Wm. W. Hoye, by his first wife, for whom she was named, came to live with
her sister, Mrs. Ann Bishop, at Smithsburg. Here she met and married George Pearson, who was teaching there at the time.
Ellen Pearson's memory was cherished by her son and neighbors for her sympathetic disposition and many
domestic virtues. She told her son many stories of life at the Hoye Crab Tree Bottom farm.
One of these stories relates to being taken out to her father's sugar camp on the Youghiogheny, where
at night she heard the wolves howling close by; but they made no attack fearing the blazing fires under the kettles in which
the maple sap was boiling.
Here is a story of Civil War days, as related by George C. Pearson:
During the summer of 1863 raids were made into Maryland by the Confederate troops. One day there came
into Smithsburg a small band of soldiers, dressed in grey. They were supposed to be nothing more than a band of thieves following
the army for gain. They passed out of town at the south end. All rode horses. A fine looking young lady, who was at the home
of George and Ellen Pearson, went up to the porch of a neighbor, conversing about the event, when the band returned and the
commanding officer halted at this porch but the other members went to the center of the town. The officer said he could take
a nap if that pretty girl was away. She left and this officer on horseback ran her onto a porch, but she was rescued by a
townsman, then fled down the street, entered the Pearson home and ran upstairs. Ellen Pearson met the officer, who had ridden
down and hitched his horse at her door; taking hold of her dress on each side and spreading it out with her own person blocked
the door. He demanded entrance. She denied him. He threatened to kill her. She told him that he could only kill the body and
if he went in it would be over her dead body. He went to get an axe to cut down a second front door, but failing to get it,
his attention was diverted to looting the store.
Ellen Pearson collapsed when the man went for the axe. The young lady had been taken out of the house
while the bandit was pacing in front of the house; she was concealed in the garret some doors below the Pearson home and the
next day was sent to her parents.
The scarcity of axes was caused by the Confederates a few days before taking all the axes they could
find to make a pontoon bridge across the swollen Potomac so that they might escape into Virginia.
GEORGE CALMESE PEARSON was educated at Gettysburg College, Pennsylvania. He began teaching in Washington
County, Maryland, in 1874, and continued as teacher and as principal of the County High School until elected County Superintendent
of Schools in May, 1894, serving in this position until June 18, 1900. He later occupied positions as a business
NOTE:--George Pearson was born August 13, 1809, in Northampton County, Pa., of Alsatian ancestry.
His grandfather was driven from Alsace by persecution and fled to Holland and from there to America. This grandfather's
name appears in the record of the first census of the United States in Buck's County, Pa. George Pearson was sent
to Lafayette College, Easton, Pa., but he left and went to Marshall College, Mercersburg, Pa. In 1837 he came to Maryland
and engaged in teaching; he prepared numerous boys to enter colleges in our land, some of his pupils entering the
Sophomore Class from his school. Professor Pearson called his school the Gravely Hill Academy. Later he served as
principal of the Smithsburg public school. He continued to teach until he retired to private life in 1883, except spending
a few months as a member of the Maryland legislature of 1861.62. He was Justice of the Peace and appointed Postmaster
but gave the office over to the care and sustenance of a deserving lady. He died at Smithsburg, June 18, 1897. He,
with his wife, were members of the Reformed Church and their bodies rest in the Reformed Cemetery at Cavetown.
was a Democrat, a follower of Stephen A. Douglas, but later affiliated with the Republican party; at his death he was
a member of the Prohibition party.
executive in Waynesburg, Pennsylvania, and in Smithsburg for several years, residing during his later
years in the ancient and modest Pearson home in Smithsburg.
George C. Pearson inherited property from his parents; with this, and by his own industry, economy
and careful investments, he accumulated a considerable fortune. By his will, dated 25th May, 1928, and probated 18th October,
1929, he left (1) a fund "for the perpetual care of the cemetery" of the Reformed Church at Cavetown; (2) trust funds of $40,000,
the income from which should go to certain relatives during their lifetimes; (3) upon termination of these trusts, (a) $15,000
for the Endowment fund of the Orphans' Home at Littlestown, Pennsylvania; (b) $15,000 to Hood College of Frederick, Maryland,
to establish the "Eleanor S. Pearson Professorship" in memory of his mother; (4) the residue of his estate he devised to the
Old Folks' Home of the Potomac Synod of the Reformed Church.
George C. Pearson(???), 1929, and was buried in the Cavetown Cemetery.
020. DAVID HOYE was born March 12, 1815, at the Crab Tree Bottom home. He was named for his uncle,
David Rutan. He died August 25, 1849, and was buried in the Hoye graveyard. He married Elizabeth Friend, license issued at
Cumberland, August 29, 1841. (See THE FRIEND FAMILY.)
CHILDREN, all born at Sang Run, Maryland: 245. 1. Mary Elizabeth, b. Aug. 8, 1842. 246. 2. William Harrison, b. June 22, 1844. 247. 3. Elijah, b. April 10, 1846. 248. 4. Benjamin Franklin, b. May 23, 1848. 249. 5. Sarah Catherine, b. Aug. 16, 1849.
David Hoye was a farmer. After his marriage he lived a short time on what is now the Elijah Hoye farm--that
part of "Friend's Delight" west of the Youghiogheny River at Sang Run. This farm included about 400 acres of "Friend's Delight"
and the "Gleanings." It was deeded to David in 1835 by his father at the request of Uncle John Hoye. Later he moved on the
Aunt Betsey Hoye farm and lived there until his death at the age of thirty-four years. He contracted typhoid fever at Cumberland
while attending his Uncle John's funeral. It is said that David was recovering from his illness when the doctor, while under
the influence of liquor, gave him the wrong medicine. His funeral was held in the Hoye cemetery and the sermon was preached
from the text, "I looked and behold a pale horse, and his name that sat on him, was Death!" Rev., VI, 8.
Owing to his early death and to the fact that Elizabeth never talked to her children of their father,
little is known of David Hoye. Elijah only remembered that his father made chestnut bark whistles for him and his brother
William and that once the two brothers met their father as he came home from hunting and he allowed them to carry his gun
between them on their tiny shoulders. These incidents indicate a kindly disposition and illustrate how children may remember
a kindness; Elijah told this story eighty years after the incident occurred.
David Hoye's children grew up to be men and women of average height and weight, brown eyes, sandy or
brown hair; industrious, sober, quiet and unassuming dispositions.
Elizabeth Hoye was a daughter of John Friend, Jr., a pioneer neighbor. She was a fine type of the country
woman of her day--tall and rather spare in figure; industrious, economical; intelligent; mother of nine children, she survived
two husbands and died at the advanced age of eighty-one years.
After her husband's death Elizabeth built a good frame house on a lot obtained from her brother, D.
H. Friend, near the old Friend home. She soon married John Friend of N., and to them were born four children: Cornelia, Joseph,
Lafayette, Bertha.
During the winter following the completion of her house,, early one stormy morning, the kitchen caught
fire and the building rapidly burned to ashes; the children were carried to the Friend home in their night clothes. After
this misfortune the family lived on the Dominick Mattingly farm which David Hoye's heirs owned, but soon Elizabeth purchased
a farm one mile north of Altamont, Maryland, where the children grew up.
Elizabeth Friend died November 11, 1902, and was buried in the Deer Park cemetery.
245. MARY ELIZABETH HOYE: Died Sept. 3, 1903. Bur-at Deer Park, Md. m. SAMUEL C. HOYE, her cousin.
246. WILLIAM HARRISON HOYE: Died June 25, 1908. Bur. at Sang Run, Md. m. LOUISA M. STUTZMAN (1852-1925),
daughter of Joseph J. Stutzman, Nov. 2, 1875, at Washington, D. C. She was a teacher at Sang Run.
CHILDREN, all born at Sang Run, Maryland.: 250. 1. Charles Edward, b. Oct. 21, 1876. 251. 2. Josephine, b. May 22, 1880. 252. 3. Robert Lincoln, b. Sept. 17, 1883. 253. 4. Paul Stutzman, b. May 15, 1886. 254. 5. Helen Louise, b. Mar. 1, 1889.
NOTE:--David Hoye and his heirs inherited from his Uncle John Hoye, 3,600 acres of land,
surveyed Nov. 16, 1800, for Honore Martin and John Hoye, assignees of John Stockdell. This tract was in Preston Co.,
Va., on the Maryland boundary on Hoye's Run at the Pine Swamp. Thru the State boundary dispute the Hoye heirs lost the
part of this tract between the disputed boundary lines.
William Hoye attended the local schools and entered Heidelberg College, Tiffin, Ohio, in 1864; on March
19, 1865, he enlisted in Co. K, 197th Ohio Vol. Inf., and served until July 31, 1865. After the Civil War he was a partner
with Samuel C. and Benj. F. Hoye in a store at Altamont, Maryland, but gave his personal attention to his farm at Sang Run.
This fine farm he bought of his mother. William H. Hoye was a progressive and industrious farmer and stockman.
250. CHARLES EDWARD HOYE: Sang Run, Md. m. (1) Hallie G. Savage, dau. of A. Wesley Savage, June 7,
1902, at Mt. Lake Park, Maryland. m. (2) Luella K. Mason, dau. of Harvey O. Mason, Sept. 16, 1922, at Manila, P. I.
CHILDREN: 255. 1. Carlota, b. Nov. 12, 1903, San Mateo, P. I. 256. 2. William Rodney, b. June 2, 1908, Albay, P. I. 257. 3. Edward Buel, b. April 7, 1910, Santa Monica, Calif.
Charles E. Hoye graduated from the Maryland State Normal School in 1896; taught school in Maryland
two years; served as private, May 28, 1898, to October 22, 1898, in Troop "C," 3'd U. S. Cavalry, Spanish-American War; sergeant,
July 18, 1899, to Feb. 8, 1901, in Co. "H," 27th U. S. Vol. Infantry, Philippine Insurrection; teacher, supervising teacher
and division superintendent of schools in the Philippine Bureau of Education from the time of his discharge from the U. S.
Army at Manila until retirement in 1925, except during the World War when he was Captain and Adjutant of the 7th Regiment,
NOTE:--THE STUTZMAN FAMILY came from Spiez near Lake Thun, Switzerland. JOHAN JACOB STUTZMAN
arrived at Philadelphia, October 2, 1727, on the ship Adventure. According to tradition, on the voyage he lost his
wife and all his children except Jacob and Christian. Not having money to pay his passage, "he bound out his sons
as indentured servants to pay therefor." He returned to Switzerland. The Stutzmans were Amish. JACOB STUTZMAN settled
in Bern Twp., Berks Co., Pa. His son, CHRISTIAN STUTZMAN, m. Barbara Hochstedler. Their son, JACOB STUTZMAN, m. Anna
Yoder and settled about 1785 near Salisbury, Pa., but about 1812 moved near Shanesville, Ohio. Their son, JOST JUSTUS
STUTZMAN (1791-1867) returned to Salisbury where he was a teacher, justice of the peace and member of the Legislature.
He m. Elizabeth Gerber. Their son, JOSEPH J. STUTZMAN (1817-1900) m. Amanda Mary Schell. He was a noted teacher and
the first Superintendent of Schools of Somerset Co., Pa. (Reference: Descendants of Barbara Hochstedler and Christian
Stutzman, by Rev. Harvey Hostetler.)
Philippine Guard; he served five years in the Los Angeles County schools. Member F. & A. M., 32nd.,
and Roosevelt Camp, U. S. W. V. Member of the Maryland Historical Society. First president of the Garrett County Historical
256. WILLIAM RODNEY HOYE: Glendale, Arizona. m. Blanche V. Scott, dau. of T. T. Scott of San Francisco,
Calif., Jan. 18, 1934. He is a graduate of the University of California, 1932. Sr. clerk, Arizona Unemployment Compensation
CHILDREN: 258. 1. Charles Edward, b. June 8, 1939, Phoenix, Arizona. 259. 2. Hallie Vivian, b. July 24, 1940, Phoenix, Arizona.
251. JOSEPHINE HOYE: Died Nov. 25, 1940. Buried at Sang Run. m. George L. Armstrong, son of Albert
Armstrong, Sept. 28, 1907, at Albay, P. I. Capt. Armstrong served in the Philippine and World Wars. He was court interpreter
in the P. I. and an investigator, District Attorney's Office, Los Angeles.
CHILDREN: 260. 1. William Hoye,, b. Aug. 5, 1908, Manila, P. I. 261. 2. Albert, b. Dec. 3, 1909, Manila, P. I. 262. 3. Helen Louise, b. July 12, 1912, Manila, P. I, d. Aug. 12, 1913. 263. 4. Robert Lewis, b. May 10, 1914, Manila, P. I. Corporal
Robert L. Armstrong, U. S. M. C., was captured by the Japanese at Peiping, China, December, 1941.
260. WILLIAM HOYE ARMSTRONG: Bowie, Md. m. Beatrice Pauline, dau. of George W. Catey, August 18, 1936.
CHILDREN: 264. 1. David Andrew, b. Sept. 6, 1940, Washington, D. C. He
is a B. S. in Agriculture, U. of Calif., 1932, and a D. V. M., Ohio State University, 1937. He is employed at the Patuxent
Research Refuge of the U. S. Dept. of the Interior.
252. ROBERT LINCOLN HOYE: Died March 28, 1940. Bur. at Sang Run. m. Bertha A. Lowdermilk, dau. of James
L. Lowdermilk, Mar. 29, 1907. Occupation farming and lumbering.
CHILDREN: 265. 1. Marie Helene, b. Sept. 1, 1909, Sang Run, Md. 266. 2. James Carl, b. Aug. 2, 1912. Died. 267. 3. Isabel Georgia, b. Feb. 2, 1915, McHenry, Md. 268. 4. Irene Roberta, b. June 2, 1918, Oakland, Md. 269. 5. Mary Lucille, b. Mar. 8, 1921, Oakland, Md. 270. 6. Robert Lincoln, b. Feb. 25, 1925, Oakland, ,Md.
265. MARIE HELENE HOYE: Morgantown, W. Va. m. Percy L. Forbes, a glass blower, Sept. 6, 1932, at Oakland,
CHILDREN: 271. 1. Patricia Ann, b. May 14, 1933, Oakland, Md. 272. 2. Doris Lee, b. Jan. 20, 1936, Morgantown, W. Va.
267. ISABEL GEORGIA HOYE: Morgantown, W. Va. m. Charles K. Zinn, Dec. 25, 1938, at Terra Alta, W. Va.
Isabel G. Hoye graduated from the Nurses' School, City Hospital, Morgantown, in 1935.
269. MARY LUCILLE HOYE: Morgantown, W. Va. m. William T. Brown, teacher, Dec. 18, 1937, at Cumberland,
CHILDREN: 273. 1. Barbara Ann, b. Dec. 23, 1938, Oakland, Md.
253. PAUL STUTZMAN HOYE: Died Sept. 27, 1922; bur. at Sang Run, Md. m. Elinor L. Hinebaugh, Mar. 26,
1911, at McHenry, Md. Paul Hoye farmed his parents' farm at Sang Run. He died from injuries received in a coal mine accident
in Pennsylvania.
CHILDREN: 274. 1. Paul Waller, b. Mar. 3, 1921, McHenry, Md. 275. 2. Schell Stutzman, b. Feb. 2, 1916, Sang Run, Md.
274. PAUL WALLER HOYE: Oakland, Md. m. Vonda Sanders.
CHILDREN: 276. 1. Paul Waller, b. Feb. 11, 1939, Crellin, Md.
HELEN LOUISE HOYE: Zion City, Ill. m. Lyman S. Enlow, Feb. 12, 1910, at Sang Run. Her husband is a
millwright. He is a son of Rufus Enlow of Sang Run, Md. The family resided on the old Enlow farm until 1915 when they moved
to Zion City. They belong to the Christian Catholic Apostolic Church.
CHILDREN: 277. 1. William Claude, b. Jan. 16, 1911, Sang Run, Md. 278. 2. Gilbert Bruce, b. Oct. 22, 1912, Sang Run, Md. 279. 3. Jessie Marie, b. Mar. 30, 1914, Sang Run, Md. 280. 4. Rufus Wilbur, b. May 24, 1915, Zion City, Ill. 281. 5. David Wesley, b. Jan. 10, 1919, Zion City, Ill. 282. 6. Josephine Price, b. Jan. 8, 1922, Zion City, Ill. 283. 7. Robert Elwood, b. Jan. 24, 1925, Zion City, Ill. 284. 8. Paul Hoye, b. June 13, 1927, Zion City, Ill. 285. 9. Helen Louise, b. Oct. 4, 1929, Zion City, Ill.
279. JESSIE MARIE ENLOW: Zion, Illinois. m. Alvah S. Tillman, February 15, 1941.
CHILDREN: 286. 1. Joyce Lorraine, b. Jan. 29, 1942.
247. ELIJAH HOYE: Died Sep. 26, 1938, at Sang Run, Md. m. (1) Sarah Jane Savage, Dec. 25, 1877; dau.
of A. W. Savage.
CHILDREN: 286. 1. Ora May, b. Nov. 12, 1878, Sang Run, Md. 287. 2. Sara Jane, b. Nov. 24, 1880, Sang Run, Md. m.
(2) Mary Cornelia Friend, Apr. 26, 1882, at Sang Run.
CHILDREN: 288. 1. Nellie Elizabeth, b. Oct. 8, 1884, Sang Run, Md. 289. 2. Gilbert, b. Feb. 9, 1886, Sang Run, Md. 290. 3. Frederic Ward, b. Dec. 30, 1890, Sang Run, Md. 291. 4. Ruth, b. Aug. 15, 1898, Sang Run, Md.
Elijah Hoye was a student for two years at Heidelberg College, Tiffin, Ohio. During a long and useful
life he resided on his farm at Sang Run. He was a Republican and Methodist.
286. ORA MAY HOYE: Terra Alta, W. Va. m. George D. Liming, Sept. 26, 1917. Her husband is a farmer.
287. SARAH JANE HOYE: Died April 16, 1938. Bur. at Sang Run, Md. m. Franklin Frantz, a farmer and rural
mail carrier.
CHILDREN: 292. 1. Geoffrey Elwood, b. July 4, 1906. 293. 2. Ellen May, b. May 3, 1923.
290. FREDERIC WARD HOYE: Sang Run, Md. m. Mary Elizabeth Hoye, May 12, 1912. Fred Hoye is a farmer
and Justice of the Peace.
CHILDREN, all born at Sang Run, Md.: 294. 1. Miriam Corinne, b. Feb. 16, 1913. 295. 2. Margaret Irene, b. Oct. 28, 1914. 296. 3. Frederic Baxton, b. Aug. 15, 1916. 297. 4. Mary Elizabeth, b. Aug. 25, 1919. 298. 5. Paul Elijah, b. Dec. 30, 1925. 299. 6. Ruth Luella, b. June 21, 1931. 300. 7. Catherine Louise, b. Feb. 16, 1935.
NOTE:--A contract dated 25th November, 1836, records the clearing of the "Knox field" on
the Elijah Hoye farm. David Hoye rented to Washington Knox part of "Friend's Delight" for six years on condition that
Knox clear, sow in timothy, and fence "seven rails high, staked and ridered,," one acre per year.
Part of Elijah
Hoye's farm has been in the possession of the Hoye family since Paul Hoye had it surveyed in 1774.
294. MIRIAM CORRINE HOYE: Sang Run, Md. m. Cecil Everett Friend, farmer, April 5, 1934.
CHILDREN, all born at Sang Run, Md.: 301. 1. Alice Lovenia, b. Jan. 15, 1935. 302. 2. Elizabeth Fay, b. Jan. 27, 1937. 303. 3. Esther Lee, b. July 19, 1938. 304. 4. Samuel McClellan, b. June 1, 1940. 000. 5. Everett Nicholas, b. March 17, 1942.
248. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN HOYE: d. July 30, 1926, bur. at Sang Run, Md. m. Alice Rosabell Casteel (1860-1895)
Apr. 8, 1880. He farmed the Sines place, part of his father's estate at Hoye's Run, W. Va.
CHILDREN: 305. 1. David Harrison, b. Oct. 13, 1881, Sang Run, Md. 306. 2. Meshach Vernon, b. Nov. 21, 1882, Hoye Run, W. Va. 307. 3. Lulu Catherine, b. July 12, 1885, Hoye Run, W. Va. 308. 4. Ralph Casteel, b. June 1, 1889, Hoye Run, W. Va. 309. 5. William Edward, b. Aug. 30, 1891, Hoye Run, W. Va. 310. 6. Mary Elizabeth, b. Jan. 10, 1894, Hoye Run, W. Va. 311. 7. Alice Rosabell, b. Dec. 18, 1895, Hoye Run, W. Va.
William E. Hoye served in the 25th Co., 154 Dep. Brigade, 1918-19. He is employed by the B. & O.
R. R. and resides with his sister, Alice, at Farmington, W. Va.
305. DAVID HARRISON HOYE: Farmington, W. Va. m. Dessie May, dau. of Harris Dewitt, July 4, 1908. Farmer
and lumberman.
CHILDREN: 312. 1. Evelyn Rose, b. April 5, 1909, Sang Run, Md. 313. 2. Franklin Harrison, b. Dec. 1, 1911, Sang Run, Md. 314. 3. Wilbur Carlos, b. Nov. 28, 1914, Champion, Pa. 315. 4. Elmo, b. Oct. 11, 1917, Cheat Haven, Pa.
312. EVELYN ROSE HOYE: Farmington, W. Va. m. Fred E. Allen, a miner, July 16, 1931.
306. MESCACH VERNON HOYE: McHenry, Md. m. Vespa Josephine, daughter of Edward Casteel, Nov. 11, 1905.
He is a farmer.
CHILDREN, all born at McHenry, Md.: 316. 1. Genevieve Josephine, b. Sept. 15, 1906. 317. 2. Edward Franklin, b. Sept. 8, 1907. 318. 3. Thelma Pearl, b. Jan. 20, 1911. 319. 4. Yvonne Wilma, b. Oct. 13, 1913. 320. 5. Roland Dale, b. July 3, 1918.
m. A. Bice, son of John F. Bice, in 1926. He is a mechanic.
CHILDREN: 321. 1. Donald Edwin, b. Feb. 11, 1927, Pittsburgh, Pa. 322. 2. Norma Jean, b. July 24, 1928, Pittsburgh, Pa.
317. EDWARD FRANKLIN HOYE: Deer Park, Md. m. Mildred R., daug. of John Fike, Sept. 23, 1928. He is
a farmer.
CHILDREN: 323. 1. Helen, b. Mar. 21, 1929, d. Mar. 24, 1929, Sang Run, Md. 324. 2. Warren Dale, b. Sept. 19, 1930, Sang Run, Md.
318. THELMA PEARL HOYE: Sines, Md. m. Harland G. Reams, a miner, Mar. 20, 1928.
CHILDREN: 325. 1. Glendene Eloise, b. Mar. 31, 1929, McHenry, Md. 326. 2. Harland Lynn, b. May 19, 1931, d. May 29, 1931.
319. YVONNE WILMA HOYE: Friendsville, Md. m. Randal W. Friend, farmer, Dec. 6, 1933.
CHILDREN: 327. 1. Janet Yvonne, b. May 10, 1934.
307. LULU CATHERINE HOYE: Lake Lynn, Pa. m. Norman Friend, a farmer, July 2, 1905.
CHILDREN: 328. 1. Dorlah Elizabeth, b. March 28, 1907, Hoye's Run, Md. 329. 2. Grace Alice, b. Jan. 28, 1909, Hoye's Run, Md. 330. 3. Ward William, b. Feb. 1, 1914, Farmington, Pa.
328. DORLAH ELZABETH FRIEND: Reisville, W. Va. m. Shannon Eddy, a miner.
CHILDREN: 331. 1. Wayne Friend, b. July 29, 1929. 332. 2. Paul, b. Oct. 22, 1932. 333. 3. Beulah Sue, b. July 24, 1937.
308. RALPH CASTEEL HOYE: Sang Run, Md. m. Florence May Kimmell, July 17, 1912. He farms the Elijah
Friend place.
CHILDREN: 334. 1. Elizabeth Alice, b. June 17, 1914, at Sang Run, Md.
334. ELIZABETH ALICE HOYE: Parsons, W. Va. m. George Nordeck, store manager, Jan. 1, 1937.
CHILDREN: 335. 1. Jeri Lu Raye, b. June 29, 1939.
310. MARY ELIZABETH HOYE: Sang Run, Md. m. Frederick Ward Hoye. (See 290. F. W. Hoye.)
249. SARAH CATHERINE HOYE: d. Sept. 19, 1916. Bur. at Deer Park, Md. m. James Bordman Cassidy, May
28, 1869, a native of Canada, admitted to U. S. citizenship Aug. 22, 1882. He was a telegraph operator for the B. & O.
R. R., accidentally killed by a passing train at Altamont.
CHILDREN, all born at Altamont, Md.: 336. 1. Charles William, b. Feb. 17, 1870. 337. 2. Maud L., b. Feb. 14, 1873. 338. 3. Dalton Burr, b. Nov. 5, 1875, d. Feb., 1876. 339. 4. Frank Howard, b. Nov. 6, 1878. 340. 5. Mary Blanche, b. Oct. 8, 1881. 341. 6. Sarah Grace, b. June 4, 1883.
336. CHARLES WILLIAM CASSIDY: d. April 10, 1905. Bur. at Deer Park, Md. m. Mary Agnes O'Donnell. He
was a trainman, B. & O. R. R.
CHILDREN: 342. 1. Charles Stanly, b. Nov. 30, 1902, at Cumberland, Md.
342. CHARLES STANLY CASSIDY: Cleveland, Ohio. m. Flora Marie Boettcher, Dec. 30, 1925.
CHILDREN: 343. 1. James Thomas, b. Dec. 12, 1936.
339. FRANK HOWARD CASSIDY: d. Sept. 16, 1900. Bur. at Deer Park, Md. Occupation--railroad trainman,
B. & O. R. R. Frank was a fireman on the Deer Park helper engine. At Altamont, while signaling another engine, he was
crushed and soon died. This accident occurred near his old home, within a few hundred yards of where his grandfather Cassidy
and his father had been killed by trains. Knowing that he could not live, he was asked if he wanted a preacher. He replied,
"Don't bother anyone, for God will do what is best for me."
340. MARY BLANCHE CASSIDY: Cumberland, Md. m. Herman Pirkey, Dec. 17, 1907. He was a B. & O. R.
R. trainman.
CHILDREN, all born at Cumberland, Md.: 344. 1. Virginia Kathleen, b. Feb. 26, 1910. 345. 2. Robert Francis, b. May 12, 1912. 346. 3. Dorthy Blanche, b. Nov. 4, 1914. 347. 4. Herman Kenneth, b. July 22, 1915. 348. 5. Luther Keith, b. Dec. 3, 1916. 349. 6. Chauncey Kermit, b. Nov. 14, 1918. 350. 7. Charles Stanley, b. Nov. 16, 1920.
m. George Elwood Olsen, July 22, 1935, in Washington, D. C.
CHILDREN: 351. 1. Mary Roberta, b. May 21, 1936, in Cumberland.
345. ROBERT FRANCIS PIRKEY: Cumberland, Md. m. Marguerite R. Thompson, Oct. 12, 1935, at Hagerstown.
He is employed by the Celanese Corporation.
CHILDREN: 352. 1. Robert Herman, b. June 13, 1938, Cumberland. 353. 2. Sally Dionne, b. July 13, 1940, Cumberland.
341. SARAH GRACE CASSIDY: Cumberland, Md. m. Lee Graham, a B. & O. R. R. trainman, Sept. 6, 1907.
CHILDREN: 344. 1. Charles Kenneth, b. Nov. 24, 1908, at Cumberland, Md. 345. 2. Ruth Catherine, b. Aug. 9, 1915, at Cumberland, Md.
344. CHARLES KENNETH GRAHAM: Frostburg, Md. m. Eva Barbara Smith, Aug. 20, 1938. He is employed by
the Celanese Corp. of America.
Thorondale, September the 12, 1849.
My very Dear Brothers.
Very unexpectedly Miss Margaret handed me a letter from Mr. Smith last evening containing the sad news
of our dear Brothers death. Our heavenly Father has chastened us severely within the last year, although our afflictions have
been many our blessings far exceed them. My prayer is that we may be enabled to bear all without murmuring or repining at
the sure dispensation of one who would not willingly grieve or afflict.
Many thanks to you beloved Brothers for the way in which you have acted towards me but the sum of which
I will soon be in possession of will render me independent, and as you have all large families I consider it my duty and privilege
to diminish rather than increase the number of your cares. I hope you will not take what I have said amiss. Has Brother Edwards
child recovered from that paralytic stroke. I am very anxious to see you all and hope at some day not very distant to pay
you a visit. Does Brother Davids wife intend to continue at housekeeping? Give much love to her and the children. Poor things!
They will never know a Fathers love. Do not let them or any of your children forget they have an Aunt Miriam. I have written
this letter to all of you but do not remember any of your directions. I will enclose it in one to Mr. Smith who will forward
it to you. Remember me affectionately to all of my Sisters and friends. Tell Sister Elizabeth I will answer her kind letter
soon. I expect to return to Smithburgh the 21st of this month.
I remain your fond Sister, MIRIAM D. HOYE.
Cumberland, Ap'l 25th, 1849. Mr. David Hoye
Dear Sir--
Your letter of the 17th inst I recd. I have a deed drawn for Mr. Elijah Friend and wife to you for
the land you conveyed to him on the 8th of March, 1842. Mr. Elijah Friend wishes you to convey to your son Elijah the small
piece laying on the north east side of the river. Send me down the courses of that piece and I will have the deed drawn to
your son. Send them down by the first mail. Have the deed from Mr. Elijah Friend to you executed immediately and send it down
to me and I will have it recorded. I send you inclosed your deed to Mr. Elijah Friend. Do for your own sake, and the family,
attend to this at once and send me the deed.
Your friend, JOHN HOYE.
This letter refers to a small tract called "Mill Seat" at the mouth of Sang Run. It was found among
the papers of Elijah Friend, marked "Secrecy." David probably never received it. John and David died that summer and the land
remained in Elijah Friend's possession.
021. TABITHA HOYE was born October 17, 1816, and died November 13, 1848. She married Jeremiah Leonard
Townshend, April 25, 1843.
CHILDREN: 346. 1. Singleton, b. March 26, 1846, at Mt. Airy. 347. 2. Mary Virginia, b. at Mt. Airy, d. in infancy.
Tabitha, named for Tabitha Marbury, was the eldest daughter of her father's second marriage. She attended
the local school at Sang Run and the school at Cumberland while living with her Uncle John. She was a valuable assistant to
her mother and after her mother's death she kept the old home until her marriage at the age of twenty-six. After her marriage
she took Elizabeth and Mariam to live with her; she also took the colored boy Stephen.
The couple lived on their farm, Mt. Airy, now the Baum farm, south of Grantsville, until Tabitha's
early death of tuberculosis. She was buried near her parents, brothers and sisters in the Hoye Cemetery. Tabitha was one of
the dark-haired Hoyes. She is described as "a perfect lady of refined manners." Not of as robust constitution as were most
of the family, she had a poetic vein in her nature, an indication of which is the recorded fact that when she was eighteen
and the last baby came into the Hoye family, Tabitha named her Mariam Drusilla.
In 1853 Jeremiah Townshend moved to Oakland and became one of the first merchants in that new town.
He never remarried.
346. SINGLETON TOWNSHEND: Died March 24, 1902. Buried at Oakland, Md. m. Anna R. Whalen, Aug. 1, 1872.
NOTE:--Aug. 3, 1842, John Hoye deeded Tabitha Hoye for $5.00, part of "Mt. Airy," 187 acres,
"Buck Pasture," 254 acres; also lots 2112, 2113, 2135, 2292, total--653 acres. Not satisfied with this gift and the
provisions of John Hoye's will, her husband appears as the leader in bringing the noted Case in Equity, No. 840, "J. L.
Townshend et al vs. George Smith et al."
was a dentist at Oakland, an Oddfellow and a member of the Christian Science Church.
CHILDREN: 348. 1. John Leonard, b. (???). d. Aug. --, 1896. 349. 2. Rachel Anne, b. Nov. 4, 1876, at Oakland.
John Leonard Townshend was a hardware salesman at Baltimore.
349. RACHEL ANNE TOWNSHEND: Died Aug. 12, 1927, Washington, D. C. m. Dr. Francis D. Koonce, April 22,
1902. He was a physician in Washington. After her husband's death Anne was a government clerk in Washington.
CHILDREN: 350. 1. Anne Rebecca, b. Dec. 13, 1904. 351. 2. Nelle Josephine, b. July 3, 1907. 352. 3. Francis Singleton, b. Nov. 26, 1913.
350. ANNE REBECCA KOONCE: Washington, D. C. m. William E. Pecot of the U. S. Coast Guard, Aug. 19,
1928. Rebecca is a clerk in the Department of Agriculture.
CHILDREN: 353. 1. William Edward, b. Sept. 16, 1929, in Washington.
351. NELLE JOSEPHINE KOONCE: Silver Springs, Md. m. (1) Edward T. Stakes, Jr., Jan. 13, 1930, in Washington,
D. C. m. (2) George D. Nolan, Nov. 25, 1936. He is floor manager for S. Kann Sons & Co., Washington, D. C.
352. FRANCIS SINGLETON KOONCE: Beaver Falls, Pa. m. Eleanor L. Rietz, April 30, 1938, at Elkton, Md.
Francis is a radio announcer with the Columbia Broadcasting Company.
023. DANIEL JONES HOYE was born September 12, 1819, on the Crabtree Bottom farm, and died June 7, 1898.
He was buried in the Baird lot, Highland Park Cemetery, Kirksville, Mo. He was named for his uncle, Daniel Rutan, and for
his grandmother, Catherine Jones. He married Catherine Baker October 15, 1840, who was born October 13, 1822, and died July
10, 1910. She was buried in the Wynka Cemetery, Lincoln, Nebraska.
CHILDREN: 354. 1. William Waller, b. Dec. 3, 1841, at Sang Run, Md. 355. 2. Mary Martha, b. Jan. 28, 1843, at Sang Run, Md. 356. 3. Jacob, b. Jan. 14, 1845, at Sang Run, Md. 357. 4. Elizabeth, b. Feb. 20, 1847, at Sang Run, Md. 358. 5. John, b. Feb. 6, 1849, d. Mar. 3, 1873, Edina, Mo. 359. 6. Ann Mariah, b. Mar. 21, 1851, in Hampshire Co., Va. 360. 7. Ida, b. Oct. 16, 1853, at Jacksonville, Ill. 361. 8. Harriet, b. Jan. 18, 1856,, Edina, Mo. 362. 9. Emma, b. March 15, 1858, Edina, Mo. 363. 10. Edward, b. Jan. 15, 1860, d. July 19, 1860. 364. 11. Taylor, b. Jan. 15, 1860, d. Mar. 22, 1862. 365. 12. Walter, b. Mar. 17, 1861, Edina, Mo. 366. 13. Jeannette, b. June 6, 1863, Edina, Mo.
Daniel Hoye attended the local academy at Sang Run. After marriage he and his wife lived with his mother
on the home farm, then moved on the Aunt Betsey Hoye farm at Sang
NOTES:--(1) On the original plot of Oakland, Maryland, surveyed in 1849, lots Nos. 1 and
2 are marked "Daniel J. Hoye." By deed dated 30th July, 1853, Daniel J. Hoye and wife transferred lot No. 1 to Singleton
L. Townshend for $50. This is the site of the present old Townshend house.
(2) Daniel J. Hoye also owned the military
lot which includes the beautiful Muddy Creek water fall in Garrett County.
(3) In 1841 John Hoye surveyed a tract
of State land, called "Rattler," 1,370 acres. He assigned his certificate as a gift to Daniel J. Hoye who received
his patent in 1842. In the Maryland Court of Appeals, Case of Daniel J. Hoye vs. James Swan, it appears that the "Rattler"
survey covered a large portion of John Swan's survey of "Skipnish," 888 acres, surveyed in 1803. Therefore the Court decided
in favor of the Swans and Hoye lost a large part of "Rattler."
(4) An entry in John Hoye's Ledger, dated June
6, 1846, Daniel J. Hoye is referred to as of "Murley's Glade, Allegany County." So it appears that he resided on "Rattler"
at that time.
Run. About 1850 the family moved to a farm in Hampshire Co., Va., where, presumably at Frankfort near
the Potomac, they remained until 1853. In 1852 Daniel went to Missouri to visit his father-in-law, Jacob Baker, and to see
the lands in the West. The next September he sold his property in Virginia, loaded his family and effects on two good Conestoga
"covered wagons," which were driven by William and Jacob, while he drove a light spring wagon, all drawn by horses.
The emigrants traveled to the West over the Northwestern Turnpike, crossing the Ohio River at Wheeling,
Virginia, and the Mississippi at Quincy, Ill. In October, Ida was born prematurely at Jacksonville, Illinois, necessitating
a long delay there. The family settled seven miles west of Edina, Knox County, Missouri, on a farm of 700 acres selected by
Judge Melker Baker, a brother-in-law, and purchased of the Federal Government for $1.25 per acre. This farm adjoined the farm
of another brother-in-law, Canada Baker.
They built at once a comfortable log house and began clearing the land of small timber which consisted
in part of wild crab apple trees. Their farm also included prairie lands which later proved to be better farm land than the
timbered country, tho difficult to break up with the plows of those days. Corn, wheat and tobacco were raised; the tobacco
for home use and to give to neighbors. Most of their crops were consumed by the family or fed to their cattle and hogs. In
the early years deer and wild turkeys furnished a good meat supply.
After about six years residence in the log house Daniel Hoye built a large two story brick house on
his farm; this was the family residence until they sold their farm and purchased a new 13 room brick house at 505 S. High
St., Kirksville, Missouri. Here Emma and Ida were living with their parents when the father passed away in 1898. As the children
grew up and left home, the extra rooms were rented to boarders.
Daniel Hoye was of the rugged mountaineer type. He was six feet in height, weighed 175 pounds, had
black hair, sandy beard and blue eyes. His death at the age of 78 was caused by a cancer on the lower lip which was apparently
treated successfully but developed again and caused death after a month of intense suffering. His nine living children gathered
at the home to be with their father during his last illness. He was a man of strict integrity, quiet and undemonstrative,
with decided ideas of right and wrong and strong religious convctions. He trusted too much in the good intentions and words
of others and suffered financial losses thereby. After her husband's decease, Catherine Hoye lived happily with her daughters,
Elizabeth, Anna, and Emma, until she passed away at Lincoln, Nebraska, aged nearly 88 years, a fine type of the hardy pioneer
woman of the West.
When the family moved from Virginia, Jacob Baker gave them two young slaves, Tobe, a mulatto, and Ann,
a black girl. Tobe was bad tempered and of little service, but Ann was a good worker and fine nurse for the children; when
freed by Lincoln's proclamation she hired herself to Melker Baker and died while still young. One of the horses named "Gin,"
brought on the migration from Virginia, lived many years on the Hoye farm; a very gentle animal, she was a favorite with the
Daniel was a member of the M. E. Church since boyhood and a leader in his congregation. He was a Republican
in poltics and loyal to the Union.
354. WILLIAM WALLER HOYE: Died Aug. 18, 1900. Bur. at Edgar, Neb. m. (1) Victoria H. Brown, Jan. 1,
1868. m. (2) Mrs. Eliza M. Holton, May 14, 1889. No children. He was a farmer, carpenter, bookkeeper, a good musician, and
lived most of his life in Hannibal, Missouri, and Omaha, Nebraska. He finished his education at James City Business College,
Quincy, Illinois. During the Cvil War he served in Co. "A," 61st Ill. Inf.
NOTE:--THE BAKER FAMILY probably came from Hampshire Co., Va., where John Baker resided as
early as 1772, and in 1810 deeded land to Jacob Baker and wife. Our Jacob Baker came to Maryland from Monongalia Co.,
Va. In 1832 John Hoye deeded to him "Uncleton," 945 acres, on Deep Creek. In 1833 he was assessed here with four negroes,
8 horses and 46 cattle. In 1854 Jacob Baker sold 350 acres, including his home, to John L. Browning for $4,000, and moved
to Knox Co., Mo. Jacob Baker's log house is just north of John Browning's. His children were Melchior, Nicholas, Canady,
Joseph, Nelson, Catherine, Elizabeth, Mary, all of whom went west except Mary and Nelson. Jacob Baker's wife was Martha
Canady; she died on the farm in Maryland and was buried by a maple east of the Melchior Baker house.
355. MARY MARTHA HOYE: Died June 1, 1893. Bur. at Monrovia, Calif. m. Joseph Douglas, Aug. 25, 1875,
at Lancaster, Mo.
CHILDREN: 367. 1. Ida May, b. Nov. 20, 1877, in Kirksville, Mo. 368. 2. Ernest, b. Jan. 13, 1879, in Kirksville, Mo.
Mary Hoye was a teacher before marriage. Mr. Douglas operated an extensive lumber business in Kirksville.
The family moved to California; after Mary's death, they located in Pomona, Calif.
367. IDA MAY DOUGLAS: Pomona, Calif. m. Clinton Miller, June 26, 1920.
CHILDREN: 369. 1. Clinton Douglas, b. Mar. 25, 1922.
368. ERNEST DOUGLAS: Pomona, Calif. m. Mary B. Nevins, Dec. 9, 1902. They have an adopted daughter,
Neva Mae Douglas. Ernest is a skilled mechanic.
356. JACOB HOYE: Died Aug. 16, 1918. Bur. at Edgar, Neb. m. (1) Christina Linstrom, Jan. 4, 1871. She
was born June 24, 1852, at Hernings Mola, Sweden, and died June 6, 1892. m. (2) Ida Hannenan, Dec. 19, 1895.
CHILDREN: 370. 1. Alma, b. April 4, 1874, at Vallisca, Iowa. 371. 2. Jessie Lenora, b. Nov. 20, 1881, at Edgar, Neb.
Jacob Hoye was a farmer and mason; he lived on his farm five miles northeast of Edgar, Neb. He was
a Methodist and a Democrat.
370. ALMA HOYE: Edgar, Neb. m. Ernest Smith, a farmer, Feb. 16, 1890.
CHILDREN: 372. 1. Fannie, b. Jan. 7, 1894.
372. FANNIE SMITH: Gerber, Calif. m. Forest Overturf, July 24, 1912. The Overturfs lived in Clay Co.,
Neb., until 1926 when they located in California.
CHILDREN: 373. 1. Melvin, b. Jan. 15, 1913, Sutton, Neb. 374. 2. Lela, b. Nov. 10, 1915, Sutton, Neb. 375. 3. Loren, b. March 8, 1920, Sutton, Neb.
373. MELVIN OVERTURF: Clay Center, Neb. m. Olinda Bauer, July 2, 1939.
371. JESSIE LENORA HOYE: Clay Center, Neb. m. Carlos Roy Bascom, March 15, 1905, at Edgar, Neb. He
was born June 15, 1881, the son of Eli P. Bascom (1847-1901) of Polo, Ill. The Bascoms live on their farm five miles north
of Edgar. Vera Bascom graduated from Hastings Business College; she is a bookkeeper and stenographer at Lincoln.
CHILDREN: 376. 1. Vera Winona, b. Dec. 23, 1906, at Edgar, Neb. 377. 2. Wilma Venus, b. Dec. 13, 1909, at Edgar, Neb.
377. WILMA VENUS BASCOM: Died Feb. 3, 1933. Bur. at Clay Center, Neb. m. Harold Wilson, Mar. 26, 1930.
Wilma was a stenographer; her husband is a musician.
CHILDREN: 378. 1. Connie Lee, b. Sept. 22, 1932, at Edgar, Neb.
357. ELIZABETH HOYE: Died Mar. 12, 1907. Bur. at Hurdland, Mo. m. David C. Smallwood, Feb. 5, 1871.
The family lived on their large farm adjoining Hurdland, Mo. Mr. Smallwood was an industrious farmer
and his wife a model homemaker.
CHILDREN, all born at Hurdland, Mo.: 379. 1. Claude, b. Dec. 11, 1871. 380. 2. Alva, b. Feb. 28, 1873. Died. 381. 3. Grace, b. April 24, 1874. Died. 382. 4. Chloe, b. March 3, 1876. 383. 5. Charles, b. Jan. 21, 1878. 384. 6. Eddie, b. March 18, 1882. Died.
379. CLAUDE SMALLWOOD: Pleasanton, Calif. m. Eleanor S. Stanley, June, 1898, who came from England
with her father. Claude Smallwood graduated from the Normal School, Kirksville, Mo., in 1891; from the Los Angeels Normal
in 1898; from the University of California in 1905. He was a teacher. In 1910 he organized the First National Bank of Pleasanton
of which he was manager and principal owner. He is an elder of the Presbyterian Church.
CHILDREN: 385. 1. Stanley Claude, b. Feb. 10, 1903, Bisbee, Ariz. 386. 2. Genevieve Elizabeth, b. April 26, 1907, Berkeley, Calif. 387. 3. Catherine Edith, b. Sept. 19, 1912, Pleasanton, Calif.
S. C. Smallwood was graduated from the University of California in 1926 and admitted to the bar the
same year. Assistant District Attorney of Alameda County.
Catherine Smallwood, B. A., U. of C., 1933, of Berkeley, Calif., is employed by the Y. M. C. A.
386. GENEVIEVE ELIZABETH SMALLWOOD: Livermore, Calif. m. (1) Oather L. Hampton, March 9, 1927. m. (2)
Donald Mills Fraser, D. S., July 21, 1935.
CHILDREN: 388. 1. Keith Smallwood, b. May 31, 1936, Livermore, Calif.
Genevieve E. Fraser is a B. S., U. of C., 1928.
382. CHLOE SMALLWOOD: El Paso, Texas. m. (1) Edwin E. Black, merchant, in October, 1897. m. (2) Harry
La Salle, civil engineer, June 2, 1904.
CHILDREN: 389. 1. Mildred, b. Oct. 5, 1898, Hurdland, Mo.
389. MLDRED BLACK: El Paso, Texas. m. Lester W. Ingram, Captain, U. S. A., June 30, 1927. Mildred was
educated at Glen Eden, Stamford, Conn.
383. CHARLES SMALLWOOD: Died June 6, 1916, at Hurdland, Mo. m. Martha Paul. Charles was a farmer and
operated the home farm.
CHILDREN: 390. 1. Glen, b. Hurdland, Mo.
359. ANN MARIAH HOYE: Died Dec. 31, 1911. Bur. Kirksville, Mo. m. David Baird (1838-1912), Sept. 9,
1869, at Kirksville. Her husband was a granite cutter and operated a marble and granite business in Kirksville, Mo.
CHILDREN: 391. 1. Susan Adelia, b. Nov. 22, 1870, Kirksville. 392. 2. John Clay, b. Jan. 18, 1874, Kirksville.
Susan Adelia Baird graduated from the Kirksville Normal. She was a teacher and matron at the Thornwell,
S. C., Orphanage.
392. JOHN CLAY BAIRD: Died Aug. 4, 1937, Nevada, Mo. m. Eva J. Bryan, Apr. 19, 1905. Occupation, granite
CHILDREN: 393. 1. John Bryan, b. Jan. 16, 1906, Mexico, Mo. 394. 2. Henry Stephen, b. Feb. 2, 1908, Kirksville, Mo.
393. JOHN BRYAN BAIRD: Schell City, Mo. m. Elma Ruth Harvey, of Schell City, Mo., April 6, 1927. Farmer.
394. HENRY STEPHEN BAIRD: Nevada, Mo. m. Lena H. Horsier, Feb. 6, 1936.
360. IDA HOYE: Died Dec. 3, 1925. Bur. Colorado Springs. m. John Nevin, Mar. 7, 1899.
361. HARRIET HOYE: Died May 12, 1912. m. John C. Frees of Montrose, Colo., a banker and rancher. She
was a teacher.
362. EMMA HOYE: Lincoln, Nebraska. m. Edward C. Leigh, Dec. 20, 1910. Emma attended State Normal at
Kirksville and was a public school teacher and teacher of music; she graduated from the Kirksville College of Osteopathy and
Surgery, 1902, and is a successful osteopathic physician. The Leighs have an adopted daughter, Miriam Hoye Leigh, b. Mar.
27, 1906; she is a graduate of Neb. Weslean University, College of Fine Arts.
365. WALTER HOYE: Died Feb. 18, 1935. Bur. Lincoln, Nebraska. m. Minnie Niemeyer, Oct. 15, 1889. Trainman,
O. K. C. & E. R. R.
366. JEANNETTE HOYE: Sedalia, Mo. m. James S. Downs, July 12, 1881. Jennie attended State Normal School
where she met her husband, a lawyer.
CHILDREN: 395. 1. Inez, b. June 28, 1882, Houstonia, Mo. 396. 2. Mabel, b. Jan. 5, 1884, d. Oct. 5, 1884. 397. 3. Ray, b. Jan. 22, 1885, Houstonia, Mo. 398. 4. Alta Zula, b. May 18, 1888, Houstonia, Mo.
395. INEZ DOWNS: East Orange, N. J. m. Rev. Lewis Ward McCreary, Aug. 9, 1905. Her husband is pastor
of Park Avenue Church, Disciples of Christ.
397. RAY DOWNS: Kansas City, Mo. m. Minnie Shelley, Mar. 4, 1910.
CHILDREN: 399. 1. Lena Mae, b. Aug. 12, 1911, Denver, Colo. 400. 2. John, b. May 13, 1913, Houstonia, Mo.
NOTE:--BAIRD: John Baird I emigrated from County Tyrone, Ireland,
to Cumberland Co., Pa., where he took the oath of allegiance in 1778. Later he purchased 400 acres of land of the State
near Wheeling. John Baird II, father of David, b. in Ohio County, Va., 1792, died at his home near Kirksville, Mo.
399. LENA MAE DOWNS: Aurora, Colo. m. Ernest John Roark, May 19, 1925. Employed in the U. S. Hospital.
CHILDREN: 401. 1. Chester Edwin, b. Sept. 13, 1928.
400. JOHN DOWNS: St. Charles, Ill. m. Janice M. Gragg, of Chicago, Aug. 6, 1938. Both are graduates
from Culver-Stockton College, Canton, Mo. John is a high school teacher.
398. ALTA ZULA DOWNS: Died Jan. 25, 1934. Bur. Springfield, Mo. m. Frank Sellers, September 16, 1907,
grandson of W. B. Sellers of Kentucky, who settled south of Marshall, Mo. Alta was employed by the St. Louis Globe Democrat
and later as a traveling saleswoman. Her husband is a salesman.
CHILDREN: 402. 1. Charles McElroy, b. May 23, 1919, Houstonia, Mo. 403. 2. Jeannette, b. Dec. 13, 1912, Houstonia, Mo. 404. 3. Mary Tennessee, b. Jan. 14, 1916, Houstonia, Mo. 405. 4. James Franklin, b. April 15, 1914, Houstonia, Mo. 405. 5. Margaret, b. Mar. 13, 1923, Mammoth Springs, Ark.
403. JEANNETTE SELLERS: Los Angeles, California. m. John Bell, Nov. 24, 1938.
404. MARY TENNESSEE SELLERS: Springfield, Missouri. m. Lynford Thompson.
CHILDREN: 407. 1. Jill, b. Apr. 24, 1938.
405. JAMES FRANKLIN SELLERS: Springfield, Missouri. m. Susan Stanforth, Oct. 24, 1938.
CHILDREN: 408. 1. Mary Louise, b. Nov. 4, 1939.
NOTE:--DOWNS: James A. J. (1827-1895), father of J. S. Downs,
was of a pioneer family of Louisville, Ky. In 1842 he came by steamboat to Saline Co., Mo., and later settled in Blackwater
township, Pettis Co., where he made a fine farm of the open prairie and became one of the wealthy citizens of the
county. His wife was Caroline Sandridge (1827-1905) of Virginia.
024. EDWARD HOYE was born February 17, 1821, and died December 27, 1894. Edward, his wife and daughter
were buried in the Oakland, Maryland cemetery. He married Almedia S. Hauser, February 4, 1846.
CHILDREN: 409. 1. Marion Clarrissa, b. Apr. 3, 1847, d. Nov. 19, 1926. 410. 2. Columbus Adolphus, b. Aug. 12, 1848, d. Apr. 30, 1884.
Edward Hoye was of above the average height, sturdy of build and red haired. He was of an amiable and
retiring disposition but inclined to remember for a long time real or fancied wrongs. For many years he and his sister Catherine
would not speak to each other because of some disagreement over inherited property. It is related that Catherine and he were
discussing the matter of their family estate when Edward heatedly remarked, "I will see you beg before I will do anything
for you." She replied, "I have never begged and I never will." Also he was very determined when aroused, as when the later
owner of the old Hoye farm proposed to plow up the family Cemetery; Edward took his gun and watched from the farm boundary
several days to prevent, by force if necessary, what he considered a desecration.
In 1834 Edward went to live with his Uncle John in Cumberland, where he attended the Allegany County
Academy. He was the best schooled of the Hoye brothers and was looked upon by his Uncle John as the best business man among
them. John Hoye named him as one of the executors of his estate. This trust Edward formally refused to accept, seeming to
share his Uncle's faith in the integrity and ability of the other executor, Geo. Smith of A. Later he regretfully said, "This
was the worst day's work I ever did!", referring to his resignation as co-executor.
Edward Hoye early established himself as a farmer on a large farm given to him by his Uncle John adjoining
the old home place; where he resided in a large log house built by John Hoye. Late in life he retired with his wife and daughter
to Oakland. He was intensely disappointed when the executor, Robert Gordon, did not sell him the Crabtree Bottom farm; during
his lifetime he maintained a worm rail fence parallel to the boundary fence between his farm and the home farm.
The following story illustrates his strictness of character: One Sunday Edward Hoye came to the Browning
mill at Sang Run with a load of grain to be ground. William Browning, the miller, carried a sack down to the mill, and returning
to the wagon, said, "Mr. Hoye, why do you bring your grain on Sunday?" Edward, surprised, asked, "Is this Sunday?" "It surely
is," replied Browning. "Then bring that sack back." He insisted on the sack being returned to the wagon and drove the load
home to wait for Monday.
He is remembered in Oakland as "a true gentleman of the old school, smooth shaven, a rare thing among
the older men." He used to walk very erect to the Presbyterian Church, dressed in a broadcloth suit, velvet vest and high
silk hat.
Early in life he was a Democrat, but sometime after the Civil War he affiliated with the Republican
Mrs. Hoye was a refined lady of good family, daughter of Jacob Hauser of Red House. She was a semi-invalid
during much of her married life and passed a very secluded existence. One child died in infancy. Adolphus was crippled by
a spinal disease.
Marion C. Hoye was a model of obedience and duty to her parents with whom she lived a very secluded
life. She inherited her parents' property, estimated value over $25,000, but she spent her last years in poverty in the home
of John Shartzer of Oakland.
NOTE: Cumberland, March 29th 1842. Mr. John Hoy Bought of Frederick A. Miller
June 9 1 doz. Lemons pr. Edward Hoy
$ .50 |
June 12 1 Sommercoat pr. Edward Hoy |
3.50 |
June 12 1 Velveteen Roundabout Do |
2.50 |
June 29 1 pair Pantaloons Do |
3.25 |
Rec'd payment Feby. 20th 1844. J. FECHTIG, Admr.
025. MARIAH HOYE was born May 10, 1823, on the Crab Tree Bottom farm at Sang Run. She died December
15, 1885, in her sixty-third year, and is buried in Bethel Cemetery, Benton, Co., Mo. She married Thomas Hadden Armstrong
(1812-1896) in 1844.
CHILDREN: 411. 1. Hannah F., b. April 8, 1845, Yough Glades, Md. 412. 2. Mary A., b. Sept. 2, 1846, Yough Glades, Md. 413. 3. John W., b. May 11, 1848, Yough Glades, Md. 414. 4. Eliza, b. 1849, Bur. in the Baker Cemetery. 415. 5. Cordelia, b. Mar. 4, 1852. 416. 6. Elizabeth, b. Feb. 19, 1855, d. Mar. 30, 1901. 417. 7. Isaac, b. May 20, 1857, Yough Glades, Md. 418. 8. Hanson, b. 1861, d. Oct. 21, 1924. 419. 9. Katurah, b. June 14, 1862, Brashear, Mo. 420. 10. Charles F., b. Apr. 24, 1865, Brashear, Mo. 421. 11. Alpha, b. Jan. 10, 1867, Brashear, Mo.
John, Elizabeth and Hanson remained on the home farm and are buried in Bethel Cemetery, Benton Co.,
At the age of twenty-one Mariah Hoye married Thomas Hadden Armstrong (See The Armstrong Family). The
family lived on the farm given her by her uncle, John Hoye, adjoining the present town of Oakland, Md. (Yough Glades). It
was a good farm, conveniently located near the old Wm. Armstrong settlement; but in the autumn of 1857 "the call of the West"
NOTE: (1) August 20, 1848, John Hoye deeded, in trust,
to George W. Devecmon and Edward Hoye, for "Maria Armstrong and her children and their heirs forever," 168 acres of
"Glade Farms", 250 acres of "Potato Garden", and "John and Mary", a total of 676 acres. Glade Farms was the Armstrong
home; their large log house was on the west side of the highway at the north end of the present town of Oakland.
property was in part a gift from Mariah's Uncle John Hoye, and compensation for her share in her grandfather's estate.
With permission of the trustees, she sold it all in 1857 for $2000.
(2) From an account of the estate of John
Jan. 7, 1849. To Thomas H. Armstrong.
To boarding his niece Elizabeth Hoye from
the 19th Jan. 1849 to the 8th June, 20 weeks at $2 per
$40 |
To boarding Mariam Hoye 19th Jan. 1849 to 16
Feb |
8 |
To boarding Catherine Ridgely and her son 9th
Feb. 17 weeks |
51 |
and an unsatisfactory combination of circumstances at home caused the family to sell out and make the
six weeks journey by wagon to Iowa.
The Armstrongs lived on a farm near Bonepart, Iowa, until 1859, but thru a series of misfortunes they
lost their remaining capital and moved south to Daniel Hoye's farm in Missouri. Daniel built them a log house and for two
years they helped to farm his land. In 1861 Hadden and Mariah bought a farm of 200 acres, in sec. 28, township 61, near Adair
City, Mo. They paid $4.50 per acre. Early settlers in the West, coming from the eastern forest country, preferred the rougher
wooded lands along the water courses to the more fertile grasscovered prairies; the new Armstrong farm was located in a little
wooded valley. Here the family made their permanent home, building a log house of three rooms, which, in 1877 was replaced
by a frame structure. I visited their farm in 1898, when John, Elizabeth and Hanson were living very comfortably there. I
remember the fine hogs they had, and one "runt", which turned out to be one of the biggest pigs, so Elizabeth wrote me.
Pioneering on a Missouri farm and raising a large family was a hard struggle. The older children were
girls, except John, who was crippled in one foot and walked with a cane. It is no disparagement to the father to record that
it was the mother who was the main strength of the family; a handsome girl in her youth, of robust constitution, she sturdily
survived the bearing of eleven children and the hardships of their pioneer life, and passed away at an advanced age, respected
and admired: type of the successful pioneer woman, a true daughter of Maryland. Mr. Armstrong was of an "easy going" disposition,
much given to telling marvelous stories of Maryland. They raised to manhood and womanhood ten fine children and their numerous
descendants are today helping to people and develop our great West.
411. HANNAH F. ARMSTRONG: Died Dec. 6, 1900. Kirksville, Mo. m. Leander J. Beall. He was a farmer;
born in Ohio, Nov. 15, 1842, and died at Kirksville, Mo., March 6, 1917. He served as a sergeant in the Union Army. Hannah
was a school teacher in Adair Co., Mo. They resided on farms near Kirksville and moved into Kirksville in 1900.
CHILDREN, all born near Kirksville, Mo.: 422. 1. Cogle Bethel, b. June 15, 1869. 423. 2. Mary Elizabeth, b. Feb. 22, 1871. 424. 3. Daisy Alta, b. April 22, 1872. 425. 4. Isaac Newton, b. Nov. 3, 1875. 426. 5. Allen Myron, b. Dec. 23, 1878. 427. 6. Cordelia Mariah, b. Apr. 12, 1881. 428. 7. John Armstrong, b. Apr. 27, 1883.
John A. Beall, U. S. Army, retired, Hartford, Conn., enlisted when a young man; served in Cuba, the
Philippines, China, Mexico, France and Germany. He retired as First Lieutenant in 1922.
422. COGLE BETHEL BEALL: Hickory, Mo. m. (1) Stella P., daughter of C. M. Sanders, Dec. 31, 1890. m.
(2) Mrs. Allie M. Blizzard, Oct. 20, 1925. Stella P. Beall d. May 20, 1916, at Ottumwa, Iowa. Cogle was a farmer in Adair
Co., Mo., and was later employed in a packing house at Ottumwa, Iowa.
CHILDREN: 429. 1. Jesse Leander, b. Oct. 20, 1891, in Nebraska. 430. 2. Samuel Raymond, b. May 10, 1893, d. Aug., 1925. 431. 3. William Henry, b. Mar. 14, 1895, Kirksville, Mo. 432. 4. Allen Merrit, b. Jan. 15, 1897, Excelses, Wis. 433. 5. Ralph Watson, b. June 18, 1901, St. Joseph, Mo. 434. 6. Pansy Opal, b. Mar. 28, 1904, St. Joseph, Mo. 435. 7. Sylvia Beulah, b. Feb. 17, 1907, Yarrow, Mo. 436. 8. Leota Vern, b. Apr. 13, 1928.
431. WILLIAM HENRY BEALL: Ottumwa, Iowa. m. Laura A. Bever, Mar. 22, 1922. Laborer. Served in Ordinance
Corps, World War.
432. ALLEN MERRITT BEALL: Excelsior, Wis. m. Lola M. Jaquish, Dec. 30, 1921. Clerk; minister of the
Pentecostal Church.
CHILDREN: 437. 1. Alice Julia, b. Aug. 21, 1926, Dancy, Wis.
423. MARY ELIZABETH BEALL: Died May 21, 1909. m. Charles Bruner, Sept. 10, 1891.
424. DAISY ALTA BEALL: Kirksville, Mo. m. W. M. Geoghegan, April 4, 1895, a contractor and builder.
CHILDREN: 438. 1. Dale Allen, b. June 13, 1896, Kirksville, Mo. 439. 2. Letha Olive, b. Aug. 23, 1898, Kirksville, Mo.
438. DALE ALLEN GEOGHEGAN: Died Sept. 22, 1918. m. Bess Brown, Dec., 1917. Dale died
at a U. S. Army Camp.
439. LETHA OLIVE GEOGHEGAN: Kirksville, Mo. m. Edward O. Cochran. He served in the
A. E. F. in France; died Oct. 25, 1922, of leakage of the heart caused by being gassed in the service.
CHILDREN: 440. 1. Edward Dale, b. Jan. 14, 1923.
425. ISAAC NEWTON BEALL: Died Jan. 16, 1939, Janesville, Ohio. m. Georgia Gray. Dr.
Beall was a graduate of the American School of Osteopathy, Kirksville, Mo. For twenty years he practiced in Barnesville and
Janesville, Ohio.
CHILDREN: 441. 1. Virginia Lee, b. 1909, Barnesville, Ohio.
427. CORDELIA MARIAH BEALL: Moberly, Mo. m. Dr. C. L. Dodson, Dec., 1898. They have
an adopted daughter, Mrs. William Reed. Dr. Dodson graduated from the American School of Osteopathy and from the College of
Physicians and Surgeons at St. Louis.
412. MARY A. ARMSTRONG: Died Dec. 14, 1929, Long Lane, Mo. m. D. K. Wonderly (1854-1927),
a farmer, Feb. 19, 1882, in Adair Co., Mo., son of Daniel Wonderly who lived on Cheat River, W. Va.; later near Baltimore,
Md., and moved to Missouri at the close of the Civil War.
CHILDREN: 442. 1. Myrtle, b. June 24, 1884, Hurdland, Mo. 443. 2. Ralph, b. Dec. 23, 1885, Hurdland, Mo.
442. MYRTLE WONDERLY: Edwards, Mo. m. Frank M.
NOTE: THE WONDERLY FAMILY--Johannes Wunderlich, born
1700, resided in Ludwigsburg, Wurtemburg. His sons, John and Daniel, emigrated to America. Daniel Wunderlich, born Aug.
27, 1737, arrived at Philadelphia in the ship "Brothers", Sept. 26, 1753. He settled in Lebanon Co., Pa., and served
in the Lancaster Co., Pa., militia during the Revolutionary War. His son, John Daniel Wunderlich (1765-1845) died
in Augusta Co., Va. His son, John David Wunderlich (1793-1870) m. (1) Nancy Layman. Their son, Daniel Wunderlich,
was born July 5, 1817. He resided at Rowlesburg, W. Va. He m. twice and had fourteen children, the sixth being David K.
Wonderly (1854-1927). --Data from "The Wunderlich Family of America"
McGraw (1883-1927) farmer, son of Douglas H. McGraw, Knob Noster, Mo.
CHILDREN: 444. 1. Harland, b. Oct. 10, 1906, Edwards, Mo. 445. 2. Lawrence Lee, b. Jan. 29, 1908, Lajunta, Colo. 446. 3. Hattie Evelyn, b. Jan. 20, 1910, Holly, Colo. 447. 4. Susie Irene, b. Dec. 3, 1911, Edwards, Mo. 448. 5. Earl M., b. Nov. 9, 1919, Edwards, Mo. 449. 6. Mary Leora, b. Aug. 7, 1924, Edwards, Mo.
443. RALPH WONDERLY: Long Lane, Mo. m. Jueldia Lynch, Jan. 30, 1924. He is a farmer.
415. CORDELIA ARMSTRONG: Died April 27, 1877. m. Joseph Hall, 1876, a carpenter by
417. ISAAC ARMSTRONG: Died July 21, 1899, Miami, Okla. m. Margaret Miller, Dec. 24,
1879, daughter of Nicholas Miller of Brashear, Mo. The Millers came from Hesse, Germany, in 1851. Isaac Armstrong completed
the 8th grade of the local school; he was a farmer in Adair County until 1902 when he settled at Blue Jacket, Okla. He was
a pious member of the Methodist Church. Alpha wrote: "We all had to make our own way in the world. Mother always kept a home
for us and helped all she could. If there ever was a better mother, I never met her. I was only ten years old when father
CHILDREN: 450. 1. Eddie, b. Mar. 26, 1881, Adair Co., Mo. 451. 2. Cora, b. July 14, 1883, Adair Co., Mo. 452. 3. William, b. June 30, 1885, Adair Co., Mo. 453. 4. Nellie, b. Aug. 10, 1887, Adair Co., Mo. 454. 5. Alpha, b. July 10, 1889, Adair Co., Mo. 455. 6. Frederick A., b. Mar. 2, 1891, Adair Co., Mo. 456. 7. Hanson, b. Apr. 2, 1893, d. 1910. 457. 8. George, b. Aug. 26, 1895, Blue Jacket, Okla.
451. CORA ARMSTRONG: Denver, Colo. m. George Hemnes, Aug. 24, 1920. Cora was a dressmaker.
Her husband was a farmer at Sheldon, Iowa; he came from Norway.
454. ALPHA ARMSTRONG: Black River Falls, Wis. m. Wylie C. Woods, Dec. 11, 1910, son
of Chester Woods of Brashear, Mo. Alpha was a student two years at the Kirksville Normal and a teacher in Adair Co. Her husband
is a farmer.
CHILDREN: 458. 1. Mildred Allene, b. Mar. 20, 1912, d. June 9, 1915. 459. 2. Cora Leota, b. June 9, 1915, Gibbs, Mo.
455. FREDERICK A. ARMSTRONG, Kirksville, Mo. m. Tina K. Muder, March, 1919. Frederick
is a mechanic and carpenter. He served in the A. E. F. in France.
CHILDREN: 460. 1. Margaret Jane, b. June 2, 1924, Kirksville, Mo. 461. 2. Frances Elaine, b. June 2, 1924, Kirksville, Mo. 462. 3. Richard Frederick, b. Dec. 21, 1926, Kirksville, Mo. 463. 4. Roderick William, b. 1929, Kirksville, Mo.
457. GEORGE ARMSTRONG: Berrydale, Wash. m. Dora Briddle, Sept. 20, 1920. George is
a rancher. Military service 1914 to 1920; served in 63d Artillery with A. E. F. Discharged as corporal.
CHILDREN: 464. 1. Robert Lee, b. Mar. 8, 1923, St. Louis, Mo.
419. KETURAH ARMSTRONG: d. June 19, 1921, Guthrie, Okla. m. John W. Pevehouse (1858-1923),
farmer, Feb. 24, 1884; son of W. W. Pevehouse of Adams Co., Ill. The family lived near Brashear, Mo., and moved to Lavania,
Okla., in 1904, where they purchased the S. W. 1/4 of Sec. 8, Seward township.
CHILDREN, all born at Brashear, Mo.: 465. 1. Pearl, b. 1885, d. Accidentally killed in childhood. 466. 2. Elsie, b. Dec. 13, 1886. 467. 3. Charles Wesley, b. Feb. 14, 1888. 468. 4. Lela Vivian, b. July 4, 1891. 469. 5. Lola, b. July 4, 1891. 470. 6. Myra, b. Mar. 1893, d. 1895. 471. 7. Maude Ellen, b. Feb. 13, 1895. 472. 8. Carl McKinley, b. Jan. 11, 1897. 473. 9. Dortha Mae, b. Feb. 2, 1898. 474. 10. Tot, b. Feb. 2, 1898, d. Feb. 10, 1898. Carl
McK. Pevehouse is a farmer at Cahion, Okla. He served four years in the U. S. Navy; chief petty officer, U. S. S. Arkansas.
466. ELSIE PEVEHOUSE: Goodwell, Okla. m. Glee Poling, farmer, Feb. 19, 1908, son of
Levi Poling of Van Buren Co., Iowa. Elsie wrote: "In 1909 we took a homestead of 160 acres in Texas Co., twenty-four miles
from Hooker, our nearest railroad station. It was hard living in a shack on open prairie when dust storms came, or when we
had to huddle by a little 'monkey stove' thru one of our Oklahoma blizzards; also to waken at night when my husband was on
a two-day trip to town, and hear the coyotes howling. There is now a thriving town, Harderty, four miles from our farm."
CHILDREN, all born in Texas Co., Okla.: 475. 1. Hazel Irene, b. Nov. 9, 1910. 476. 2. Clarence Cleo, b. Aug. 25, 1912. 477. 3. Clifford Harold, b. Oct. 30, 1914. 478. 4. Joy Elaine, b. June 14, 1920. 479. 5. Paul Evert, b. Oct. 29, 1927.
475. HAZEL IRENE POLING: Amarillo, Texas, m. Cleve R. Hudson, Jan. 18, 1931.
467. CHARLES WESLEY PEVEHOUSE: Ada, Okla. m. (1) Maud Beam. (2) Beatrice Fitzpatrick.
Charles is an overseer in petroleum field drilling.
CHILDREN: 480. 1. Paul, b.
468. LELA VIVIAN PEVEHOUSE: Burkburnette, Texas, m. Chester A. Holmes, Feb. 14, 1916.
Son of Francis M. Holmes, Decab, Mo. Lela's husband is superintendent, Skelley Oil Co.
CHILDREN: 481. 1. Robert Lee, b. Apr. 17, 1920, d. April 30, 1920. 482. 2. Chester, b. Apr. 17, 1920, Beggs, Okla. 483. 3. Alice Marie, b. Feb. 20, 1922, Beggs, Okla.
469. LOLA PEVEHOUSE: Died Dec. 13, 1919. m. William E. Davis.
CHILDREN: 484. 1. Paul Edgar, b. Aug. 10, 1915.
471. MAUD ELLEN PEVEHOUSE: Seward, Okla. m. George R. Johnson, merchant, June 3, 1913.
CHILDREN: 485. 1. Ralph, b. Apr. 19, 1914, d. when 24 days of age. 486. 2. Marvin Lee, b. Dec. 8, 1917, d. Dec. 23, 1921. 487. 3. Dorothy Juarine, b. Oct. 24, 1919, Navina, Okla.
473. DORTHA MAE PEVEHOUSE: Newport News, Va. m. Frank H. Campbell, Nov. 10, 1922; son
of Wm. J. Campbell, of Ohio. Dortha graduated at State Normal School, Edmond, Okla., and taught school two years. Her husband
is employed by the International Correspondence Schools; he served in the A. E. F., 1918.
CHILDREN: 488. 1. Glen Harold, b. 489. 2. William James, b. 490. 3. Dortha Jean, b. Oct. 12, 1932.
420. CHARLES F. ARMSTRONG: Died Aug. 13, 1915, Seattle, Wash. m. Jessie Myers, Sept.
5, 1892. They lived in Colorado. He was a tinner.
421. ALPHA ARMSTRONG: Brashear, Mo. m. Samuel P. Miller, Jan. 27, 1892; son of Nicholas
Miller. The Millers are farmers and live on their 150 acre farm three miles north of Brashear. Mr. Miller was county assessor
eight years.
CHILDREN: 491. 1. Clarence, b. Dec. 10, 1892, Brashear, Mo. 492. 2. Otha, b. Aug. 30, 1894, Brashear, Mo.
491. CLARENCE MILLER: Brashear, Mo. m. Zelia Perry, Mar. 3, 1917. He is a farmer.
CHILDREN: 493. 1. Lola Bell, b. June 15, 1918, Brashear, Mo.
492. OTHA MILLER: Brashear, Mo. m. Eva Scott, Oct. 19, 1922. He is a farmer and stock-man.
These are remembered in the dew-drenched dawn, Held for an evanescent hour, now gone. One who, with gentle reverent finger tips, Brushed the expectant kiss from my young lips. One who was laughing when he came my way, And left, his heart in tatters, with the day. One who with bitter word and scathing smile Held, in his cruel hands, my heart awhile, One, who when passion had too quickly died, Kissed me once tenderly, and stepped aside. --Virginia Lee Beall.
026. CATHERINE HOYE was born February 5, 1825, and died February 5, 1920. Interment
was in the Engle Cemetery on Mt. Nebo, Maryland. m. (1) William Ridgely, November 10, 1846. m. (2) Samuel Engle, March 12,
CHILDREN: 494. 1. John Hoye, b. Aug. 16, 1847, on the Ridgely farm. 495. 2. Ralph, b. Feb. 9, 1856, on the Engle farm. 496. 3. Ida May, b. Aug. 29, 1859, on the Engle farm.
While at home Catherine attended the Sang Run Academy. After her mother's death she
resided with her Uncle John in Cumberland and with Ann Bishop at Smithsburg, where she was courted by a gentleman of whom
her sister did not approve; so she was sent to her sister, Tabitha Townshend, at Grantsville where she met William Ridgely.
Catherine Ridgely and her husband lived on the Ridgely property known as the Hachman
farm one mile south of the National Pike. William Ridgely was a farmer; he was county tax collector when he died in 1848.
The young widow and her son continued on the farm until their house burned, when they moved into the Ridgely stone house.
Soon after this she married her neighbor, Samuel Engle. Her son John, remained with his grandmother Ridgely until he went
to Cumberland to school.
The Engle farm of about 300 acres is on Mt. Nebo overlooking Grantsville and the Castleman
river. There are still many maple trees; the manufacture of maple sugar and syrup is an important industry in the springtime.
Samuel Engle also owned the Engle grist mill on Bear Creek.
On January 15, 1848, John Hoye deeded William Ridgely for $1.00 a tract of forest land
on Negro Mountain called "Now or Never", 600 acres; this was in effect a gift to his niece, Catherine.
Catherine Hoye was of above the average height; her body strong and well proportioned;
eyes brown; hair reddish brown until her decease: a woman of quiet and kind disposition but of great strength of character.
She was a wonderful homemaker. Catherine was from early life a devout Methodist but her second husband, Mr. Engle, was a member
of the German Reformed Church. Catherine Engle died at the age of ninety-five, always well and cheerful until the last year
of her life when she was suffering from leakage of the heart and needed assistance in going upstairs. She is buried in the
stonewalled Engle Cemetery on the hilltop. Among the Bible verses which she delighted to copy and poder is, "Serve the Lord
with gladness; come before His presence with singing." When Catherine lived with the Bishops they invited her to attend the
Episcopal Church with them but she preferred to worship with her own more humble Methodist congregation.
JOHN HOYE RIDGELY: Died Jan. 24, 1899. Bur. in Tiffin, Ohio. m. Ella Baugher, of Tiffin,
CHILDREN: 497. 1. Leota, died when 18 months of age. John
Ridgely attended the Grantsville and Cumberland schools until fifteen years of age when he entered Heidelberg College, Tiffin,
Ohio; but the next year, while a student, he enlisted in Co. "I", 86th Ohio Vol. Inf., serving under Gen. Burnside in Kentucky
and Tennessee until March, 1864, when his regiment was mustered out. He returned to College but the following year re-enlisted
in Co. "K", 197 Ohio V. I.; his regiment was stationed near Washington until mustered out at the close of the War.
NOTE: THE ENGLE FAMILY--According to tradition Clement
Engle was brought by his parents from Germany to Pennsylvania about 1751 when he was four years of age. He finally
settled on what is now known as the George Lowry farm near Salisbury, Pa. He was a prosperous farmer and mill owner.
He m. (1) Elizabeth Graef: three children; m. (2) Margaret Weimer: twelve children, one of whom was Samuel. Clement
Engle died in 1812.
Samuel Engle was born August 26, 1809. He was a cooper at Salisbury until about 1838 when
he bought of Peter Huff 200 acres of "Mt. Nebo" to which he added later about 100 acres--the Englewood farm. He m.
(1) Elizabeth Shirer of Berlin, Pa.: children--Walter, Florina, Rebecca, Lydia, Sevilla, Solomon; m. (2) Rebecca Broadwater:
child--Martha; m. (3) Mrs. Catherine Ridgely: children --Ralph, Ida May. He died July 28, 1888, and was buried in the
family graveyard on Mt. Nebo.
In June, 1867, John Ridgely graduated at Heidelberg, B. A. degree, then studied law
in the office of Geo. A. Pearre of Cumberland, where he was admitted to the bar in 1869. While at College in Tiffin he had
formed attachments which led him to locate in that city in 1870, where he practiced law until 1887, when he was honored by
being elected Judge of the Court of Common Pleas for a term of six years. John Hoye Ridgely, descendant of two prominent Maryland
families, was distinguished at the bar for his industry, knowledge of the law, faithfulness to clients and courtesy to his
associates. "For the bench he was peculiarly well fitted. Naturally of a reserved and somewhat conservative nature, he could
not be led away from justice by any momentary impulses. In his decisions he recognized no friendships, no enmities. No member
of the bar of the State was held in higher esteem than was Judge Ridgely, thruout the judicial district in which he presided."
RALPH ENGLE: Died Nov. 2, 1926. Bur. at Grantsville, Md. m. Etta Viola Layman, Oct.
12, 1886, at Cumberland, by Rev. Joseph Lee.
CHILDREN. all born on the Englewood Farm on Mt. Nebo: 498. 1. Hazel Lee, b. Jan. 29, 1888. 499. 2. Bessie Eloi, b. Sept. 4, 1889. 500. 3. Beulah Catherine, b. Apr. 1, 1891. 501. 4. John Ridgely, b. Oct. 27, 1892. 502. 5. Vida Myrtle, b. Mar. 20, 1895. 503. 6. Ida Viola, b. Dec. 14, 1896. 504. 7. Esther Eloise, b. Apr. 13, 1898. 505. 8. Helen Anneta, b. July 21, 1900. 506. 9. Althea Marie, b. Mar. 22, 1902. 507. 10. Martha Maureene, b. Oct. 23, 1903. 508. 11. Elizabeth Adell, b. Sept. 4, 1906.
Ralph Engle owned and operated the Engle home farm. He was one of the original directors
of The First State Bank of Grantsville. Like his mother, he was a Methodist and Republican. His long and useful life was ended
by pneumonia which set in after a fall from an apple tree.
Beulah C. and Ida V. Engle now operate the Engle farm. Mrs. Engle makes her home with
On beautiful Mount Nebo Ralph and Etta E. Engle reared a fine family of one son and
ten daughters, all industrious, amiable citizens.
498. HAZEL LEE ENGLE: Sidney, New York, m. Elwood F. Fisher, an accountant, October,
1924, at Baltimore.
499. BESSIE ELOI ENGLE: Bloomfield, N. J. m. Seymour Russel Willits, August 16, 1921,
at Englewood.
CHILDREN: 509. 1. Joan Hoye, b. Jan. 16, 1925, at Hamburg, N. J. 510. 2. Carrol Joyce, b. Oct. 14, 1928, at Pompton Lakes, N. J. Bessie
is a graduate of Battle Creek Physical Training School, 1914. She taught in the University of Iowa and N. Y. State schools.
Her husband is a graduate of Dickinson College and now principal of Bloomfield High School.
501. JOHN RIDGELY ENGLE: Fairmont, W. Va. m. Helen Sharer, July 12, 1922, at Johnstown,
Pa. John Engle is a graduate of Western Maryland College, 1916. Insurance.
CHILDREN: 511. 1. Ralph Ruskin, b. Oct. 12, 1924, Frostburg.
502. VIDA MYRTLE ENGLE: Sidney, N. Y. m. Harry G. Osborne, an accountant, June 30,
1920, at Englewood.
Vida Engle was graduated from the Maryland State Normal at Frostburg.
CHILDREN: 512. 1. Mary Elizabeth, b. May 9, 1922, in New York.
504. ESTHER ELOISE ENGLE: 377 Hillside Ave., Hartford, Conn. m. Wm. H. Neilson, Apr.
4, 1924, at Hartford.
She is a graduate nurse, U. of Pa. Her husband is a clerk.
505. HELEN ANNETA ENGLE: Cumberland, Md. m. Harold A. MacMannis, a coal merchant, November,
1923, at Grantsville.
CHILDREN: 513. 1. Jane Roberts, b. Jan. 9, 1925, at Frostburg, Md. 514. 2. Catherine Engle, b. July 24, 1930, at Frostburg, Md.
506. ALTHEA MARIE ENGLE: Cumberland, Md. m. Raymond A. Goetz, July 24, 1925, at Frostburg.
She is a graduate of the Frostburg State Normal. Mr. Goetz is a clerk.
CHILDREN: 515. 1. Edwin Engle, b. Mar. 9, 1933, at Cumberland. 516. 2. Ray Porter, b. Mar. 9, 1933, at Cumberland.
507. MARTHA MAUREENE ENGLE: Grantsville, Md. m. Maurice S. Brookheart, Nov. 19, 1938,
at Hagerstown. He is employed by the Resettlement Administration at Grantsville. Martha, a high school teacher, is a graduate
of Western Maryland College.
508. ELIZABETH ADELL ENGLE: Terra Alta, W. Va. m. Clemence W. Wadsworth, a mechanic,
July 9, 1928, at Terra Alta ice plant.
Elizabeth graduated from the Frostburg State Normal and taught school.
CHILDREN: 517. 1. Elizabeth Henrietta, b. July 7, 1929, at Uniontown, Pa.
496. IDA MAY ENGLE: Mt. Lake Park, Md. m. Rev. Joseph Lee, Sept. 11, 1879, at Englewood.
CHILDREN: 518. 1. Samuel Engle, b. Aug. 19, 1880, at Englewood. 519. 2. Jennie Mae, b. Aug. 16, 1888, at Grafton, W. Va. 520. 3. Nelle Catherine, b. Dec. 16, 1892, at Wheeling, W. Va. Joseph
Lee, Ph. D., was a native of Portadown, Ireland. He was a pastor and presiding elder of the M. E. Church; author of "Encyclopedia
of the Bible". He was pastor of the Grantsville Church when he met his future wife.
518. SAMUEL ENGLE LEE: Died June 17, 1936. Bur. at Oakland, Md. m. Mary Stanton, Feb.
19, 1914. She is a grand-daughter of Valentine L. Stanton, a French Huguenot from Hayti. Dr. Samuel E. Lee graduated at the
U. of Md. Medical School, practiced medicine at Aurora, W. Va., and was superintendent and medical director of the Greenville
Co., S. C., Sanitarium six years until his fatal illness.
519. JENNIE MAE LEE: Mt. Lake Park, Md. m. Edward A. Richardson of Texas, Oct. 14,
1918. He is a paymaster's clerk in the Navy Department.
CHILDREN: 521. 1. Catherine Lee, b. Oct. 19, 1920, Alexandria, Va.
521. CATHERINE LEE RICHARDSON: Louisville, Ky. m. Ira Stevens Ray, law student, Dec.
22, 1941.
029. ELIZABETH HOYE was born on the home farm May 13, 1830. She married in 1853 Rev.
John Phillips, a Presbyterian clergyman who was born in Cambridge, Maryland.
CHILDREN of John and Elizabeth Phillips: 522. 1. Minnie, b. Feb. 24, 1861, at Red House. 523. 2. Lee, b. March 16, 1862, d. Nov. 1891. 524. 3. Florence, b. March 13, 1863, at Red House. 525. 4. Ella, b. Feb., 1864, d. March, 1886.
Elizabeth Hoye was tall; fair complexion, auburn hair, hazel eyes; of dignified bearing
but affable.
On January 6, 1859, the executor of John Hoye's estate deeded to Elizabeth Hoye the
old Goff farm, 760 acres, on the Northwestern Turnpike (U. S. 50) west of Red House, Maryland, for $500. This deed was made
to carry out John Hoye's policy of giving to each of his nephews and nieces an ample tract of land. This was in part the property
claimed by John T. Goff as a settler in 1787. Rowan White had rented the farm several years before the Phillips family occupied
it. In 1859 most of the land was forest and glade pasture.
The Phillips home was a large double two story log house with a long porch which connected
the main building with a separate dining room and kitchen; two large living rooms occupied the lower floor with bedrooms above.
Stone chimneys at each end heated the building. The house served as an inn on the Turnpike; it was on the north side of the
road near the present Hamilton house. There were two large barns on the property.
The Phillips family were Democrats. Their sympathies were with the Confederacy during
the War.
John Phillips died Nov. 18, 1869; he was buried in the Red House Cemetery. After her
husband's death Elizabeth sold the farm and moved into a modest cottage on the Oakland-Mt. Lake Park road where she died June
30, 1896. She was buried in the Oakland cemetery.
522. MINNIE PHILLIPS: Oakland, Md. m. Thadeus C. Hinebaugh, farmer, Oct. 18, 1885.
Minnie is an artist.
CHILDREN: 526. 1. Elinor Lee, b. Sept. 13, 1891, at Mt. Lake Park. 527. 2. Esther Florence, b. June 15, 1893, at Oakland. 528. 3. Mary Alderson, b. Oct. 29, 1895, at Oakland. 529. 4. Paul William, b. Aug. 30, 1897, at Oakland. 530. 5. Edward Hoye, b. Sept. 21, 1902, at Washington.
526. ELINOR LEE HINEBAUGH: Oakland, Md. m. Paul S. Hoye. (See the David Hoye Family).
527. ESTHER FLORENCE HINEBAUGH: Died April 22, 1924, Oakland. m. Arthur Gorman Thayer,
lumberman, Aug. 5, 1917.
CHILDREN: 531. 1. John Phillips, b. May 20, 1918, at Oakland. 532. 2. Gorman Lee, b. March 26, 1924, at Thayerville.
531. JOHN PHILLIPS THAYER: Grantsville, Md. m. Regina Compton, July 27, 1938. Insurance.
CHILDREN: 533. 1. Joyce Compton, b. June 28, 1939.
528. MARY ALDERSON HINEBAUGH: Died Sept. 28, 1933. Oakland. m. Walter H. Stevens, civil
engineer, with the State Roads Commission.
CHILDREN: 534. 1. Walter Harvey, b. Dec. 6, 1920, in Baltimore.
529. PAUL WILLIAM HINEBAUGH: Oakland, Md. m. Jessie Fay Nine, Dec. 26, 1927. He is
an electrician at the Hydro-electric plant at Hoye's Run.
CHILDREN: 535. 1. Betty Lou, b. April 20, 1930, at Oakland.
530. EDWARD HOYE HINEBAUGH, Canton, Ohio. m. Mary Falkenstein, June 30, 1928. Salesman.
CHILDREN: 536. 1. John Edward, b. May 10, 1931, at Oakland. 537. 2. Mary Kay, b. April 11, 1940, at Canton, Ohio.
524. FLORENCE PHILLIPS: d. March 4, 1894, Oakland, Md. m. Rev. G. W. W. Amick, Lutheran
CHILDREN: 538. 1. Arthur Park, b. Aug., 1889.
031. MARIAM D. HOYE was born July 24, 1834, and died October 8, 1876. She was buried
in the Grantsville, Maryland, Cemetery. She married Hanson Jordan in 1855.
CHILDREN: 539. 1. Mary Eliza, b. Oct. 11, 1856, Joplin, Mo. 540. 2. Linna, b. Apr. 30, 1863, Grantsville, d. Nov. 10, 1864. 541. 3. William Earl, b. Apr. 28, 1866, Grantsville. d. Apr. 1867. 542. 4. Sarah Catherine, b. Sept. 4, 1868, Grantsville. 543. 5. Samuel P., b. Sept. 21, 1869, Grantsville, d. Jul. 28, 1870. 544. 6. Arthur Hanson, b. June 21, 1871, Frostburg. 545. 7. Edwin Hoye, b. Sept. 28, 1873, Frostburg. d. Jan., 1877. 546. 8. Paul Herbert, b. June 20, 1875, Frostburg. d. Oct., 1876. Mariam
was named by her sister, Tabitha, for their grand-mother, Mariam Waller. Her father died when she was two years of age; she
then resided with her mother, with her sisters Tabitha and Mariah, and with Uncle John Hoye in Cumberland. Later she entered
White Hall Seminary, Petersburg, Va. In a letter from that school addressed "Dear Sister," she wrote:
"I am pleased with all my studies but I have to study very hard, but perseverance and
hard study is the only way to acquire knowledge. I am far happier here than I would be at home for I know that I am not depending
upon any of them for support and here I am improving my mental powers and preparing myself for future usefulness; but I am
sorry that you are so lonely and only wish that I was through so we could go to the west in the fall. (???)I am going to have
my thin dress with a yoke and bell sleeves trimmed with ruffles."
At school she appears to have paid her expenses by giving lessons in music.
It is said that while living with her Aunt Mary Hoye in Cumberland she was engaged
to marry a gentleman from Baltimore, but she met Hanson Jordan from the Shenandoah Valley, Virginia; she suddenly broke her
engagement and married Jordan.
NOTE: In 1880 Ferdinand Williams was appointed guardian
of the Jordan children to represent them in the settlement of the estates of Paul and Wm. W. Hoye.
John Hoye had given Mariam a good farm valued at from four to five thousand dollars,
near Aurora, West Virginia, now the property of Mr. Beachy. The young couple sold the farm and migrated to Joplin, Missouri,
where they operated a hotel; but they were inexperienced in hotel management and Hanson took up a vice prevalent in the West--he
gambled and lost. In 1858 Hanson Jordan and wife of La Grange City, Missouri, deeded to Daniel J. Hoye all of their interest
in W. W. Hoye's estate including the negroes, Tom, George, Jim and Steve, for $4000. But their hotel business failed.
The Jordans returned to Maryland. Samuel Engle set Mr. Jordan up at his trade of wagon
maker in Grantsville; about eight years later they moved to Frostburg where he continued to make carriages and wagons.
Mariam is said to have died of cancer. Soon after her death Hanson Jordan, sad and
discouraged, left his family and was not heard from for many years. Finally he was found preaching in Birmingham, Alabama,
where he had married Johanna Thompson in 1878; he was the father of five more children. When their father left the Jordan
children gave up their home in Frostburg, which was not quite paid for, and lived with their Aunt Catherine Engle.
539. MARY ELIZA JORDAN: d. Mar. 22, 1912. Bur. in the Ridgely Cemetery. m. Ambrose
Bevans, Oct. 24, 1881. Mr. Bevans was a farmer and later a merchant at Bevansville, near Grantsville; in 1905 he built the
Victoria Hotel in Grantsville, where the family then resided. Mary was a music teacher. She was a Methodist until late in
life when she joined her husband's church, the Roman Catholic.
CHILDREN, all born at Bevansville, Md. 547. 1. Clarence Ambrose, b. April 8, 1883. 548. 2. Maud Eleanor, b. May 22, 1884. 549. 3. Olen Raymond, b. Aug. 30, 1885.
547. CLARENCE AMBROSE BEVANS: Des Plaines, Ill. m. Maud Eshard. Insurance.
548. MAUD ELEANOR BEVANS: Grantsville, Md. m. Charles Clock. Maud owns the Victoria
549. OLEN RAYMOND BEVANS: Chicago, Ill. m. Emelyn Palmer, Aug. 20, 1913, at Washington,
D. C. He is a pullman conductor.
CHILDREN: 550. 1. Raymond Charles, b. Aug. 1, 1918, Chicago.
542. SARAH CATHERINE JORDAN: Bittinger, Md. m. Gustavus Stanton, May 26, 1897, at Bevansville,
Mr. Stanton, a son of Thomas J. Stanton, was a prosperous farmer of Bittinger.
CHILDREN: 551. 1. Zula, b. Aug. 16, 1899, Bittinger, Md. 552. 2. Melvin Hoye, b. Jan. 9, 1903, Bittinger, Md.
551. ZULA STANTON: 754 Lovers Lane, Akron, Ohio. m. Howard W. Resh, Jan. 8, 1923, at
Akron. Her husband is employed in an auto tire factory.
CHILDREN: 553. 1. Dorothy Catherine, b. Dec. 9, 1927, Akron. 554. 2. Owen Dale, b. July 22, 1931, North Canton, Ohio.
552. MELVIN HOYE STANTON: Bittinger, Md. m. Mabel Bittinger, Feb. 5, 1922, at Cumberland.
Melvin farms the home place one mile north of Bittinger.
CHILDREN, all born at Bittinger, Md.: 555. 1. Melvin Hoye, b. April 11, 1923. 556. 2. Owen Wilson, b. May 11, 1926. 557. 3. Robert Ray, b. Sept. 17, 1929. 558. 4. Helen Lucille, b. Dec. 7, 1931. 559. 5. Mary Catherine, b. March 19, 1935.
544. ARTHUR HANSON JORDAN: d. Oct. 16, 1927. Bur. at Fredonia, Pa. m. Della McKenzie,
Feb. 10, 1896. Arthur was a farmer near Grantsville.
CHILDREN, all born at Grantsville, Md.: 560. 1. Marie Catherine, b. June 21, 1897. 561. 2. Francis McKenzie, b. April 2, 1904. 562. 3. Hoye, b. Jan. 22, 1906. 563. 4. Pauline, b. Sept. 27, 1908. 564. 5. Charles Joseph, b. Jan. 30, 1911. 565. 6. Helen, b. Jan. 25, 1913.
560. MARIE CATHERINE JORDAN: Akron, Ohio. m. Paul J. Brown, June 2, 1916. He is a merchant.
561. FRANCIS McKENZIE JORDAN: m. Ruth Coleman, Oct. 23, 1934.
CHILDREN: 566. 1. Virginia Ruth, b. Oct. 29, 1936.
562. HOYE JORDAN: Fredonia, Pa. m. Mariah, May 25, 1926. He is employed in a steel
CHILDREN: 567. 1. Edward Hoye, b. July 26, 1930. 568. 2. James Glen, b. June 27, 1932. 569. 3. Paul Regis, b. Feb. 1, 1937.
563. PAULINE JORDAN: Greenville, Pa. m. William H. Werger, Nov. 1, 1928. He is a factory
CHILDREN: 570. 1. Mary Louise, b. July 24, 1929. 571. 2. William Dale, b. June 26, 1933.
564. CHARLES JOSEPH JORDAN: m. Goldie Brunson, June 29, 1937.
565. HELEN JORDAN: m. William Gordon Rickert, July 30, 1932.
CHILDREN: 572. 1. Donna Jean, b. Dec. 10, 1933. 573. 2. Bonnie Lee, b. Aug. 4, 1935. 574. 3. Ruth Ann, b. Feb. 27, 1937. 575. 4. Charles Hoye, b. Oct. 7, 1938.
Winston, Alleghany Co., Md., May 8, 1854. My
dear sister:
(???)Do not think for a moment that I have forgotten you. No for I often think of you
and dear Jonnie, recalling the many pleasant hours I have spent in your society. And O! could I ever be so cruel as to forget
those who are near and dear to me by the ties of nature. (???)I was truly grieved when I heard of your loss. (???) and may
the one of your choice make you happy. I wish that I could persuade you to move to the west and make your home in the western
wilds, where I should delight to go. Dick has returned and gives a glowing description of the country. He will remain in Alleghany
untill fall. He has a situation in Cumberland. Lizzie is at Mr. Armstrong's and will remain there this summer. Sister Maria
and family were well when I heard from them. I am at Brother John's and intend teaching here this summer. I anticipate quite
a pleasant time as Mrs. Pendleton expects several visitors out here this summer and we expect Mr. Pulliams' brother out here
this week and there is a gentleman here by the name of Tabb. I am going to try if I can captivate him. He is the purchaser
of Mr. Sanchs property. (???)
Kiss Johnie for me. My love to all enquiring friends and accept a portion for yourself.
Your affectionate sister, Mollie D. Hoye.
NOTE: Col. Philip Pendleton called his place "Winston";
it was the old Alx. Smith Farm, now Gorman, Md. Mariam's brother John Hoye, lived nearby.
We have already noted that when our ancestor, Paul Hoy, came to Maryland from Ireland
he probably had little property; his wife inherited a farm from her father. Their son, James Hoye, was bequeathed the home
farm, and his wife, Tabitha Marbury, brought into the family other lands, all of which were inherited by their only son, Paul
Hoye II, who sold all the family property in Prince Georoge's County and finally located on the Frog Harbor plantation in
Washington County.
Paul Hoye patented large tracts of land in Virginia and Maryland including "The Gleanings",
5144 acres, on which his son William settled. He also inherited part of the extensive Deakins lands; these he gave to his
son John. Such are the origins of the Hoye estates to which Paul and John added largely; at the time of his death John Hoye
was one of the wealthy men of western Maryland, his property and other resources being worth over $100,000.
"The Gleanings" tract Paul left in trust to John for his grandchildren by William.
John Hoye administered the Paul Hoye trust estate in a paternal manner, keeping few accounts of his expenditures for William's
family. About 1844 Uncle John decided to merge the trust estate with his own, so he bought the shares of the fourteen heirs,
except Mariam's, she being a minor. He paid $300 for each share which was about what "The Gleanings" was worth at that time,
but he gave each heir in addition a good farm or a large tract of land.
Attorney Thomas Devecmon testified that at about this time John Hoye made a will by
which, after providing for his widow, he devised the residue of his property equally to each of his four nephews and nine
nieces, naming Devecmon executor. But a few months before his death in 1849 Uncle John made his last will devising the residue
of his estate, including the Paul Hoye trust, to his nephews, John, David, Daniel, and Edward Hoye.
Why did Uncle John change his mind about the disposition of his property? Probably
because he wished it kept in the Hoye name. He may also have been influenced by the advice of George Smith and other friends,
and by the fact that, with three exceptions, the husbands of his nieces had demonstrated no ability to conserve their property.
When Uncle John's will was read his nephews were pleased, but his nieces and their
husbands were sorely disappointed. Someone started a false rumor that George Smith had gotten Uncle John drunk and had induced
him to change his will in favor of his nephews. Smith and Edward Hoye were named executors of the will.
The nieces and their husbands soon brought suit in court, in effect to have their deeds
for the trust estate to John Hoye declared invalid and to have the Paul Hoye trust and their father's estate sold and divided
equally between the fourteen heirs. In addition to "The Gleanings", they claimed "Western Canal Convention" and other tracts
patented to Wm. W. Hoye. Thus began the noted Case 840 which was before the Circuit Court and Court of Appeals for twenty
five years. In the Court records of Allegany County this case fills 750 pages--a whole volume. When filed, Ann, Ellen, Elizabeth
and Mariam did not join in the suit but they joined later. This long court case between the daughters and sons of Wm. W. Hoye
embittered their relations for a generation. It is the saddest story of our family history and we may say that from September
14, 1850, the decline of the Hoye family in prestige, influence, and wealth began.
They talk about their pilgrim blood, Their birthright high and holy! A mountain stream that ends in mud Methinks is melancholy. --Lowell.
EQUITY, NO. 840, ALLEGANY CO., Md. (Condensed)
Jeremiah L. Townshend and others | vs. | George Smith, Executor of John Hoye | Complaint states and others. | the facts in regard Dated September 14, 1840 | to the Paul Hoye | trust estate and that twelve heirs sold their interests to the trustee, John Hoye.
That Wm. W. Hoye owned certain tracts of land in his own right. Further, complainants
state that the consideration received by them was totally inadequate; that they did not know the true value of the Paul Hoye
estate; that John Hoye received large rents and profits from the trust estate which he diverted to his private use; that Edward
Hoye was appointed trustee of the Paul Hoye trust.
Plaintiffs petition that the estates of Paul Hoye and Wm. W. Hoye be sold and accounts
rendered by Edward Hoye and George Smith.
Thomas Devecmon, Solicitor.
22, 1851
Defendant admits certain statements of the complainants. He further answers that the
trust estate consisted of "The Gleanings", except 176 acres conveyed by Paul Hoye to John Hoye in 1801, and about 66 acres
conveyed to Joseph Friend in 1800; that the negroes, Harry and Roda, with her issue and some farming utensils and stock constituted
the personal trust property; that only 60-65 acres of the land was cleared and in cultivation, and that the improvements were
of little value when Paul Hoye died; that Wm. W. Hoye was at the time of his father's death and long subsequently "an indolent,
intemperate and improvident man"; that John Hoye was obliged to furnish from his own funds money for the support of William's
large family; that he advanced money to improve the farm, pay taxes, to clothe and educate the children, of which he kept
no account, never supposing they would think of calling him to an account.
The defendant further denies any fraud committed by John Hoye. The deeds given him
for the trust estate were fairly obtained and are good and valid. In regard to the real estate of Wm. W. Hoye: it is true
that the patents are in his name, but in equity if not in law, it belongs to John Hoye; that the reason which induced John
to have a number of his patents issued to his brother was to facilitate conveyance of such lands when he made sales, because
he frequently found difficulty in prevailing on his wife to join him in the deeds. In proof of this understanding between
the brothers the defendant submits two bonds executed by Wm. W. Hoye and his wife in 1828 by which they bind themselves to
convey to John Hoye these lands. Had Wm. W. Hoye lived a day longer he would have conveyed these lands to his brother John,
he having said on his death bed, tho the legal title was in his name, they did not belong to him.
Had the complainants taken their grievances to John Hoye, long in feeble health, during
his lifetime, he would have been best able to answer their illiberal and unfavorable charges of fraudulent dealing.
"And this defendant therefore prays, that he may henceforth be discharged, with his
reasonable costs and charges in this behalf, most wrongfully sustained."
F. A. Schley, W. G. Van Lear, Attorneys.
There follow "Answers" of John Hoye of W., Edward Hoye and Elizabeth Friend, widow
of David Hoye.
5, 1857.
"(???) It is well settled now that there is no magic in the names trustees and cetui
que trust to prevent the parties from dealing with each other. However any such dealings must be fair and open. The Court
is of the opinion that the trustee had not been fair, that the sums paid were not just. Therefore the Court will order the
setting aside of the deeds to John Hoye."
The record shows that Judge Gordon resigned in 1859 and William Walsh was appointed
Special Judge to try Case 840.
"hold (???) that a trustee cannot purchase the trust property." (???) The deeds must
be set aside in toto and the lands of Wm. W. Hoye, as well as the trust estate, divided among the heirs. It was so ordered.
The defendants then prayed an appeal to the Court of Appeals which was granted May
22, 1860.
A Bill of Review was presented on behalf of Mary E. Hoye by Attorney J. H. Gordon.
Review of the case was authorized
July 8, 1865. Reverdy Johnson was appointed Special Judge to retry the case, January
24, 1866.
TERM, 1867.
The Court concurs in the opinions of Judges Gordon and Walsh. The Court also states
that the acceptance of the John Hoye legacies does not prevent the complainants from bringing suit, tho John Hoye's will provided
otherwise. The case was remanded to the Circuit Court.
Then followed an investigation of the affairs of the estates by William Price, Commissioner
appointed by the Court in 1870, and finally an audit, filed March 24, 1877, as follows:
By balance estate of Paul Hoye, 2nd
ac. of John Hoye
$3790.26 |
By rent of real estate, 1816 to 1849 @ $100
per yr |
3300.00 |
By rent of real estate, 33 years @ $50 per
yr |
1650.00 |
Total Debits |
$8740.26 |
To board of two of W. W. Hoye's children |
$ 117.25 |
To amounts paid Maryland Land Office |
199.16 |
To maintenance of Wm. W. Hoye's family for
22 yrs. at $350 per yr |
7700.00 |
To paid Nathan Casteel for improvements |
1044.00 |
Total Credits |
$9060.41 |
Overpaid and due John Hoye's estate |
$ 320.15 |
ORDER OF THE CIRCUIT COURT, JULY 23, 1873: That the Paul Hoye and W. W. Hoye estates
be sold. Wm. W. Devecmon and Robert H. Gordon were appointed trustees.
1st. "The Gleanings" (???)This tract is very valuable on account of the timber, iron
and coal. There are three or four farms on it.
2nd. "Western Canal Convention" (???) This lies in the middle of the Great Glades and
is unsurpassed for richness of soil and as a farming and grazing land. The B. & O. R. R. runs thru this tract.
Also "Ironwood", 979 acres; "Shepherd's Tent", 656 acres; "Williamsburg", 365 acres;
"Western Territory", 240 acres; "Underhoff", 159 acres; "Civicus", 100 acres.
J. H. Gordon, Robert H. Gordon, Trustees.
NOTE: The sums paid by John Hoye to his nieces for
their shares in the Paul Hoye estate were refunded to John Hoye's estate in 1878, with interest.
REPORT OF SALES: On Jan. 8, 1875, the above property was offered for sale at Oakland.
For "The Gleanings" only $1300 was bid and for "W. C. C." $7000. The bids were rejected. "Civicus" was sold to Samuel Engle
for $1900; this was known as the Ruckle place, now the Weber farm at Oakland.
During the following eighteen years the remainder of the estate was sold at private
sales, some of which were:
Aug. 20, 1875--To Andrew Sebold, "Crab Tree Bottom", etc.--$1850 Aug. 20, 1875--To Albert Welsh, 250 a. of "Shepherd's Tent"--$1400 Feb. 4, 1876--To Elijah Friend, 250 a. of "The Gleanings"--$1325 Feb. 4, 1876--To Alx. Lower, 100 a. of "W. C. C."--$800 Feb. 7, 1876--To Henry G. Davis, 1100 a. of "The Gleanings"--$5000 1876-1877--To Geo. E. Bishoff, 300 a. of "The Gleanings"--$1700 Sept. 7, 1881--To J. C. Anderson, part of "W. C. C." at $8 per a.-- $2145.40--("Inside the old enclosure known as the Hoye Pasture." This is the site of Mt. Lake Park.) Oct. 7, 1881--To J. C. Anderson, 213 a. of "W. C. C."--$2130 (South of the R. R. tracks. This is the site of Loch Lynn.) Jan. 3, 1889--To Geo. L. Wellington, "Ironwood", 970 a.--$1300 We
have already noted that usually the pioneer land speculators "held the bag" for years; later lumber and mining companies reaped
the profits. This is illustrated in the case of the disposition of the remainder of "The Gleanings". In 1893 a narrow gauge
railroad was under construction up the Youghiogheny and the valley timber land became valuable. John L. Mitchel was employed
for $250 to survey the remainder of "The Gleanings". Then Alexander Chisholm took an option on 850 acres of the tract for
$2250, making a payment of only $25. On June 28, 1894, Chisholm sold his option for $25 to Henry Felty and A. D. Naylor of
Oakland, and the following day they sold the land to H. E. Clark and other lumbermen for $10,000. The estate trustees deeded
all the remainder of "The Gleanings", 1100 acres to Clark, et al, for $2250, plus a small interest payment. Thus, on an investment
of $25 Felty and Naylor gained almost $7750, tho possibly they divided with Chisholm and others.
Paul Hoye had patented "The Gleanings" in 1794, paying the State œ604 16s.; nearly
all of the tract remained in the possession of the Hoye family for eighty-one years--part of it one hundred years. The estate
received a total of about $15,500 on an original investment of $1615 in 1794.
The trustees for the estates of Paul and Wm. Hoye made twenty-two reports to the Court,
the last, dated Aug. 16, 1894, signed by R. H. Gordon, surviving trustee. Receipts from sale of lands totaled $40,973.21.
There were fourteen heirs; each received $2048.35, a total of $28676.90. The remaining $12296.31 went for trustees' percentage,
Court fees, etc. One payment for "legal fees" in 1880 was $1250.
We have carefully studied the voluminous CONCLUSION Court record of Case in Equity No. 840. In equity if not in law Wm. W. Hoye owned no land. But Uncle John did intend that "Western Canal Convention" should belong to William. An indorsement on the certificate under date of January 30, 1832, says: "This
tract belongs to Wm. W. Hoye. J. Hoye is to have it as long as he lives for fencing it. The title is in Wm. W. Hoye. It is
his by an arrangement between J. Hoye and Wm. W. Hoye (Signed) J. Hoye."
John Hoye dealt honestly and liberally with his nieces. Their suit was prompted by
disappointment in the provisions of Uncle John's will and by the greed of certain of their husbands. However, the three nephews
(David died in 1849) were greedy and stubborn; they should have compromised with their sisters. They were badly advised by
their lawyers. In a letter to Edward Hoye, dated June 22, 1857, Smith did suggest compromise, adding: "The truth is I have
always thought the plaintiffs an ungrateful pack. To slander the only man who was truly their friend, now that he is in his
grave: that he did not give them more of his property is the cause of the foul transaction."
The nieces won the suit, but they each received only about $1000 as the price of canceling
their deeds to their uncle. Truly brothers and sisters all lost: only the lawyers gained.
(See his
will in appendix)
The foundation of John Hoye's wealth was his inheritance from his father, including
the interests in the Deakins lands.
NOTE: Blackiston & Ellegood, attorneys, in a letter
to Edward Hoye dated Sept. 15, 1876: "The Court has filed an opinion in the Hoye and Gordon case reducing fees charged
by R. H. Gordon from $2000 to $525."
During the fifty years of his business life he added to this and at the time of his
death in 1849 he owned over fifty thousand acres of land and valuable properties in Cumberland; he held promissory notes for
a large sum, most of them given in payment for lands.
After making provision for his widow and nieces, Uncle John by his will left the bulk
of his property to his four nephews, John, David, Daniel J. and Edward Hoye. He designated as his executors George Smith of
A. and Edward Hoye. Edward promptly declined to serve and the whole responsibility of administration rested upon Smith, who
had worked for John in his office and acted as his agent.
The 1st Account of George Smith, Executor of the estate of John Hoye, rendered to the
Orphans' Court of Allegany County, dated April 1, 1850, shows receipts of $8,857.19 and disbursements of $4,814.18. The executor
deducted 8% of the receipts as his commission, but in later accounts he usually claimed and was allowed 12% commission. His
2nd Account shows $5,883.04 distributed as "dividend" among the four residuary legatees; in 1853 $4,424.32 was distributed
to them.
George Smith's 32nd and last Account was dated January 18, 1884. It shows receipts
since his last report, $3,132.33, disbursements $552; to four heirs $2,580.12.
Mr. Smith died at his home in Bedford, Pa., July 13, 1884. On July 22, 1884, Edward
Hoye, at his own request, was appointed substitute trustee of John Hoye's estate by the Circuit Court of Allegany County;
succeeding records of the estate are recorded as Equity Case No. 3409. Edward Hoye's bond was fixed at $10,000; his bondsmen
were Samuel Specht and Wm. H. Hoye. The Smith "Accounts" in the Orphans' Court records are very confusing; there are no reports
of property sold; but under the Circuit Court all sales were approved by the Court and recorded, and the trustees' reports
were audited by the Court auditor.
The Auditor's 1st Report is dated Feb. 3, 1887. It shows that Edward Hoye, trustee,
received from Mrs. George Smith $100; that he sold 150 acres of land on the Potomac for $100; that he received from the Gordons,
trustees, $557 and from R. H. Gordon, trusteee of John Hoye, Jr., $15. He distributed to each of four heirs $99.55; the balance
went for trustee's commission, fees, etc.
Edward Hoye made only one report as trustee. He died in 1894. On the petition of Marion
Hoye and other heirs John Shatzer was appointed trustee, Jan. 17, 1895. He made two reports to the Court, showing $1,175 received
from four sales of land and $1,329.97 from the late trustee. To each of four heirs he distributed $628.62.
In 1900 Edward H. Sincell reported to the Court that John Shatzer had gone to Alaska.
John T. Sincell was appointed trustee. The Auditor's 7th report, April 22, 1902, shows receipt of $534.27 from R. H. Gordon,
trustee in Equity Case 840, and sales of $1,418.27. E. H. Sincell claimed, under a contract with Edward Hoye, half of the
receipts from "land of the estate discovered" by him. Each of the four original heirs were allotted $132.75, which was divided
among their heirs. Attorney Robert H. Henderson was paid $651 for services in connection with a suit of John Hoye's trustee
vs. Georges Creek Coal and Iron Company.
The 8th Report shows $894.75 received from R. H. Henderson in settlement of the suit
against the Coal Company, and $1,089 from sale of land: $1,720.35 distributed among the heirs.
On June 4, 1903, John T. Sincell resigned and Marion Hoye was appointed trustee. She
reported in 1904 (9th Report) $861.41 received from trustee R. H. Gordon, and a distribution of $160.03 to each of the estates
of the four heirs. The 10th Report shows sale of one lot, $190, and received from Gordon $281.01; distribution of $123.82
to each of four heirs.
The Auditor's 10th Report is dated Aug. 15, 1906. In 1907 Marion Hoye, trustee, sold
Josiah T. Beckman military lot 460 for $500. This was the last land of the estate reported sold. So far as known there remains
no more property belonging to the estate.
On May 24, 1915, on petition of some heirs, the Court ordered Marion C. Hoye, trustee,
to make an accounting of the estate. She did. The 11th (and last) Report of the Auditor shows receipts $500 for the Beckman
lot and $217.50 for interest thereon. Trustee's commission, fees, etc., $82.26. Distribution to each of the four heirs $158.81.
We note that in this last "audit" the share of John Hoye of W. was distributed to his heirs, and not to R. H. Gordon, trustee,
as formerly. Marion C. Hoye was the sole heir of Edward Hoye. The share of Daniel J. Hoye was paid to Gilmore S. Hamill, administrator.
Thru an error of the auditor, David Hoye's heirs received nothing; their share was paid to the heirs of John P. Hoye.
The settlement of John Hoye's estate covered a period of seventy-five years, but little
of his property remained at the time of George Smith's death in 1884. No audit of Smith's accounts to the Orphans' Court was
made and it is very difficult to tell how much he received and disbursed. On the face of his reports it appears that receipts
were $125,200.58. About $7,000 were received by the succeeding trustees. We estimate that each of the residuary heirs--John,
David, Daniel J. and Edward Hoy--received $25,000 from the estate.
In the 1830s John Hoye patented various tracts of land in Allegany County which were
supposed to be underlaid with coal. During the 1840s there was considerable activity in development of coal mines and much
speculation in coal lands; many mining companies were organized.
Among the Hoye tracts were "Coal Mines," 487 acres, and "Pure Coal," 787 acres, both
patented to John Hoye in 1836. In 1838 he sold these tracts to Lewis Howell of New York City for $10,000, taking a mortgage
on the land. In the same year Howell sold the same land to the Maryland and New York Iron and Coal Company for $50,000; he
did not pay Hoye, but the Company paid $1,500 of the principal and interest up to 1843, when it ceased payments. John Hoye
brought suit against the Company, and in 1847 S. M. Semmes, trustee, under a court order sold the land to John M. Forbes of
Boston for $6,655 and paid Hoye $6,384 for his claim.
In 1839 John Hoye sold to the Union Company, Gen. Duff Green, President, "Flowery Meads,"
209 a., and ten other tracts; also one-half interests in "Gen. Duff Green's Iron and Coal Lands," 5,128 a., and "Hoye's Coal
and Iron Discoveries," 2,752 a., both patented in 1838 by John Hoye and J. W. McCullough; the "consideration" was $18,541.
To secure payment to Hoye the Company gave a mortgage on the land for $34,258. But there is no record that the Union Company
paid anything. John Hoye sued in 1842, and after many delays and attempts to sell the property, in 1850 S. M. Semmes, on court
order, sold it to Samuel Percy for $3,000, which was at the rate of only 56 1/4 cents per acre.
The advertisement of the sale says: "These lands are known to be highly valuable, not
only as coal and iron ore lands, but also for grazing and cultivation." They were also well timbered but there was little
market for timber at that time. Only a part of these lands proved to be underlaid with coal, but we note that in a report
on Allegany Coal lands published in 1869, of the "S. P. Smith (Hoy tracts)," 203 acres were listed in "the Great Coal Bed
of the Cumberland Basin"--a fortune for the owners.
Cumberland, Feb. 15.
(???) You will receive inclosed my check on the Cumberland Bank for the amt. you desire--$250.
We were disappointed in our expectation in a final decision in the unfortunate chancery suit (No. 840) but I trust it will
be decided in the course of a few months.(???)
I had a letter from your brother Daniel (???) I answered it with a draft for $400 to
pay for his lands (???).
I have had much trouble with our Virginia lands; it appears we shall lose the whole
or nearly so. I was so much disturbed on account of having advanced your brother John about $1,200 on account of his interest
in Virginia, that induced me to go to the west last fall to try my luck in speculating in Government lands in a small way,
with the hope of making up my loss. (???) I expect to leave here on Tuesday next for Richmond with the hope of getting some
relief from the Legislature.
<!--[Image for The Hoyes of Maryland] --> CAPTAIN NICHOLAS FRIEND was probably THE FRIENDS a son or grandson of Nicholas Friend, who was buried in the grave yard of the Parish Church of Wyke Regis, Weymouth, England, March 13, 1685. Capt. Friend sailed with his family in his own ship from Weymouth prior to 1681, probably bound for Weymouth, Mass. Off Delaware Bay his vessel was wrecked. The Captain lost his life but his wife Anna, with five sons and five daughters, reached the Swedish settlement at Upland (now Chester), Pa. Here Anna Friend died in 1724, aged one hundred six years.
JOHN FRIEND, youngest son of Nicholas, resided near Philadelphia. He married Anna Colman;
their sons were Charles, Andrew, Nicholas, Joseph, Augustine, and John. Charles settled at Williamsport on the Potomac about
NICHOLAS FRIEND, son of John, settled on the Virginia side of the Potomac near Oldtown,
Md. His sons were Andrew, Charles, Augustine, and John. At the close of Pontiac's War in 1764, John and one or two of his
brothers, accompanied by his son Gabriel, traveled across the mountains to the Youghiogheny River where they found an encampment
of Indians. Pleased with the locality, the Friends agreed to purchase the Indians' claim to that part of the country, and
the following spring they returned with their families and cattle and settled the place now called Friendsville; they were
the first settlers in that part of Maryland. Charles Friend later lived at the Buffalo Marsh and in 1784 was living in the
Yough Glades when Gen. Washington spent a night at his house. Augustine Friend lived at Teen's Glade near Swallow Falls. Capt.
Andrew Friend settled at Turkeyfoot, Pa.
JOHN FRIEND, SR., remained on the Youghiogheny. The map of 1823 indicates three "Old
Forts" (blockhouses) on the west bank of the River at "the Crossing"; these were the old Friend houses. John Friend was very
helpful to Paul Hoye in 1774 in locating and surveying lands. Friend had a hunting cabin at the Sanging Ground and our ancestor
surveyed one hundred acres of the "Friend's Delight" tract and deeded it to him in 1799.
John Friend, Sr., married Kerren Hyatt. Their children were Nicholas, Gabriel, Joseph,
John, Charles, Augustine, Susan, Rebecca, Sarah.
JOHN FRIEND, JR., (1764-1849) married Elizabeth Ward (1779-1845). Soon after their
marriage in 1795, they settled on "Friend's Delight," where they were the first settlers and always good neighbors of the
CHILDREN: 1. & 2. Leah and Rachel, b. Sept. 3, 1796. Died. 3. Sarah, b. Feb. 25, 1798, d. Dec. 16, 1882, m. Robinson Savage. 4. Joseph, b. Dec. 15, 1799, d. June 28, 1894. m. Rachel Browning. 5. Kerren H., b. March 16, 1802, m. John R. Savage. 6. Cornelius W., b. June 22, 1804, d. Jan. 7, 1884. m. Sarah Kemp. 7. Rebecca, b. Oct. 17, 1806, d. May, 1882. m. John Johnson. 8. John, b. Dec. 20, 1809, d. Feb. 3, 1832.
9. Samuel Ward, b. July 10, 1811, d. May 20, 1884. m. Sarah Friend. 10. Elijah, b. April 25, 1814, d. Nov. 29, 1869. m. Elizabeth Smith. 11. Stephen Willis, b. March 18, 1818, d. Dec. 17, 1894. m. Rebecca House. 12. Elizabeth, b. Apr. 28, 1821, d. Nov. 8, 1902. m. David Hoye. 13. David H., b. Mar. 27, 1825, d. Mar. 9, 1916. m. Mary R. Riley.
The pioneer Friends were great hunters; THE SANGING their stock-in-trade for ammunition, salt GROUND and other supplies were peltries and dried ginseng roots. One autumn day they followed an old Indian trail over the Winding Ridge to the south where they saw a thickly wooded hill between the River and a small stream. On the slopes of this hill they found the ginseng plant so abundant that they called the hill "Seng" or Ginseng and the stream Ginseng Run. After filling their sacks with the roots, they following the run to its mouth, catching all the trout they needed on the way. Going up the River a short distance they saw a herd of buffaloes standing in the pond below what is now the Wm. H. Hoye farm. They shot one of the bulls but another charged the dogs, so they killed him also. Well supplied with meat and fish the party spent several days at the old Indian Camp at the mouth of Ginseng Run, drying ginseng roots and buffalo meat. Later they built their hunting cabin there.
ROBINSON SAVAGE was a native of New Jersey. THE On January 4, 1794, William Beall deeded to SAVAGES Robinson Savage -- consideration œ106 -- 55 1/2 acres of "Silases Race" near Cumberland, Md., but only two years later Savage and his wife Mary deeded the same property to Frederick Rice for œ100. It was presumably at this time that the family moved from Cumberland and settled permanently in the Blooming Rose neighborhood near Sand Spring. It is said that Robinson Savage was a school teacher; he was probably one of the early teachers of the Blooming Rose school. During the War of 1812 he was a sergeant in the Selbysport militia company of which Aza Beall was captain. The
sons of Robinson Savage were Lemuel, Evan, John R. and Robinson T. ROBINSON T. SAVAGE, when a boy, lived with Wm. W. Hoye's
family at Crab Tree Bottom; he was one of William's pupils. In 1820 Savage bought lot 1482 and in 1832 he bought of Wm. W.
Hoye "Western Territory," 50 acres.
He married Sarah G., daughter of John Friend, Jr., and settled on Seng Hill near the
Hoye farm.
Robinson T. Savage was appointed Justice of the Peace in 1836. He died in 1839 and
was buried in the Sang Run graveyard where his wife also rests.
CHILDREN: 1. Huldah, b. 1822, d. 1894. Unmarried. 2. Mariah, m. Jesse Friend. 3. Cornelius Ward, b. 1824, d. 1895. m. Mary Ann Friend. 4. Amos Wesley, b. Aug. 31, 1826, d. Sept. 6, 1901. m. Sophia Friend. The
men of the Savage family of western Maryland were noted for their strength and the women for their beauty.
More than a hundred years ago grandfather A HUNTING STORY Savage went to a deer lick at the by foot of Marsh Hill. He had built a seat of SHERMAN SAVAGE poles between two limbs of an oak tree overlooking the lick. Just before sundown he climbed an Indian ladder to the lookout, lit his pipe with a flint, and prepared to wait for a deer. Within a few minutes he noticed bits of bark falling about him. Looking up, he saw a panther on an upper limb ready to spring. He ducked to one side, but one of the beast's paws struck the pipe from his mouth. The burning tobacco frightened the cat, which jumped to the ground and made off into the woods. Grandfather stayed in the tree and when the moon came up a big buck came to the lick and he shot it.
JOHN ENLOW, according to family tradition, THE ENLOWS came with his brothers Joseph and Henry from Pennsylvania to Jeremiah Frazee's farm near Selbysport, Md. John worked on the farm and married Frazee's daughter Elizabeth. They resided on Frazee's Ridge. About 1830 John Enlow, then about sixty years of age, started to ride horseback to visit his brothers in the west but he became ill and died on the way. His children were Jeremiah, Deborah (Vansickle), Elizabeth (Williams), Jacob, Hannah (Faulkner), Josephus, and Abraham.
JEREMIAH ENLOW (1791-1867) married Rachel, daughter of James McMullen. They settled
the Enlow farm at the Sang Run Cross Roads, where the Hoye school was located.
CHILDREN: 1. Isaac Allen, b. Sept. 12, 1825, d. 1907. 2. William Frazee, b. May 8, 1828. m. Barbary E. Trent. 3. Elizabeth T., b. Oct. 28, 1831. m. Lewis Ringer. 4. Jeremiah H., b. Sept. 1, 1833. m. Elizabeth DeWitt. 5. Harriet G., b. Oct. 20, 1835. m. John N. Ervin. 6. Jane. m. Dennis Janes. 7. John. m. Priscilla Daniels. 8. Sarah. m. Henry McCabe. 9. Mary A. m. Garrett Moon. 10. Isabella T. m. James E. Paugh.
HENDRICK ENLOES, a native of Holland, ENLOW was naturalized in 1664 in Maryland. He and ANCESTRY his wife Christian resided in Baltimore County near Chesapeake Bay. The first deed recorded in that County, dated 1664, is signed by "Hendrick Enloes." His will, probated May 17, 1708, left property to his wife and to children--John, Abraham, Hester, Margaret.
ABRAHAM ENLOES, planter, of Baltimore County, died in 1709. His will mentions his wife
Elizabeth and children--Anthony, John, William, Abraham.
JOHN and HENRY ENSLOW were living in the Turkeyfoot neighborhood in 1765 when the Governor
ordered all settlers west of the mountains to leave in order to avoid trouble with the Indians, but in 1772 their names appear
on the tax list of that township.
ABRAHAM ENLOW II settled in Finney Tp., Washington Co., Pa., where he died in 1808.
His will mentions his wife Jemima, and thirteen children.
TJERCK CLAESSEN DeWITT, a native of THE DeWITTS Holland, settled at Esopus (Kingston), N. Y., where he was a magistrate in 1661-63. DeWitt married Barbara Van Amsterdam in New York City. He was born about 1620 and died in 1700. Their
ninth son was LUCUS DeWITT, who married Annatje Delva. Lucus' son, JAN (JOHN) DeWITT, was born in 1700 and married Annatje
Osterhoudt. They resided near Catskill, N. Y. EZECHIEL DeWITT, son of Jan, born in 1741, married Maria Keller. In 1768 Ezechiel
settled in Turkeyfoot Tp., Pa., but prior to 1776 he moved to Washington Co., Pa., where in 1782 he was granted 400 acres
of land.
PETER DeWITT, (b. about 1762), son of Ezechiel, settled on Roaring Creek, Preston Co.,
Va., about 1795. Children of Peter and Rebecca DeWitt were: Barney, William, John, Peter, Samuel, Susan, Henry, Richard, Joseph.
JOHN DeWITT and his brother Henry served in the 4th Virginia Militia during the War
of 1812. John bought four military lots at the Cross Roads, later Johnstown, now Hoyes, Md. His log house was near the present
D. O. DeWitt home. John DeWitt, Sr., (b. May 2, 1793, d. Oct. 7, 1869) m. (1) Sarah Hartman. Their children were Rebecca (Martin),
Christina (Metheny), Susan (Kalbaugh), and Joseph. He m. (2) Louisa Casteel. Children: Sarah Ann (Browning), Louisa (Cook),
John and Archibald.
Rev. Joseph DeWitt was a well-known Methodist preacher at Sang Run. John DeWitt, Jr.,
(1828-1912) succeeded his father on the Johnstown farm.
HENRY DeWITT (b. about 1700), son of Peter, m. Elizabeth Jackson. Their children were
Samuel, William, George, Nancy, James, and Richard.
JOSEPH DeWITT (1803-1865), son of Peter, m. Elizabeth Casteel. Their children were
James, William, Sarah Ann, Thomas, John, Archibald, Richard, Rebecca, Susan, Huldah.
A HENRY DeWITT, who m. a daughter of John Friend, Sr., is listed in the Census of 1800
as head of a family of eight at Sang Run. In the mountains late snow storms and frosts in 1817 caused an almost complete failure
of crops. This was known as "the year without summer." So Henry DeWitt, Andrew House and John Wallis moved from the Sanging
Ground to Carroll Co., Ohio.
The pioneer DeWitts of Maryland and Virginia were noted for their physical strength
and musical ability. Paul and Peter DeWitt once stopped at a tavern on the Northwestern Turnpike, where a lot of rowdies were
making a "rough house." Said Paul to Peter, "I'll knock down; you drag out." So they proceeded to clean up the place. Presently
said Peter to Paul, "Don't knock them so damned stiff; they are hard to drag."
THOMAS CASTEEL was born in Prince THE CASTEELS George's Co., Md. He resided in Bedford Co., Pa., where he and his brothers served in the militia during the Revolutionary War. Prior to 1798 he moved to Maryland; in the census of 1800 he is listed in Sandy Creek Hundred as head of a family of ten. In 1814 he bought 113 acres of land near the McMullen farm at Blooming Rose. Among his children were Thomas, Jeremiah, Shadrack, Nathaniel.
NATHANIEL CASTEEL settled on Military lots 4106 and 4108 at Sang Run, Md. He died April
2, 1866. His wife, Jane McMullen, was born in 1786. They are buried on the Casteel Farm.
CHILDREN: 1. Thomas, b. Dec. 15, 1808, d. June 19, 1892. 2. Martha, b. May 10, 1811. m. Henry Fredlock. 3. Louisa. m. Edward Tagart. 4. Jane. m. Benjamin Jenkins. 5. James. 6. Nathaniel. 7. Nelson. 8. Meshach, b. 1816, d. 1904. m. Catherine Kitzmiller. 9. & 10. Nathan and William, twins, b. June 8, 1821. Nathan
and William married sisters, Sarah and Jane Brant. Meshach was a school teacher. Nathan Casteel rented the Hoye farm at Gap
Run from 1840 to 1849.
The Casteels trace their descent from CAPTAIN EDMOND du CHASTEL, of a distinguished
Flemish family. He arrived in Philadelphia and took the oath of allegiance on September 10, 1683. He became a wealthy merchant
in Philadelphia. During Queen Anne's War, in 1707, he commanded the sloop "Resolution," which sailed under letters of marque
to prey upon French and Spanish commerce. By his will, "proved" March 25, 1712-13, Capt. Chastel left all his property to
his widow, Christian, who by her will of 1714 devised property to their children Samuel, Edmund and Christian (Allen).
EDMUND CASTEEL 2nd settled on Piscataway Creek, Prince George's Co., Md., on "Casteel,"
300 acres, which he patented in 1715. Two of his children were Edmund and Meshack. EDMUND CASTEEL 3d, of Piscataway, by will,
proved in 1772, bequeathed his estate to his wife Rebecca and to their children--Shadrach, Abednego, Francis, Lucy, Kezia.
SHADRACH CASTEEL moved to Flintstone Creek, Bedford Co., Pa. By his will of 1795 he
left his farm to his son Archibald; the will also mentions his wife Leurena, and children--Thomas, Ezedock, Jesse, Elizabeth.
It was about the time of the death of his father that Thomas Casteel moved to the Blooming Rose in Maryland.
ANTHONY DRANE was settled in Prince THE DRANES George's County, Maryland, prior to the year 1700 when he paid œ32, 14s. for 109 acres of "Greenfield." At the March session of Court that year he was fined 100 lbs. of tobacco "for absenting himself from off ye Jury." He was one of the County "Rangers" in 1698, who were "continually on guard in the exposed part of the Country." By his will (1732) he bequeathed a plantation to his sons, Thomas and Anthony, and his home plantation to son James; all other property to his wife Elizabeth.
JAMES DRANE made his will in 1787 and died the same year. He left eight sons and three
daughters. To his widow Elizabeth, he bequeathed his "Dwelling Plantation during her life and after her to James," his son.
JAMES DRANE, JR., was born in 1755. In 1779 he was commissioned 2nd Lieutenant in the
Militia of Prince George's County. On Feb. 18, 1789, he married Priscilla, daughter of Thomas Lamar of Prince George's, a
descendant of Marien Duvall, a French Huguenot immigrant.
Prior to 1798 James Drane and his brother-in-law, Col. Wm. Lamar, began a settlement
on the "Accident" tract which then belonged to David Lynn. In 1817 Lynn deeded to Col Lamar "Flowery Vale," 970 acres, which
included most of "Accident," a tract of 682 acres surveyed in 1774 for Brooke Beall but patented to Wm. Deakins, Jr., in 1786,
and so named because it was surveyed "by accident" by both the Beall and Deakins survey parties.
Drane and Lamar built a small log house on "Accident." James Drane brought his family
to the new settlement in 1800; he added a larger log house. This double house is still used as a residence. It is just east
of the town of Accident.
James Drane was the first permanent settler at Accident. He brought negroes from his
old home in Prince George's; they raised tobacco.
In those pioneer years the nearest neighbors of the Dranes were Wm. W. Hoye, John Lynn,
Meshack Browning and the McHenrys. Browning wrote: "Mr. James Drane, who lived within five miles, was a kind, gentlemanly,
and truthful man."
"Accident" lies between the forks of Bear Creek, a wild western place in 1800. One
afternoon all the Drane men were working in the fields when a ferocious bear emerged from the woods near the house. Mrs. Drane
shot the beast and a negro woman finished him with an ax.
James Drane died in October, 1828. His grave near his house, in the Lutheran Cemetery,
is marked by a field stone with initials "J D."
Children of James and Priscilla Drane:
1. Thomas Lamar, born in 1789, died 1874. Unmarried, Soldier of the War of 1812. A noted "fiddler" in his day; he was "converted," joined the Methodists, and thereafter confined his music to the precincts of his quiet home. 2. James, m. Margaret Frazee and settled in Arizona. 3. Robert, who went west. 4. George Washington, who m. Eliza Hoye. 5. Richard, b. Feb. 16, 1793, d. April 16, 1886, m. Susan J. West. 6. Elizabeth Ann, m. William Browning and d. Dec. 6, 1842. 7. William, first postmaster at Accident in 1838. 8. Marien, b. Feb. 1, 1799, d. April 1, 1883, m. Mary Ann Hoye. The ARMSTRONG CLAN, famous in THE ARMSTRONGS Scottish border song and story! Some crossed to Northern Ireland, where EDWARD ARMSTRONG resided on his estate, Terwinney, in County Fermanaugh. Two sons of Edward, John and Francis, emigrated to Pennsylvania. One of these was the father of JAMES ARMSTRONG, born in Ireland about 1733. He was commissioned Captain in 1759 in the 1st. Penna. Foot Regiment and served during the French and Indian War in Bedford County. Captain Armstrong died in December, 1762. He was a cousin of Gen. John Armstrong, Sr., father of John Armstrong, Secretary of War.
WILLIAM ARMSTRONG, son of the Captain, was born March 17, 1763, near Carlile, Pa. His
mother m. (2) Thomas Hadden and William grew up in his step-father's home. He enlisted in the Revolutionary army when only
sixteen or seventeen years of age and served as Ensign in Captain Brattain's Company of the 7th Penna. Regiment.
William Armstrong had an older brother, Maxwell, who, in 1784, was the first attorney
admitted to the bar at Clarksburg, Va. William also went to Clarksburg where he was a clerk or manager of a store owned by
Peter Devecmon of Westernport, Md. In 1904 he married Hannah Synix, widow of his employer.
In 1806 the Armstrongs settled on the old Boyles place on the State Road at the Crossing
of the Little Youghiogheny, now Oakland, Md., where they kept the post road station and an inn. In 1812 a post office was
opened, called "Yough Glades," William Armstrong, postmaster. This office served the glades country including the Hoye neighborhood.
Wm. Armstrong bought for $1,200 "Stewart's Delight," 201 acres, on which the prosperous
town of Oakland is now, in part, located. He also owned six military lots nearby. By his will, he left all his property in
trust to Geo. W. Devecmon for the use of his wife during her lifetime and after her for his son Thomas, providing also a home
with Thomas for his stepdaughter, Ellen Devecmon. The old pioneer died April 5, 1848, and his widow followed him May 4, 1855,
at the age of eighty-two years. Their ashes rest in the old McCarty Church graveyard south of Oakland.
Children of William and Hannah Armstrong:
1. James Devecmon, b. 1806, d. 1893. m. Julia A. Lantz. 2. Thomas Hadden, b. 1812, d. 1896. m. Mariah Hoye. 3. John Maxwell, b. 1814, d. 1885. m. Ann M. Townshend.
ELI RIDGELY, son of Jacob, was a descendant THE RIDGELYS of William Ridgely I who emigrated in 1672 from England to Ann Arundel Co., Md. Eli was born Jan. 31, 1791, in Frederick Co., Md. Soon after his marriage to Eleanor Harding he settled on "Resurvey on Shawney War," 474 acres, which was surveyed originally for Paul Hoye in 1774. It is on Ridgely Hill, south of Grantsville, Md. The log house on the plantation was replaced about 1820 by a two-story stone house, residence of the present owner, Norman Baker. In 1830, Ridgely owned seven slaves. In addition to the usual crops raised, he "made" sugar from his grove of maple trees. An old account states that in 1824 he sent John Hoye 198 lbs. of sugar, valued at $12.37. Eli
Ridgely died Jan. 10, 1848. His wife died Dec. 25, 1875, aged eighty-six years. They rest in the family graveyard.
CHILDREN: 1. William, b. Jan. 8, 1817, d. Dec. 7, 1848. 2. Mary Ann, b. Aug. 31, 1818, d. Feb. 1, 1885. m. Wm. Stanton. 3. Ann Isabel, b. Nov. 23, 1819, d. Feb. 5, 1899. 4. Martha (Bevans). 5. Julia (Hilleary). 6. Eleanor (Kane). 7. Rebecca, b. March 17, 1826, d. Sept. 5, 1908.
WILLIAM RIDGELY, son of Eli, was county tax collector and a farmer. He married Catherine
Hoye; their only child was Judge John Hoye Ridgely of Ohio.
DR. JAMES McHENRY was born November THE McHENRYS 16, 1753, at Ballymena, Ireland. In 1771, because of his delicate health, he was sent on a voyage to the colonies. He was placed under the care of Capt. William Allison of Philadelphia whose stepdaughter, Margaret Caldwell, he married. James induced his father, Daniel McHenry, with his wife and son John, to emigrate, and in 1773 the elder McHenry and John established themselves as McHenry & Son, merchants, in Baltimore. James
McHenry studied medicine in Philadelphia under Dr. Benjamin Rush, a friend of Washington. He later entered the Revolutionary
Army as a surgeon, served as Gen. Washington's private secretary and on the staff of Gen. Lafayette. He was Secretary of War
under Washington and Adams.
Dr. McHenry's health was seriously impaired when he resigned his position in the cabinet.
With his family he spent the summer of 1809 at the home of his friend, Capt. John Lynn, at Wild Cherry Tree Meadows and thereby
became interested in western Allegany County. In 1810 he bought 444 acres of "Locust Tree Bottom" including the Buffalo Marsh.
Thus the McHenrys became the nearest neighbors of the Hoyes at Crab Tree Bottom; they were good friends.
About 1811 McHenry established his son Daniel William at the Buffalo Marsh. Daniel
McHenry had a log house on the old Friend clearing near the Big Boiling Spring. In 1813 he had 11 slaves, 6 horses, 13 cattle,
56 ounces of silver ware: well fixed. Dr. McHenry spent his summers there. Mrs. McHenry wrote: "While here, my dear husband
was taken with an infirmity in his legs, which, notwithstanding every means was used for his relief, gradually increased until
he was entirely deprived of the use of them. The winter there coming on, we were obliged to remain there till the following
summer when with great difficulty he was got home."
Of that winter Dr. McHenry wrote on Jan. 3, 1813, "that the snow and distance from
the P. O. (16 mi.) from this place, shut me out from all news for a fortnight. Last Sat. however, my messenger surmounted
all difficulties, and brought me, next day, the accumulation of weeks."
On July 24, 1813, McHenry wrote Secretary Pickering: "(???) This is perhaps the last
letter I shall ever write you. I have, it is true, gained a little strength which will encourage me to try whether by short
stages, I can regain my old home. My children there are anxious to see me. I do wish to see them. May God lengthen your days,
without mingling with them pains, sorrows or misfortunes."
Dr. McHenry died in Baltimore, May 3, 1816, leaving his widow, his son John, and daughter
Anna, who married James P. Boyd. His son Daniel had been killed, June 30, 1814, by a fall from his horse while riding from
Baltimore to Buffalo Marsh.
JOHN McHENRY, JR., a nephew of Dr. McHenry, was a lawyer who held important diplomatic
posts at the Hague and elsewhere. He resigned and retired to his uncle's estate at Buffalo Marsh where he built a comfortable
home near the site of thh present Glotfelty house, and spent his time supervising the farm, reading and writing. His freed
negroes he hired for wages. He built a church-school near his house at "McHenry's Gate."
Soon after the death of his wife Martha, John McHenry followed her to the little graveyard
near their house. Their graves are unmarked but the nearby village bears the name "McHenry."
COL. JOHN LYNN was a son of DAVID THE LYNNS LYNN, SR., who emigrated from Dublin Ireland, about 1717 to Frederick, Md. He was the father of five daughters and three sons--David, John, George. JOHN
LYNN was born in Frederick, August 29, 1760. He served in the Revolutionary Army as ensign and lieutenant and was severely
wounded in his left leg at the battle of Eutaw Springs. President Washington, while in Cumberland in 1794, wrote: "Major Lynn
of the Maryland Line, an old Continental officer, to whose house I was conducted and where I was well lodged and civilly entertained."
Lynn settled in Cumberland and in 1791 became the first Clerk of the Court of Allegany County.
Col. Lynn owned half of the "Wild Cherry Tree Meadows" tract, where his home was a
log house on the east side of the present Oakland-Bittinger road near Rock Lodge. In the census of 1800 he is listed here
as head of a family of six with three "other free persons" and two slaves.
Col. Lynn married Eleanor Edelyn who died in 1824. They had two daughters, Jane and
Eleanor (Richardson). He died in 1813 at the home of his friend, Dr. McHenry, at the Buffalo Marsh. Meshack Browning wrote
that "Colonel Lynn was an old Federalist." Of politics in the Glade Country before 1812 Browning wrote:
"In those times politics were but little understood; and all the voters in the glades
country were Federalists except one, old Mr. Gorge Rinehart (???) a Frederick County man, and a Democrat, or rather a Republican,
as they were called in the days of Thomas Jefferson's Administration."
THE TOWNSHENDS trace descent from THE Walter de Haville, who came to England TOWNSHENDS at the time of the Norman Conquest, and from his wife Mathilda, a Saxon princess. SAMUEL
TOWNSHEND was born in London, November 4, 1714, and emigrated to Prince George's Co., Md., in 1736. He acquired extensive
tracts of land in Piscataway forest. In the census of 1790 he is listed as head of a family of eight and owner of eighteen
slaves. He died Oct. 30, 1804, and was buried near the village of T. B. His children were: Volinda, Samuel, Leonard, Elizabeth,
Mary, Annie, Eleanor, Frank, John, William.
LEONARD TOWNSHEND (d. 1816) m. Sarah E. Young. He was a planter residing on "Robeysville"
farm near Townshend, Prince George's Co., Md.
SINGLETON TOWNSHEND, son of Leonard, was born in Prince George's Co., Md., Oct. 7,
1790, and died on his farm at Hoyes, Md., Nov. 12, 1836. In 1812 he m. Catherine, daughter of Capt. Jeremiah Belt. She died
July 27, 1878.
In 1830 Singleton Townshend moved from Townshend in Prince George's County to "Fayette,"
200 acres, patented to his heirs in 1848, at the "Flat Woods," now known as the Mattingly farm. By his will he left all his
property in Allegany and Prince George's Counties to his wife. Inventory includes nine Negro servants and 5,000 lbs. of tobacco.
In October, 1837, Catherine Townshend sold the slaves and other personal property. She resided at Oakland, Md.
Singleton Townshend did not long survive his friend and neighbor, Wm. W. Hoye. His
remains rest in the Drane cemetery at Accident.
Children of Singleton and Catherine Townshend:
Jeremiah Leonard, b. July 7, 1814, d. July 24, 1869. Priscilla Eleanor, b. Dec. 22, 1816; m. Thomas R. King. Ann Maria, b. Aug. 20, 1819. m. John M. Armstrong. George Robert, b. May 21, 1822. Singleton Lafayette, b. March 29, 1825, d. June 21, 1897. Adeline Fedelia, b. April 19, 1829. Louisa Elizabeth, b. Feb. 16, 1831, d. Dec. 17, 1889. Mary Catherine, b. March 13, 1834, m. John F. Townshend.
JOHN JOHNSON, JR., was born March 6, 1809. JOHNSON He resided with his parents on the Allegheny FAMILY River in Pennsylvania until sent to Pittsburgh to attend the Academy or College there. He was educated, civic-minded and kindly. In
1833 John Johnson came to Sang Run where he taught school. He m. Rebecca Friend. Their children were Levenia, born June 26,
1839, died March 29, 1926, and Hillary H., born March 17, 1842, died Oct. 1, 1927.
Mr. Johnson was instrumental in securing the establishment of a post office at Sang
Run in 1838. Elijah Friend became the first postmaster and Johnson was the mail carrier; he also kept a store, served as constable
and was a skillful tailor.
Later he moved to Friendsville and carried the mail from a point in West Virginia,
thru Friendsville to Pennsylvania. On one of these trips in winter he swam the icy waters of the Youghiogheny with his horse,
contracted pneumonia, and died Jan. 11, 1844. He and his wife are buried at Sang Run.
The following letters from John Hoye refer to Johnson's final illness. The first letter
was sent by Jacob Baker's son; the second bears the Cumberland post mark and in place of a stamp is marked "10" (cts.).
Mr John Johnson Cumberland July 20th 1843 D
I received your letter by my Boy, and now send you some drops put up by Doct. Samul.
P. Smith, who sends you directions how to use it--I told him you could not get any one to cup you. He says if you cannot get
cuped, you must use the ointment without. Rub it in well and put on a lung plaster and when pimples comes then move it to
another spot. directed you to take a small tea spoon full of soda about 20 or 30 minutes after eating desolve it in a little
water in a tea cup and then fill the cup with water and drink it. Keep your bowels open moderately
Your most obedt JOHN HOYE
Mr. John Johnson Cumberland July 21st 1843
I received your letter by my boy Henry. I went to see the doctr and got the drops and
his directions. Young Mr. Baker was here with his waggon and loaded yesterday evening and will go on up through western port
to his fathers. I sent the Vial of drops by him and a letter for you the doctor says you must go on with the ointment on your
breast. That it would be better to be Cuped if it could be done. You must rub the part when you put on the ointment well with
the ointment then put on the plaster, let it be prety large and when there is large pimples raised move it on to another place
over the part where the pain is.
Your most obd
JOHN HOYE PS you had better send over to Mr. Bakers for the drops and
directions as this young man is careless.
NOTE:--David, Catherine, Maria and Eli Hoye were Johnson's
pupils in 1833: tuition 2 1/2 cents per day each. He was also the family tailor. Entries in his account book, 1835-43,
debit W. W., Daniel and David Hoye for clothes, including for David "making coat and skein silk $4.56"; etc., paid
by cash and one days plowing, 75c.
MESHACK BROWNING, son of Joshua THE BROWNINGS and Nancy Browning, was born in Frederick Co., Md., in 1781. When nine years of age he came with his uncle John Spurgin, to Blooming Rose, "the prettiest country in the world"; there he married a school mate, Mary McMullen, daughter of James McMullen. In 1801 the Brownings moved to the Bear Creek Glades; six years later they moved again to what is now the Wm. H. Hoye farm at Sang Run, but in 1816 Meshack bought of Charles Friend 75 acres of land in the Sang Run Valley and made this his permanent home. Here he appears to have lived in the old Friend house until about 1825 when he built a log cabin. In 1826 he built a grist mill near his house; this was the mill where the Hoye family corn and buckwheat were ground. Meshack
Browning was a sturdy pioneer of varied accomplishments: farmer, miller, politician, author--but most noted as Maryland's
foremost hunter. His book, "Forty-four Years of the Life of a Hunter," is an excellent account of his hunting experiences
and of pioneer days in Allegany County.
Meshack Browning, the penniless orphan boy, became a prosperous and respected citizen.
His wife, Mary, died Jan. 29, 1839, and in 1841 Meshack married Mrs. Mary M. Smith. He died in November, 1859, and was buried
in the Catholic Church cemetery at Hoyes, Md.
Children of Meshack and Mary Browning:
1. Dorcas, born in 1800, m. Joseph Kelly. 2. Rachael, b. 1802, m. Joseph Friend. 3. William, b. 1804. Inherited the farm and mill at Sang Run. 4. Jane, b. 1806, m. Joab Browning. 5. John Lynn, b. 1809, d. 1895. Thayerville, Md. 6. Nancy, b. 1812, m. (1) Domnick Mattingly. (2) John Kitzmiller. 7. James, b. 1814. Muddy Creek, Md. 8. Thomas, b. 1817. Muddy Creek, Md. 9. Sally, b. 1820, m. Adam Nethkin. 10. Allen Meshack, b. 1822. Bloomington, Ill. 11. Jeremiah, b. 1825. Muddy Creek, Md.
William W. Hoye had settled at Crab Tree BROWNINGS Bottom two years before the Brownings arrived and at Bear Creek Glades. We quote from HOYES Meshack's book his account of the meeting of the families:
In those days, there being but few roads suitable for wagons, and only narrow paths
leading from one settlement to another, and this being especially the case where we had to travel, pack-horses were the only
mode of conveying goods from one place to another.
Our goods being all packed up, Mary and our little daughter were placed on uncle's
horse, and we took the path for Bear Creek Glades. As we were late in starting, we did not reach our destined home that day,
but stopped at Mr. William Hoy's farm, within three miles of our destination. He and his lady were not only exceedingly kind
to us, but rejoiced at having a neighbor so near to them. In the morning, after eating a late breakfast, Mr. and Mrs. Hoy
saddled their horses, and accompanied us to our new home, which I will here describe.
It consisted of the remains of an old cabin, which had been torn down to the joists
by hunters, and brunt for firewood. I had it again raised to its former height, and covered with clapboards; but it had neither
floor, chimney, nor door--a hole cut through the wall being the only way of getting in and out. After we arrived at our house,
the first thing which greeted us was a very large rattlesnake, which lay coiled up in the house, but which we soon despatched.
We commenced stowing our bed and clothing on the ground in one corner of the house, while the horses were nipping the grass
outside. Another rattlesnake was discovered outside of the house, but was soon killed. The loading being all laid in the house,
the two pretty women (for Mrs. Hoy was also a very pretty lady) seated themselves on the clothes, to rest a little.
In a short time, it being proposed to take a cold dinner of meat, bread, and butter,
Mary took her bucket, and asked me where the spring was. This was situated on the edge of a large swamp, matted with high
weeds, twisted with wild hops in all directions, making the worst kind of a thicket. I pointed her to the little path I had
made while I was working at the house, and told her to look out for snakes.
"Oh!" said she, "I will keep the dogs before me, and they will smell them. I am not
afraid if I have Watch with me."
Off she ran for water; but no sooner had the dogs reached the swamp, than out rushed
five wolves, some passing on one side of Mary, and some on the other; she hissing on the dogs, and calling to me to look out
for wolves. But they all escaped my rifle, owing to the high and thick weeds. Our dinner being finished, Mr. and Mrs. Hoy,
together with Uncle Spurgin and Mrs. McMullen, got ready to go home. "Now," thought I, "I shall see my poor little wife have
another cry."
When her father bid her farewell, he said: "You have got yourself into a hard-looking
"It is so, father," she replied; "but outside this dreadful thicket, it is the most
beautiful country I ever saw."
They all departed, leaving Mary and her brother Hugh, whom I had forgotten to mention,
till now, as being one of our party. He had agreed to remain with his sister a week or two, till she became a little acquainted
with the place. Mary and myself proposed to walk a little through the beautiful glade, which was covered with grass knee high,
and intermixed with wild flowers of all the kinds and colors that nature had ever produced. All that fancy could desire was
here to be seen at a single glance. This pleasant walk finished, we returned to the house, where Hugh and our little daughter
were playing on the bed, she being much pleased with the appearance of the place. When the sun began to sink behind the tops
of the tall pine-trees, the deer and bears might be seen stalking over the open glades, feeding leisurely in the cool evening
That evening Meshack and Hugh went to a deer lick near the Hoye farm, and, while watching
for deer from a tree, an animal approached them which they at first thought was "one of Hoy's cows", but proved to be a bear,
which they followed and shot just before dark. Leaving the meat Hugh went to Mr. Hoy's for a horse. Next morning he returned
with Mr. Hoy and a negro man. They quartered the bear, Mr. Hoy taking three parts to his home on his horse. Mary told her
husband on his return that he could have killed a deer near home, since she saw one passing while she milked her cows.
The hunting season being over, and the bears having retired A BEAR to their holes, Mr. William Hoye proposed that we HUNT should go to the Big Gap and rout some of them out. Accordingly, we set out for the rocks but got no farther than the house which had been put up for the preacher. It was called Wirsing's house; but he was afraid to occupy it, on account of so many wild beasts being in the neighborhood. Being a fine place for hunters to sleep in, we took our things inside and made a fire, around which we seated ourselves--the night being cold. Just
as it was getting dusk, a wolf howled very near the house. I told Hoye to keep all the dogs in, and I would go and have a
shot at him. I had gone but a short distance from the house when all the dogs came after me at full speed, passed me, and
jumped at the wolves; though not one, except my old dog, would fight. Almost immediately, five worthless dogs came running
back for life, with six wolves in full chase after them. One old one ran so near to me that I shot at him; but I was in such
a hurry that I only wounded him. He separated from the others, but my old dog followed and fought him well; though it was
so dark that I could not see to take part in the combat, and therefore returned to the house.
As I went back, the other wolves met me, some on one side and some on the other, and
growled at me. I held my gun in my hand, being determined that if they did attack me I would put it against one of them, kill
him, and then beat it to pieces over any one that would attack me afterwards. I have since thought it was the smell of the
recently-discharged gun that kept them from me, as they dislike the smell of gunpowder.
During the whole night, our dogs could not go out of the house without being pursued
back to the door, though it was so dark that I could not see one of the wolves. As the day began to break, I took my old dog,
stole around the wolves, and placed myself between them and a swamp which I knew they would enter, and there seated myself,
to await their coming.
While I was waiting for them they commenced howling; during which time I ran up close
to them. But as it was not light enough to see, I sat down a minute or two in concealment; when I saw a large fellow coming
towards me. I let him come as near as I wished, when, as I fired on him, the others ran towards the house, and my dog pursued
the wounded wolf. I ran after my dog and the wolf, till I saw the latter lay down under a pine-tree, when I loaded my gun,
and made ready to shoot him in the head. But Mr. Hoy, having seen the other wolves coming toward the house, had set the dogs
on them and they came scampering back by me again. I fired at them as they passed, when my dog left the wounded wolf, and
ran after the other dogs and wolves. We saw nothing of the dogs from that time until afternoon; when only my old dog and one
other returned; the latter not being worth as much rope as would hang him. The old dog was so cut and tired that he was not
able to trace the wounded wolf, and the other would not try to do it; so I lost him. But Mr. Brooke's sugar-camp hands found
him lying dead near the pine-tree where I had last seen him.
Mr. Hoy and myself went to the old camp, and stopped there for that evening. In the
morning we started for the rocks, and then separated, to look for such holes as might have bears in them. Hoy soon called
me; but when I joined him I found that he had only discovered a hole into which a bear had carried broken laurel, and then
deserted it. We started out again, when I found a hole into which a bear had been carrying moss. I called for Hoy, who joined
me; but we could not determine whether there was a bear in the hole or not.
At length I cut a long pole, which I poked into the hole, and with it felt the bear
very plainly. Hoy disputed the fact, when, to prove the truth of my assertion, I gave the bear a hard punch with the pole,
and then told Hoy to take it and feel for himself. I knew the bear would be ready. Hoye took the pole, and, standing on a
sloping rock, gave the bear a hard punch; when the latter laid hold of the pole, and gave it such a sudden pull, that Hoy
was drawn headlong down to the mouth of the hole. He made great efforts to get out, but did not succeed until I reached down,
caught him by one hand, and raised him from his fearful position. However, I do not think that the bear was sufficiently angry,
or he would have taken hold of him, as they were within six or eight feet of each other when Hoy was in the mouth of the hole.
After Hoye's escape, we took the pole by turns, and punched the bear till he got furious,
and tried to run out at us; but as he put his head out of the hole, I took a deliberate aim at him, and blew his brains out.
It was a hard task to get him out of the hole, but we succeeded at last, skinned and quartered him, and each carried a quarter
to the camp. We went back for the other two the same evening, which we again spent at the camp, returning home the next day.
We then sent for our meat, and got it home in fine order.
Mill Feby 11th 1832
Dear Sir:(???)I received yours of the 4th and have taken the first opportunity to answer
it--the letter you mention I did not Receive and of course cold not answer it--I have not moved my fence for when you and
I talked on the subject you said you wold come up and show me your title and I must fence it off I told you if your title
was better than mineI wold fence it of immediately and I still am Ready to do it as soon as our titles is Compaired and yours
is the best--Mr Thos M Kaig is my agent and you can show him your papers and I will immediately attend what you and him agrees
on I wold come and see you but my family is labouring under severe fevers and I cannot leave them--Sir I am truly sorry to
find you have listened to some Mischievous wretches who have told you a falsehood for no man ever heard me say I thot you
had no title and I defy any tongue of truth to say it--I am aware that there has been many things told you without one word
of truth in it
You complain of having indulged me so long--it seems to me that I have been equally
so on my part--Your sister has lived some years back in pofsession of a part of my land She occupied it as her own, Cut the
meadow and when I bought hay from her I paid her for the same hay I had a Right to have cut myself and when she became uneasy
I promised her she shold have it her lifetime and I Certainly wold have kept my promis if things had Remained in the same
situation--and then to suit her convenience I let her have one of my fields well set with Clover and under good fence and
took land in the woods that will cost me fifty dollars to put it in the same order--I never thought of asking her to pay rent
or give it out of her pofsession for I knew it wold Ruin her farm and I Repeat I never wold till her death--I think I have
since that time been the best friend she had here--night after night have I Roused my Children both sons and daughters and
Ran through thorns briars fire and smoke to Riscue her property from the consuming flames which I have no doubt was set forth
by the same hands that Runs to you prating falsehoods about me--I at one time had almost all my friends helping me to Roll
logs, when her black girl came Crying fire--I took every son that was of any size and all my other hands and found her fence
in flames which fire had not burnt more than a few roods from the fence--We put it out without lofs of Rails--I mention those
things only for the purpose of rebuting any Report that may be told leading you to believe that Myself or family have ever
had any part in seting those fires out--as I am aware you have heard many things of this kind--If you would take a little
pains I think you cold satisfy yourself on that subject--
As for the lott in question It is worth but little--and I wold not enter in to a suit
with you for ten such lots but the thing can be settled without trouble to either of us for the moment you shew me or my agent
a better wright then mine I will give it up without a word--
In the Meintime I Remain truly your friend
When you send to me dont send it the way of Friends post office for I never git letters
from there in time to attend to them
Feby 22nd 1832 Cumberland Dear
I received your letter of the 11th by Mr Mattingly. Mr. Thomas Mc Kaig has called to
see my title to lot No 1468 for which I referred him to the Land records of the County. He examined them and said he supposed
that I must keep the lot and said he would wright you on the subject--
What I heard from some of the people in your part of the country was, that you had
observed to Mr Mc Cabe, that you did not believe I had a good title or I would not be so easy about it--
I have never had it insinuated or mentioned or hinted to me that you or your family
had put fire out near my sisters fences--that act is too shameful for me to suspect any man of, unlefs proof can be aduced
to prove it--to fire a poor loan womans fence or House-- I afsure you I had had no suspicion of any person nor do I know how
to suspect any person of so base an act-- On the receipt of Mr Mc Kaigs letter you will please to let me know your determination.
I remain D Sir your J HOYE
In old China, one's motive for being good lay in the desire to live worthily of one's
family and preserve its name and fortune.
--Lin Yutang
Sixty-eight descendants of Paul Hoye and their friends met August 25, 1926, on the
Crabtree Bottom farm at Sang Run, Maryland, to hold the first family reunion. Among those present were the following grandchildren
of William Waller Hoye: Elijah Hoye, Wm. D. Hoye, Minnie Hinebaugh, Ida M. Lee, Josephine Thrasher and Ralph Engle Officers
for the meeting were elected and a memorial committee appointed after the serving of a picnic dinner.
September 21, 1930, the Society met again in the family cemetery at Crabtree Bottom
to dedicate a memorial stone. Rev. Paul Linaweaver, of Washington, conducted the religious rites of dedication: reading the
Episcopal Church service, prayer and benediction. Dr. John G. Robinson, of Oakland, and a quartet lead in singing "Lead Kindly
Light" and "Rock of Ages"; the exercises closed with a fife selection, "March of the Dead", by Charles F. Cook, of Somerset,
Pennsylvania, while Ruth Hoye, of Sang Run, placed a laurel wreath on the monument.
The memorial is a natural-shaped gray sandstone, seven feet in height, found on the
farm nearby. It stands in the family graveyard on a concrete foundation just above the grave of William Waller Hoye.
After the dedication, about two hundred members of the family and their friends met
in the Wm. H. Hoye maple grove on the east bank of the Youghiogheny. Lunch served, a meeting was called to order by Charles
E. Hoye.
The Paul Hoye Society was then organized by the adoption of a constitution and election
of officers.
(1) Report of Committee on Constitution. Adoption of Constitution. (2) Election and installation of officers. (3) Report of Memorial Stone Committee, John R. Engle. (4) Report of Society Historian, Charles E. Hoye. (5) Singing "Maryland, My Maryland". (6) Reading of Paul Hoye's Will, Arthur Towson. (7) Story, "Discovery of Ginseng Run", Schell Hoye. (8) Reading, "Old Man of Hoy", Elizabeth Engle Wadsworth. (9) Addresses by Prof. E. A. Browning and Mr. Stephen M. Hoye, of New York. (10) Singing "Auld Lang Syne". (11) Olden Time Violin Music, Thomas and Abel Browning.
President--Elijah Hoye, Sang Run, Md. 1st Vice President--Robert F. Towson, Smithsburg, Md. 2nd Vice President--Emma Hoye Leigh, Lincoln, Neb. Secretary-Treasurer--Beulah Engle, Grantsville, Md. Historian--Charles E. Hoye, Los Angeles, Calif
WILLS, INVENTORIES, ETC.: Paul Hoy, Frances Hoy, John Dorsett, Abraham Rutan, Mary
Rutan, Paul Hoye II, Ann Hoye, W. W. Hoye, John Hoye, Mary C. Hoye, William Deakins, Sr., Francis Deakins, Leonard M. Deakins,
John Rutan, James Slicer.
DEEDS: Paul Hoye to Contee and to Marbury.
LAND PATENTS: "Friend's Delight", "The Gleanings", Land on Cheat River.
MARYLAND PR GEORGES COT January the 7th Seventeen Hundred twenty 7/8 Cauling to minde
the Mortality of this Life knowing Y& it is appointed all Men once to Die: Due make this my Last Will and Testament Prinsipally
& first of all I recommend my soul to the hands of God that gave it and my body I recommend to the Earth to be buried
in a Desent & Christian Manner Pr. my Exetors hereafter mentioned. Revoking and making Void all former Wills and testaments
whatsoever Pr. me formerly made.
Item I give and Bequeath Well beloved and Eldest son James Hoy ye Plantation I now
live on cauld twifer or part thereof to my son as aforesd. and one Negro Woman Cauld or so named Fido and one other Negro
Man Cauld or so named Harculus to him the said James Hoy and his heirs forever I farther give to my Son James one feather
Bed with the Covering & furniture thereunto belongin to him and his heirs forever.
Item I give unto my beloved Son Dorset Hoye one Moiety or halfe of that tract or parsile
of Land Cauld pt. of Twifer which I bought of William Paunce with one feather Bed furniture and Covering thereunto belonging
to him and his Heirs forever.
Item I give to my well beloved Son Isaac Hoy all the remaining part of the Tract of
Land as aforesd. which I have bequeathed to my Son Dorsett be it equally divided between my two Sons Dorsit and Isaac Hoye
and one feather Bed and the furniture and clothes thereunto belonging to him the sd Isaac and his Heirs for Ever.
Item I give and bequeath to my Daughter Mary Hoye one Negro Woman Cauld Florah she
the Sd. Negro Florah being now with Child I give the sd. Child to my Daughter Margarit Hoy, to them my sd. Daughters the Woman
and Child to them and their heirs forever the Sd. Mary is to deliver the Sd. Child to my Daughter Margaritt when she the said
Margarit shall arrive at the full Ears of age of Sixteen or the day of Marriage which shall first happen; if alive: but in
case the Sd. Margarit should die before Age or Marriage then the Sd. Mary has Claim and property to the Sd. Negro Child and
to them hur and their Heirs for Ever.
Item I give and bequeath to my Daughter Anne Hoye: Eight Cows to him and hur Heirs
Item I Leave all the Remainding part of my Estate to be Equally Divided between my
Item I Constitute and Appoint my well beloved Wife and Eldest Son James to be Exetors
of this my Last Will and Testament Joyntly together furthermore my Will is that none of my Children shall molest nor will
interrupt my well beloved Wife upon any Acct. what ever Interrupting touching or claiming any part of my estate hearinn mentioned;
Reale or pursenall dureing the Widdowhood of Sd. Wife but in case my well beloved wife should alter her Condition on any Acct.
whatever that is to say marry or Intermarry with any person or persons whatever then I leave my two Sons Dorsett and Isaac
at full age to receive theire Estate hearein Mentioned at the age of Eighteen then to demand and pursess the Estates hearin
mentioned of my Exetors any thing to the Contrary notwithstanding
Item I give to my well beloved Daughter Martha one Negro Called or named Sarah to her
the Sd. Martha and her heirs forever In Witness Whaireof I hereunto acnowledge and confirmed this to be my last Will and as
Witness my hand and name.
Testes Tho Dorsett John Wright his Will.m (W) Harris Paule (P) Hoy [Seal] his mark mark
On the back of this Will was endorsed to Witt Feb'y the 20th 1727/8 Then came Thomas
Dorsett & Willm. Harris & John Wright and made Oath on Holy Evangelist of Almighty God that they saw & heard Paul
Hoy the Decd. Testator Sign Seale publsh and declare the within to be his last Will and Testament and at the time of his so
doing he was of sound Mind & perfect Memory to the best of their Apprehensions & at his request & his presence
Signed the same as Witnesses to the same.
Pet Dent Depty. Comry. of Pr Geo County.
Deceasd appraised by us the said Subscribers in Current Money May 31st, 1728.
To 1 Negro Girl ab't 12 years |
18. |
0. |
0 |
To 1 Negro Man cald Harculas |
22 |
10 |
0 |
To 1 Negro Woman caled Fidoe |
30 |
0 |
0 |
To 1 do Woman Caled Flora & Child |
32 |
0 |
0 |
To 27 Sortable Cattle |
43 |
14 |
0 |
To one old horse Caled Pone |
2 |
0 |
0 |
To 1 Do. very old |
1 |
5 |
0 |
To 1 old Mare 30/ 1 wol Gated hors 77 old
œ7 |
8 |
10 |
0 |
To 1 old draft horse œ4 |
4 |
0 |
0 |
To 14 Sheep & Lambs |
6 |
6 |
0 |
To 1 Feather Bed bolster & Pillow &
bedstead &c at |
7 |
8 |
0 |
To 6 Leather Chairs & 3 Cain Chairs |
3 |
3 |
0 |
To 1 Indifferent Bed & furniture |
1 |
5 |
0 |
To 1 Feather Bed 2 Coarse Sheets & one
Silk Rugg |
4 |
8 |
6 |
To 1 very old feather Bed & covering |
1 |
10 |
0 |
To 1 Chest of drawers 45/ & 1 Large
ovall Table 35/ |
4 |
0 |
0 |
To 1 Diaper Table Cloth & 11 Napkins |
2 |
0 |
0 |
To 1 pr. new Sheets 20/ & one old one
5/ |
1 |
5 |
0 |
To 6 Course Towels 4/ & 1 Looking Glass
15/ |
0 |
19 |
0 |
To 1 Filly Colt 20/ & x Cut Saw 2 Pestels
6/ |
1 |
16 |
0 |
To 88 G. Wedges 11/ & 1 old Spade 2/4
Broad & 4 Narr. Hows 8/ |
1 |
1 |
0 |
To 3 old Grubbing Axes 3/. & 1 Small
hand Saw 1/ |
0 |
4 |
0 |
To 1 old Broad Ax 2/6 & 1 froc 1/6 |
0 |
3 |
0 |
To 1 Pr. old Sheep Shears 4 & 2 Nar.
Axes 3/ |
0 |
3 |
4 |
To 1 Large Iron Spitt 3/5 & flesh fork
& Ladle 3/ |
0 |
6 |
6 |
To 1 Grid Iron 2/ & 1 Man Sadle 30/
bridle & halter |
1 |
16 |
6 |
To 190 lb. Pott Iron 47/6 & 1 pr. Pott
Racks 5/ |
2 |
12 |
6 |
To frying Pan 2/ & 1 pr. Hand Mill Stones
25/ |
1 |
7 |
0 |
To 1 old Box Iron & 2 heaters 5/ &
lb and iron 27/ |
1 |
12 |
0 |
To 1 quart Bowle 2/ & 2 small do salt
4d |
0 |
2 |
4 |
To 1 pr small Kikyards 6/ & 1 Small
Lanthorn 9 |
0 |
6 |
9 |
To 1 Candle box 1/6 & 1 brass Candle
Stick 2/ |
0 |
3 |
6 |
To 1 Small Spinning Wheel 7/6 & hair
brush & broom |
0 |
10 |
6 |
To 3 old Gunns 18/ & 8 barrels Indian
Corn œ4 |
To 2 Sifters 3/ & 300 lb. dryed Meat @3. 3.
15 |
3 |
18 |
0 |
To 6 Tinn Pans 1 funnel & 12 pastry
panns |
0 |
9 |
9 |
To 2 Stone Juggs 5/ 2 Tinn Kettles 3/ |
0 |
8 |
0 |
To 12 Qt Bottles 4/ & 12 Pt Bottles
3/ |
0 |
7 |
0 |
To 47 Lb Pewter 47/ & 660 Galls Sydr
Cash œ5.10 |
7 |
17 |
0 |
To 4 horse Collers 16/ & 1 pr. New Cart
Wheels |
3 |
6 |
0 |
To 1 Plow & Harrow & flaske 10/4
& tinnpan 4/ |
0 |
12 |
0 |
To 2 pr. old Harness & 1 pr. Juggs 14/
1 small Table |
0 |
8 |
0 |
To 1 1/2 Doz Pewter Spoons 3/ & small
Butt. potts |
0 |
5 |
0 |
To old Lumber |
0 |
10 |
0 |
To 3 Sows œ3 Piggs 15/ |
3 |
15 |
0 |
To 26 Spaid Sows and Barrows |
15 |
12 |
0 |
To 1 old Coutch 5/ Chaffin dish 5/ |
0 |
10 |
0 |
To 1 Plate Warmer |
0 |
6 |
0 |
œ254 |
2 |
5 |
Witness our Hands and Seals the Day & year above written Appraisers John Wright L.L. Quander Nickson L.L. his Sam'l. Magruder Cred. Patrick Sim Cred. Wm. (W) Harris) mark ) relations Thos. Dorsett )
July ye 9th Anno Domi 1728 Then came Frances Hoy & James Hoy & made Oath on
the Holy Evangelists of Almighty God that this is a Just & Perfect Inventory off and all Singular the goods & Chattels
of Paul Hoy late of Pr. Georges County Decd. that has come to their hands possession or knowledge that they know no concealment
of any part or parcel thereof by any person whatsoever nor Suspect any to be & if they shall hereafter know of or Suspect
any concealment they will acquant ye Comm'ry Genle for the time or his Dty. with such Discovery or cause of Suspition that
it might be enquired into & they will well & truly give an acct. of all & every part & parcel of the decd.
personal Estate that Shall hereafter come to their hands possession or knowledge.
Sworn before Pet Dent Dt'y. Comm'ry of Pr. Geo County.
Recorded in Prince Georges County, Md.:
(1) Frances Hoye, James Hoye, Richard Read and Thomas Dorsett gave bond, dated Feb
20, 1727, in the sum of three hundred pounds that Frances Hoye and James Hoye, Executors, would honestly administer the estate
of Paul Hoye, deceased. Witnesses--Thos. Brooke, Wm. Harris
2) Thomas Dorsett, John Smith, Walt Brooke, Thos. Hodgkin gave bond dated Sept. 13,
1737, in the sum of one hundred pounds, that they would honestly administer the estate of James Hoye, deceased.
Hall of
Records, Annapolis, Md., Liber 9, Folio 341.
MARYLD: fst: The Account of Francis and
James Hoye, Ects. of the last Will and Testament of Paul Hoye late of Prince Georges County, Deceased.
The Accountants charge themselves with an Inventory amounting to œ254:2:5, and
humbly crave allowance for ye following necefsary payments, Viz:
Allowed for funeral charges
œ 3: 0: 0 |
Cash due from the Deceased to Rich'd Read |
4: 7: 1 1/2 |
Do Pat'k Sim |
4:17: 6 |
Do Rich'd Clemens |
1: 1: 0 |
Do William Ford |
0: 4: 0 |
Do John Kirkwood |
1: 0: 0 |
Do William Hook |
0:12: 0 |
To 624 lbs. Tobacco @ 10s per ct. due Wm.
Beans |
3: 2: 4 3/4 |
To 505 lbs. Tobo @ 10s. due Robt. Tyler,
Sheriff |
2:10: 6 |
To 1710 lbs. Tobo due Sam'l Magruder |
8:11: 0 |
To 313 lbs. Tobo @ 10s. due on attachm't
of Bayley & |
1:11: 3 1/2 |
Of 600 lbs. Tobo @ 10s paid ye Comifsary
Gen'l |
3: 0: 0 |
Of 150 lbs. Tobo paid ye Depty Comfy for
letters test. |
0:15: 0 |
Of 50 lbs. Tobo paid ditto for pafsing this
Acct. |
0: 5: 0 |
Of Cash paid ditto for stating this Acct. |
0: 9: 0 |
To my Comifs. on œ32:6:7 3/4 as pr.
ct. |
3: 4: 7 3/4 |
œ38:11: 3 1/2 |
Balance due to this Estate is |
215:11: 1 1/2 |
The heirs of Paul Hoye are Mary Ann Martha Dorsett Isaac Margaret Children of ye
May the 3d 1727--Then came Francis & James Hoye and made Oath--true acct.
Examined and Passed: Peter Dent, D. Com'sy, Pr. Geo. Co.
MARYLAND Sct. Dec. 1732 In the name of God Amen I Frances Hoye being sick and Weake
of Body but of sound and perfect Memory thanks be to God for the same and considt the frailty of Human Nature and that it
is appoint. for all Men once to Die. Whereas God of his infinite Goodness hath helped me with Sundry temporall Goods far Surpassing
my Deserts I doe give and bequeath the same as followeth Imprimis I bequeath my Poor Immortal Soul to God that give it hoping
the Merits of my Saviour and Redeemer Jesus Christ to receive pardon for all my Sins
Item I give and bequeath to my three Children (Viz). Dorsett Isaac Margaret and my
niece Ann Buchannon or to the Survivor or Survivors of either of them one half of all the meat that shall be found killed
in the House after my decease also twelve barrels of Corn and half the Wheat and three Bushels of Salt. And I desire that
my Son in Law Charles Bevan take under his Care the aforesaid Children for su. Servill I give and bequeath to the S. Charles
Bevan one Hogs. of Good Tobacco qt. Six Hund. o Wt. and Six Bushels of Corn Beans Ye S. Tobacco to be apply'd towards Clothng
ye S. Children
Item I give and bequeath to my Daughter Margaret and to my niece Ann Buchannon and
to the Survivor of either of them one Negro Man Called Sambo
Item I give to my Daughter Margarett and my Niece Ann Buchannon One feather Bed with
an Oznaburgs Cover
Item I give to my Daughter Mary one Bay Horse now in my Possession havg but one Eye
Item I give to my Daughter Ann one new feather bed the Tick bound round together with
one New Rugg 1 new pair of blanketts one pair of new Sheets and two Pillows also I give one new black trunk to my afores.
Daughter Anne
Item I give all my Geese to the S Ann and Mary being about forty in Number
Item I give to my S Son Isaac a large Iron Grey Mare abt. three years old Branded with
I H:
Item I will and Devise to my Daughter Martha Eight Barrels of Shel'd Corn and fourteen
yds. of Crape now in my House as well as all the feathers now in my House and those likewise on the Geese at time of my Death
Item I will and Devise all the Residue of the Personall Estate Accordg. to the Purport
and design of my late Husb. Paul Hoye dece. his Will, and I do hereby Nominate and appoint my Son in Law Charles Bevan Sole
Executor of this my last Will and testament abolsutely revoky. and making null and Void all other Wills and testaments by
me heretofore made declaring this to be my last Will and testament.
Signed Sealed and declared to be my last Will and testament in the presence of us.--
her her Thos. Hodgkin Ann u Harris Frances (F.H.) Hoye [Seal] Thos. Dorsett mark mark Probated June the 2nd, 1733.
deceased. Appraised this 20th day of November 1733.
One Negro Man named Sambo aged 36 years
25 |
no |
no |
One old Horse called prince |
0 |
15 |
One feather Bed Bolster Pillows Ruggs Blankets
Pr. Sheets |
8 |
no |
no |
One deal box |
0 |
2 |
6 |
75 Gallon Cyder at 4d |
0 |
6 |
0 |
One Middling Trunk |
0 |
12 |
0 |
Two low Bed Steads |
0 |
2 |
6 |
One Earthen Bason |
4 |
3 |
4 |
œ40 |
4 |
4 |
her Ann x Harris (relation mark James Russell (Cred. Thos. Hodgkin ) Appr. Thos. Dorsett (relation Walt Brooke ) Appr.
Hall of
Records, L-12, F-475.
PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY: fst--: Account of James Hoy Adm's of Frances Hoy, dec'd.
Accountant charges himself with Goods
and Chattles of the dec'd specified in the Inventory amounting to
œ40: 4: 4 |
And with the Crop of Tobo belonging to the
Decd. Estate 3354 lbs. at 10s pr. ct. |
16:15: 5 |
œ56:19 9 |
Payments, Viz: Cash due to Wm. Ford 17/:
to Edward Shursly 2/6: to Peregrine Mackenefs 14/ to Charles Bean œ2/11: due on note 10/. |
4:14: 6 |
Of Tabo paid Dep. Commsy fees |
1:15 6 1/2 |
Of my Commission |
11: 0 1/2 |
Payments and Difbursmts |
œ 6:10: 8 1/2 |
Balance due to the Estate(???) |
50: 9: 0 1/2 |
Peter Dent--Dept. Com'sy. |
In the name of God Amen I John Dofsett of Prince Georges County (???) sick (???) mind
(???) Soule (???) God(???)
Jesus Christ (???) Everlasting life (???) body (???) Earth (???) Estate (???) debts
TO my Loving Wife Ann Dofsett the plantation I now dwell upon & all Houses &
Edifices (???) & the Lands during her natural Life (excepting Lands whereon I now dwel (???) called the Orchard, 190 a.
lying over the Spring branch next --to the land called the frame, about 100 a.
TO sonn Thomas Dofsett the Orchard & my dwelling plantation after my wifes decease.
TO my daughter Frances Hoy part of two tracks of Land lying upwards & northerly
from the path Commonly called Thomas Palmers path & being ye old Plantation Comonly called Joseph Harrysons being part
of a tract called Littleworth & part of a Track of Land called Tiviver (???) forever.
TO my four daus. Elizabeth Bowing Ann Dofsett Sarah Dofsett & Mary Dofsett all
that Trackt of Land (???) 431 a. called Lergoe lying in the forks of the Westward branch of Patuxent River to be equally divided
TO sonn John Dofsett (???) land that I bought of Joseph Harryson (???) pt. of Tiviver
(???) 70 a. (???) beg. at at marked Hickory neare the Roade called Mattapony Road (???) in line of the Orchard.
TO John Dofsett (???) remainder of his lands.
TO Loveing wife Ann Dofsett all remaining personal estate. Wife Ann Dofsett to be sole
Executrix. Sett Hand & Seal Sg'd, Sealed & Del. in presence of
his Robert Huker Wm. (X) Austin John (ID) Dofsett [Seal] his mark marke William (A) Harryson Aron (A) Lumus Endorsed--May his mark his mark the Ninth day 1711 Benj. Berey Depy Comify Pr. Geo. Co. The
will of Ann Dorsett, John Dorsett's widow, is dated 14th January, 1720, and was probated 5th June, 1721. Among the bequests
are: "To my grandson Dorsett Hoeys onne maire cault. To James Hoey John Bean Juner Thomas Webster and Linard Freacer each
onne Cow Calfe."
IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN. This tenth day of September Anno 1712 in the 10th year of
the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lady Anne (???) Abraham Ruttan of New Barbadoes in the County of Bergen (???) finding himself
sickly and declining but of sound mind (???) being satisfied with that what God of his mercy hath blest my honest endeavors
(???) doe (???) this my last will (???).
Imprimus I humbly Resign my soul into the hands of Almighty God my Creator Hoping for
and trusting only to obtain Salvation by the merits of my Blessed Saviour Jesus Christ. My body I commit to the earth(???);
(???)as for my worldly estate my will is that all my just debts (???) shall be justly and truly paid (???). I will and bequeath
as followeth: Item to son Daniel Rutan (???) plantation where he now lives (he to pay mortgage of œ50). Item (???) to
Daniel (???) horse named Bloss and one two year old heifer. Item(???) to my dearly Beloved Wife Mary Rattan all my estate
both Reale and Personal (???)to allenate sell and dispose of (???). Item (???)appoint my dearly beloved wife my whole and
sole executrix (???).
ABRAH RUTAN (L. S.) Witness: Abraham Nefort, Cornelius Woolf, Edwd. Kingsland. Proved the 19th. May 1713 before Thomas Gordon.
Dated February 19, 1713. Proved June 12, 1713. (1) To children all her estate. (2) To daughter Susanna the Molata childe, Johannes Popa till he become 21 years of age. (3) To son David two cows. To Peter one cow. MARY RUTAN (L. S.) Witness: Cornelis Vanderoofs, John Wage, John Berrys. Administrator appointed by the Court: Daniel Rutan. Inventory of Mary Rutan's Estate includes: 5 cowse, 4 cattle, 3 horses, 7 sheep, 1 chest, 1 cobbord, 1 broad ax, 2 puter dishes, 1 puter bassen, 1 puter pot, 4 iron pots, 1 brass cettle, shovel and tongs, 1 Dussen Spoons, 1 sette, 1 bed, 1 plow, 1 cross cut saw, 1 wagen, 3 axes. Total valuation: œ35:13:0
In the Name of God Amen, I Paul Hoye of Washington County and State of Maryland being
of sound and disposing mind memory and understanding and being desirous to settle my worldly affairs do make and publish this
my last Will and Testament in manner and form following.
FIRST AND principally I commit my sole to the hands of Almighty God and my body to
the Earth to be decently buried by my Executors hereinafter named.
SECONDLY--I give and bequeath to my Son John Hoye and my Brother Leonard M. Deakens
and to the survivor of them in trust for the purpose and use, and none other hereinafter mentioned--All that tract of land
lying and being in Allegany County and State of Maryland called The Gleanings which was granted to me by Patent for five thousand
one Hundred and Fifty four acres (except such parts of said tract as I may have conveyed away or sold) also one other tract
of Land lying and being in the County and State aforesaid called Crab Tree Bottom "containing One Hundred and Twelve acres,
One other tract in the County and State aforesaid called "Locust Thickett" containing forty one and one quarter acres--also
four lots of land lying and being in Allegany County Westward of Fort Cumberland and within the reserved lands laid out by
the State of Maryland each lot containing fifty acres be the same, of the said several tracts lots or parcels of land more
or less. Likewise all the Stock and farming utensils on the farm whereon Willam W. Hoye now lives in Allegany County aforesaid,
and also a Negro man named Harry, and a Negro Woman named Roda and her children (except her daughter Maria) whch she now hath
or may hereafter have, To have and to hold unto them the said John Hoye and Leonard M. Deakens and the Survivor of them for
the use, upon the trusts and to the intents and purposes (and none other) herein after directed--that is to say, upon trust
to permit and allow the Children of my Son William W. Hoye to have the use and enjoyment of the said tracts or parcels of
Land together with the Stock, Negroes and farming utensils and to have received and enjoy the rents, issues and profits of
the same jointly and for their Mutual Benefit and support, but no part thereof to be subject to any Debts contracted by my
said Son William W. Hoye--
And it is further my desire and will that this trust to the said John Hoye and Leonard
M. Deakens shall continue and be in force until the death of my said Son William W. Hoye and until his youngest child shall
arive at lawful age when it is my Will and direction that the aforesaid land and negroes with their issue shall be equally
divided amongst the children of my said son William W. Hoye or their representatives and if my said son should die leaving
no child or children, then my will and desire is, that the aforesaid Land and negroes together with the increase shall be
divided among the nearest relations of my said son William W. Hoye and their heirs who may be alive at the time of his death,
and it is my express will and desire that the said John Hoye and Leonard M. Deakens shall have the legal possession management
and direction of the aforesaid lands and negroes and the increase thereof to and for the support and benefit of the children
of my said son William, and likewise may at their discretion allow to my said son William any part or portion of the said
tract of land and Negroes and their issue as thereof aforesaid as from time to time they may think prudent and proper, and
it is my further will and desire, that should both the said John Hoye and Leonard M. Deakens die before the trust hereinbefore
delegated and reposed shall have been fully and entirely executed and discharged that the Orphans' Court for the time being
shall appoint a proper person from time to time as the case may require which said person or persons when so appointed shall
have full and complete power and authority to execute and fully discharge the trusts aforesaid. ITEM I will and bequeath and
devise to my Son John Hoye upon his paying a debt due from me to the estate of the late Francis Deakins of about Two Thousand
dollars all my claim interest and estate of in and to every part of the estate of Francis or William Deakins deceased to have
and hold to my said son John Hoye his heirs and assigns forever the said John Hoye paying the taxes for three years after
my decease on the lands hereby bequeathed in trust for the family of my son William. ITEM I like wise give and bequeath unto
my said son John Hoye and to his heirs forever a tract of land situated on Cheat River in Randolph County and State of Virginia
which was conveyed to me by Joseph Scott by deed bearing date the fourteenth day of June One Thousand eight hundred and five
containing One Hundred acres more or less, ITEM I will and bequeath unto my daughter Ann Hoye for use and benefit and to my
son John Hoye in trust and as Guardian to Elizabeth H. Hoye that is to say my will and desire is that my daughter Ann Hoye
have one half of the lands and personal property hereafter enumerated and the other half in trust to my son John Hoye for
the use and support of my Daughter Elizabeth H. Hoye during her life. I will and devise unto my Daughter Ann Hoye and her
heirs forever and unto John Hoye in trust as aforesaid an undivided fourth part of a tract of land called "Hope" situate in
Allegahany County aforesaid containing in the whole tract Four Thousand two hundred and twenty two acres which is to be conveyed
by Leonard M. Deakens, likewise a tract of land called "White Oak Point" containing Three Hundred Acres, another Tract being
part of a tract called "False Alarm" containing One Hundred and Ninety Two Acres both tracts lying in Alleghany County aforesaid
also one other tract of land lying in Randolph County State of Virginia granted to me by Patent for Two Thousand four Hundred
Acres also two Tracts of land lying in Hampshire County State of Virginia one tract containing Five Hundred and Fifty Five
Acres, the other containing One Hundred and forty five acres likewise the tract of land and farm whereon I now live called
lot number four being part of the Resurvey on Salisbury and containing One Hundred and Four and a half acres more or less
and a tract on Conococheage Creek called "Let Justice take place" containing Eighty six acres of land conveyed to me by William
Deakens. And I hereby authorize John Hoye aforesaid under the trust above mentioned with the consent of Ann Hoye to sell all
or any part of the above mentioned lands and vest the proceeds in such Stock or funds as they shall determine to be most advisable
and the one half of the profits under the trust or Guardianship aforesaid to be applied to the use of Elizabeth H. Hoye. I
will also that all my personal estate may be sold consisting of Negroes, Stock Household Furniture, farming utensils and grain
and after the payment of my just Debts, the one half to Ann Hoye, the other half to John Hoye in trust for the support of
Elizabeth H. Hoye or at their discretion to fund the same as they may think proper. And provided Elizabeth H. Hoye shall die
without legal issue her part both real and personal to pass unto John Hoye and to his heirs and assigns forever and provided
Ann Hoye should die without legal issue her part both real and personal to pass unto John Hoye and to his heirs and assigns,
forever, And lastly I do hereby constitute and appoint my son John Hoye and my brother Leonard M. Deakens to be executors
of this my last Will and testament, revoking and annulling all former Wills by me heretofore made ratifying and confirming
this and none other to be my last Will and Testament. In testimony Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal
this ninth day of April in the year of our Lord One Thousand eight hundred and thirteen.
PAUL HOYE [SEAL] Witnesses: Henritta Mariam Galloway Henritta Fitzhugh Benjamin Galloway, Moses Tabler This
instrument of writing which is intended by me the subscriber Paul Hoye of Washington County and State of Maryland to operate
and be as a Codicil to my last Will and Testament I hereby declare to be such. Imprimis It is my further Will and intention
that all the property both real and personal which I have devised and bequeathed to my dearly beloved daughter Ann Hoye by
my last Will and Testament bearing date the ninth day of April in the year of Our Lord One Thousand eight hundred and thirteen,
shall belong to her my said daughter Ann Hoye and her heirs as her absolute property and estate and shall immediately after
my decease vest in her and her heirs in fee simple, anything in my said last Will and testament to the contrary notwithstanding.
ITEM I bequeath to my Niece Ann Deakens, the daughter of my brother Leonard Deakens
the sum of Two Hundred Dollars as a testimony of my sincere Love and affection for her, In Testimony Whereof I have hereunto
set my hand and affixed my seal this twenty first day of April in the year of Our Lord One Thousand eight hundred and thirteen.
Paul Hoye [SEAL]
SLAVES: Negroes Selvy, Henney & 4 children, $700; Ann and 2 children, 450; Vinney,
300; girl Susey, 300; man Sips, 150; James, 450.
STOCK: 17 horses, $580; 32 cattle, 455; 38 sheep, 70; 63 hogs, sows, shotes, 292; 13
geese, 3.50.
DISTILLERY: 1 still of 112 gal., $75; 1 still of 60 gal., 45; 1 small still, 5; 2 grain
hogsheads, 4 kegs, 5 barrels-6.50; 20 still tubs, 20; 18 empty cider hogsheads, 36; 7 hogsheads cider, 42; 1 apple mill, 5.
GRAIN & HAY: 3076 bu. wheat, 614; 2 stacks rye, 90; oats, 80; hay in barn, 75;
hay in stable, 50; hay in sheep stable, 35; 3 stacks second crop hay, 36; corn blades, 5; straw, 22; hemp not rolled, 8; hemp
rolled, not broken, 10; flax, 4; potatoes, 4.50; turnips, 5.
FARM IMPLEMENTS: 3 barshear ploughs, $18; 6 harrows, 16.50; 1 hay ladder, 3; 2 grass
scythes, 1.50; 3 crades and scythes, 3 sickles, 7.25; 5 chopping axes, 6; 1 broad ax, 2; 2 hand saws, 1 cross cut saw-4; 6
augurs, 2 adzes, 4 chisels-3.75; 1 hammer & anvil, 7; lot of cooper stuff, 1.50; 2 crow bars & sledge, 5; 2 wire seives,
2; trow, mall rings, wedges, pump irons-2.25; 3 branding irons, .75; pump irons, log chain-1; 3 shovels, 3 dung forks, 4 pitch
forks, 3 hoes, 1 stake how, 3 corn rakes, 1 lot hay rakes-6; ropes, old iron, shaving horse, 4 sets geers, 1 cutting box-12;
1 wind mill, 20; 1 sleigh, 8; 1 wagon, 27.50; 1 wagon, 90; 1 cart, 15; tanners knife & stool, .75; 3 hackles, 3. HOUSEHOLD UTENSILS & FURNITURE: I large boiler, 4; homny mortar
& pestle, churn, 2 skillets, 1 spur mortar, 2 tin coffee pots, ladles, skimmer, fork & roast spit, sifter, kettle,
pots, oven-8; 1 pair steelyards, 1.50; grid iron, flat iron, 3 pairs and irons-1.75; 5 spinning wheels, real & swift,
1.50; 17 chairs, 8.50; rocking chair, .25; 6 arm chairs, 4; 2 carpets, 6.75; 2 looking glasses, 3.25; 1 table & looking
glass, 1; 2 beadsteads, 2.50; 2 beds & furniture, 35; 2 chamber pots, .30; 4 tables, 8; 7 tea boards, waiters & servers,
5; tea china, 2.50; queensware plates, 2; castor, 1; knives, forks & box, 3; 3 pitchers, coffee mill, tea bag, earthenware-2;
9 dishes & butter bout, 2.50; brass candlesticks & snuffers, 2.50; 1 portmanteue, 1; 6 silver spoons, 1 tea spoon-25;
desk, 2 trunks, 2.50; shovel & tongs, 1; pot racks, pruning knives, tea kettle-2.25; 2 pr window curtains, 1.50; 4 table
cloths, 1; 1 stove, 2.50; 1 gun, 3; saddle & bridle, 1.50; wearing apparel including watch, 10.
Total--$6061.90 Signed and Sealed ( Jacob T. Towson 23rd day of November, 1816. ( Joseph Firey 29th day of Nov., 1816, John Hoye, Exc., made Oath to having the above in his possession.
OF ANN HOYE (Extracts)
"In the name of God, Amen. I, Ann Hoye, of Allegany County in the State of Maryland
(but now in Washington County in said State)"(???)
1. To my niece Ann Hoye 1200 Acres of land in Randolph Co., Va., part of tract patented
to Paul Hoye. Also 70 shares of Hagerstown Bank Stock. Also household effects; also $1000, to be paid when John Hoye, Exc.
settles with Hacob Feiry to whom he sold the land where my father died, and who gave a mortgage for the same. Also to Ann
my girl named Nellie, also her offspring if any; all to serve Ann until they attain the age of 30 yrs.
2. To my brother Wm. W. Hoye my watch, late the property of my father and $200 to be
used only to purchase sheep for him.
3. To Mary Hoye, $200, to purchase a watch for her use.
4. I give to John Hoye my desert spoons during his life and after his death to my nephew
Samuel Hoye; also $200 to purchase "a watch as a mememto, which I request he will wear for my sake." Also all the lands in
Allegany Co. purchased at the sale of Roger Perry and conveyed to me by the Sheriff of Allegany Co.
5. To Eliza Drain, Mary Ann Drain and Eleanor Hoye "daughters by his first wife," $100
6. To Samuel Hoye my one undivided moity of a tract of land in Allegany Co. called
"White Oak Point."
7. To my cousin Ann O. Deakins, $400.
8. To Tabitha Casan, Wife of James Casan of Georgetown, D. Co., $200.
9. To Edward Beatty, son of Eli Beatty, one individed moiety of a tract of land in
Allegany Co., called "Hoye," near James Tidball's.
10. To each of the sons of Wm. W. Hoye "by his first wife", $200 to be applied exclusively
to their education.
11. All the residue of my estate to John Hoye, Who I appoint my Executor.
Dated May 16, 1825 ANN HOYE [Seal] Witnesses--Alex. Neill, Daniel Schuebly, Eli Beatty.
"I Ann Hoye of Allegany," Md.
Imprimis, (1) To James and John Hoye Cassin, the infant children of my Cousin Tabitha
Cassin of Georgetown, Dis. of Col., $150 each, to be invested in the stock of some bank for their use.
2. To my cousin Ann Deakins $100 in addition to item in my will "as a testimony of
her unremitted affection, kindness and attention to me in my Hours of affliction."
3. All the residue of my estate both real and personal, if any should remain undevised
by me, I devise to my niece Ann Hoye and to my Cousin Ann Orme Deakins, the daughters of my deceased Uncle Leonard Deakins,
equally "as a farther testimony of my love and affection for them."
Dated 24th day of June, 1825. Ann Hoye [Seal] Witnesses--Henrietta M. Galloway, Sally Smith, Benjamin Galloway. Filed in Orphans Court of Washington Co. by John Hoye, Sept. 25, 1825.
In the name of God Amen-- I William W. Hoye of Allegany County and state of Maryland
being sick and weak of body but of sound and disposing mind memory and understanding and considering the certainty of death
and the uncertainty of the time thereof and being desirous of settling my worldly affairs, and thereby be the better prepared
to leave this world when it shall please God to call me hence, do therefore make and publish this my last will and Testament
in manner and form following, that is to say--
First and principally I commit my Soul into the hands of Almighty God and my body to
the earth to be buried in the place I have reserved in my own burying ground known by my wife whom I have as my Executrix
and after she has paid my debts and funeral charges, I devise and bequeath to her all my land consisting of five tracts in
Allegany Co. and state of Maryland which my land papers will more fully show. I also devise and bequeath to her my Personal
Property of every description except the roan colt, now two years old, which I devise and bequeath to my son David Hoye. The
Tract of Land called the Gleanings, I request that it may be equally divided amongst my children-- Ann Bishop, Mary Ann Drane,
John Hoye, Samuel Hoye, Edward Hoye, Eli Hoye, Tabitha Hoye, Mariah Hoye, Catherine Hoye, Sarah Jane Hoye, Elizabeth Hoye.
Eliza Drane having had her portion and conveyed it by deed to Samuel Hoye and it is my request that her share may be given
to said Samuel Hoye. In Testemony where of I have here in to set my hand and affixed my seal this 13th Dec. 1831.
Signed sealed published by Wm. W. Hoye the above named Testator as and for his last
Will and Testament in the presence of us who at his request in his presence and in the presence of each other have subscribed
our names as witnesses there to--
Robinson Savage Jr. W. W. Hoye [Seal] Jno. Maxwell Recorded March 4th, 1842, at Cumberland, Md.
3 cows, 2 calves, 8 geese, 3 turkeys: tobacco ($72), buckwheat, wheat and rye in the
ground: 3 hand axes, 2 plows, 1 shovel plow, 1 iron tooth harrow, 3 iron rakes, hoes, 2 grind stones, 1 pr. wagon wheels,
log chain, 1 pr. steel yards, harness, 1 man's saddle and bridle, 1 side saddle, 1 bureau, 1 looking glass, split bottom chairs,
2 cupboards, 6 silver tea spoons, 2 chests, 1 iron kittle, 1 iron pot, 1 griddle, 1 tea kettle (broken), 3 mortars, 1 cutting
box, 1 brass candle stick, 3 tables, 2 grind stones, 1 coffee mill: books ($1.50), 1 wind mill ($12), carpenter tools, 3 feather
beds with bedstead furniture ($16).
Certified, May 27, 1836, by Singleton Townshend, J. P.
I, JOHN HOYE, of Allegany County in the state of Maryland, being in impaired health
of body but of sound and disposing mind, memory and understanding, and being desirous of settling all my worldly affairs that
I may be the better prepared to leave this scene of things whenever it shall please the Almighty to Call me hence, hereby
revoking and cancelling all former wills by me at any time made, do make, declare, ordain and publish this my last will and
testament in manner and form following, that is to say:
1st. I commend my spirit to the keeping of its merciful author and my body I commit
to the Earth, to be buried after my decease at the discretion of my surviving friends and my Executors hereinafter named.
2nd. To my Beloved wife, Mary Hoye, I give and devise in Lieu of her dower in my Real
Estate and of her legal share or Portion of my personal Estate my dwelling House in which I now reside and the lot of ground
on which it is built situate on the West side of Wills Creek and known as lot number Sixty-Six in the town of Cumberland,
together with all my household goods and furniture of every description, including my Library. I also further give and bequeath
to my said wife during her natural life the rents and profits of the following named property situated on the West side of
Wills Creek in the Town of Cumberland, out of which rents and profits the taxes of every kind are to be paid by her for said
property and which said property she is to have under her Control during her life, to be rented out and managed under her
direction in such manner as she shall think best, Namely: The Brick dwelling house situated at the Corner of Paca Street and
Smallwood Street, fronting about twenty-six feet on Paca Street and the part of Lot no. 43 on which said house is built and
attached to the same being the remainder of said lot not heretofore conveyed to Mary Hoye and Isabella Rogers in trust for
the benefit of Isabella Scott; the Frame dwelling House and lot No. 9 at the Corner of Green and Smallwood Streets now occupied
by Robert Reed; the New Brick dwelling House now occupied by George W. Devecmon on Green Street and the small white House
adjacent thereto formerly occupied by said Devecmon as a residence, together with the ground attached to said two dwelling
houses, the same being the remainder of Lot No. 7 on the West side of Wills Creek not heretofore sold by me to Richard Masters.
I further give and bequeath to my said wife the double Carriage, Carriage Horses and Harness of which I shall be possessed
at the time of my death. But if my said wife shall not accept of the aforegoing devise and provision in Lieu of her Dower
interest in my Real Estate and in Lieu of her legal portion of my personal Estate, then she is to take her dower and legal
Interest Alone, which on Account of the unproductive Nature of much of my said Real estate, will not be very valuable. In
Makeing this provision for my dear wife I think I render her situation as to property comfortable and independent, she has
already an annual income of Five or six hundred Dollars for life from her Father's Estate which added to this item of my will
cannot fail to yield her an ample support.
3d. At the death of my said wife the above described property, of which she is to have
the Rents and profits during her life is to be sold by my Executors hereinafter named and the proceeds are to be distributed
under and in conformity with the residuary clause of this my will but in the House and lot herein before described as my residence
my said wife is to take an estate in fee simple.
4th. My Negro woman, Lucinda Dorsey, wife of George Dorsey I hereby manumit from and
at my death; and I further will and direct that her Children, Namely, Susan, aged about nine years, Louisa, aged about Eight
years, Rosanna, aged about seven Years, Mary Amelia, aged about six years and Anna Maria, aged about Nine months, shall severally
serve until they attain the age of twenty-two years, at which age they shall all be free. With regard to the Boy, William
Dorsey lately purchased by me from Mrs. Townsend, he shall serve Agreeably to the term of the bill of sale Executed by her
to me for said boy and recorded in the Clerk's office of Allegany County Court and then he shall be free.
5th. My Negro Girl Eliza Aged about thirteen years and my Negro Girl Elizabeth aged
about twelve years (who are the daughters of Nelly, now deceased) I manumit and set free as soon as they respectively attain
the age of twenty-two years.
6th. My slaves Henry Roboson, Elie Roboson and Phillis Roboson (children of my Freed
woman, Phoebe Roboson) I hereby Manumit and set free from and at the time of my death.
7th. To my Nephew, John Hoye of William I give and devise my tract of Land called William
and Mary containing 932 5/8 Acres Lying Near Alexander Smith's old place in Allegany County.
8th. To my nephew Edward Hoye I give and bequeath the sum of one Thousand Dollars and
my gold watch.
9th. To my Nephew Daniel J. Hoye I give and devise two soldier's lots No. Twelve hundred
and sixty-two and Twelve hundred and Sixty-Three situated at and embracing the Falls of Muddy Creek in Allegany County and
containing Fifty acres each. I Also give and devise to my said nephew a tract of land in Murley's Glade on which Mr. Childs
formerly lived, part of which Tract was conveyed to me by John Hooker, containing about 1100 Acres Virginia Title. I further
give and devise my said Nephew my tract of Land called False Alarm containing about 412 Acres Maryland title. I further give
and bequeath to my said Newphew the sum of Four hundred Dollars.
10th. To my friend James Smith of Allegany County I give and devise my undivided Half
of A Tract of Land Lying Near Westernport in said County which was conveyed to John A. Smith and myself by William Miller
and wife on 26th day of January 1837.
11th. It is my intention in all the aforegoing devises of Real Estate excepting the
Houses and Lots to be rented out by my wife during her life, to devise an estate in fee simple.
12th. To my friend George Smith I give and devise the sum of one Thousand Dollars.
13th. To my friend Elie Beatty of Hagerstown I give and bequeath the sum of Five hundred
14th. To my Niece Mrs. Ann Bishop of Washington County, I give and devise the sum of
one Thousand Dollars.
15th. To my Niece Ellen S. Pearson wife of George Pearson I give and bequeath the sum
of Five hundred Dollars.
16th. To my niece Catharine Ridgely I give and bequeath the sum of Five hundred Dollars.
17th. To Maria Armstrong my niece wife of Thomas H. Armstrong I give and bequeath the
sum of Five hundred Dollars.
18th. To my niece Elizabeth Hoye I give and bequeath the sum of Five hundred dollars.
19th. To my niece, Miriam D. Hoye, I give and bequeath the sum of Five Hundred Dollars.
20th. To my niece Tabitha Townsend deceased wife of J. L. Townsend of Allegany County,
died Leaving three children, whose Christian names I do not know, to each of these three children I give and bequeath the
sum of three hunderd Dollars.
21st. To Maria Drane the daughter of my niece Eliza Drane, Deceased, the Former wife
of Washington Drane, I give and bequeath the sum of three hundred Dollars.
22nd. To Ann Drane and Richard Drane the two children of my niece Mary Ann Drane Dec'd,
who was the wife of Marine Drane, I give and bequeath the sum of three hundred Dollars each that is to say, three hundred
Dollars to Ann and three hundred Dollars to Richard.
23rd. To my friend George Smith and my nephew Edward Hoye of Allegany County and the
survivor of them if either of them shall refuse to act or become incapacitated to do so then to the one of them who shall
act in the premises, I give and devise all the rest and residue of my property, Real, personal and mixed, in trust nevertheless
to be sold by them or Either of them if the other one of them shall not qualify and act in the performance of the trust powers
heretofore contained and it is my will and desire that all my estate of every description (Not otherwise disposed of in and
by this my last will and testament wheresoever the same may be situated shall be sold by the said trustees or either of them
if the other shall not unite in the trust, at such time as may be deemed advisable but as soon as practicable after my decease
for the following uses and purposes to wit--First to pay All my just debts and the various legacies or bequests contained
in this instrument and secondly, the remainder of my estate after it shall have been converted into money by my said trustees
or either of them who shall as sole trustee act in the premises I desire and direct my said trustees or either of them who
shall as sole Trustee Execute this trust, to divide and distribute share and share alike in equal proportions among my four
Nephews, John Hoye of William, David Hoye, Daniel J. Hoye and Edward, their Heirs, Executors and administrators and it is
my will and I hereby direct that at and after the decease of my dear wife my said trustees or either of them as sole trustee
if the other shall not unite in the trust, shall sell the four Houses and Lots mentioned and described in the second Item
in this will, the rents and profits of which are to be enjoyed by my said wife during her life time and that the said trustees
or either of them as sole trustee as aforesaid, shall distribute the proceeds of said sales among my four nephews mentioned
in this clause of my will Namely, John Hoye of William David Hoye Daniel J. Hoye and Edward Hoye and I hereby authorise and
empower my said trustees or either of them if acting solely in the premises to sell all my real Estate intended and meant
by me to pass under this will into the hands of the said trustees or either of them as sole trustee as aforesaid at such time
and place on such Notice and terms and in such Manner either at publick or private sale as to them or either of them as such
sole trustee shall seem advisable and proper and I hereby empower said Trustees or either of them as sole trustee as aforesaid
to convey by deed to the purchasers thereof all and every portion of the said Real Estate so held in trust and intended to
pass under this will wheresoever the same may lie or be situated in as ample and perfect a manner as I myself could do if
I were personally present and had in my own person made such sale or sales. I also empower the said trustees or either of
them Sole trustee as aforesaid to make and execute all such deeds of conveyance for lands sold by me in my life time as I
myself would be bound or requested in good faith to make if I were living at the time when such deeds shall be required to
be made and when it shall be just and proper that such deeds should be made it is further herein provided for as well as the
lands and property which I shall be the owner at the time of my death and not otherwise disposed of by this will shall pass
to my said trustees or the sole trustee under this devise and be held by them or him as herein provided for as well as the
lands and property which I own and am possessed of at the time of my making this will.
24th. It is my will and I hereby direct that my aforementioned trustees or sole trustee
as aforesaid shall receive and retain twelve per cent Commission out of the proceeds of all sales of land made in virtue of
this my will.
25th. If the said George Smith and Edward Hoye shall both die or refuse to act or become
incapacitated to perform the duties imposed on them by this will before my entire estate is settled up, then and in such case,
I hereby request the Judges of Allegany County Court to appoint some suitable person to complete the settlement of my estate
in conformity with the provisions of this will but it is my will and request that none of the Perry Family shall ever have
any part or lot or be in any manner concerned or employed in such final settlement of my estate.
26th. It is my will and I hereby direct that if any person Named as A devisee in this
will shall dispute or Commence any suit or legal proceedings about the provisions of this my last will then and in such case
every such person so dissatisfied shall be totally disbarred from any benefit under this my said will and the bequest or devise
hereinbefore contained to him, her or them shall pass in to the residuary part of my estate.
27th. I hereby constitute and appoint my aforementioned friend George Smith and my
nephew Edward Hoye the Executors of this my last will and testament.
In testimony whereof and ratifying and confirming and declaring this to be my last
will and testament, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this second day of March in the year of our Lord one Thousand Eight
hundred and forty-nine.
sealed, published and declared by John Hoye the above named testator as and for his last will and testament in the presence
of us who, at his request, in his presence and in the presence of each other, have subscribed our names as Witnesses thereto.
Joseph Shriver Frederick L. Johnson Probated June 12, 1849. P. A. Healy.
The following condensed inventory is presented to illustrate what a gentleman of wealth
of the ante-bellum days had in his house and on his lot in the City of Cumberland. The complete inventory is on file in the
Court House. Only a few of the valuations are here given; they were based upon probable returns at public sale. The records
show that a few articles of furniture were sold to Mr. Hoye's nephews, but that most of the household furniture finally went
to his widow, and later passed by will to her niece, Mary Perry.
PARLOR and SITTING ROOM: 2 Looking glasses, $40; 1 pr. gilt looking glasses; 3 pier
tables, marble tops, $55; 1 doz. mahogany cushion chairs, $40; 5 rocking chairs; sofa, $20; piano, stool and music, $220;
set marble chandiliers, $10; 2 parlor chandiliers, $75; 2 Astor lamps, candle stand, 2 glass candle sticks; round center table,
$10; 3 gilt framed pictures, black window chairs, easy chair, settlee, brass clock, 2 card tables; secretary and book case,
$20; brass clock, 20 brass carpet rods; parlor carpet Brussells and rug, $140; Matting on front parlor, $5, and carpet under
it, $10; mahogany hat rack, passage lamp, 6 window blinds, I China cigar holder; 6 fenders, $12; 2 pr. andirons, $13; 6 pokers,
2 sets shovels and tongs, cinder shovels. Library consisting of 188 volumes--$25.
DINING ROOM: Mahogony set dining table, $15; breakfast table; mahogany side board,
$25; celery glasses, 6 salt cellars, 1 set white china dining ware, $15; 1 broken set, $5; 10 cane bottomed chairs, water
cooler, clock; refrigerator, $15; 13 diaper table cloths, $65; 1/2 doz. knives and forks, $30; 5 carver's knives and steels;
1/2 doz. oyster knives, 2 butter knives, 11 German silver forks; 3 knive trays; 83 oz. silver ware, $62.25; 4 castors, $20;
1 large plait and waiter, $10; small plated water; plated coffee urn, $10; 2 plated decanter stands; break basket, $4; cake
basket, $5; 2 glass water pitchers, 1 cream pitcher, 10 pitchers; 7 toast bowls, 2 blue mange dishes, 14 pressed desert dishes;
20 punch glasses, 23 jelly glasses, 13 wine glasses, 12 goblets, 11 tumblers, 5 wine decanters, $12.50; 4 decanters, 1 doz
table mals, 2 china bowls, 11 glass finger bowls; 2 brass candle sticks; 4 plated candle wicks; 2 snuffers, cracker box.
BED ROOMS: Bureau and dressing glass, $15; marble top washstand, $10; red Astor lamps,
oil lamp, chamber candle stick; toilet looking glass, $20; washstand, 6 double bedsteads including mattresses, $180; single
bed and bedding, $15; 1 trundle bed stead; crib, $5; mantle clock; 6 wash bowls, pitchers, soap boxes; 8 chamber pots, $2;
2 wooden and one china foot tubs; china mug; matting, 3 chamber carpets; Marseills quilts, $24; 7 prs. blankets, $35; 1 cupboard
feather bed, 5 comforts; 11 prs. linen sheets, $44; 4 prs. cotton sheets; 23 prs. linen pillow cases, $18; 4 pillow covers;
8 cotton pillow cases, 3 prs. dimity window curtains, 1 pr. plain cotton curtains, 2 toilet covers, 1 set bed curtains; 34
diaper towels.
KITCHEN: 2kitchen tables, 6 kitchen chairs; 2 cupboards, $10; 1 set china tea ware,
3 common waiters, 6 hand brushes, 1 table brush, 7 bread baskets, lot tin ware, 9 pewter plates, 2 sifters; 3 Dutch ovens,
2 large dinner pots; 3 large iron kettles, $15; 1 large copper kettle, $10; 2 small iron pots, 5 wash tubs, 2 blue metal kettles,
2 mortars, 2 coffee mills, 4 flat iron, 2 rolling pins, 1 sausage chopper.
MISCELLANEOUS: 22 yellow window chairs; washing machine, $5; crout barrell, 4 hogsheads,
49 empty barrells, 1 oil can, 2 freezing tubs, 2 milk troughs, 5 market baskets, 2 clothes baskets, 2 buckets, 4 coal hods,
1 churn, 4 slop baskets, 1 clothes horse, 4 Flesh brushes, 4 brass knobs, 4 doz. candle moulds, 1 spinning wheel; 1 bathing
tub, $6; 1 grindstone, 1 scale an dweights, 1 common, 1 hall and 1 airtight stoves and pipes; 3 hearth rugs, 4 ash cans, 1
wood ladder, 1 bear skin; 1 thermometer, 1 plate stove and pipe; 1 medicine chest and medicine, $; iron chest, $10; 2 wood
saws, 2 hand saws, 2 squares, 1 draw scales, 1 pr. steelyards, 1 lot of tools; 8 bags timothy seed; 8000 bricks, $32. Planks,
scantling, locust posts--total $97. 120 Horse power steam engine, $1500.
OFFICE: Safe, $3; 2 office tables, $3; 1 writing desk; 1 lot of maps, 1 surveyors compass
and chain, $25; 1 surveyors compass, $20; 1 small surveyors compass, $5; 1 stove and pipe, $7.
IN THE STABLE: 1 carriage and harness, $300; a buggy and harness, $60; 1 four horse
wagon, $70; 2 carriage horses, $150; 1 young horse, $90; 1 saddle and 2 bridles, $10; 2 half bushel measures, 1 corn sheller,
2 wheelbarrows; 1 shovel plow, $3; 2 barshare plows, $10; 1 harrow, $6; 1 cutting box, 2 pitch forks, 2 rakes; 2 large breeding
sows, $10; 4 middle sized hogs, $12; 6 shoats, $9; 1 cow and calf, $15; 2 cows, $20; 3 yearlings, $18; 1 yoke of oxen, $40.
SLAVES: Henry, $300; Elie, $300; Phillis, $200; William, age 8 years, to serve 14 years,
$175; Susanna, 9 yrs., to serve 13 yrs., $150; Louisa, 8 yrs., to serve 14 years., $125; Mary Amelia, 7 yrs., to serve 15
yrs., $100; Anna Maria, 9 months, $5; Eliza, 13 yrs. (sickly) $5; Elizabeth, 12 yrs., $100; Jim, 9 yrs. (slave for life),
$200; Lucinda Dorsey, 40 yrs., $150; Rosanna Dorsey, 40 yrs., $125.
Amount of appraisal of this inventory--$6470.87 1/2.
Dated July 10, 1849. Signed--Geo. W. Devecmon, Jas. Williams. George Smith, Executor.
IN ALLEGANY COUNTY, MD., 1849. (Condensed)
93 Military lots, 50 acres each--4650
acres, @ $1.00
$ 4650.00 |
20 Military lots or fractions, 964 acres,
@ $.50, $2, $3 |
2,088.00 |
Part of Cherry Creek, 341 a.; Buck Pasture,
254 a.; Johns Prospect, 410 a.; Son Wood Rs. 979 a.; Textile, 108 a.; Pt. Down the River, 155 a.; Pt. Memphis, 325 a.; Hope,
1056 a.; Half Slade Farm, 125 a.; Pt. Leatherwood, 100 a.; Flavia Res., 517; Pt. Ox Pasture, 304 a.; Half of Rays Discovery,
124a.; Half Mount Pisgah 235a.; Boornes, 932a.; Hoyes Fancy, 52a.; Hoyes Discovery, 291a.; Pt. Dundas, 297 a.; Enfield, 310
a.; Anvill, 770; Half Mt. Pelion, 157 a.; Hoyes Last Hope, 322 a.; John Hoyes Research, 50 a.; Cormandee, 151 a.; John Hoyes
Wish, 303 a.; Pt. Moskwa Res., 8916 a.; Hoyes Neglest, 120 a.; Robeys Delight, 421; Mt. Ray, 99a.; Bermuda, 407 a.; Hoyestown
(lot 3775), 502; Pt. Bridgewater, 164 a.; New Hampton, 96a. Total--19125 acres, $1.00 per acre |
19125.00 |
Nothing But Coal, 20 a.; $20 |
400.00 |
One third of Etheopia of the Isles, 871
a., $5.00 |
4357.00 |
John Hoyes Small Gain, 26 1/2 a., $10.00 |
262.00 |
7-10 part of Rectitude, 27 1/4 a., $20.00 |
545.00 |
Pt. William Hoyes Neglect, 104 a., $2.00 |
208.00 |
Pt. Moores Farm, 192 1/4 a., @ $5.00 |
961.00 |
John Hoyes Ore Bank Res., 1932 7/8 a., @
$2.00 |
3865.00 |
Pt. of Flowery Mead, 121 1/2 a., $5.00 |
607.00 |
Pt. of Flowery Mead, 303 a., $.50 |
151.00 |
Inventory also included 37 small tracts
of about 2000 acres |
2500.00 |
14 City lots in Cumberland, the most valuable
being Lots 66, $5000, and 7, $4000. Total |
17550.00 |
Lands of Pettit and Hoye: Canal Warehouse
Res., 2373 a., $2; Coal and Iron Certain, 2756 1/2 a., $2; Pontiac, 45 5/8 a., $2; Narrows, 13a., $10. Total--5188 acres,
value--$8061. One half to John Hoye, viz--2594 acres, value |
4030.00 |
Total value |
$60545.37 |
Total Acres owned, including City lots, about 27320. This does not include John
Hoye's land in Virginia or the Paul Hoye lands.
Item--Provides that her lot No. 66 in Cumberland be divided and that the part adjoining
H. Hebb's lot be sold and the proceeds be divided equally between Isabella Rizer, Lucy Perry, Lucy Annan and Mary C. Perry.
Item--To her niece Mary Perry, she bequeaths all her household furniture, all china
and glassware, silver and plated ware. Also the balance of lot 66 with the dwelling house and improvements, during her natural
Item--After death of Mary Perry, executors shall dispose of the house and lot, divide
the proceeds equally between the Trustees of the Mary Hoye School House and the African Missionary Society, "for the purpose
of converting and Christianizing the African Race."
Item--To Lewis Throgmorten and William Gross, formerly family servants, $100 each.
Item--The residue of her estate she bequeathed equally to Isabella Rizer, Lucy Perry,
Lucy Annan and Mary C. Perry.
Executors--Samuel P. Smith, George Smith of Alex.
Signed--6th August, 1873. MARY HOYE Witnesses--Robert
Bruce, Nelson Read, W. H. Wilkins.
Probated by Mary Perry, 29th October, 1875.
In the Name of God Amen this twenty Ninth day of May in the year of our Lord One thousand
Eight hundred I William Deakins of Prince Georges County and State of Maryland being of perfect mind & Memory do make
and Ordain this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following--
First I give and Pray to recommend my Soul unto Almighty God who gave it Hopeing for
Mercy through our Lord Jesus Christ--and as to my body I recommend it to the Earth to be Decently Buried--And as to my wordly
Estate Goods and Effects
NOTE:--Administration reports show the sale of the
"Hoye Mansion" and lot, Jan. 29, 1881, to Wm. H. Shepard for $7500, but this sale was set aside by the Court. The
executors then sold the same to Mary C. Swartzwelder for $6300, which she "will pay at least half cash and the balance
within a reasonable time, or as soon as the undersigned shall require her to pay it." (Report dated 18th May, 1881.)
On June 25, 1881, the executors deeded the property to Mary C. Swartzwelder, consideration $1.00. The records do not show
any payment by Mary C. Swartzwelder or any disbursement from Mary Hoye's estate to the School House Trustees or to
the Missionary Society.
which it hath pleased Almighty God to Bless me with in this life I do Dispose of in
manner and form following--
I give and bequeath unto my Son Leonard Marbury Deakins his Heirs and Assigns for ever
my Dwelling Plantation and all the Lands thereunto belonging being about Two Hundred and Forty two Acres. And also my Tract
of Land Called North Esk Containing Seventy four and ahalf Acres which I Purchased of Robert Bucken--
I give and bequeath unto Mip Martha Murdock the feather Bed and furniture She in common
Uses together with Fifteen Pounds Current Money--
I give unto my Son Francis Deakins During his Life my two Mulatto Slaves known by the
Name of Jack and Stephen which he now and for Some years past has had in possession-- which Slaves I recommend to his, my
Sons Humane protection --And my will is and I do hereby upon the Death of my Said Son Francis Deakins give unto the aforesaid
two Mulatto Slaves Jack and Stephen their freedom and full Emancipation from Slavery recommending them to their own care Industry
and Prudence.
I give unto my Son Leonard Marbury Deakins during his Life my two Negro Lads by the
name of Basel and Patrick and also my Negro Girl Liddy--which three Slaves I recommend to my Son Leonards Human Protection
and my will is and I do hereby upon the Death of my Said Son Leonard M. Deakins-- Give unto the aforesaid two Negro Lads Basel
and Patrick their Fredom and full Emancipation from Slavery. I also upon the Death of my Son Leonard, Give unto the aforesaid
Negro Girl Liddy her freedom and full Emancipation from Slavery--recommending the Said Negroes to their own care Industry
and Prudence--And also the Increase of her the aforesaid Negro Girl Liddy their Freedom and full Emancipation at the age of
Thirty one--recommending them to their own care Industry and prudence--my old Negro woman Jenny to be Free when ever She Choices--
The residue of my Effects Having been before Divided among my Sons require no Explanation
And Lastly my will is and I do Hereby appoint my Son Leonard Deakins Executor of this
my last will and Testament revoking all former Wills before made--In witness whereof I do hereunto set my hand and Seal the
day and year First above written--
Signed Sealed and Delivered by the Testator William Deakins to be his Last Will and
Testament in the Presents of us the Subscribers who at his request and in the Presence of each other do Sign our names as
In the Name of God Amen I, Francis Deakins of George Town in the District of Columbia,
being in good health, considering the uncertainty of life and hoping for future bliss, do make this my Last Will and Testament--
I give to my Affectionate Wife, Eleanor Deakins, the nine following negroes--Hercules,
Zelby, James, Black Jack, Sophia, Andrew, Rachel, Sarah and Milly--Together with one thousand acres of land, part of a tract
of 2500 acres in Randolph County, Virginia, surveyod for Francis and William Deakins the 27th day of April, 1793, to be laid
out at the most South end of said tract. To her and her Heirs and Assigns for ever.
I give to my Dear Wife during her life, the Home and Lot in George Town in which we
live, with the furniture therein-- Lot No. 48 on which my Stable and Office are--Also the privilege of getting fire wood from
eighteen and a half acres land near Genl Forrest, Conveyed to me by Benjamin Stoddert--Our chariot pair of Horses and two
Cows, together with two Hundred and ten pounds Current money to be paid to her by my Executors yearly and every year After
my Decease and During her Life, Provided that my Wife Relinquish her Right of Dower to all my Lands, which in the unimproved
State in which they are, can be of no benefit or Advantage whatever to her--further give to my Dear Wife During her Life,
my three negro men, Tom, Stephen and Mulatto Jack--And that she may not be perplexed with the Management of them I advise
her to permit them the privilege to hire themselves so long as they pay her twenty five shillings each pr. month and support
themselves with Cloath Diet and Tax Clear of Expense to her--
I Give to my brother Leonard M. Deakins' Two sons--William Francis Deakins and Francis
Deakins, Six Thousand Acres Choice of my lands in Virginia not sold at my Decease, and Clear of the undivided half of the
said Lands belonging to The Estate of William Deakins Jr--To them the said William Francis Deakins and Francis Deakins their
Heirs and Assigns for ever.
I give to my Nephew John Hoye my tract of land Called Elder Spring patented to me in
Maryland for four hundred and eleven acres, also fifteen Hundred and thirty six acres part of a tract of Five Thousand acres
in Harrison County, which was Conveyed by me to him in 1799 for Certain purposes, and for which I hold his obligation to Reconvey
it to me or my order-- which said two tracts I give to him his Heirs and Assigns for ever--
And all the Residue of my Estate Real and personal--after my Just debts are paid--I
do by this my Last Will and Testament, Desire and Direct to be Devided and apportioned Between my two brothers Paul Hoye and
Leonard M. Deakins, in Manor and form following--to wit--one third part thereof to Paul Hoye his Heirs and Assigns for ever,
And the Remaining two thirds to Leonard M. Deakins his Heirs and Assigns for ever--And whereas I have made many Conveyances
of lands, my Will is that in case any such land or conveyance be hereafter found Defective, so to admit of a legal Claim on
my Estate or legal Representative, that when such legal Claim is Established against my Estate, it shall be paid with all
Cost, by my aforesaid two brothers, or their Heirs Executors or Administrators in the same proportion they Receive the aforesaid
Residue of my Estate--
And Lastly I do by this my Last Will and Testament appoint Leonard M. Deakins and John
Hoye my executors Giving to them full power to perform and fulfill all Contracts by me made and to Execute and perfect all
Conveyance in as full manor as I myself if Living Could do.
In witness whereof I do Hereunto Set my Hand and Seal this twenty fourth Day of September
Eighteen Hundred and four--
FRANCIS DEAKINS (SEAL) Witnesses: Willm Whann, Clement Smith, Wm. D. Beall Filed for probate on the 14th of November, 1804, by John Hoye.
(The original of the above will of Francis Deakins is on file in the office of the
Register of Wills of the District of Columbia. The handwriting of the will resembles John Hoye's. The signature is in a clear,
but evidently unsteady hand. There is a "seal" pasted securely after the signature.)
To his wife, Deborah M. Deakins, household furniture, two negroes and their children.
Also all rents and profits from his lands in Maryland until his youngest child shall be sixteen years of age. Also the privilege
of taking wood from his tract called "Deakins Hall."
To his son, William Francis, the home plantation (Bloomfield) after his mother's death.
To his seven daughters, 7000 acres, undivided part of land devised to him by Francis
Deakins, on the west side of the Allegany Mountains in Virginia.
The residue of his estate equally to all his children.
Executors--Deborah M. Deakins, William F. Deakins, James S. Morse.
Dated: August 1, 1816 (Sgd) L. M. DEAKINS (SEAL) Witnesses: Wm. Young, Manduit Young, Archibald Van Horn.
"I give to my brother Francis Deakins and his heirs forever one half of the said estate.
The residue I devise to my brothers Leonard Marbury Deakins and Paul Hoy and their heirs forever equally to be divided between
them as tenants in common and not as joint tenants."
Dated 2nd March, 1798.
In the name of God Amen I John Rutan of Allegany County and State of Maryland being
sick and weak in body but of sound and disposing mind memory and understanding considering the certainty of death and the
uncertainty of the time thereof and being desirous to settle my worldly affairs and thereby be the better prepared to leave
this world when it shall please God to call me hence do therefore make and publish this my last will and testament in manner
and form following that is to say First and principally I commit my sole into the hands of Almighty God and my body to the
earth to be decently buried at the discretion of my Executor hereinafter named and after my debts and funeral charges are
paid I leave to my dear wife Catherine one third of the hole amount of my estate if she shall outlive me and after her death
to my son David.
(Here follow bequests to his children and grandchildren: To sons Peter and Daniel;
to daughters Sarah Moore, Mary Hoye and Catherine Rutan--each fifty dollars; to grandchildren Sarah and Isaac, children of
Isaac Rutan--twenty five dollars each; to grandson Jfse Rutan, son of Andria Rutan-- fifty dollars. All bequests to be paid
after the death of his wife Catherine.)
I bequest to my son David all my real and personal property after the above legacys
are paid.
And lastly I do hereby constitute and appoint David Rutan and Joseph Frantz Joint Executors
of this my last will and testament revoking and annulling all former wills by me heretofore made ratifying and confirming
this and none other to be my last will and testament. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal
this second day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty seven.
JOHN (O) RUTAN his mark Witnesses:
John Frantz, Stephen P. Rutan, Joseph J. Frantz, Daniel J. Hoye.
"In the name of God Amen, I, James Slicer of Allegany County(???)"
To son Samuel Slicer, negro man named Spencer.
To daughter, Harriet Slicer, negro woman named Darkey and negro girl named Esther with
their increase.
To daughter, Ann Cromwill, negro girl named Hariot.
To son, John Slicer, negro girl named Sarah and her increase.
Bequests: To son Walter Slicer, negro named Thomas
To son, James Slicer, negro boy named George.
"I give and bequeath to each of my daughters, Nelly Hoy and Ann Cromwell one hundred
"It is my will and desire that my land whereon I now live be sold(???)and the money
equally divided amongst my four sons, after paying legacies."
"It is my will and I do direct that all the beforenamed negroes and land be and remain
in the hands of my beloved wife, Mary Slicer, during her natural life with all the remainder of my property(???)."
Lastly he appoints his wife, Mary Slicer, and son, Walter Slicer, executors.
(???)JAMES SLICER Witnesses--Wm. McMahon, Thos. Blair, Samuel Jevis. Signed, Dec. 15, 1807. Probated, Feb. 13, 1808.
Made the twelfth day of Jany in the tenth year of the Dominion of Frederick Absolute
Lord and Proprietary of the Province of Maryland and C. and in the year of our Lord Christ one thousand seven hundred and
sixty one. Between Paul Hoye of Prince Georges County and Province of Maryland Planter of one part and Thomas Contee of Charles
County and Province aforesaid of the other part--Witnesfeth that the said Paul Hoye for and in consideration of the sum of
Ninety three pounds sterling Lawful money of Great Britain(???)paid(???) sold(???)convey(???)unto Thomas Contee--Two Tracts
of Land --in Prince Georges County(???)one called Tiviner(???)the other Littleworth ninety three and one half acres(???)fences
buildings--except one half acre--Paul Hoye reserves to him self and his heirs forever as a burying Ground or GraveYard and
in which half acre of Land several corps have been heretofore interred--shall and will warrant and forever Defend by these
presents--In testimony(???)Paul Hoye(???)set his hand and affixed his seal.
PAUL HOYE (SEAL) Witnesses: I. Hepburn, Wm. Deakins.
THIS INDENTURE made this fourth day of April seventeen hundred and eighty nine Between
Paul Hoye of Washington County(???)and Luke Marbury of Prince Georges County (???)Witnesfeth--for one hundred and twenty five
pounds--sell --that Tract of land Called Tewkesbury--pattented to Francis Marbury, Sept. 26, 1728(???)35a(???)also--a tract
adjoining Tewkesbury called Apple Hill, 65 a. as willed by Francis Marbury to his daughter, Tabitha Hoye, which same will
bears date Jan. 1, 1734,(???)affixed his seal(???).
PAUL HOYE (SEAL) Witnesses--Alex. Claggett, John Stull.
May 9, 1774--Warrant then granted unto Paul Hoy of Frederick County for one Thousand
Acres of Land he having paid the sum of Fifty Pounds Sterling caution for the same as appears etc.(???)256 acres applied to
Friends Delight, 112 a. to Crab Tree Bottom, 341 a. to Carmel, 291 a. to Shawney War, total 1000 acres.
PAUL HOYE, HIS PATENT ) THE STATE OF "FRIENDS DELIGHT," 256 Acres ) MARYLAND, KNOW YE that Whereas Paul Hoye, late of Frederick now of Washington County had surveyed for him a tract or parcel of land called "Friends Delight," lying and being then in Frederick now in Washington County and containing two hundred and fifty-six acres, by virtue of so much part of a warrant for one thousand acres granted him out of the Proprietary's Land Office the ninth day of May seventeen hundred and seventy-four, according to the condition of Plantation then in force as appears, and the right of the proprietary being now vested in the State of Maryland. The
said State doth hereby Grant unto him the said Paul Hoye all that the aforesaid tract or parcel of land called "Friends Delight,"
lying in Washington County.
Beginning at a bounded Hickory standing about four perches above the mouth of Ginsang
Run, which Run empties into the East side of the Great Youghigany River about thirteen miles above the Province Line and running
thence North, thirty-eight degrees East, one hundred and thirty-five perches; North, forty degrees West, eighty perches; South,
seventy-nine degrees; West, one hundred perches; South, one hundred and ten perches; South, sixty-seven degrees West, seventy-eight
perches; South, forty degrees West, thirty-seven perches; South, twenty-nine degrees East, seventy perches; South, eighty
degrees East, two hundred and fifteen perches; South, thirty-five degrees East, thirty-one perches; North, sixty perches;
then with a straight line to the beginning,--
Containing two hundred and fifty-six acres, according to the Certificate of Survey
thereof taken and returned into the Land Office bearing date the fourteenth day of May seventeen hundred and seventy-four,
and there remaining; Together with all rights, profits, benefits and privileges thereunto belonging --To Have and To Hold
the same unto him the said Paul Hoye, his heirs and assigns forever--
Given under the Great Seal of the State of Maryland, this fifteenth day of February
seventeen hundred and eighty six.
Witness the Honorable John Rogers, Esq. Chancellor W. Smallwood (THE GREAT SEAL) J. Rogers PAUL HOYE, HIS PATENT. ) The State of Maryland "THE GLEANINGS," 5144 Acres ) &c, Know ye that whereas Paul Hoye of Washington County, on the twenty fourth day of April seventeen hundred and ninety two obtained a special warrant to resurvey the following lands lying and being in Allegany County and contiguous to each other, siigt: "Crabtree Bottom," originally on the fifteenth day of February, seventeen hundred and eighty six granted the said Paul Hoye for one hundred and twelve acres; and lots No. 4091, 4092, 4093, and 4094, each containing fifty acres, with liberty of correcting any errors in the former surveys, adding any contigous vacancy and of reducing the whole into one entire tract. In
pursuance whereof a resurvey was made and a certifcate therof returned by which it appeared the said originals contained the
exact quantity of the hundred and twelve acres to which was added four thousand eight hundred and thirty two acres of vacant
land. And the said Paul Hoye having pursuant to law, paid the Treasurer of the Western Shore the sum of six hundred and four
pounds current money for the said vacant land, and sixteen shillings for some improvements thereon.
The State of Maryland doth hereby grant and confirm unto the said Paul Hoye the said
lands resurveyed as aforesaid with the vacancy added, reduced into one entire tract and called "The Gleanings," lying in Allegany
County aforesaid--
Beginning at a bounded white oak tree standing at the foot of the west side of the
Buffaloe Marsh hill on the East side of Crab tree Run, about three quarters of a mile below the head of it, It being the bounded
white oak tree at the end of the fifth line of Lot No. 4094, and running thence South--(Here follow the boundaries, 196 lines),
containing five thousand One hundred and forty four acres, according to the certificate of resurvey thereof, taken and returned
into the Land Office bearing date the twentieth day of October seventeen hundred and ninety two and there remaining: Together
with all rights, profits, benefits and privileges there-unto belonging--to Have and to Hold the same unto him the said Paul
Hoye his heirs and assigns forever:
Given under the Great Seal of the State of Maryland, this twenty eighth day of February
seventeen hundred and ninety four--
Witness the Honorable Alexander Contee Hanson, Esquire, Chancellor.
Tho. L. Lee (THE GREAT SEAL) A. C. Hanson, Chancellor
Robert Brooke, Esquire, Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia--To all to whom these
presents shall come, Greeting:
Know ye, that by virtue of two Land Office Treasury Warrants Numbers 21351 and 15801,
There is granted by the said Commonwealth unto Paul Hoye, a certain tract or parcel of land, containing two thousand four
hundred acres, by survey bearing date the twentyseventh day of July one thousand seven hundred and ninety two, lying and being
in the County of Randolph, on the east side of the Dryfork of Cheat River, adjoining above the Narrows nearly six miles above
the Black fork and bounded as followeth, towit: Beginning at a sugar tree(???)
To have and to hold(???)to the said Paul Hoye and his heirs forever.
In Witnefs (???) Governor(???) at Richmond, on the ninth day of May in the year of our Lord 1796 and of the Commonwealth of Virginia the twentieth.
In 1853, for $800, Geo. Smith, Executor, deeded the above tract to John, Daniel J.,
Edward and Elizabeth Hoye.
Letter written by Thos Brown of Kingwood, July 1, 1851:
"I was informed by Jno Hoye in the year 1836 more than probable the survey of 2400
as. could not be established as it was made by Wm. W. Hoye and he never done anything right; several years previous to my
going out to make the survey I was present at a conversation between Jno. and Wm. W. Hoye relative to the Paul Hoye survey;
Wm. W. Hoye at that time promised to go out and hunt up the survey. (???)I have the recollection that Wm. W. Hoye described
the land as rich limestone land and that several short lines run along the edge of land on the top of the River hill. About
the year 1820 Jno Rush described the land in speaking of the fortune of Miss Ann Hoye, (???)that it was very rich land and
would be salable. Jno Rush lived at the mouth of Black Water and must have had an opportunity of being acquainted with the
It appears that Jonathan Arnold and Arnold Bonnifield included part of these lands
in their survey, resulting in a suit at law. In 1875 John Hoye's heirs compromised the suit with the treaspassers and sold
their interests to Solomon Boner for $3100.